English Tuning. Irregular Verbs. Неправильные глаголы. Ключи к сборнику упражнений. Уровень: А1-В2 - читать онлайн бесплатно, автор Я. А. Писарев, ЛитПортал
English Tuning. Irregular Verbs. Неправильные глаголы. Ключи к сборнику упражнений. Уровень: А1-В2
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English Tuning. Irregular Verbs. Неправильные глаголы. Ключи к сборнику упражнений. Уровень: А1-В2

Год написания книги: 2021
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English Tuning. Irregular Verbs

Неправильные глаголы. Ключи к сборнику упражнений. Уровень: А1-В2. 2-е изд., исправленное и переработанное

Я. А. Писарев

© Я. А. Писарев, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0055-0304-6

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

О серии English Tuning

Учебные пособия из серии English Tuning ориентированы на тех, кто начинал учить английский, но не доучил его. Кто что-то помнит, а что-то забыл. Кто, вроде бы, знает язык, но побаивается его применять, потому что не хватает уверенности в правильности сказанного. Кто давно хотел заняться английским, но никак не мог собраться.

Наши книги помогут вам отшлифовать уже имеющиеся навыки, вспомнить известные слова и конструкции, узнать новое и начать применять его с первых же занятий. Мы учитываем региональные особенности нашей аудитории, поэтому наши материалы для русскоязычных читателей отличаются от книг для иностранцев. Даже если вы никогда не учили язык, вы узнаете многие слова и выражения, знакомые из рекламы, фильмов и песен.

Серия English Tuning рассчитана на широкий круг изучающих язык – от старшеклассников до взрослых и очень взрослых. Она является прекрасным практическим дополнением к теоретическим материалам других авторов и серий, но может использоваться и отдельно для отработки аспектов языка, которым посвящена каждая из наших книг.

Несмотря на то, что для автоматизации употребления языковых структур требуется многократное повторение, English Tuning позволяет делать это ненапряжно. Некоторых персонажей вы легко узнаете, но, естественно, все совпадения с реальными лицами и событиями случайны. Мы стараемся подавать материал максимально компактно, чтобы не тратить ваше время на преодоление дополнительных языковых сложностей и поиск нужных значений в словарях. Используем современную лексику. Разбавляем упражнения юмором. В общем, стараемся, чтобы учить английский было весело и интересно. Enjoy your English Tuning!

Об этой книге

Цель данной книги – проверить правильность выполнения упражнений из сборника «English Tuning. Irregular Verbs: Неправильные глаголы». Пожалуйста, обратите внимание на то, что в разделе «Translation of Phrases» допустимы и некоторые другие варианты перевода – английский язык богат синонимами и взаимозаменяемыми выражениями. Если в разделе «Sentences» можно дать два правильных ответа, они написаны через косую черту: won / has won. Однако следует учитывать, что при наличии нескольких вариантов ответа они не являются полностью взаимозаменяемыми, а могут подразумевать наличие дополнительных условий для их употребления. Особенности региональных вариантов английского и регистр речи также могут влиять на применение той или иной формы глагола.

Автор выражает благодарность всем своим преподавателям, студентам, ученикам и коллегам за помощь, вдохновение и поддержку!

Мы будем рады вашим комментариям, пожеланиям и предложениям. Пожалуйста, пишите по адресу [email protected].

Section 1. Short Table

Sentences (Verbs in Alphabetical Order)

3. Past Simple

1) brought; 2) was; 3) built; 4) began; 5) beat; 6) chose; 7) became; 8) broke; 9) caught; 10) bought.

4. Past Simple

1) became; 2) brought; 3) beat; 4) broke, gave; 5) built; 6) bought; 7) were; 8) caught; 9) began; 10) chose.

5. Past Simple

1) drove; 2) came; 3) did; 4) cost; 5) drew; 6) drank; 7) fell; 8) ate; 9) felt; 10) cut.

6. Past Simple

1) did; 2) came; 3) drove; 4) cost, bought; 5) felt, came; 6) fell; 7) cut; 8) drew; 9) drank; 10) ate, was.

7. Past Simple

1) went, fought; 2) found; 3) flew; 4) forgot; 5) got; 6) froze; 7) got; 8) gave; 9) forgave, made; 10) fought.

8. Past Simple

1) grew; 2) fought; 3) gave; 4) found, flew; 5) got, went; 6) flew; 7) forgot; 8) froze; 9) forgave; 10) went.

