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- Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг
Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг
Джозеф Редьярд Киплинг (Joseph Rudyard Kipling) (30 декабря 1865 — 18 января 1936), английский писатель, поэт и новеллист.
Его лучшими произведениями считаются «Книга джунглей» (The Jungle Book), «Ким» (Kim), стихотворения «Последнее песнопение» (Recessional). В 1907 году Киплинг становится первым англичанином, получившим Нобелевскую премию по литературе. В этом же году он удостаивается наград от университетов Парижа, Страсбурга, Афин и Торонто; удостоен также почетных степеней Оксфордского, Кембриджского, Эдинбургского и Даремского университетов.
Богатый язык произведений Киплинга, полный метафор, внёс большой вклад в сокровищницу английского языка.
Редьярд Киплинг родился в Бомбее (Индия) в семье профессора местной школы искусств Джона Локвуда Киплинга и Алисы (Макдональд) Киплинг. Имя Редьяр он получил, как полагают, в честь английского озера Редьяр, где познакомились родители. Ранние годы, полные экзотических видов и звуков Индии, были очень счастливыми для б…
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«Сказки и легенды» – цикл удивительных сказок великого английского писателя Редьярда Киплинга.
Рассказы Киплинг написал для своих дочерей, поэтому в тексте частые обращения к одной из них.
This story was first published in Quartette, the Christmas Annual of the Civil and Military Gazette for 1885, which included four stories by the nineteen-year-old Kipling with other items of pros…
First published in Plain Tales from the Hills in 1888, and in successive subsequent editions of this collection, in which it was the fourth of the Mulvaney stories.
Private Stanley Ortheris, smal…
This story was first published in the Civil and Military Gazette on 11 May 1887, and collected in the first edition of Plain Tales from the Hills in 1888 and in subsequent editions of this collec…
The story was published in the Civil and Military Gazette on April 30 1886 under the title «Section 420, I.P.C.» (Indian Penal Code), in the first Indian edition of Plain Tales from the Hills in …
"The Rout of the White Hussars" is an short story by Rudyard Kipling: This story was first published in the first edition of Plain Tales from the Hills in 1888 and was included in subsequent…
First published in the Soldiers Three volume of The Indian Railway Library in 1888, and collected in Soldiers Three and Other Stories in the same year.
Many years before, as a private in the Blac…
Mowgli returns to the human village and is adopted by Messua and her husband, who believe him to be their long-lost son. Mowgli leads the village boys who herd the village's buffaloes. Shere…
Kotick, a rare white-furred fur seal, sees seals being killed by islanders in the Bering Sea. He decides to find a safe home for his people, and after several years of searching as he comes of ag…
"With the Main Guard" is an short story by Rudyard Kipling: First published in The Week's News of Allahabad on August 4th 1888, issued in Soldiers Three (Indian Railway Library No. 1) t…
This story was first published in The Week's News of 5 May 1888, and in Volume VI of The Indian Railway Library the same year. It was included in Wee Willie Winkie and Other Stories, publish…
In these stories, Kipling sets the stage for encounters between the East and the West. Kipling takes on the thorny issues of empire, race, race, miscegenation and the practice of going native, an…
"At Twenty-two" is an short story by Rudyard Kipling: This story was first published in The Week's News of 18 February 1888. It was collected in «In Black and White», No. 3 in The India…
Toomai's father rides Kala Nag the elephant to catch wild elephants in the hills. Toomai comes to help and risks his life throwing a role up to one of the drivers. His father forbids him to …
"The Courting of Dinah Shadd" is an short story by Rudyard Kipling: First published in Macmillan's Magazine and Harper's Weekly in March 1890. Collected in The Courting of Dinah Sh…