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- Virginia Kantra
Virginia Kantra
Произведения автора 16
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Год написания книги 2019
Jack Dalton was out of the business of saving lives – until his expertise was needed to safeguard Princess Christina Sebastiani of Montebello from dangerous kidnappers. Holed up together day in a…
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Год написания книги 2018
LEAVING THE LOSERS IN YOUR LIFEThat was Nicole Reed's goal. And then he opened the door. Long, lean, gorgeous and definitely rough around the edges, Mark DeLucca was everything Nicole longed for–…
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
He was as impressive in person as he was to read about in the papers. Simon Ford exuded his trademark power and intelligence…despite having amnesia. For small-town police officer Laura Baker, the…
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Cynical reporter Joe Reilly didn't believe in angels–human or the other kind. But when he was assigned to write an article on nurse Nell Dolan, the «Angel of Ark Street,» he decided to get up clo…
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
He was as impressive in person as he was to read about in the papers. Simon Ford exuded his trademark power and intelligence…despite having amnesia. For small-town police officer Laura Baker, the…
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
LEAVING THE LOSERS IN YOUR LIFEThat was Nicole Reed's goal. And then he opened the door. Long, lean, gorgeous and definitely rough around the edges, Mark DeLucca was everything Nicole longed for–…
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
Jack Dalton was out of the business of saving lives – until his expertise was needed to safeguard Princess Christina Sebastiani of Montebello from dangerous kidnappers. Holed up together day in a…
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Cynical reporter Joe Reilly didn't believe in angels–human or the other kind. But when he was assigned to write an article on nurse Nell Dolan, the «Angel of Ark Street,» he decided to get u…
электронная книга
Jack Dalton was out of the business of saving lives – until his expertise was needed to safeguard Princess Christina Sebastiani of Montebello from dangerous kidnappers. Holed up together day in a…
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He was as impressive in person as he was to read about in the papers. Simon Ford exuded his trademark power and intelligence…despite having amnesia. For small-town police officer Laura Baker, the…
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Год написания книги 2019
Words to live by for Jarek Denko, a man looking to forget his past and find his future in Eden. He had a department to run, a daughter to raise and an investigation to solve. A relationship with …
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The little house by the lake was the perfect summer hideaway. At least that was what Faye Harper thought–until a dark, mysterious stranger appeared at her door and turned her peaceful world upsid…
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Words to live by for Jarek Denko, a man looking to forget his past and find his future in Eden. He had a department to run, a daughter to raise and an investigation to solve. A relationship with …
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Cynical reporter Joe Reilly didn't believe in angels–human or the other kind. But when he was assigned to write an article on nurse Nell Dolan, the «Angel of Ark Street,» he decided to get up clo…
электронная книга
LEAVING THE LOSERS IN YOUR LIFEThat was Nicole Reed's goal. And then he opened the door. Long, lean, gorgeous and definitely rough around the edges, Mark DeLucca was everything Nicole longed…