Santaklaus EVOL 1 - EVOL 4 - читать онлайн бесплатно, автор Klaus Peter Wagner, ЛитПортал
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Santaklaus EVOL 1 - EVOL 4

1st edition December 2013

Text and illustrations Klaus Peter Wagner

All rights reserved.

ISBN-EPUB-English 978-3-902870-11-7





Santaklaus EVOL 1


Thank you

01 | Santaklausstart

02 | Systems

03 | War or peace

04 | Striving for more

05 | Rock or water

06 | Exuberance

07 | Love of nature

08 | Love is a matter of the right energy

09 | The heart’s voice - avoiding temptation

10 | Piss, piss, piss

11 | A butterfly flies against the window

12 | Every pot finds its top

13 | A house with a garden

14 | Zebra stripes

15 | Aunt Maxi’s visit

16 | Black or white

17 | The language of the universe

18 | Why the journey is the reward

19 | Pull the bull

20 | Respect

21 | Free rider

22 | Bird of paradise

23 | King of the forest

24 | Be specific - feel terrific

25 | The ships of good fortune

26 | The giant thinking heart

27 | The heart’s hunting ground

28 | Love is in the air


Thank you

With loving thanks to my parents.

01 | Santaklausstart

I dedicate these book series to coincidence,

the chicken and the egg!

02 | Systems

Good things take time,

patience and humility are apt companions

in the search for the truth.

Truth is objective,

the truth is spoken by nature,

and spoken pure.

Honesty is subjective, honesty is intuitive.

Honesty is every person’s truth.

Every person on Mother Earth has the chance

to create his own world.

Reality is only about systems.

Systems try to explain the sole truth to a person.

A person has but to clarify his own honesty.

A system is not entitled to spread the truth.

This truth is often manipulated because it does not even

satisfy the honesty of the system-creators.

Nice, this means our professed reality is a manipulated dishonesty.

The hypocrisy stinks here to high heaven.

So a system imposes the manipulated dishonesty

of a supposed majority on us - fine!

If a person breaks loose, he is crazy - beside himself -

that means beside the system he broke from.

Pleasing everyone is an art mastered by none.

People should check their words,

because the way they speak to others

is the way they speak to themselves!!!

Therefore, people should boost their self-esteem!

That’s worth it to me!

The greatest value in life is life itself!

Thus, what a person makes of it is up to him,

and it’s up to him how to treat a system!

The system of all systems has already been created!!! The system of all systems is LOVE!!!

03 | War or peace

Love your neighbor as yourself?

If people no longer feel themselves,

they can no longer love themselves.

Envy of material breeds hate,

hate stokes the sickening of the heart.

People have to wage wars

just to relieve their own energy of hate and envy.

Yet what happens after the war?

Who won? They all lost!

Parents lost their children - children their parents!

The haters lost their hateful energy!

The arms industry its dishonest game!

Once again, it was all just about money!

Nature and material were razed to the ground,

for parts of the earth new owners were found.

But where is it stored?

The energy of hate, the energy of war?

The people carry it ‘round in their head,

and for all involved: this is bad.

The victors feel big and strong,

and the losers haul their load along.

To come to terms will take generations,

a new horror for entire nations.

Compensation, whether full or half,

once more, it’s all about the golden calf.

Only what has room in our minds,

also has room in our lives.

Oh the horror - so many people still must think of war.

The world will follow them through this door.

What you think today will happen tomorrow,

it will be so hard to assuage this sorrow.

People think, yet God does guide,

by this maxim in life we should abide.

If you cleanse your heart,

the pain of the past will finally depart.

To heal your head through your heart,

come out of the past and make a fresh start.

Thoughts can be very strong,

what you think can come true before long.

Finding peace in your heart,

aspiring to do so, must be the highest good in this world,

before it falls completely apart.

To love your neighbor can be a fight,

first you must set your own heart right.

