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The accompanying diagram gives a very clear idea of the arrangement of the apparatus. The "boom" is the pendulum. It is customary to think of a pendulum as hanging down like that of a clock, but this is a horizontal pendulum. Professor Milne has built a very solid masonry column, reaching deep into the earth, and so firmly placed that nothing but a tremor of the hard earth itself will disturb it. Upon this is perched a firm metal stand, from the top of which the boom or pendulum, about thirty inches long, is swung by means of a "tie" or stay. The end of the boom rests against a fine, sharp pivot of steel (as shown in the little diagram to the right), so that it will swing back and forth without the least friction. The sensitive end of the pendulum, where all the quakings and quiverings are shown most distinctly, rests exactly over a narrow roll of photographic film, which is constantly turned by clockwork, and above this, on an outside stand, there is a little lamp which is kept burning night and day, year in and year out. The light from this lamp is reflected downward by means of a mirror through a little slit in the metal case which covers the entire apparatus. Of course this light affects the sensitive film, and takes a continuous photograph of the end of the boom. If the boom remains perfectly still, the picture will be merely a straight line, as shown at the extreme right and left ends of the earthquake picture on this page. But if an earthquake wave comes along and sets the boom to quivering, the picture becomes at once blurred and full of little loops and indentations, slight at first, but becoming more violent as the greater waves arrive, and then gradually subsiding. In the picture of the Borneo earthquake of September 20, 1897, taken by Professor Milne in his English laboratory, it will be seen that the quakings were so severe at the height of the disturbance that nothing is left in the photograph but a blur. On the edge of the picture can be seen the markings of the hours, 7.30, 8.30, and 9.30. Usually this time is marked automatically on the film by means of the long hand of a watch which crosses the slit beneath the mirror (as shown in the lower diagram with figure 3). The Borneo earthquake waves lasted in England, as will be seen, two hours fifty-six minutes and fifteen seconds, with about forty minutes of what are known as preliminary tremors. Professor Milne removes the film from his seismograph once a week – a strip about twenty-six feet long – develops it, and studies the photographs for earthquake signs.

Besides this very sensitive photographic seismograph Professor Milne has a simpler machine, not covered up and without lamp or mirror. In this instrument a fine silver needle at the end of the boom makes a steady mark on a band of smoked paper, which is kept turning under it by means of clockwork. A glance at this smoked-paper record will tell instantly at any time of day or night whether the earth is behaving itself. If the white line on the dark paper shows disturbances, Professor Milne at once examines his more sensitive photographic record for the details.

It is difficult to realise how very sensitive these earthquake pendulums really are. They will indicate the very minutest changes in the earth's level – as slight as one inch in ten miles. A pair of these pendulums placed on two buildings at opposite sides of a city street would show that the buildings literally lean toward each other during the heavy traffic period of the day, dragged over from their level by the load of vehicles and people pressing down upon the pavement between them. The earth is so elastic that a comparatively small impetus will set it vibrating. Why, even two hills tip together when there is a heavy load of moisture in a valley between them. And then when the moisture evaporates in a hot sun they tip away from each other. These pendulums show that.

Nor are these the most extraordinary things which the pendulums will do. G. K. Gilbert, of the United States Geological Survey, argues that the whole region of the great lakes is being slowly tipped to the southwest, so that some day Chicago will sink and the water outlet of the great fresh-water seas will be up the Chicago River toward the Mississippi, instead of down the St. Lawrence. Of course this movement is as slow as time itself – thousands of years must elapse before it is hardly appreciable; and yet Professor Milne's instruments will show the changing balance – a marvel that is almost beyond belief. Strangely enough, sensitive as this special instrument is to distant disturbances, it does not swerve nor quiver for near-by shocks. Thus, the blasting of powder, the heavy rumbling of wagons, the firing of artillery has little or no effect in producing a movement of the boom. The vibrations are too short; it requires the long, heavy swells of the earth to make a record.

