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Daisy Goodwin

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The Victoria Letters: The official companion to the ITV Victoria series
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
The official companion to ITV’s hotly anticipated new drama, The Victoria Letters delves into the private writings of the young Queen Victoria, painting a vivid picture of the personal life of on…
The Victoria Letters: The official companion to the ITV Victoria series
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
The official companion to ITV’s hotly anticipated new drama, The Victoria Letters delves into the private writings of the young Queen Victoria, painting a vivid picture of the personal life of on…
Victoria and Albert - A Royal Love Affair: Official companion to the ITV series
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
The second tie-in to ITV drama Victoria unveils the complex, passionate relationship of Victoria and Albert.What happened after the Queen married her handsome prince? Did they live happily ever a…