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M. R. Islam

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Peak Energy. Myth or Reality?
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Economically and Environmentally Sustainable Enhanced Oil Recovery
электронная книга
There have been many books on the topic of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) over the last 100 years. They all, however, focus on how to recover more oil faster, taking a rather myopic approach. The so…
Drilling Engineering Problems and Solutions. A Field Guide for Engineers and Students
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Petroleum and natural gas still remain the single biggest resource for energy on earth. Even as alternative and renewable sources are developed, petroleum and natural gas continue to be, by far, …
Sustainable Water Purification
электронная книга
[b]This is the only book that takes a zero-waste approach to propose 100% sustainable water purification techniques.[/b] Water is synonymous with life. This has been the case since pre-historic t…