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Dean A. Kowalski

Произведения автора 3

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The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Aristotle, Locke
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
A lighthearted meditation on the philosophical quandaries of the hit television show The Big Bang Theory Ever wonder what Aristotle might say about the life Sheldon Cooper leads? Why Thomas Hobbe…
Classic Questions and Contemporary Film. An Introduction to Philosophy
Год написания книги 2018
Featuring significant revisions and updates, Classic Questions and Contemporary Film: An Introduction to Philosophy, 2nd Edition uses popular movies as a highly accessible framework for introduci…
The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Aristotle, Locke
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
A lighthearted meditation on the philosophical quandaries of the hit television show The Big Bang Theory Ever wonder what Aristotle might say about the life Sheldon Cooper leads? Why Thomas Hobbe…