But if you prefer in life the easy road,

just make sure that love in your heart’s been sowed.

Love over the long run surely will

your heart with light also fill.

People should love themselves much more,

then we’d have only peace, not war.

Being able to forgive is often tough;

and our own mistakes are common enough.

Yes, in the depth of our hearts, we can unlock

and let them rise up like a peacock.

In to heart a shadow they cast,

the real pain is vast.

No one can break another’s heart,

we are cause ourselves of this part.

Dishonesty lets the peacock in our heart live on,

and sing its song.

But if you give the peacock enough light,

he won’t find the shadow of the night.

The journey is the reward,

it would be a miracle, if no one ever tripped on a board, even his own board.

The important thing is: falling’s not a disgrace,

but you must keep the light in your heart in place.

If everyone themselves would forgive,

where would the guilt end up - it could no longer live.

The cross, our shoulders need not bear,

it’s just the light that is not there.

If the peacock were not in our heart,

then life would not tear us apart.

But thanks dear peacock, that in us you dwell,

you show the shadow the light as well.

If only one could shine right through you,

that’s something many people would do.

The solution to the riddle is easy to share,

you twist and turn like a little bear.

If we don’t want to understand the truth of another,

the light in the shadow we will smother.

The lamp - yes, we hold it in our hand,

to create shadow where we need it, that is grand.

Whether you say cross, peacock or bear,

we make our lives hard for ourselves out there.

Did not Christ hang on the cross,

because of a stab in the heart he left us.

The cross, the peacock, and the little bear,

no one was the wiser there.

He did not die with his heart quite,

because there is space for the eternal light.

The path he showed us is really not steep,

but sometimes our thoughts are just not that deep.

The heart should be lit from 360° to the center,

then it would be impossible for a shadow to enter.

We’d all be happy in life, no doubt,

if we never needed to go round about.

If we listen to our hearts more,

those detours in our lives won’t be such a chore.

Because - be sure - no one’s banished to the earth, as long as he sees his path and its worth.

04 | Striving for more

We are always striving for “more,”

it’s just the golden calf we’re looking for.

Our energy is gone,

we don’t feel newly born.

Stress is not good for a healthy life,

yet we’re sadomasochistic and look for the strife.

We need the torture to know we’re alive,

such is humanity’s latest drive.

Be it a buck or the golden calf we chase,

yes, we make things hard for ourselves in this race.

Satisfaction is the PIN,

we should find it deep within.

But when the love in our hearts has spilled out,

we kiss the beast, without a doubt.

A seeker, even a runner on this earth,

always chasing his money’s worth.

Because as the manipulated fruits of Mother Earth simulate,

materialism opens the gate.

Mistakenly believed in this world by many.

But you can find true joy - love - without a penny.

He who searches will not find,

because it can also be felt by the blind.

What you have with your eyes sought,

means really with your mind you thought.

No, the heart must always sense -

then true love will stay there hence.

When coldness in your love does rise,

you were probably fooled by your eyes.

Yes, material things can be seen,

but for them the heart is not keen.

For this reason, with people be candid,

for this reason with love be candid,

for this reason with yourself be candid,

and you will not by temptation be commanded.

If you speak from the center of your heart

you will not on others pain impart.

Everything is one, everything is energized,

love knows no borders, love never dies.

It holds its place in the universe,

and guides you to your true treasure in due course.

You should listen to your heart, to your inner voice,

then true love will always be its choice.

When the leaves fall to the ground,

it’s time for man to clear around.

To tidy up in his true inside,

so love can always there abide.

We get this chance every year,

nature is reborn again and again,

oh, how wonderful when spring is near.

Love should be guided by the four seasons -

throughout our lives, for many reasons.

It needs to pause at any rate,

otherwise like smoke it will evaporate.

If you make with love too fast a start,

you might chase it from your heart.

For it to grow the pace should be slow,

then it doesn’t get fooled by the stormy show.