Professor Milne tells some odd stories of his early experiences with the earthquake measurer. At one time his films showed evidences of the most horrible earthquakes, and he was afraid for the moment that all Japan had been shaken to pieces and possibly engulfed by the sea. But investigation showed that a little grey spider had been up to pranks in the box. The spider wasn't particularly interested in earthquakes, but he took the greatest pleasure in the swinging of the boom, and soon began to join in the game himself. He would catch the end of the boom with his feelers and tug it over to one side as far as ever he could. Then he would anchor himself there and hold on like grim death until the boom slipped away. Then he would run after it, and tug it over to the other side, and hold it there until his strength failed again. And so he would keep on for an hour or two until quite exhausted, enjoying the fun immensely, and never dreaming that he was manufacturing wonderful seismograms to upset the scientific world, since they seemed to indicate shocking earthquake disasters in all directions.

Mr. Cleveland Moffett, to whom I am indebted for much of the information contained in this chapter, tells how the reporters for the London papers rush off to see Professor Milne every time there is news of a great earthquake, and how he usually corrects their information. In June, 1896, for instance, the little observatory was fairly besieged with these searchers for news.

"This earthquake happened on the 17th," said they, "and the whole eastern coast of Japan was overwhelmed with tidal waves, and 30,000 lives were lost."

"That last is probable," answered Professor Milne, "but the earthquake happened on the 15th, not the 17th;" and then he gave them the exact hour and minute when the shocks began and ended.

"But our cables put it on the 17th."

"Your cables are mistaken."

And, sure enough, later despatches came with information that the destructive earthquake had occurred on the 15th, within half a minute of the time Professor Milne had specified. There had been some error of transmission in the earlier newspaper despatches.

Again, a few months later, the newspapers published cablegrams to the effect that there had been a severe earthquake at Kobe, with great injury to life and property.

"That is not true," said Professor Milne. "There may have been a slight earthquake at Kobe, but nothing that need cause alarm."

And the mail reports a few weeks later confirmed his reassuring statement, and showed that the previous sensational despatches had been grossly exaggerated.

Professor Milne is also the man to whose words cable companies lend anxious ear, for what he says often means thousands of dollars to them. Early in January, 1898, it was officially reported that two West Indian cables had broken on December 31, 1897.

"That is very unlikely," said Professor Milne; "but I have a seismogram showing that these cables may have broken at 11.30 A.M. on December 29, 1897." And then he located the break at so many miles off the coast of Haiti.

This sort of thing, which is constantly happening, would look very much like magic if Professor Milne had kept his secrets to himself; but he has given them freely to all the world.

Professor Milne has learned from his experiments that the solid earth is full of movements, and tremors, and even tides, like the sea. We do not notice them, because they are so slow and because the crests of the waves are so far apart. Professor Milne likes to tell, fancifully, how the earth "breathes." He has found that nearly all earthquake waves, whether the disturbance is in Borneo or South America, reach his laboratory in sixteen minutes, and he thinks that the waves come through the earth instead of around it. If they came around, he says, there would be two records – one from waves coming the short way and one from waves coming the long way round. But there is never more than a single record, so he concludes that the waves quiver straight through the solid earth itself, and he believes that this fact will lead to some important discoveries about the centre of our globe. Professor Milne was once asked how, if earthquake waves from every part of the earth reached his observatory in the same number of minutes, he could tell where the earthquake really was.

"I may say, in a general way," he replied, "that we know them by their signatures, just as you know the handwriting of your friends; that is, an earthquake wave which has travelled 3,000 miles makes a different record in the instruments from one that has travelled 5,000 miles; and that, again, a different record from one that has travelled 7,000 miles, and so on. Each one writes its name in its own way. It's a fine thing, isn't it, to have the earth's crust harnessed up so that it is forced to mark down for us on paper a diagram of its own movements?"

He took pencil and paper again, and dashed off an earthquake wave like this:

"There you have the signature of an earthquake wave which has travelled only a short distance, say 2,000 miles; but here is the signature of the very same wave after travelling, say, 6,000 miles:"

"You see the difference at a glance; the second seismogram (that is what we call these records) is very much more stretched out than the first, and a seismogram taken at 8,000 miles from the start would be more stretched out still. This is because the waves of transmission grow longer and longer, and slower and slower, the farther they spread from the source of disturbance. In both figures the point A, where the straight line begins to waver, marks the beginning of the earthquake; the rippling line AB shows the preliminary tremors which always precede the heavy shocks, marked C; and D shows the dying away of the earthquake in tremors similar to AB.

