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Произведения автора 83
Только полные версии книг
Исторический роман – Harlequin
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Год написания книги 2013
Влиятельный надменный аристократ лорд Дебен, известный распутник и повеса, для продолжения своей блистательной родословной намерен жениться и делить ложе с избранницей лишь до первенца. Из подсов…
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Год написания книги 2007
Джаспер Чаллинор, маркиз Ленсборо, обладатель титула и огромного богатства, решил, что пришла пора позаботиться о продолжении рода. За невестой маркиз отправился в Йоркшир в поместье сэра Томаса …
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Год написания книги 2008
Доблестный капитан Роберт Фоули, израненный в боях герой войны, уверен, что ни одна женщина не способна полюбить его из-за шрамов и увечий, обезобразивших его лицо и тело. К тому же он беден, так…
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Год написания книги 2017
Мисс Джорджиана Уикфорд, питающая отвращение к физической близости с мужчиной и потому не желающая выходить замуж, придумала блестящий, по ее мнению, план избежать неминуемого – нужно вступить в …
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Год написания книги 2009
Мэри – красивая скромная девушка и самая искусная мастерица в модном ателье. Она без устали работала, не ожидая от жизни никаких перемен. Однажды на одной из улиц Лондона ее окликнул молодой чело…
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Год написания книги 2009
Мэри – красивая скромная девушка и самая искусная мастерица в модном ателье. Она без устали работала, не ожидая от жизни никаких перемен. Однажды на одной из улиц Лондона ее окликнул молодой чело…
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Год написания книги 2013
Сопровождая падчерицу на ее первый бал, Лидия встречает виконта Николаса Хемингфорда. С момента их последней встречи прошло немало времени, но он все также хорош собой, строен, обаятелен и, как к…
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Год написания книги 2018
Be careful what you wish for…Lord Havelock is in need of a wife. But with no time for a society wedding and no stomach for girlish fripperies his options are limited. So, with help from his frien…
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Год написания книги 2018
Wrong man…Lady Julia Whitney is at her wits’ end. Her perfect beau just won’t propose! But she’s struck upon a plan to ensure her marriage by Christmas. Between masquerades and mistletoe, she fin…
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Год написания книги 2018
Never Trust a RakeRumour has it that the Earl of Deben, the most notorious rake in London and in need of an heir, has set aside his penchant for married mistresses and turned his skilled hand to …
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Год написания книги 2019
A staged seduction… …to solve a murder mystery! After one disastrous season Miss Horatia Carmichael avoids the ton—her mind and her tongue are too unfashionably opinionated for her to land a husb…
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THE EARL AND THE HOYDEN by Mary NicholsHe had called her a plain hoyden! Miss Charlotte Cartwright has never forgotten Roland Temple’s contemptuous rejection of her hand in marriage. And she’s no…
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Год написания книги 2018
Fearing a forced betrothal with a man known for his cruelty, Heloise Bergeron throws herself on the mercy of Charles Fawley, Earl of Walton. He believes himself attracted to her younger, beautifu…
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Год написания книги 2019
Christmas at Blackhaven CastleIn disguise, penniless Lady Seraphina Moreton seeks sanctuary at the Duke of Blackhaven’s castle just days before Christmas. Trey swore never again to be beguiled by…
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Год написания книги 2018
His Cinderella BrideJasper Challinor, Marquis of Lensborough was a man well usedto getting exactly what he wanted–and he wanted Hester!Convinced that the redheaded, badly dressed waif was a poorr…
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Год написания книги 2018
HE HAS TAKEN HER TO HEAVEN, HELL AND BACK AGAIN…Her heart and hope long since shattered, Amethyst Dalby is content with her life as an independent woman. With wealth of her own, and no one to ans…
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Год написания книги 2018
A search for a duchess…despite his scandalous secret!Oliver, Duke of Theakstone, needs a duchess—but who will accept his secret illegitimate child? He invites several eligible ladies to his estat…
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Год написания книги 2018
TO REFUSE HIM ONCE WAS A MISTAKE – TO REFUSE HIM TWICE WOULD BE MADNESS! Viscount Rothersthorpe can’t tear his eyes from Lydia Morgan any more than he can calm the raging fury coursing through hi…
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Год написания книги 2018
A search for a duchess…despite his scandalous secret!Oliver, Duke of Theakstone, needs a duchess—but who will accept his secret illegitimate child? He invites several eligible ladies to his estat…
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Год написания книги 2018
A SEASON OF SCANDAL Richard, Lord Ledbury, has had his fair share of adventure on warring battlefields, but even this seasoned soldier isn’t prepared for the outrageous escapades going on in Lond…
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Год написания книги 2018