9. Past Simple

1) knew; 2) heard; 3) hid; 4) made; 5) hit; 6) kept; 7) left; 8) let; 9) had; 10) lost.

10. Past Simple

1) had, did; 2) left; 3) kept; 4) made, made; 5) knew; 6) heard, began; 7) hid; 8) lost; 9) hit; 10) let.

11. Past Simple

1) ran; 2) met; 3) rose; 4) sold; 5) paid; 6) put; 7) rode; 8) said, flew; 9) read; 10) saw.

12. Past Simple

1) rose; 2) saw; 3) met; 4) read, got; 5) rode; 6) ran; 7) paid; 8) put; 9) said; 10) sold.

13. Past Simple

1) showed; 2) shook; 3) sent; 4) set; 5) slept; 6) shone; 7) shut; 8) sang; 9) shot, was; 10) sat.

14. Past Simple

1) slept; 2) sent; 3) showed; 4) set; 5) shook, flew; 6) sat; 7) shot; 8) shut; 9) sang, were; 10) shone.

15. Past Simple

1) taught; 2) spoke; 3) stood; 4) threw; 5) stole; 6) swam, left; 7) took; 8) told, was; 9) thought; 10) spent.

16. Past Simple

1) taught, was/were; 2) understood; 3) threw, caught; 4) woke; 5) told; 6) wore; 7) took, went; 8) won; 9) thought, ran; 10) wrote.

17. Past Simple

1) spoke; 2) understood; 3) wore, thought; 4) won; 5) wrote; 6) swam; 7) spent; 8) stood; 9) woke; 10) stole, gave.

18. Present Perfect

1) has broken; 2) has caught; 3) have never been; 4) have chosen; 5) has beaten; 6) have built; 7) has become; 8) has already begun; 9) have brought; 10) have bought.

19. Past Simple and Present Perfect

1) have built; 2) have been; 3) has become; 4) caught; 5) began; 6) have broken; 7) brought / has brought; 8) beat, heard; 9) has bought; 10) has chosen.

20. Present Perfect

1) has drunk; 2) has finally come; 3) has fallen; 4) has cost; 5) have cut; 6) has done; 7) have drawn; 8) have never felt; 9) have always driven; 10) have eaten.

21. Past Simple and Present Perfect

1) felt; 2) came / has come, won / have won; 3) have cut; 4) drew; 5) drove, was; 6) drank / has drunk; 7) have done; 8) have eaten; 9) has cost; 10) has fallen.

22. Present Perfect

1) have given; 2) has fought; 3) has grown; 4) have frozen; 5) have flown; 6) Have you forgotten; 7) has Chris forgiven; 8) have got / have gotten; 9) have found; 10) has gone.

23. Past Simple and Present Perfect

1) has grown; 2) has found; 3) have flown; 4) went, came; 5) have forgotten; 6) forgave / have forgiven; 7) has flozen; 8) have got / have gotten; 9) fought, lost; 10) gave, has given.

24. Present Perfect

1) has left; 2) has already had; 3) Have you hidden; 4) have made; 5) has heard; 6) has hit; 7) has known; 8) has let; 9) has never kept; 10) have lost.

25. Past Simple and Present Perfect

1) has left; 2) had; 3) has hidden; 4) has made; 5) have just heard; 6) has lost; 7) hit / has hit; 8) has kept; 9) knew; 10) let / has let.

26. Present Perfect

1) have already said; 2) has just ridden; 3) have met; 4) has sold; 5) has put; 6) have read; 7) has risen; 8) has run; 9) have already paid; 10) have never seen.

27. Past Simple and Present Perfect

1) ran; 2) met; 3) paid / has paid; 4) rose, began; 5) have you put; 6) saw, told; 7) read, went; 8) rode, was; 9) said, was; 10) have sold.

28. Present Perfect

1) has never shone; 2) has shot; 3) has sent; 4) have overslept; 5) has set; 6) has shaken; 7) haven’t shown; 8) has just sung; 9) has shut; 10) has sat.

29. Past Simple and Present Perfect

1) sent; 2) set / has set; 3) shook; 4) went, shone; 5) has already shot; 6) has shown; 7) has shut; 8) sang; 9) sat, began; 10) slept.

30. Present Perfect

1) haven’t taken; 2) has spoken; 3) has thrown; 4) has stood; 5) has swum; 6) has taught; 7) haven’t stolen; 8) has told; 9) has never thought; 10) have spent.

