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Santaklaus EVOL 4

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EVOL 2 42 | The kiss of love
EVOL 4 60 | Unisono


This book series is my interpretation of the transition

from the age of pisces to the age of aquarius, to its higher vibrations.

All-encompassing love is relevant to all of us - this is something we can learn now,

because the vibrations are growing and if we don’t,

we will not be able to bear them.

Age of pisces - Christenergy

Universal spirit of creation

The kiss of love Duality - here in extreme measure, white or black, life or death

Consciousness, white - maximal light

Quantum physics, grey - here one discerns white and black

Matter, black - maximal density

17 Fish - is precisely the age’s vision of bringing love into the world

and erasing the illusion of our being divided.

The greater the number of red fish, the greater my acceptance

of the creative power within me.

17 - The star - look to the stars - a new vision of love

Red - connection to earth, creative power

Blue - mental knowledge


Santa - translation for “san” from Latin: “holy, whole, healed.”

Holy means to be whole when the way to you yourself is clear and healthy.

Holiness means maximum love.


Four letters that mean much to me; always I yearned to live real love and felicity. I grapple with this topic on my own, with just myself, a field test with my reflection. I wanted to know what it was all about. How might it be possible for me to make happen, to bring into my life, that which I so strongly desire? I was lucky enough to be born into a family of restaurateurs, among whom I gathered my first experiences of life closely connected to the land. My choice of growing up in a restaurant provided me the opportunity to gain insight into an array of different types of lives, including those of other people. Their lives, their joys, their pain, how they tackled it, how they mastered it: life. It allowed me to witness what happened, to whom, where, why and when - a fantastic field test - from baptism** to the grave. How people handle different situations. How people develop in all of those possibilities granted by life, those which are matters of free will, regardless of the walk of life they are from, or their age, and the fact that that life is really finite or is it? Every second is ours but just once - what is the meaning behind everything here on earth and what do we make of it, or can we even begin to make anything of it? What is behind it all, why are we alive - or rather: are we even really alive? Why are we plagued with problems and how do people get on with one another, everywhere across the world? After my father’s death, I began to think intensively about these questions and devoured hundreds of books within a short span of time. I could find no satisfactory answer - they were not in my language, they did not match up with what I intuitively felt. Now that it is completely clear that, in fact, life is or is not - that is, how does it go then - that story about the heavens? I began to write, just for myself, for myself alone - systems, war or peace, striving for more … I had always observed the way a natural law functions. The principle of sowing and harvesting and that thoughts and words have great power - this became ever clearer to me, and happenstance - I was always on its trail. And, of course! - the age of aquarius, Carlos Santana, who, said: “Compassion, love supreme, heal the planet” or “we have to build the bridge of love,” a true Pontifex, who was there at Woodstock and who had been born as a Santa.***

I wrote more, just for myself, for myself alone, and when the possibility of publishing a book first arose, I thought: not a chance, never. Me, publish a book? No, that is not going to happen. Six years passed before I did it, but I still found it to be so personal, as if I were giving a child away to an orphanage. And more than that, what would people say? But one should not put too much stock in what other people say! I’m glad I saw it through - one should always see things through. Please make sure you, too, do that from now on! But the decision to publish a book gave little satisfaction, as it all seemed to me to be, in spite of everything else, too mainstream. I wanted to do something different, something completely different than everything that had been done before. I had also found in the books that I had already read no answers to the questions that had been revealed to me. No sign of any answer to the question of the “meaning of life” and, above all, love, at least not one that was acceptable to me. And so the idea of a book series comprised of four volumes presented itself. And these four volumes would produce two pictures - that is new. I had time then to write of new discoveries; I realized that it would take some time for this story to unwind for me and for all the angels* to present themselves. The original plans were of a very different nature, and the entire project got stuck in such a way that I contemplated giving up. If it would not work in this way, then it would not work at all - drop it, then, forget it, basta!**** After grappling with this for a full month and suffering a deep melancholy, I finally found my inner strength and took myself to church. I said: Dear Lord, if it is Your will that I write a book in which You take center stage, then You must help me. I hardly know how to begin to approach this! Four books, sure, but the cover, what should I do with that? All of a sudden a woman wearing a black and white dress knelt beside me at a side altar.***** Fine, I thought OK, black-white, that is a start. The optimal

wave already oscillated in front of me and Popart. Clear and simple, of course, but still exhibiting all that properly belongs to there. I then went to a restaurant and asked whether I could draw on the coasters - no problem. And that’s how it started. I had my first concept and so the universe always guided me. I set LOVE on my GPS
and listened to the language of the universe.
The books were always completed on schedule and now the entire series is finished, 12 years after the days in which I was consumed with missing my father, in which I found myself reaching out across the lunar glow into the deepest reaches of the universe because I could no longer find anyone here on earth who could speak with me in our language, Unisono
the language of love, one with few words. The book series is meant to reflect this path of love I had discovered, reflect it in its text as well as graphically, including the two cover pictures and my illustrations throughout. I was happy when I could reveal to my readers those doors behind which I discovered bouquets of flowers. When I could inspire one or the other to choose a certain name or message, to realize that everything is love, everything, even those routines we do on a daily basis. And I am confident that many will find that the quality of the coincidences in their lives will improve, those chance happenings that are, in fact, not a matter of chance at all.
It is all possible, because it is all in all, it all always was and always will be. Of all those things that make up our lives, we are able to change all for our own benefit, each one of us - and it would give me great pleasure if each of us were to make use of that opportunity, as I’ve never much cared for that old saying that “We are powerless alone.” We have more say over our lives than we tend to know. We can only begin with ourselves, we can only begin by crafting a more heartfelt world for ourselves, within ourselves first. Only then will we discover the possibilities in which we may come together to create a more loving world …

Klaus Peter Wagner

**When I am at a baptism I always look at the babies very closely; again and again, I am fascinated

and up until this day, I have found no better way to express this sight than with “divine.”

***In 1987 San Francisco’s city government designated 6 June as Santana Day ...

always this 6th day of the month ...

“God bless Frisco ... oooh, it already is, San Francisco” - thanks be to Assisi!

One of the Lord’s favorites

helped when it came to bestowing names and then managed to bring onboard a third - almost like The Three Musketeers.

****The first answer was a hint about what name to take -

the universe showed me a Santaklaus.

*****The woman’s dress had a zebra pattern ...

EVOL 1 14 | Zebra stripes 17 | The language of the universe
EVOL 2 01 | Perfect and optimal 20 | The gradient of looseness
EVOL 3 28 | Management through God
EVOL 4 27 | The favorites of the Lord 40 | The Three Musketeers 60 | Unisono

Santaklaus EVOL 4

1st edition December 2011

Text and illustrations Klaus Peter Wagner

All rights reserved.

ISBN-EPUB-English 978-3-902870-09-4





01 | Help yourself, then God will help you!

So what’s going on here, who is helping whom now?

Does He help us only if we help ourselves, or do we help ourselves,

in order to help ourselves?

If He is love and there is nothing that isn’t love,

then He is in me and I am in Him.

He that is in us helps us, therefore, we help ourselves,

so that we can come clearly to terms with ourselves and recognize

that He is in us, so that with us, in us, we can come clearly to terms with ourselves.

Now all you need to say is: “Gruess Gott,” God greets you!

It seems as if the total somehow belongs together -

merged, tied together, connected or something …

... so I have to help myself now, so that I become clear …

A small, but big tip at the beginning of any situation: every happening in life blesses …

because of our divinity, we have the right to bless … the blessing that brings harmony …

put your hands UP in the air ... (and the blessing is there …)

EVOL 4 02 | God greets you

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