Wrong man…Lady Julia Whitney is at her wits’ end. Her perfect beau just won’t propose! But she’s struck upon a plan to ensure her marriage by Christmas. Between masquerades and mistletoe, she fin…
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Год написания книги 2018
Jasper Challinor, Marquis of Lensborough, was appalled! Who was this redheaded, badly dressed waif in his aristocratic host's dining room? And why in the world was the proud Marquis so drawn to h…
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The last person Lord Crispin Sinclair expects to see in a disreputable inn is the woman he's there to forget: Lady Caroline Fallowfield.He hasn't forgiven her for marrying another man–o…
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Год написания книги 2019
THREE REGENCY HEROES IN DISGUISE.THREE CHRISTMAS NOVELLAS TO WARM YOUR HEART!ON A WINTER’S EVE by Louise AllenSnowbound together, Lady Julia Chalcott and Captain Giles Markham try to fight tempta…
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Год написания книги 2019
‘I have just announced our betrothal’Now there’s no going back…In this Brides for Bachelors story, the Marquess of Rawcliffe has always found his childhood friend Clare Cottam enthralling, but an…
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Год написания книги 2019
The major must wedWastrel, rebel, layabout…just a few of the names Lord Becconsall has hidden his quick intellect and sharp wit behind over the years. Recently titled, ex-military and required to…
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Год написания книги 2019
Enticed by the mysterious stranger…But can this wallflower trust in their attraction?In this Brides for Bachelors story, shy Lizzie Hutton knows her height and clumsiness alone make her a debutan…
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An earl’s choice… Fearing a forced betrothal with a man known for his cruelty, Heloise Bergeron throws herself on the mercy of Charles Fawley, Earl of Walton. He believes himself attracted to her…
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Год написания книги 2018
GOVERNESS WANTED… Miss Aimée Peters desperately craves respectability: after her father scandalously auctions off her virginity, she flees London to become a governess in remote Yorkshire. She’s …
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Enticed by the mysterious stranger… But can this wallflower trust in their attraction?In this Brides for Bachelors story, shy Lizzie Hutton knows her height and clumsiness alone make her a debuta…
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A search for a duchess …despite his scandalous secret!Oliver, Duke of Theakstone, needs a duchess—but who will accept his secret illegitimate child? He invites several eligible ladies to his esta…
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Год написания книги 2018
Never Trust a RakeRumour has it that the Earl of Deben, the most notorious rake in London and in need of an heir, has set aside his penchant for married mistresses and turned his skilled hand to …
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Год написания книги 2018
Be careful what you wish for…Lord Havelock’s List by Annie BurrowsLord Havelock is in need of a wife and Mary Carpenter has all the qualities he most desires. But when Mary discovers her new husb…
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Год написания книги 2018
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Год написания книги 2018
Is she his lost love? With his dark, haunted eyes and forbidding expression, the menacing Lord Matthison has the reputation of the devil. Living on the fringes of polite society, he has still to …
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Год написания книги 2019
An earl’s choice… Fearing a forced betrothal with a man known for his cruelty, Heloise Bergeron throws herself on the mercy of Charles Fawley, Earl of Walton. He believes himself attracted to her…
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Год написания книги 2018
'Vile seducer of women!'Of all the accusations Gregory, Duke of Halstead has ever had levelled at him, this is perhaps the most offensive and the least accurate. But as he has just woken naked in…
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Год написания книги 2018
TO REFUSE HIM ONCE WAS A MISTAKE – TO REFUSE HIM TWICE WOULD BE MADNESS! Viscount Rothersthorpe can’t tear his eyes from Lydia Morgan any more than he can calm the raging fury coursing through hi…
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Год написания книги 2019
The last person Lord Crispin Sinclair expects to see in a disreputable inn is the woman he's there to forget: Lady Caroline Fallowfield.He hasn't forgiven her for marrying another man–or forgotte…
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Be careful what you wish for…Lord Havelock’s List by Annie BurrowsLord Havelock is in need of a wife and Mary Carpenter has all the qualities he most desires. But when Mary discovers her new husb…
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Год написания книги 2019
Secrets and Scandal In Bed With the Duke Placed in scandalous circumstances Gregory, Duke of Halstead must work with beautiful stranger, Prudence to unravel the plot to ruin them both. But soon t…
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Год написания книги 2019
His Virgin Mistress!Major Tom Bartlett is shocked to discover that the angel who nursed his battle wounds is darling of the ton Lady Sarah Latymor. One taste of her threatens both her impeccable …