"Now, it is chiefly in the preliminary tremors that the various earthquakes reveal their identity. The more slowly the waves come, the longer it takes to record them, and the more stretched out they become in the seismograms. And by carefully noting these differences, especially those in time, we get our information. Suppose we have an earthquake in Japan. If you were there in person you would feel the preliminary tremors very fast, five or ten in a second, and their whole duration before the heavy shocks would not exceed ten or twenty seconds. But these preliminary tremors, transmitted to England, would keep the pendulums swinging from thirty to thirty-two minutes before the heavy shocks, and each vibration would occupy five seconds.

"There would be similar differences in the duration of the heavy vibrations; in Japan they would come at the rate of about one a second: here, at the rate of about one in twenty or forty seconds. It is the time, then, occupied by the preliminary tremors that tells us the distance of the earthquake. Earthquakes in Borneo, for instance, give preliminary tremors occupying about forty-one minutes, in Japan about half an hour, in the earthquake region east of Newfoundland about eight minutes, in the disturbed region of the West Indies about nineteen or twenty minutes, and so on. Thus the earthquake is located with absolute precision."

Most earthquakes occur in the deep bed of the ocean, in the vast valleys between ocean mountains, and the dangerous localities are now almost as well known as the principal mountain ranges of North America. There is one of these valleys, or ocean holes, off the west coast of South America from Ecuador down; there is one in the mid-Atlantic, about the equator, between twenty degrees and forty degrees west longitude: there is one at the Grecian end of the Mediterranean; one in the Bay of Bengal, and one bordering the Alps; there is the famous "Tuscarora Deep," from the Philippine Islands down to Java; and there is the North Atlantic region, about 300 miles east of Newfoundland. In the "Tuscarora Deep" the slope increases 1,000 fathoms in twenty-five miles, until it reaches a depth of 4,000 fathoms.

And this brings us to the consideration of one of the greatest practical advantages of the seismograph – in the exact location of cable breaks. Indeed, a large proportion of these breaks are the result of earthquakes. In a recent report Professor Milne says that there are now about twenty-seven breaks a year for 10,000 miles of cable in active use. Most of these are very costly, fifteen breaks in the Atlantic cable between 1884 and 1894 having cost the companies $3,000,000, to say nothing of loss of time. And twice it has happened in Australia (in 1880 and 1888) that the whole island has been thrown into excitement and alarm, the reserves being called out, and other measures taken, because the sudden breaking of cable connections with the outside world has led to the belief that military operations against the country were preparing by some foreign power. A Milne pendulum at Sydney or Adelaide would have made it plain in a moment that the whole trouble was due to a submarine earthquake occurring at such a time and such a place. As it was, Australia had to wait in a fever of suspense (in one case there was a delay of nineteen days) until steamers arriving brought assurances that neither Russia nor any other possibly unfriendly power had begun hostilities by tearing up the cables.

There have been submarine earthquakes in the Tuscarora, like that of June 15, 1896, that have shaken the earth from pole to pole; and more than once different cables from Java have been broken simultaneously, as in 1890, when the three cables to Australia snapped in a moment. And the great majority of breaks in the North Atlantic cables have occurred in the Newfoundland hollow, where there are two slopes, one dropping from 708 to 2,400 fathoms in a distance of sixty miles, and the other from 275 to 1,946 fathoms within thirty miles. On October 4, 1884, three cables, lying about ten miles apart, broke simultaneously at the spot. The significance of such breaks is greater when the fact is borne in mind that cables frequently lie uninjured for many years on the great level plains of the ocean bed, where seismic disturbances are infrequent.