Then it is anchored in Mother Earth’s lap,

and not even the strongest of storms can be its trap.

To be tied closely to the earth, that is fine,

yes, then we even enjoy the wine.

Then we can enjoy the true fruits as if in paradise,

slowly we should move, true love grows slowly,

yes, that seems wise.

To run over Mother Earth at a quick pace,

you might burn yourself in this case.

Thankfully, everything becomes earth when it burns, yes, to the Mother herself every one returns.

05 | Rock or water

A rock is the hardest thing on the planet,

I would ask you to think about that!

A steady drip carves the stone,

this piece of wisdom is well known.

A tree does better to bend

and turn with the wind!

We dream of standing as strong as a rock,

but the water carves its hole and we barely take stock!

Whether we want to go through life

as a rock, or water, or a tree -

both the cross and the peacock in our hearts we should rightly see.

If we fill with water our heart,

there won’t be very much love in that part.

It flows in our blood;

in our heart no shadows should be cast,

then the thoughts in our mind will be pure at last.

The human hand can create so much,

it should act the same way that water flows

and not like an animal, goodness knows!

The flow of the water shows beautifully

the pattern of its path -

or would I rather be a rock

in the stream that runs through the paddock.

To wait until you have passed away,

to stem yourself against the flow,

to make the white water show!

Through the rapids I race -

passing them, effortlessly, I pick up the pace.

I watched the intensity of this flowing energy,

until it finally got to me!

When the others are all busy with their dreams,

someone will come and clean the bed of the streams.

You should simply let life flow by,

then it will overtake your fear in the blink of an eye.

I would rather be the fear myself and have everything pass by quickly.

But, hey, hey, hey, again and again it will catch up to me.

To sense the others at their goal causes envy, that is clear,

yet don’t forget you sometimes swayed them with your fear!

If, from the depths of your soul, you look fear in the face,

you can be certain: it will break!

Yes indeed, swim towards it straighter than ever,

and you will race by it fast, now or never!

To exchange love for a person’s fear,

will make your heart leap into high gear.

When love from the heart can flow

past the fear, past the rock at full speed you’ll go!

To keep my dreams I am fully inclined,

all I need to do is switch to love in my mind.

You should take the path that’s right for you,

then love will bubble up from your heart ‘tis true

and with a pure conscience you’ll have followed your dreams.

Because when clarity in your thoughts is underlying

no one will ever distract you from flying.

Whether in the water or in the air,

you can feel and taste the freedom only there.

The fear of the rock has now disappeared -

oh, beloved freedom, how you are revered!

What rock should I build my church on now?

Or maybe it would be better for those human souls to stir up the fear,

so they can feel themselves loud and clear?!

If I wish to manipulate and oppress them,

the wise men will walk on the water

and cross the seven bridges!

Ordained by God! No, my Lord, this is not your game!

The material created it and greed the same!

After all, the Messiah said,

“Lift a stone and you will find me,

split a piece of wood, and I am there.”

In the face of the truth you will feel shame,

I gave you nature as your teacher; so listen to its claim!

You chased after people for thousands of years,

you proclaimed them holy, it brings me to tears.

You neglected Mother Earth to a high degree,

and in the house on the rock you sung yourselves free!

You call that honesty?

Only wine from water was made by me!

Honest to honest should be for love the bottom line,

not the dance around the golden calf with treated wine!

Honest to honest lets Mother Earth’s gifts grow,

you must remember this, you know!

At long last, let love in your hearts reign, then Mother Earth will run properly again!

06 | Exuberance

In life, there is no coincidence,

the surroundings into which we are born

bring light into our existence.

God’s voice comes to us not only through the ear,

yes, the heart is also predestined to hear.

And to see, for this it was chosen too,

you can go with the others, and they with you.

If we instead decide to flee,

we may soon addicted be.

Yes, in paradise we live, this is the story;

but many people want to turn it into purgatory.

