The Secret Of Being Happy

"The secret of being
Aldivan Teixeira Torres
The secret of being happy
By: Aldivan Teixeira Torres
©2018-Aldivan Teixeira Torres
All the rights reserved
E-mail: [email protected]
Translator:Sara Pereira
Review:Aldivan Teixeira Torres
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This book, including all its parts, is protected by copyright and don’t can to be reproduced without Autor’s permission, resold or transferred.
Short Biography: Aldivan Teixeira Torres, born in Arcoverde-PE-Brazil, develops the series of novels "the seer", poetry, books of the genre self-help, religious, the field of wisdom, among others. To date it has published titles in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Italian. From an early age, he has always been a lover of the art of writing and has consolidated a professional career since the second semester of 2013. He hopes to contribute to the Pernambuco and Brazilian culture, arousing the pleasure of reading in those who do not have the habit. Your mission is to win the heart of each of your readers. Besides literature, his main tastes are music, travel, friends, family and the very pleasure of living. "For literature, equality, fraternity, justice, dignity and honor of the human being always" is his motto.
Dedication and thanks
The Administrator
The case of Richard Koll and Selena Beck
A life marked by fantastic turns
The economist president
Foreign Trade Professional
A profession that gives priority to elites
The Third World War
Overcoming Preconceptions
Have attitude to change
An example of heroism
The flower
A marketing expert
An angel on earth
The pleasure allied to the profession
A master of world architecture
A complete artist
A renowned artist
An unforgettable actress
A singer who marked the season
Conservation and restoration
The precursor of Brazilian design
A respected physicist
A genius named Newton
In the computer age
A Remarkable Naturalist
Mathematical and land sciences
A renowned statistician
The modern medicine
The father of modern chemistry
A fantastic archaeologist
The value of cooperation
A great jurist
A joke to others
A black symbol
An ethnodevelopment activist
A famous geographer
A little bit of the little dreamer of the cave
A leading museologist
The patron of Brazilian education
International relations
Social worker
An ancient theologian
A recognized Baiano translator
Cinema and audiovisual
The educommunicator
Bachelor of Media Studies
Information management
A renowned journalist
Cultural producer
Editorial Producer
Dedication and thanks
I dedicate this book to all the workers who jointly collaborate for the development of the country. Big or small, they play an important role.
Thank you for another achievement to God in the first place, my family, my co-workers, my friends, acquaintances, admirers of my work and those who encourage national literature. Let's make this country a place of full culture.
"Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love, but only with disgust, it is better to leave work, sit at the door of the temple and take alms to those who work with joy." (Khalil Gibran)
The secret of being happy brings some of the most important professions of the current scenario in relation to the labor market. More than a guide for students and scholars in general, it is an essential text in the search for your professional identity. I wish you all a good reading.
The author
The Administrator
Henry Rafaz has always been a young man integrated into the social, technological and financial world. A middle class native, he saw the opportunity to specialize in a college. He chose Administration with the certainty of the world. Since he lived in São Paulo, the opportunities in the labor market would not be lacking.
During the graduation period, he sought more information about his area. According to the research, the administrator was responsible for managing the material resources, financial or human resources of the company. The field of activity of this professional is in public or private organizations acting in virtually all departments. The essential prerequisite is knowing how to drive the business goals, which involves planning, executing, correcting, controlling and analyzing results. With the knowledge gained in college and his own experience, he would know exactly how to act in situations of risk or bonanza. Thank God, he had made the right choice.
This four-year period in which he improved his professional side was also rich on the personal side: He had a good relationship, he expanded contacts, he had good and bad aggregating experiences, learned a little more of life and religion, strolled and reflected. What remains of all this has been the certainty that life is a great challenge and that the way of dealing with it completely changes its meaning. Hence the sense of having the administration as a profession. At the end of this time, he finished his university studies, got married and started planning the next steps of his life.