The two chief causes of submarine earthquakes are landslides, where enormous masses of earth plunge from a higher to a lower level, and in so doing crush down upon the cable, and "faults," that is, subsidences of great areas, which occur on land as well as at the bottom of the sea, and which in the latter case may drag down imbedded cables with them.

It is in establishing the place and times of these breaks that Professor Milne's instruments have their greatest practical value; scientifically no one can yet calculate their value.

In addition to the first instrument set up by Professor Milne in Tokio in 1883, which is still recording earthquakes, there are now in operation about twenty other seismographs in various parts of the world, so that earthquake information is becoming very accurate and complete, and there is even an attempt being made to predict earthquakes just as the weather bureau predicts storms. In any event Professor Milne's invention must within a few years add greatly to our knowledge of the wonders of the planet on which we live.



How the Hottest Heat is Produced – Making Diamonds

No feats of discovery, not even the search for the North Pole or Stanley's expeditions in the heart of Africa, present more points of fascinating interest than the attempts now being made by scientists to explore the extreme limits of temperature. We live in a very narrow zone in what may be called the great world of heat. The cut on the opposite page represents an imaginary thermometer showing a few of the important temperature points between the depths of the coldest cold and the heights of the hottest heat – a stretch of some 10,461 degrees. We exist in a narrow space, as you will see, varying from 100° or a little more above the zero point to a possible 50° below; that is, we can withstand these narrow extremes of temperature. If some terrible world catastrophe should raise the temperature of our summers or lower that of our winters by a very few degrees, human life would perish off the earth.

But though we live in such narrow limits, science has found ways of exploring the great heights of heat above us and of reaching and measuring the depths of cold below us, with the result of making many important and interesting discoveries.

I have written in the former "Boys' Book of Inventions" of that wonderful product of science, liquid air – air submitted to such a degree of cold that it ceases to be a gas and becomes a liquid. This change occurs at a temperature 312° below zero. Professor John Dewar, of England, who has made some of the most interesting of discoveries in the region of great cold, not only reached a temperature low enough to produce liquid air, but he succeeded in going on down until he could freeze this marvellous liquid into a solid – a sort of air ice. Not content even with this astonishing degree of cold, Professor Dewar continued his experiments until he could reduce hydrogen – that very light gas – to a liquid, at 440° below zero, and then, strange as it may seem, he also froze liquid hydrogen into a solid. From his experiments he finally concluded that the "absolute zero" – that is, the place where there is no heat – was at a point 461° below zero. And he has been able to produce a temperature, artificially, within a very few degrees of this utmost limit of cold.

Think what this absolute zero means. Heat, we know, like electricity and light, is a vibratory or wave motion in the ether. The greater the heat, the faster the vibrations. We think of all the substances around us as solids, liquids, and gases, but these are only comparative terms. A change of temperature changes the solid into the liquid, or the gas into the solid. Take water, for instance. In the ordinary temperature of summer it is a liquid, in winter it is a hard crystalline substance called ice; apply the heat of a stove and it becomes steam, a gas. So with all other substances. Air to us is an invisible gas, but if the earth should suddenly drop in temperature to 312° below zero all the air would fall in liquid drops like rain and fill the valleys of the earth with lakes and oceans. Still a little colder and these lakes and oceans would freeze into solids. Similarly, steel seems to us a very hard and solid substance, but apply enough heat and it boils like water, and finally, if the heat be increased, it becomes a gas.

Imagine, if you can, a condition in which all substances are solids; where the vibrations known as heat have been stilled to silence; where nothing lives or moves; where, indeed, there is an awful nothingness; and you can form an idea of the region of the coldest cold – in other words, the region where heat does not exist. Our frozen moon gives something of an idea of this condition, though probably, cold and barren as it is, the moon is still a good many degrees in temperature above the absolute zero.

