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Anne Bridgen

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Reverse Genetics of RNA Viruses. Applications and Perspectives
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Reverse genetics, the genetic manipulation of RNA viruses to create a wild-type or modified virus, has led to important advances in our understanding of viral gene function and interaction with h…
Reverse Genetics of RNA Viruses. Applications and Perspectives
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Reverse genetics, the genetic manipulation of RNA viruses to create a wild-type or modified virus, has led to important advances in our understanding of viral gene function and interaction with h…
Reverse Genetics of RNA Viruses. Applications and Perspectives
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Reverse genetics, the genetic manipulation of RNA viruses to create a wild-type or modified virus, has led to important advances in our understanding of viral gene function and interaction with h…