Tarot and Medici Solitaire. Gallery of examples - читать онлайн бесплатно, автор Petr Krylov, ЛитПортал
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The next day, the beach is covered with sand.

– And what's this?

– It's the sea!

– What sea? It's a filthy puddle! In short, clean up the sea, change the color,

the tide should roll in every 30 seconds by 55 centimeters.

– But this is underwater engineering work, very expensive stuff, as I'm sure you realize!

– We're paying! Everything's gotta be just right!

– And what's this? What's all that noise and racket?

– It's the seagulls?! They always live around here.

– No seagulls. Get rid of them all! On second thought, leave two – they can walk along the beach together, but no flying, under any circumstances.

– But that would wreak havoc on the environment, and it would also entail training of seagulls!

– We're paying! Everything's gotta be just right!

After some time, all the work is completed.

Finally, the boss himself arrives. Checks into the penthouse suite.

Walks to the sea along the clean white sand, admires the two seagulls,

as they stroll lovingly together by the seashore. Sits down on a lounge chair, takes a deep breath

of fresh sea air, and says:

– My God! Such beauty and splendour! These are pleasures that even money can't buy.


Aces, according to the Kabbalah, are a primal source of Power, a manifestation of the Absolute, an overwhelming power or force, a force majeure.

An object, a process when Matter or Finance "overwhelmingly" enter the world.

Accordingly, the Ace of Disks is the "overwhelming" force of Matter or Finance.

In the Material world, it may symbolize, for example, a bulldozer or a Fed printing press133.


Please, note:

The concept of an "overwhelming" force or power depends on the "caliber" of the subject or observer.

For an ant, an "overwhelming" force may be a baby finger. For a mountain the size of Fujiyama, not every nuclear explosion is an "Ace".


Fig. 1.14.1 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming power of Matter. A bulldozer, a tractor, a tectonic shift, an earthquake.134


Fig. 1.14.2 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming force of Matter. Rain, a downpour, snow, hail, a tsunami, the ocean.135


Fig. 1.14.3 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming power of Matter. Sunlight, heat, a volcanic eruption, thermal processes in the planet core. The sun.136


Fig. 1.14.4 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming power of Matter. Wind, a hurricane, a typhoon, a tornado, the Earth's atmosphere.137


Fig. 1.14.5 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming force of Matter. The Earth's magnetic field, which protects the planet from cosmic radiation.138


Fig. 1.14.6 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming power of Matter (for a human being). A rhinoceros, an elephant, a bison, a whale – any big and strong animal, bird or fish.139


Fig. 1.14.5 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming power of Finance. A money printing press, the source of a formative world currency.140


Fig. 1.14.8 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming power of Matter and Finance. A large, economically profitable deposit of stock-exchange assets – oil, gas, lithium, and other mineral resources.141


Please, note:

In our Solar System, the main142 source for the manifestation of the Absolute is, in essence, a star named the "Sun".

All other manifestations of Matter are, one way or another, only a consequence of its activity.


The defining feature of the Ace of Disks is its subjectively "overwhelming" power in Material or Financial matters.


Knight of Disks


Got the urge for some tea… and all hell broke loose:

Bun, butter, sausage, cookies, sweets…

On the whole, turned out quite well…

About three kilos' worth…


The Knight, according to the Kabbalah, is going or being with the Flow, with a stream, a trend.

An object, a process, where the Force has swept up the Stalker and carried him off.

Accordingly, the Knight of Disks is going/being with the Flow of Matter or Finance.

For example, a bullet flying.


Please, note:

The distinctive feature of the Knight card is that the object remains still and motionless, like the Knight. While, at the same time, being in motion, like the horse on which the Knight is sitting.

This contradiction makes the Knight card immediately recognizable.


Fig. 1.15.1 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A passenger on a bus or taxi.143


Fig. 1.15.2 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. Surfing, kiting, hang-gliding, rafting.144


Fig. 1.15.3 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A hot air balloon. An airship.145


Fig. 1.15.4 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A glider, a hang-glider, a para-glider, a wing-suit.146


Fig. 1.15.5 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. An arrow.147


Fig. 1.15.6 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A bullet.148


Fig. 1.15.7 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A soaring eagle.149


Fig. 1.15.8 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter or Finance. A stockbroker. A fund manager. The nature of his work necessitates that he always be in the state of the Knight of Disks.150


The defining feature of the Knight of Disks – remaining motionless and still in the flow of Matter (or Finance).


Section 2 – Cups or Hearts


The Cups or Goblets suit in Tarot. Hearts in a modern playing card deck.


The Cups suit is associated with a shift into the past, in accordance with the Water element. The energy of processes and events at the Svadhistana151 Chakra level.

Therefore, the Cups suit is responsible for emotions, feelings, and memories.