31. Present Perfect

1) I have thought; 2) have understood; 3) have just woken; 4) has thrown, hasn’t chosen; 5) have won, haven’t won; 6) has written, have become; 7) has taken; 8) has always worn; 9) has taught, hasn’t taught; 10) have told.

32. Past Simple and Present Perfect

1) spent / have spent; 2) understood / have understood; 3) woke, felt; 4) swam; 5) has worn; 6) wrote / has written; 7) Have you spoken; 8) stood; 9) have won; 10) stole, was.


33. Matching Exercise

Be-was/were-been; beat-beat-beaten; become-became-become; begin-began-begun; break-broke-broken; bring-brought-brought; build-built-built; buy-bought-bought.

34. Matching Exercise

Catch-caught-caught; choose-chose-chosen; come-came-come; cost-cost-cost; cut-cut-cut; eat-ate-eaten.

35. Matching Exercise

Fall-fell-fallen; feel-felt-felt; fight-fought-fought; find-found-found; fly-flew-flown; forget-forgot-forgotten; forgive-forgave-forgiven; freeze-froze-frozen.

36. Matching Exercise

Say-said-said; see-saw-seen; sell-sold-sold; send-sent-sent; set-set-set; sing-sang-sung; sit-sat-sat; speak-spoke-spoken; spend-spent-spent.

37. Matching Exercise

Shoot-shot-shot; shut-shut-shut; show-showed-shown; shine-shone-shone; shake-shook-shaken; stand-stood-stood; steal-stole-stolen; sleep-slept-slept; swim-swam-swum.

38. Matching Exercise

Take-took-taken; teach-taught-taught; tell-told-told; think-thought-thought; throw-threw-thrown; do-did-done; draw-drew-drawn; drink-drank-drunk; drive-drove-driven.

39. Matching Exercise

Get-got-got/gotten; give-gave-given; go-went-gone; grow-grew-grown; have-had-had; hear-heard-heard; hide-hid-hidden; hit-hit-hit.

40. Matching Exercise

Pay-paid-paid; put-put-put; read-read-read; ride-rode-ridden; rise-rose-risen; run-ran-run; leave-left-left; let-let-let; lose-lost-lost.

41. Matching Exercise

Keep-kept-kept; know-knew-known; make-made-made; meet-met-met; understand-understood-understood; wake-woke-woken; wear-wore-worn; win-won-won; write-wrote-written.


42. Past Simple

I found, I forgave, I won, I stole, I slept, I grew, I drank, I met, I put, I took, I understood.

You chose, you forgot, you broke, you bought, you ran, you wrote, you came, you saw, you threw, you thought.

He knew, she brought, it made, he cut, she read, it sent, he gave, she wore, it spent, he sang.

We spoke, we caught, we lost, we felt, we drove, we said, we showed, we froze, we went, we hid.

They shook, they built, they became, they swam, they heard, they beat, they ate, they rode, they shone, they paid.

43. Past Simple

I drew, I sold, I woke, I began, I fought, I was, I flew, I left.

You kept, you taught, you shot, you got, you sat, you had, you told.

He rose, she cost, it set, he shut, she hit, it stood, he let, she caught.

We saw, we spoke, we threw, we drove, we thought, we fell, we felt.

They did, they went, they became, they heard, they took, they understood, they lost.

44. Present Perfect

I have swum, I have lost, I have felt, I have driven, I have won, I have stolen, I have slept, I have met, I have put.

You have grown, you have drunk, you have chosen, you have forgotten, you have broken, you have bought, you have run, you have come, you have seen.

He has read, she has found, it has forgiven, he has sent, she has given, it has worn, he has spent, she has sung, it has ridden, he has shone.

We have spoken, we have drawn, we have sold, we have woken, we have begun, we have fought, we have been, we have flown, we have left, we have taken.

They have shaken, they have built, they have become, they have known, they have brought, they have made, they have beaten, they have eaten.

45. Present Perfect

I have caught, I have said, I have shown, I have frozen, I have gone, I have hidden, I have understood, I have written.

You have seen, you have spoken, you have thrown, you have kept, you have had, you have told, you have thought.

He has risen, it has cost, it has set, he has understood, she has lost, it has shut, he has caught, she has paid.

We have taught, we have shot, we have got / have gotten, we have sat, we have driven, we have thought, we have fallen, we have felt, we have let.