Life for two is one of the biggest challenges a couple can have. Henry and Marcela were experiencing this phase after two years of dating and engagement. The two met in the college cafeteria and it was love at first sight. Who took the initiative was her to approach, to introduce themselves and to ask for information about the city. Marcela was a native of Porto Seguro-Bahia and moved to São Paulo because of family problems. Her pale skin, her pale face, her sculpted body, and her large eyes were something that immediately caught the attention of the young administrator. Showing himself kind and solicitous, he gave warm tips and advice on the city and the people in general. How sympathetic to her, she provided him at the end of the conversation with his personal phone number and his social networks. From this day on, the meetings began, exchanged the first kisses and hugs, officialized the courtship and later, the engagement. Now they were married having to reconcile their personal interests which was not easy. Luckily, they were already stabilized. They were the modern type of couple in which both worked and cared for the household chores. By common agreement, they had plans to grow further.
Their next step was to plan to have children. As it was their will, they had three babies. Unable to take care of them directly for professional reasons, they hired a trustworthy nanny named Rebecca who was Marcela's cousin. At the same time, they continued to specialize in their respective professions: Administration and Linguistics. Everything in their lives was well except for contact with their children. But it was a necessary choice for their own good. This is a common reality in families set in the big city.
The children grew up, the couples were getting high positions in their areas which was a source of pride for the whole family. They had stumbled but they managed to get up again.
Some time later, they retired and formed their children living in full happiness. It is clear that whoever prepares and is a good professional will always have his place in the job market even though we are experiencing a catastrophic crisis. Experts are unanimous in saying that what is missing is qualification for the Brazilian worker. Fortunately, it is not the case of this couple presented who knew how to overcome difficulties, find solutions, plan every stage of their life. Despite having unforeseen events, the important thing is to have a starting point and not despair. If you are the idealizing type, the management course is perfect for your dreams.
The case of Richard Koll and Selena Beck
Richard and Selena were born and raised in the same region of downtown Toronto-Canada. Since they were small, they have always maintained contact because the families have a close relationship of friendship. The boy used to be the stereotype of the spoiled, irresponsible, liberal young man. His tender way of being caught the girl's attention. Besides that, he was handsome, handsome and handsome. It certainly was a challenge for any girl who cared about her honor. Is it possible to conquer such an untamed heart? This was the object of that passionate girl.
Due to their closeness, many opportunities appeared for her to declare her love, but her desire always ran up against her timidity and the possible reaction of her parents. She was almost certain that her relationship would not be accepted because of the boy's unpretentious way of being and the fact that he belonged to an aristocratic, principled family. In this way, the days went by and the situation between the days remained the same: A beautiful friendship.
At one point, there was a radical change in Richard's life: He took his wits and went to the family business to go and live inside the province on his parents' ranch. With that decision, the contact with the family of the girl was scarce. Full of nostalgia, the young woman took advantage and invented any excuse to visit her beloved secret.
In the day and time combined, the meeting happened and they talked a lot. The young man spoke about his future plans and even commented on the dream of arranging a marriage. It was there that she took advantage and revealed her desire to know him better. To his surprise, he returned, giving her a kiss and a hug. Thus, began the official courtship between the two for the general happiness of all.
Together, they built a clean, discreet, promising and loving relationship. Following his dream, Rich joined the faculty of agribusiness and agriculture. This had everything to do with his current function at the farm that was to manage the administrative, financial, economic and social aspects related to agricultural and livestock production activities. In four years, he completed his training and was already able to officially assume these responsibilities. Of breaking, he engaged and soon afterwards got married. His moody neighbor was really his soul mate. About this he was sure. Their plans involved having children, acquiring business and home ownership, traveling extensively, and growing old together. Surely, they deserved to be happy forever.
A life marked by fantastic turns
Katty Green is a North American resident in the state of Texas. With humble origins and black skin, from early she suffered prejudice and discrimination in a very intense way. Maybe if you're rich and white you do not know how to scale what she's been through, but it's really something to worry about in a society that's evolved and globalized like ours.
Born in the seventies, a period still apartheid with massive dominance of white males and high social class. Being black, woman, and poor at this time was really a tremendous lack of luck. There was a high degree of separation between socially accepted groups and minorities.
