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Серия книг Smart Reading: Саммари на английском языке

Количество книг в серии 22

Summary: Grit. The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Angela Lee Duckworth
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Grit. The Power of Passion and Perseverance” by Angela Duckworth. A guidebook to finding your calling and developing the necessary self-discipline for this.
Summary: The Book of Joy. Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Carlton Abrams
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Book of Joy” by Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Carlton Abrams. What the reader should know: – The book is designed to help people develop an inner state of j…
Summary: The Innovator’s DNA. Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators. Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, Clayton Christensen
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators” by Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, Clayton Christensen. The thesis of the book is that each of us …
Summary: Accidental Genius. Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight and Content. Mark Levy
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Accidental Genius. Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight and Content” by Mark Levy. Mark Levy, author of Accidental Genius: Using Writing to Generate Yo…
Summary: The Obstacle Is the Way. The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph. Ryan Holiday
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Obstacle Is the Way The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph” by Ryan Holiday. When we face obstacles, our resolve becomes paralyzed. But if we just chang…
Summary: Thanks for the Feedback. The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well. Douglas Stone, Sheila Heen
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Thanks For the Feedback. The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well” by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen. Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen’s Thanks for the Feedback te…
Summary: Chatter. The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It. Ethan Kross
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Chatter. The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It” by Ethan Cross. A Buddhist monk once said, “There’s a radio playing in our head, Radio Station…
Summary: Peace Is Every Step. The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life. Thich Nhat Hanh
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Peace Is Every Step. The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life” by Thit Nhat Khan. Modern life is full of anxiety, stress, and bad news. Peace of mind is the most val…
Life Skills 101. Everything You Need, But Won’t Learn In School
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Год написания книги 2022
As parents, we want our kids to become successful people with high self-esteem, confidence, and great self-organization skills. There are so many questions they run into growing up, but not a sin…
Summary: Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ. Daniel Goleman
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ” by Daniel Goleman. Everyone knows that a high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until …
Summary: The Art of Systems Thinking. Essential Skills for Creativity and Problem Solving. Joseph O’Connor, Ian McDermott
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Art of Systems Thinking: Essential Skills for Creativity and Problem Solving” by Joseph O'Connor and Ian McDermott. The Art of Systems Thinking goes far beyond f…
Summary: Full Catastrophe Living. Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness. Jon Kabat-Zinn
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness” by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Jon Kabat-Zinn's “Full Catastrophe Living: Usin…
Summary: The Untethered Soul. The Journey Beyond Yourself. Michael Singer
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Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Soul Unchained. Journey Beyond Ourselves” by Michael Singer. Spiritual guru Michael Singer’s book “The Soul Unchained. Journey Beyond Ourselves” explores our con…
Summary: Mini Habits. Smaller Habits, Bigger Results. Stephen Guise
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Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Mini Habits. Smaller Habits, Bigger Results” by Stephen Guise. In Mini Habits, Stephen Guise explains how to overcome procrastination and start living again without …
Summary: When Things Fall Apart. Heart Advice for Difficult Times. Pema Chödrön
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “When Things Fall Apart. Heart Advice for Difficult Times” by Pema Chödrön. In her book, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, Pema Chödrön gives …
Summary: How to Live Mindfully with the Help of Meditation. Maria Gorina
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Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “How to Live Mindfully with the Help of Meditation” by Maria Gorina. Have you ever tried peeling potatoes, devoting to this activity all your fullness and strength? H…
Summary: Mindset. The New Psychology of Success. How we can learn to fulfill our potential. Carol S. Dweck
Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Mindset. The New Psychology of Success. How We Can Learn to Fulfill our Potential” by Carol Dweck. Carol Dweck's book, Mindset. The New Psychology of Success. How We…
Summary: Thinking, Fast and Slow. Daniel Kahneman
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman. Daniel Kahneman's book Thinking, Fast and Slow, is dedicated to the workings of human thought. It was the result of scie…
Summary: Thinking, Fast and Slow. Daniel Kahneman
Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman. Daniel Kahneman's book Thinking, Fast and Slow, is dedicated to the workings of human thought. It was the result of scie…
Summary: Mindset. The New Psychology of Success. How we can learn to fulfill our potential. Carol S. Dweck
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Mindset. The New Psychology of Success. How We Can Learn to Fulfill our Potential” by Carol Dweck. Carol Dweck's book, Mindset. The New Psychology of Success. How We…
Summary: The Emotional Compass. How to Think Better about Your Feelings. Ilse Sand
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Emotional Compass: How to Think Better about Your Feelings” by Ilse Sand. In the book, The Emotional Compass: How to Think Better about Your Feelings, Ilse Sand …
Summary: Letting go. The Pathway of Surrender. David Hawkins
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Год написания книги 2022
Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender” by David Hawkins. Once you learn to let go of your habitual suppression and condemnation of your feelings, Letting Go shows you…

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