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Хелен Диксон

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Исторический роман – Harlequin

Хозяин Стоунгрейв-Холл
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Год написания книги 2013
Виктория Льюис возвращается в родные вересковые пустоши Йоркшира после обучения в пансионе. На пустынной дороге ее сбивает с ног бесцеремонная всадница. Надменная аристократка Клара готова сломат…
Брак с незнакомцем
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Год написания книги 2009
Корабль Тобиаса Сирла – не место для юной леди, особенно такой упрямой и вспыльчивой, как Ровена Голдинг. Тобиас преследует пиратов, но Ровене необходимо найти свою похищенную сестру. Она проника…
Страстный поцелуй лорда
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Год написания книги 2021
Сестра Джейн Дейтон сбежала с младшим сыном заклятого врага ее семьи. Будучи преисполнена решимости вернуть ее любой ценой, Джейн отважилась просить о помощи грозного старшего брата юноши лорда Ф…
Женщины графа Ланзбури
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Год написания книги 2015
Возвращаясь в Англию из Египта после смерти отца-археолога, Джейн Мортимер влюбляется на корабле в красавца-графа Кристофера Ланзбури. Попав затем в имение Ланзбурнов в качестве гувернантки, она …


Несчастливый брак
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Год написания книги 2013
Золотоволосая красавица Шона Маккензи, сестра хозяина острова Санта-Мария, мечтает вернуться в Лондон. К несчастью, избавиться от назойливой опеки брата и его несносной жены она сможет, только вс…
Дерзкий незнакомец
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2010
Лорд Рокли прибыл в поместье Оукбридж с тайной миссией – разыскать и взять под стражу главаря орудующей в округе шайки разбойников, обирающих беззащитных путников. При виде Кристины, сидящей на б…
Замужество мисс Монктон
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Год написания книги 2009
Средневековая Франция охвачена мятежами. Один за другим возникают бунты и пылают родовые замки. Чарльз Осборн приезжает из Англии, чтобы проведать своих родственников, оценить обстановку в стране…
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2010
Полковник английской армии лорд Ланс Бингхэм вступил в неравный брак с очаровательной актрисой Дельфиной, а несколько минут спустя она умерла, произведя на свет их дочь Шарлотту. Полковник позабо…
Падение мисс Кэмерон
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Год написания книги 2012
Дельфина, пятая дочь лорда Джона Кэмерона, обделенная родительской любовью, всю свою молодую энергию обратила на благотворительность. Однажды вечером она отправилась на поиски приютской девочки, …
Traitor or Temptress
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Год написания книги 2018
Lorne McBryde desperately seeks a means to escape the savage violence of her Scottish Highland home.Her headstrong nature is countered by her instinctive kindness—yet, for Iain Monroe, Earl of No…
The Property of a Gentleman
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Год написания книги 2018
SHE WAS NO MAN'S PROPERTY!To the dismay of his daughter Eve, Lord Somerville bequeathed his property to his business partner, Marcus Fitzalan. However, Marcus will only inherit it on one conditio…
The Governess's Scandalous Marriage
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Год написания книги 2019
A ruined governess… …and a marriage born of scandal! When penniless Linnet Osborne takes a job as a governess, she’s shocked to discover her new employer is none other than Christian, Lord Blakel…
The Housemaid’s Scandalous Secret
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Год написания книги 2019
‘Your discretion and good behaviour would be most appreciated…’ Returning to Castonbury Park is just another job for Colonel Ross Montague. With his family in disarray, he promises to do his utmo…
Royalist On The Run
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Год написания книги 2018
The fugitive colonel!Years ago, Colonel Sir Edward Grey broke off his engagement to Arabella, destroying their chance for happiness. Now, the English Civil War has thrown them back together, and,…
When Marrying a Duke...