Zero of Cups


The cat came in from the room and, in passing, informed me that the Christmas tree had lost all its holiday lights, half its toys, consciousness, and had completely collapsed a bit.


Zero, according to the Kabbalah, is hidden, dormant potential, or something small and insignificant.

Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

Thus, the Zero Cups is the dormant potential of feelings, emotions, and memories. Or some insignificant memory or emotion.

For example, it may symbolize any sleeping living creature.


Fig. 2.0.1 Zero of Cups – the dormant potential of feelings, emotions. A tired and dozing bear.152


Fig. 2.0.2 Zero of Cups. A sleeping dog.153


Fig. 2.0.3 Zero of Cups. A sleeping tiger.154


Fig. 2.0.4 Zero of Cups. A napping parrot.155


Fig. 2.0.5 Zero of Cups. A sleeping fox.156


Fig. 2.0.6 Zero of Cups. A sleeping python.157


Fig. 2.0.7 Zero of Cups. A sleeping person.158


Fig. 2.0.8 Zero of Cups. A sleeping lion.159


A patient under anesthesia, someone stunned or completely exhausted, any living creature that has passed out or lost consciousness – all these are likewise examples of the Zero of Cups.


The defining feature of the Zero of Cups – an absence of emotions, memories due to some kind of "numbness".


One of Cups


To see Paris – and die!


"Ones", according to the Kabbalah, represent an impulse, a push, or a blow.

Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

Thus, the One of Cups is some kind of impulsive emotion, a sudden memory, a movement of the soul.

For example, it may symbolize an impulsive kiss, a shout, a dog barking, a leap of joy.


Fig. 2.1.1 One of Cups – an impulsive emotion, a movement of the soul. Throwing one's hands up in joy.160


Fig. 2.1.2 One of Cups – throwing one's hands up in a flood of emotions.161


Fig. 2.1.3 One of Cups – some sort of impulsive emotion, a movement of the soul. A kiss of love.162


Fig. 2.1.4 One of Cups – a smile, laughter.163


Fig. 2.1.5 One of Cups –a jump for joy.164


Fig. 2.1.6 One of Cups – tossing a child up into the air from a flood of emotions.165


Fig. 2.1.7 One of Cups – tossing your head back in laughter.166


Fig. 2.1.8 One of Cups – waving your hand in a joyful greeting.167


The defining feature of the One of Cups – an emotional impulse.

Usually, the One of Cups goes hand-in-hand with the One of Disks. This is because the emotional impulse seeks some form of expression or realization through action.


Two of Cups


The collective farm organized a holiday tour of Paris for Vanya. He comes back, sits in the hayloft with Manya, and she asks him to tell her all about Paris.

– Well, I climbed the Eiffel Tower, looked to the left – motherfucker!

Looked to the right – motherfucker!

Looked straight ahead – motherfucker!

Hey, Man'ka, why you crying?

– Van', how can I not cry? Such motherfucking beauty!!!


"Twos", according to the Kabbalah, represent interaction.

Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

Thus, the Two of Cups is the interaction of emotions and feelings, immersion in memories.

For example, it may symbolize an exchange of smiles, mutual laughter, surprise, joy and other emotions, feelings, memories shared with someone.


Fig. 2.2.1 Two of Cups – the interaction of feelings, emotions. Friendship.168


Fig. 2.2.2 Two of Cups – a smile intended for someone.169


Fig. 2.2.3 Two of Cups – charm, allure, flirting.170


Fig. 2.2.4 Two of Cups – immersion in memories.171


Fig. 2.2.5 Two of Cups – the interaction of feelings, emotions. A couple.172


Fig. 2.2.6 Two of Cups – the interaction of emotions.173


Fig. 2.2.7 Two of Cups – the interaction of emotions.174


Fig. 2.2.8 Two of Cups – the interaction of feelings.175


The defining feature of "Twos" is that emotions and feelings are always directed at someone or something. And if we're dealing with memories, the individual is completely immersed in them, to the point of losing touch with reality.176


Three of Cups


– Why do you want to divorce your husband?

– We have different religious beliefs.

– Could you be more specific?

– He doesn't acknowledge me as a goddess!


"Threes", according to the Kabbalah, represent the system, order, clarity.

Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

Thus, the Three of Cups is a system, order and clarity of emotions, feelings, memories.

For example, it may symbolize the theatrical arts, yoga (as a system of regulating emotions), a diary, an autobiography (as a system of remembering).


Fig. 2.1.1 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions, memories. The theatrical arts.177


Fig. 2.1.2 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions, memories. Theater. A stage.178


Fig. 2.1.3 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions. Mime. Pantomime.179


Fig. 2.1.4 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions. A "singing" cat or dog, a singer. Sings in tune with the music, according to a system.