Some of the methods of exploring these depths of cold are treated in the chapter on liquid air already referred to. Our interest here centres in the other extreme of temperature, where the heat vibrations are inconceivably rapid; where nearly all substances known to man become liquids and gases; where, in short, if the experimenter could go high enough, he could reach the awful degree of heat of the burning sun itself, estimated at over 10,000 degrees. It is in the work of exploring these regions of great heat that such men as Moissan, Siemens, Faure, and others have made such remarkable discoveries, reaching temperatures as high as 7,000, or over twice the heat of boiling steel. Their accomplishments seem the more wonderful when we consider that a temperature of this degree burns up or vaporises every known substance. How, then, could these men have made a furnace in which to produce this heat? Iron in such a heat would burn like paper, and so would brick and mortar. It seems inconceivable that even science should be able to produce a degree of heat capable of consuming the tools and everything else with which it is produced.

The heat vibrations at 7,000° are so intense that nickel and platinum, the most refractory, the most unmeltable of metals, burn like so much bee's-wax; the best fire-brick used in lining furnaces is consumed by it like lumps of rosin, leaving no trace behind. It works, in short, the most marvellous, the most incredible transformations in the substances of the earth.

Indeed, we have to remember that the earth itself was created in a condition of great heat – first a swirling, burning gas, something like the sun of to-day, gradually cooling, contracting, rounding, until we have our beautiful world, with its perfect balance of gases, liquids, solids, its splendid life. A dying volcano here and there gives faint evidence of the heat which once prevailed over all the earth.

It was in the time of great heat that the most beautiful and wonderful things in the world were wrought. It was fierce heat that made the diamond, the sapphire, and the ruby; it fashioned all of the most beautiful forms of crystals and spars; and it ran the gold and silver of the earth in veins, and tossed up mountains, and made hollows for the seas. It is, in short, the temperature at which worlds were born.

More wonderful, if possible, than the miracles wrought by such heat is the fact that men can now produce it artificially; and not only produce, but confine and direct it, and make it do their daily service. One asks himself, indeed, if this can really be; and it was under the impulse of some such incredulity that I lately made a visit to Niagara Falls, where the hottest furnaces in the world are operated. Here clay is melted in vast quantities to form aluminium, a metal as precious a few years ago as gold. Here lime and carbon, the most infusible of all the elements, are joined by intense heat in the curious new compound, calcium carbide, a bit of which dropped in water decomposes almost explosively, producing the new illuminating gas, acetylene. Here, also, pure phosphorus and the phosphates are made in large quantities; and here is made carborundum – gem-crystals as hard as the diamond and as beautiful as the ruby.

An extensive plant has also been built to produce the heat necessary to make graphite such as is used in your lead-pencils, and for lubricants, stove-blacking, and so on. Graphite has been mined from the earth for thousands of years; it is pure carbon, first cousin to the diamond. Ten years ago the possibility of its manufacture would have been scouted as ridiculous; and yet in these wonderful furnaces, which repeat so nearly the processes of creation, graphite is as easily made as soap. The marvel-workers at Niagara Falls have not yet been able to make diamonds – in quantities. The distinguished French chemist Moissan has produced them in his laboratory furnaces – small ones, it is true, but diamonds; and one day they may be shipped in peck boxes from the great furnaces at Niagara Falls. This is no mere dream; the commercial manufacture of diamonds has already had the serious consideration of level-headed, far-seeing business men, and it may be accounted a distinct probability. What revolution the achievement of it would work in the diamond trade as now constituted and conducted no one can say.

These marvellous new things in science and invention have been made possible by the chaining of Niagara to the wheels of industry. The power of the falling water is transformed into electricity. Electricity and heat are both vibratory motions of the ether; science has found that the vibrations known as electricity can be changed into the vibrations known as heat. Accordingly, a thousand horse-power from the mighty river is conveyed as electricity over a copper wire, changed into heat and light between the tips of carbon electrodes, and there works its wonders. In principle the electrical furnace is identical with the electric light. It is scarcely twenty years since the first electrical furnaces of real practical utility were constructed; but if the electrical furnaces to-day in operation at Niagara Falls alone were combined into one, they would, as one scientist speculates, make a glow so bright that it could be seen distinctly from the moon – a hint for the astronomers who are seeking methods for communicating with the inhabitants of Mars. One furnace has been built in which an amount of heat energy equivalent to 700 horse-power is produced in an arc cavity not larger than an ordinary water tumbler.

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