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Three golden rules for this season’s debutantes: Three golden rules for this season’s debutantes: 1. Ensure that you have appropriate instruction in etiquette2. Flirting is acceptable if done wit…
From Governess to Society Bride
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Год написания книги 2018
The Lord’s convenient wife Lord Lucas Stainton is in need of a governess. The man is ruthless, rude beyond belief, and Eve Brody wishes him to the devil…but the position is hers if she’ll accept.…
Destitute On His Doorstep
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
THE HOMELESS MISS LUCAS Destitute and desperate, Jane Lucas knows there is one place she can find refuge – her childhood home. Landing on the doorstep, Jane is confronted with a new Lord of the M…
Lord Fox's Pleasure
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Год написания книги 2018
MARRIAGE IN MINDWith the restoration of King Charles II to the throne, his exiled supporters were jubilantly returning home, wealthy landowner Lucas Fox among them. Once a notorious pleasure seek…
Highwayman Husband
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
HIS WIFE WAS ENGAGED TO HIS FOULEST ENEMY…Held at gunpoint by a highwayman, Laura Mawgan is shocked to discover that the charming masked stranger is none other than her husband–believed to have b…
Lord Lansbury's Christmas Wedding
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
A Cinderella Christmas tale…Lord Lansbury has always known that true love must come second to a suitable match. So why is he so bewitched by the unforgettable violet eyes of his sister’s companio…
Miss Cameron's Fall from Grace
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Год написания книги 2018
‘WELCOME TO OUR HOUSE OF PLEASURE, MISS CAMERON.’In a seedy tavern in the backstreets of London a case of mistaken identity leads respectable Miss Delphine Cameron to be unwittingly ravished by a…
Carrying The Gentleman's Secret
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Год написания книги 2018
Unmarried and pregnant!Alex Golding had a duty to stop his brother-in-law’s bigamous marriage. But when he’d seen the bride, he’d offered whatever comfort he could to sweet young seamstress, Lydi…
One Reckless Night
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
Indulge in the passion of the past with these short, sexy and scandalous eBooks!Hester Atkins was always a quiet, unassuming woman until she's driven to commit a crime of desperation.Now on the r…
The Master of Stonegrave Hall
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Год написания книги 2018
FEW DEFY LORD ROCKFORD AND COME AWAY UNSCATHEDVictoria Lewis has grown up in the long, dark shadows cast by Stonegrave Hall. Yet when the Master takes her sick mother into his care she must final…
Heiress in Regency Society: The Defiant Debutante
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Год написания книги 2019
THE DEFIANT DEBUTANTEEligible, attractive Alex Montgomery, Earl of Arlington, has always done just as he pleases. Society ladies adore him and a string of mistresses warm his bed. He’s yet to mee…
Conspiracy Of Hearts
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Год написания книги 2018
Taming SerenaSerena Carberry first met Lord Christopher Brodie when he saved her from assault by the wretched Sir Thomas Blackwell–who vowed revenge on them both. Horrified to learn that Kit is t…
The Foundling Bride
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Год написания книги 2018
From orphan to blushing bride!Lowena Trevanion has never known her family. Abandoned as a baby, she was eventually taken in by the wealthy Carberrys as a servant. But she has always wanted to tru…
Mishap Marriage
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Год написания книги 2018
FIRST COMES DECEPTION…THEN COMES MARRIAGEWhen Captain Zack Fitzgerald sails into Santamaria, with his rugged, dangerous appeal, for Shona McKenzie he’s a ticket to freedom. And then her sister-in…
A Vow For An Heiress
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Год написания книги 2018
The vow of a lordIn exchange for an heiressWith his bankrupt and crumbling estate, Lord Ashurst and his situation are well known to the ton. He needs a wife, and she must be rich! He leaps at a m…
The Property of a Gentleman
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SHE WAS NO MAN'S PROPERTY!To the dismay of his daughter Eve, Lord Somerville bequeathed his property to his business partner, Marcus Fitzalan. However, Marcus will only inherit it on one con…
The Governess's Scandalous Marriage
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A ruined governess……and a marriage born of scandal!When penniless Linnet Osborne takes a job as a governess, she’s shocked to discover her new employer is none other than Christian, Lord Blakely!…
A Traitor's Touch
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Год написания книги 2018
AWAKENING A FORBIDDEN DESIREAfter a lifetime spent hating the cause, loving a Jacobite is out of the question for Henrietta Brody. But with Scotland ready for battle her only chance for survival …