Fig. 2.1.5 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions. The model as an actor, playing a certain emotion.180


Fig. 2.1.6 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions, memories. Beijing Opera.181


Fig. 2.1.7 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions, memories. Opera. "The Phantom of the Opera".182


Fig. 2.1.8 Three of Cups – a system of memories. A diary, an autobiography.183


The defining feature of the Three of Cups – emotions are ordered according to some particular system.


Four of Cups


The cheapest, most effective and reliable laxative is an unexpected encounter in the forest, tet-a-tet, with an angry grizzly bear.


"Fours", according to the Kabbalah, represent nature and all things natural, simple forms.

Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

Accordingly, the Four of Cups is a simple, basic, "natural" emotion, an involuntary memory.

For example, it may symbolize an involuntary smile, laughter, surprise, joy and other spontaneous emotions, feelings, and memories.


Fig. 2.4.1 Four of Cups – a simple, basic, "natural" emotion. Surprise.184


Fig. 2.4.2 Four of Cups – a simple, basic, "natural" emotion. Joy. Laughter.185


Fig. 2.4.3 Four of Cups – a simple, basic, "natural" emotion. The simple joys of life.186


Fig. 2.4.4 Four of Cups – a simple, basic, "natural" emotion. Laughter.187


Fig. 2.4.5 Four of Cups – a simple, natural, emotion, an involuntary reaction. Laughter.188


Fig. 2.4.6 Four of Cups – a simple, natural, emotion, an involuntary reaction. Joy.189


Fig. 2.4.7 Four of Cups – a simple, natural, emotion, an involuntary reaction. A smile.190


Fig. 2.4.8 Four of Cups – a simple, natural, emotion, an involuntary reaction. Rolling around in the snow.191


The defining feature of the Four of Cups is its spontaneity, sincerity, naturalness, and lack of affectedness. The emotion arises on its own and doesn't pursue any goal.

Such simplicity and sincerity is a quality often found in children, sincere "open" people, and some animals, such as dogs.


Five of Cups


The girls got together for a bachelorette party. All night they told jokes, funny stories, shared their dreams with each other…

By morning, having died of shame, Lieutenant Rzhevsky fell out of the closet.


"Fives", according to the Kabbalah, represent a door, a gate, a portal, a repository, a source.

Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

Thus, the Five of Cups is a source, a repository, a portal of emotions, feelings, memories.

For example, it may symbolize a sports fan, a singer, an actor (as the content keeper, the repository, of many plays).


Fig. 2.5.1 Five of Cups – portal of emotions, feelings. Saxophone solo.192


Fig. 2.5.2 Five of Cups – source of emotions, feelings. A wolf howl.193


Fig. 2.5.3 Five of Cups – portal of emotions, feelings. The gaze of a dog.194


Fig. 2.5.4 Five of Cups – portal of emotions, feelings. The stare of a cat.195


Fig. 2.5.6 Five of Cups – portal of emotions, feelings. A silent question.196


Fig. 2.5.7 Five of Cups – source of emotions, feelings. A supporter. A fan.197


Fig. 2.5.8 Five of Cups – source, repository, portal of emotions, feelings. The rapture of joy.198


The distinctive feature of the Five of Cups is that it's a source or a repository of feelings, emotions, and memories.

For example, an offended woman is a reversed Five of Cups. That is, a repository of negative memories, emotions, displaying them to the world.


Six of Cups


Two blondes are writing an ad on an Internet dating site.

One dictates:

– A slender, beautiful blonde would like…

– OK, got it, next?

– To meet a very wealthy elderly German…

– Got it. And?

– And get married…

– Got it. And?

– That's it, attach my photo and send it off.

– Done. It's sent.

The other one whispers softly, under her breath:

– And what better way to avenge your grandfather!199


"Sixes", according to the Kabbalah, are the system (3) + the system (3). That is, the interchange, interpenetration, circulation, interaction of systems.

Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

Thus, the Six of Cups is the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of emotions and feelings according to some system.

For example, it may symbolize opera as the interaction of a musical system (the orchestra) and a theatrical system (the singers) on an emotional level.


Fig. 2.6.1 Six of Cups – a system of mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. The feelings of the actors, musicians, and audiences caught up in one unified, interanimating whole.200


Fig. 2.6.2 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. The circulation and flow of emotions based on a system. A canonized dance in front of an audience.201


Fig. 2.6.3 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. A rock concert as the circulation of emotions and passions between the audience and the musicians according to a system.202


Fig. 2.6.4 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. A concert.203


Fig. 2.6.5 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. A disco.204


Fig. 2.6.6 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. A sports arena. An arena.205


Fig. 2.6.7 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. A stadium.206


Fig. 2.6.8 Six of Cups – the mutual exchange, interpenetration, circulation of feelings, emotions. Theater. Opera. A stage.207

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