They have cut, they have heard, they have done, they have gone, they have become, they have come, they have taken, they have hit, they have stood.

Translation of Phrases

46. Past Simple

I met you; we understood; he bought; they became; you fell; he forgot; she sent; you threw; I paid; they came; Jack chose; Yuri said; we wore jeans; you broke; you did the work; China made a rocket; she wrote; you brought; I felt; Billy shot.

47. Past Simple

Ivan ran; you caught; he began; we sat; Jim woke; I drew; she forgave; a plane flew; we spent; you showed; you drank; I won; they fought; Olga sang; Veronika went; Ivan hid; he cut; it cost; we lost; the grandmother told.

48. Past Simple

Michael swam; they built; she taught; he stole; she thought; we took; you found; he got; I read; we put; they sold; I left; you ate; he beat; the sun rose; you knew; the moon shone; she shut; we spoke; you gave; he grew; they had; you hit; he froze.

49. Past Simple

I saw; she shook; they were; he drove; we heard; she slept; you stood; you let; we kept; they rode; you were; you set; we drank; you drew; he won; I met; she chose; we became; you kept; Dasha swam; mother taught.

50. Past Simple

He left; I knew; you caught; she bought; Tolstoy wrote; we let; he shut; you felt; she fell; we did the work; he slept; he set a parameter; you began; Tanya drove a bus; I forgot; you thought; we understood; he had; Tim heard; Tom went.

51. Past Simple

He wore shoes; I gave; she froze; we sat; you brought; he beat; she hit; I stood; it cost; he told; Bryan forgave; we made a movie; you hid; you paid; it grew; the police found; you sent; the sun shone; we saw; they spoke.

52. Past Simple

You lost; you read; you shook; they spent; we woke; you showed; the plane flew; you ate; we fought; he shot; she rode; we took; you put; I built; Bill broke; I came; he sold; I cut; you were; he ran; Anna sang; he got.

53. Past Simple

They stole; I said; we threw; he rose; the father began; we hid; she stole; the professor taught; the children understood; we came; you built; you became; he ran; we won; I thought; you caught; she met; they cost; it was; I chose; they drove a car.

54. Past Simple

We were; I drank; she slept; you wrote; I read; the engineer drew; we broke; the ball fell; the man went; I sat; Timur swam; you ate; she brought; Anna forgot; Pavel threw; I fought; he shone; you said; she told; we made a toy; I put.

55. Past Simple

You rose; she let; he was; they gave; you lost; we sold; Zhenya sang; you spoke; I took; we hit; they heard; I got; he sent; I woke; we did an exercise; he flew; we spent; she left the country; you showed; he wore a sweater.

56. Past Simple

You bought; I paid; she knew; we saw; they shook; you forgave; you froze; Jacob found; Jane felt; he grew; I kept; they shot; you shut; she cut; we had; they beat; the children rode; they stood; I set.

57. Present Perfect

He has brought; we have lost; they have thrown; you have met; Vasily has understood; Dasha has worn a T-shirt; Masha has brought; we have bought; it has cost; we have built; you have kept; she has felt; Tim has thought; Mike has won; I have been; she has let; we have paid; you have eaten; he has found; I have caught.

58. Present Perfect

The plane has flown away; we have shut; you have fought; they have shown; the cook has cut; you have chosen; Marina has swum; Natasha has frozen; Dima has broken; I have taken; you have taught; she has told; we have forgiven; he has drawn; Sergey has become; they have stolen; Katya has forgotten; he has hit; you have woken; I have gone.

59. Present Perfect

I have written; we have given; he has driven; an apple has fallen; they have known; you have read; they have ridden; we have sent; Irina has heard; Elena has made a pizza; Sasha has drunk; we have sung; we have grown up; they have sold; she has put; you have spoken; they have sat; it has risen.

60. Present Perfect

They have shaken; we have done our job; you have slept; the concert has begun; the policemen have shot; the lamp has shone; they have spent; I have said; we have had; he has see; Jessica has come; you have beaten; he has hidden; it has stood; the children have run; you have gone; it has got/gotten cold; he has set.

61. Present Perfect

I have been; we have thought; we have met; you have eaten; he has sold; she has fought; they have swum; Jim has become; the company has bought; Dina has woken; you have broken; you have come; I have written; it has risen; the country has built; the project has cost; you have made; he has thrown; Maria has taught.

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