An Innocent Proposal
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Год написания книги 2018
Mistress for a night…Lord Dunstan found Miss Louisa Fraser captivating, though she was another man's mistress. He couldn&##39;t have been more startled–or pleased–when she offered herself for one…
Regency: Innocents & Intrigues: Marrying Miss Monkton / Beauty in Breeches
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Год написания книги 2018
A Question of Marriage! Sir Charles Osbourne has made a promise against his better judgement. He will rescue one Miss Maria Monkton and deliver her to her betrothed – a man whose reputation he ca…
Caught in Scandal's Storm
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Год написания книги 2018
A SHAMEFUL PASTAlice Frobisher has fled Paris to escape a scandalous secret. But when she’s trapped with dark and dangerous Ewen Tremain on his snow-bound estate Alice finds herself the subject o…
A Scoundrel of Consequence
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Год написания книги 2018
William Lampard, distinguished military captain, kept London abuzz with scandal.Against his better judgment, he made a wager to seduce Miss Cassandra Greenwood. But despite her provocative ways, …
Mistress Below Deck
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Год написания книги 2018
Kidnap, deception…and forbidden desire Tobias Searle’s ship is no place for a lady – especially one as wilful and spirited as Miss Rowena Golding. Tobias is chasing pirates, she her kidnapped sis…
The Pirate's Daughter
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Год написания книги 2018
She's Everything He Despises–And Desires…When Captain Stuart Marston meets, woos and then marries Cassandra Everson in Barbados, he is unaware of her real identity. And then the truth is revealed…
Highwayman Husband
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
HIS WIFE WAS ENGAGED TO HIS FOULEST ENEMY…Held at gunpoint by a highwayman, Laura Mawgan is shocked to discover that the charming masked stranger is none other than her husband–believed to have b…
The Defiant Debutante
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Год написания книги 2018
Eligible, attractive Alex Montgomery, Earl of Arlington, has always done just as he pleases.Society ladies adore him, and a string of mistresses warm his bed. He's yet to meet the woman who could…
The Devil Claims a Wife
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Год написания книги 2018
GUY ST EDMOND, RETURNING WARRIOR, WILL LET NOTHING STAND IN THE WAY OF HIS DESIRESpoken of only in whispers – and with a name that strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies – Guy St Edmond wiel…
Lord Lansbury's Christmas Wedding
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
A Cinderella Christmas tale…Lord Lansbury has always known that true love must come second to a suitable match. So why is he so bewitched by the unforgettable violet eyes of his sister’s companio…
Lucy Lane and the Lieutenant
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Год написания книги 2018
A Dangerous Mission, a Passionate Past…Nathan Rochefort has never understood why his fiancée Lucy Lane broke off their engagement. But now, faced with a treacherous mission, he needs her skills m…
Destitute On His Doorstep
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
THE HOMELESS MISS LUCAS Destitute and desperate, Jane Lucas knows there is one place she can find refuge – her childhood home. Landing on the doorstep, Jane is confronted with a new Lord of the M…
Carrying The Gentleman's Secret
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Unmarried and pregnant!Alex Golding had a duty to stop his brother-in-law’s bigamous marriage. But when he’d seen the bride, he’d offered whatever comfort he could to sweet young seamstress, Lydi…
Seducing Miss Lockwood
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Год написания книги 2018
RAKE’S MISTRESS…OR WIFE?Against all advice, Juliet Lockwood is intent on working in the household of Lord Dominic Lansdowne – notorious society rake. Rumour has it a different woman warms his bed…
Reunited At The King's Court
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Год написания книги 2019
Kept apart by duty… Reunited by love? Arlette Dryden has never forgotten William Latham, the Royalist soldier who accompanied her to safety while the battle of Worcester raged. Or how her heart b…
The Earl And The Pickpocket
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Found out!Heloise Edwina Marchant longs for the beauty and comfort of her former life, before she was forced to flee her family home. Coming to London in the guise of a boy, she has learned the h…
When Marrying a Duke...
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Three golden rules for this season’s debutantes: Three golden rules for this season’s debutantes: 1. Ensure that you have appropriate instruction in etiquette2. Flirting is acceptable if done wit…

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