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Bob LeVitus

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macOS Sierra For Dummies
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2017
Your trusted tour guide to macOS Sierra macOS is the engine that runs your Mac, so it's a good idea to know a bit about how it works. Fully updated to cover macOS Sierra, this long-time bestselle…
iPad For Dummies
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Take your world with you—with an iPad! When you're a person who can't be chained to a desk, an iPad is your ideal tool for working or enjoying entertainment wherever you want, whenever you want. …
iPad mini For Dummies
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
Find out why the iPad mini has never been bigger This new edition of iPad mini For Dummies covers all the latest tips and tricks for getting an even bigger bang out of your iPad mini. Presented i…
iPhone X For Dummies
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
Get the most out of your iPhone X Apple's iPhone X represents such a radical departure from all previous models of the globally known iPhone that it needs its own book to help users navigate the …
OS X Yosemite For Dummies
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2017
Get the most out of the latest version of OS X Updated and revised for the latest OS X release from Apple, OS X Yosemite For Dummies gives you fun, easy-to-understand coverage of the key features…
macOS High Sierra For Dummies
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2017
Work, play, connect, and share with the ultimate tour to macOS 'X' macOS 'X' For Dummies is the ultimate tour guide to the Mac operating system, written by Bob «Dr. Mac» LeVitus himself! Whether …
Mac OS X Snow Leopard For Dummies
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Mac OS X Snow Leopard is the newest version of the Macintosh operating system, and “Dr. Mac” Bob LeVitus is the ideal expert to introduce you to Snow Leopard. Mac OS X Snow Leopard For Dummies co…
GarageBand For Dummies
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Get ready to rock with Apple's digital music recording studio Find out how to record, edit, mix, and master like a pro! Are you the next big thing in music – but the world just doesn't know it ye…
iPhone For Dummies
электронная книга
[b]My phone, your phone, iPhone—the fully updated guide to the latest models and iOS updates[/b] Apple seems to update its iPhone at the speed of light, and Dummies helps you keep up. [i]iPhone F…
macOS Monterey For Dummies
электронная книга
[b]Unlock the potential of macOS Monterey with this updated guide from «Dr. Mac» himself[/b] Macs are famously an absolute pleasure to use. But it's even more fun discovering all the cool th…
Office 2011 for Mac For Dummies
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2017
Get started with Office 2011 for Mac and discover the creative possibilities The leading suite of productivity software for the Mac, Microsoft Office helps users complete common business tasks, i…
macOS Mojave For Dummies
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Pro tips for macOS from “Dr. Mac” Your shiny new iMac or trusty old MacBook both rely on macOS to help you get things done. It helps to have an equally reliable guidebook to steer you through the…
Office 2021 for Macs For Dummies
электронная книга
[b]Turn your Mac into a productivity powerhouse with Office 2021![/b] Long gone are the days when Microsoft's powerful office suite was just for Windows users. Mac enthusiasts are also able …

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