She was born in a small neighborhood on the outskirts of the capital, the oldest of seven children. Her father was killed by drug traffickers when she was seven years old, which forced her and her mother to work as a diarist in high-concept homes in the center. It starts there a little of the nightmare that was your life.
At the age of fifteen she spent working on household chores, she was beaten, defamed and even raped. However, it was a decent job just like any other. The problem is many people who do not have principles and feel they own the world. Certainly, their fate is not good.
After this period, she made a decision that completely changed her life. She prepared everything and on a beautiful night of the full moon left the house. Before you criticize her, think that she was tired of the problems and poverty she faced. Her brothers were grown up and could live alone. Running away was the only solution to try to change your routine and try to find a new path.
What she did not know was that the world was far worse than she thought. The first few days she had passed out on the street suffering hunger, cold and contempt. One day she was rescued by a stranger who promised her a job in the noble area of the city. Lively and with new perspectives, she followed the stranger. She was housed in a really luxurious farmhouse where she served as a waitress, singer and dancer. The worst moment was to find out that she would also act as a sexual escort.
Why? What had she done wrong for life to be so unlucky? She had always been a good person, applied to work, sincere, understanding, and trusting in God. The color of her social class did not define her at all. It was still little Katty who had learned from her parents the right values to follow. She did not know for sure, but she could not be discouraged at the moment because she would always believe in God's providence especially because she was well in need.
As the beautiful story goes, faith always wins and everything has its time. The happiness of this young woman happened when she met in her work a nice young businessman. When they talked for a while, he was delighted by her and immediately invited her to live with him. For this dream to come true, he bought her rights and freed her from captivity. He took her home and started life together. The beautiful black woman began to study and as she was very intelligent she advanced all levels of American education with very high concepts. She was selected for the best university in her state where she went to study accounting. The function of the accountant is to take care of the accounting part of the company through records and control of revenues, expenses and profits. The scope of the work involves purchases, investments and actions giving a broad view of the equity. This profession was perfect for her who already had experience in home economics.
Katty improved her life both financially and personally. On a return to the past, she visited her family and watched them best. There was no need to apologize for what she did, just a glance to understand that she had never forgotten and loved them very much. The trajectory was now different. The lesson is that nothing is definitive. Nothing is so bad that it cannot change.
The economist president
Diana Morales is a world-renowned figure representing the democratic institution in a developing continent. Her story is permeated with pain, struggles, worthy desires, blunt personal experiences that have shaped her dignified and human character.
From an early age, she had an interest in participating in the political movement of her country by moving against authoritarian and undemocratic regimes. This rebellion cost her persecution, torture and a few years in prison. With the country in a somewhat more stable situation, her family was released and reintegrated. Then she went on with her life. She married, had children and graduated in economics which is an area that studies the production and distribution of goods and services in society in general among people, companies or nations. It was a preparation for her future as a citizen in its broadest sense.
Soon after, she returned to act in politics occupying important positions becoming minister of the republic. It was not long before she was invited to be president. She accepted the challenge, she was elected and with her academic experience made good progress for her country. Among the main ones, we can mention: Real increase in the minimum wage; Increased investment in public education; Scholarships for the needy youth; modernization of ports and airports; Greater middle-class access to consumer goods and leisure events; Promotion of industry and trade with record production of automobiles; Improvements in international relations with expansion in the flow of foreign trade; improvement in the income of the worker in general; Greater access of ordinary citizens to banking networks; A good value in international reserves; Financing of the state bank with zero defaults and inflation within the programmed targets.
In a globalized world, it is normal that there are crises and challenges. However, one person cannot be held responsible for the current situation in a country. One should rather combat corruption that is a dangerous evil for all. We must, as the saying goes, take away the rotten fruits so as to leave the good ones. In the day that happens we can be sure that a nation will be on the right track.