Should a person hold a grudge in his soul,

then the little cross may play this role:

In his heart it will grow and someday bring him down,

leaving questions all around.

Yes - he ....... was always so happy and good,

yet the voice of his heart he misunderstood.

He believed that by the world he was cheated,

but in reality his heart he’d maltreated.

His own dishonesty was his defeat,

and his surroundings were also beat.

Family disputes could never be resolved;

perhaps next chance they will be dissolved.

Seizing this chance, but needing more

courage within his heart’s inner core.

To believe in himself during this life

and go his own way despite the strife.

Not to smother that inner voice -

that is by far the better choice.

Take a path in life that is honest and straight,

then you’ll have just the right amount on your plate.

The Lord our God at the end of the day

gives us exactly what we need in life,

unless temptation allows us to fritter it away.

To live our lives - so simple it would be

if we’d listen more to our hearts, you see.

Then unanswered questions would no longer grow

and our heart with exuberance would overflow.

Love would become ever stronger, and vibrate like in a dance, and our heart would be overflowing with exuberance.

07 | Love of nature

The most beautiful thing in the world is nature,

because only nature is absolutely pure.

If you harm nature,

then you also harm love -

the white dove.

Mankind unfortunately thinks more with its head,

mankind - seems blocked in its heart instead.

A tumor in the place where love holds the keys,

this is something only for thieves.

But love, indeed, one cannot steal;

the thieves lack the strength for this deal.

Love is like nature;

love is pure.

To let go is to forego manipulation,

it is the heart’s true dictation.

Love knows no grief,

love knows no thief.

Love is the true religion you see, and love, for everyone, is free.

08 | Love is a matter of the right energy

When, in life, you find a partner with the right energy,

you find love’s reward to mankind.

It should be quite simple to be rewarded.

The important thing is your own way.

Your own way should be honest,

committed and idealistic.

There should be no expectations.

You radiate your love of yourself

and this draws love to you as well.

Is self-love the key to the right energy?

Symbolically speaking, maybe so.

There’s a rod which is a good conductor of temperature.

Different areas have different temperatures.

Happiness in love, the reward, comes to you

when you match your own temperature with the right spot on the rod.

You touch the rod and it’s neither too hot or too cold.

It has its own intrinsic temperature and you feel good.

Feeling good creates harmony, harmony with yourself

and harmony in being touched.

But what happens when you touch the rod

and the difference in temperature is too big?

Too hot or too cold?

Don’t you try to convince yourself time and again that it’s OK,

or that given enough time

the rod will become the same temperature.

Or don’t you try time and again time to manipulate the temperature?

Don’t you run the risk

of changing your own intrinsic temperature?

Pressure generates counter pressure.

Is it possible to do this in a gentler way?

When you face the difference in temperature truthfully,

then the road to harmony can be a loving one.

But how large can the difference in temperature be,

how big must love be to follow this path?

If you don’t give the other a chance, you lose your chance,

to simply leave the other in peace, as they are, to be themselves,

then love will bring the right temperature.

No arrogance, no jealousy, no vanity, no envy,

no need to be protected and no pride.

Is this need to be protected from hurt the last step

before achieving harmony, do you believe that you must give something up?

Don’t you find yourself again by giving up something in a larger, unified self,

in the great love, in the great harmony; is it really the fear

of taking this last step?

If you have the same temperature to start out with

do you even need to take this last step?

Maybe you build your own steps as you go through life?

Do you even want to believe in a “right” temperature?

What does your intuition tell you?

Is intuition the divine temperature sensor?

You should rely in life more on your intuition.

On your own God-given inspiration.

You might spend a lot of time trying to make adjustments to the temperature,

even though your divine sensor said from the outset that temperature equalization -

even with your committed, honest and idealistic love - will be difficult.

You feel like you’ve failed

because you didn’t trust in God from the start.

To find the right temperature in life

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