Diana for being competent and effective aroused much envy of her adversaries who, using constitutional prerogatives, removed her from the position of president. If this is going to solve the problem we do not know but it is up to us to recognize the great role that this woman represents in the world scenario. We have no doubt of its competence being affected by political-financial circumstances. Good luck to her.
The economics course is suitable for people with an innovative profile and who want to transform a reality that can act in the private or public area.
Foreign Trade Professional
Peter Kall was born into a middle-class family in London-England. He was a healthy, sturdy, handsome, and promising boy. As soon as he came into the world, he was welcomed by his family with joy and satisfaction as he was the eldest son of Estefanny and Andrew Hoffman.
They lived in a middle-class neighborhood of the capital where they had access to almost everything: schools, supermarkets, cinema, theater, bar, parks, stadiums, pharmacies. Etecetera. From a young age, the young boy enjoyed the comfort of a home, of familiar warmth, of good financial and psychological conditions.
Until one day at school more specifically in the men's toilet he was drawn to witnessing a boy urinating. This experience he kept for himself because he was afraid of the reaction of the people who lived with him. It was also too early to think about his sexual side because he was only twelve years old.
Time passed a little and he grew. He became a handsome young man, acculturated, optimist, warrior, a really nice person. Even wanting to hide from his impulses, the image of the boy urinating still filled his mind making him think of something more concrete. It was trying to find his sexual identity that he left with a boy and a girl. With the girl, he did not pass the preliminaries finding it all very annoying. Already with the boy he liked it a lot and as he was experienced it made him feel in the seventh heaven. It was shameful to admit but despite everything he could face that he was homosexual. Unlike most people think, it was not a question of choice, but rather an orientation that he had brought from his conception of something larger in terms of genetics suits.
The first goal had been achieved. Now, he had two options: Deny this important part of his life because sex is health or take over. As he was a young battler, he chose the second option. From discovery he went on to planning how and when to reveal his identity to his parents. After much thinking, he decided to talk to them right on his birthday. This was done. At a gathering attended by those closest to him, he celebrated the most important date of his life. When it all calmed down, he summoned his parents and the three of them moved into a reserved room. Speaking gently, he explained his situation and his wishes, concluding that he loved them very much. At this moment, something seems to have broken down, their parents changed color and they lowered their heads in disgust. How could their boy of such a good family could lend himself to such a thing? Speaking rudely, they were unanimous in not accepting and nonconformists resolved to expel the child from home. They simply did not want any more contact with that freak. This word they named their beloved son.
Full of pain and despair, Peter was forced to pack his bags and when they were ready he left without a destination. It was night and he had no idea what to do or where to go. He thought for a minute, used his cell phone, and called his aunt for an address for a few days. He did not go into detail but mentioned that he had family problems. Lucky for him, his aunt accepted him, and then he went to his house a few blocks away. The first problem was partially solved. Life was going to follow with him guarding wounded marks of his past life. Maybe he was never the same.
Aunt Evellyn was a lovely person because she knew how to understand his reasons and welcome him. But he knew he had to act immediately so he would not be dependent on the others. Delivering resumes in the neighborhood, he had some job offers. He ended up finding a job as a waiter. With the salary, he could move from his aunt's house and gain his independence. That's exactly what he did. Concomitantly, he attended college entrance examination and as he was very intelligent and prepared he went on the busy foreign trade course. This professional understands the methods of buying and selling products and services, between companies and governments of diverse countries. When graduating in this area, this young man had the opportunity to stabilize himself in the labor market and realize his dreams.
One of his trips abroad was that he knew his great love. Ricardo, Portuguese from Lisbon, a tall brunette, slim, slim body, light brown eyes, soft skin. He was an international ambassador and fell in love at first sight. They met for a while, traveled extensively together and agreed to live in Paris, away from the evil looks of both families. They were aware that they could not have everything, but just having each other's company they would enjoy immense happiness.
Time has advanced, they have grown older, studied harder, and have adopted some children. Their happiness then was complete. They were a family with full rights like any other and would not allow anyone to humiliate or despise them. All the dark past was left behind. Now they would be lords of their own history until death do them part.