ТОП-50 лучших книг в жанре Фармакология

Фармакология - ТОП 50 лучших книг

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Textbook of Pharmacoepidemiology
The Textbook of Pharmacoepidemiology provides a streamlined text for evaluating the safety and effectiveness of medicines. It includes a brief introduction to pharmacoepidemiology as well as sections on data sources, methodology and applications. Each chapter includes key points, case studies and essential references. One-step resource to gain understanding of the subject of pharmacoepidemiology at an affordable price Gives a perspective on the subject from academia, pharmaceutical industry and regulatory agencies Designed for students with basic knowledge of epidemiology and public health Includes many case studies to illustrate pharmacoepidemiology in real clinical setting
Drug Truths. Dispelling the Myths About Pharma R & D
This book answers the questions about the process and costs of pharmaceutical R & D in a compelling narrative focused on the discovery and development of important new medicines. It gives an insider's account of the pharmaceutical industry drug discovery process, the very real costs of misperceptions about the industry, the high stakes–both economic and scientific–of developing drugs, the triumphs that come when new compounds reach the market and save lives, and the despair that follows when new compounds fail. In the book, John LaMattina, former president of Pfizer Global Research and Development, weaves themes critical to a vital drug discovery environment in the context. This is a story that Dr. LaMattina is uniquely qualified to tell.
Research Methods in Community Medicine
A simple and systematic guide to the planning and performance of investigations concerned with health and disease and with health care Offers researchers help in choosing a topic and to think about shaping objectives and ideas and to link these with the appropriate choice of method Fully updated with new sections on the use of the Web and computer programmes freely available in the planning, performance or analysis of studies
The latest edition of this highly acclaimed textbook, provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the science and medical applications of biopharmaceutical products. Biopharmaceuticals refers to pharmaceutical substances derived from biological sources, and increasingly, it is synonymous with 'newer' pharmaceutical substances derived from genetic engineering or hybridoma technology. This superbly written review of the important areas of investigation in the field, covers drug production, plus the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of action together with the biotechnology of major biopharmaceutical types on the market or currently under development. There is also additional material reflecting both the technical advances in the area and detailed information on key topics such as the influence of genomics on drug discovery.
Фармакология 3-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебник и практикум для вузов
Изложены вопросы общей и частной фармакологии. Приведены характеристики основных групп лекарственных препаратов: особенности химического строения, фармакологические аффекты, механизм действия, показания к применению, побочные эффекты, противопоказания. В конце каждой темы приведены контрольные вопросы и задания для самостоятельной подготовки. Работу с материалом облегчают рисунки и таблицы. Соответствует актуальным требованиям федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования. Для студентов высших медицинских и фармацевтических учебных заведений, получающих первое или второе высшее образование, провизоров, врачей общей практики (семейных врачей) и врачей других специальностей.
Фармакология. Учебник для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Стоматология»
Учебник «Фармакология» для студентов-стоматологов написан преподавателями кафедры фармакологии Института Фармации им. А. П. Нелюбина ФГАОУ ВО Первый МГМУ им. И. М. Сеченова. Содержание учебника полностью соответствует программе изучаемого курса. Книга знакомит читателя с предметом и задачами фармакологии, принципами классификации лекарственных средств, основами фармакокинетики и фармакодинамики, влиянием различных факторов на воздействие лекарственных веществ и их побочные эффекты. Раздел частной фармакологии содержит информацию о препаратах основных фармакологических групп. Особое внимание уделено препаратам, применяемым в стоматологии. Отдельная глава посвящена устранению неотложных медицинских ситуаций в стоматологическом кабинете. Для студентов стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов, молодых специалистов и врачей-стоматологов.
Evaluating Pharmaceuticals for Health Policy and Reimbursement
“The challenge in all settings is to make the difficult decisions in a way that is defensible, justifiable, ethical, and equitable” So write Nick Freemantle and Suzanne Hill in their introduction to this important discussion on decision making in the reimbursement of pharmaceuticals. Based around a programme supported by the World Health Organization, chapters by leading academics involved in the research tackle such major issues as international pharmaceutical policy, tensions in licensing policies, priority setting, and relationships between the stakeholders. Chapters include Development of marketing authorisation procedures for pharmaceuticals Interpreting clinical evidence International pharmaceutical policy: health creation or wealth creation? Development of fourth hurdle policies around the world Economic modelling in drug reimbursement Priority setting in health care: matching decision criteria with policy objectives Tensions in licensing and reimbursement decisions: case of riluzole for amytrophic…
Human Drug Metabolism
Drug metabolism is a core area of pharmacology. Before any drug can be licensed it is essential to know how the body metabolises the drug, and the short and long-term effects it has on the body. It is an area of rapid advancement, which brings together the fields of pharmacy, pharmacology and medicine. This new text provides a concise, user-friendly introduction to drug metabolism that is ideal for undergraduates. Focusing on a conceptual understanding of the drug metabolism system, the book illustrates the basic mechanisms on how xenobiotics are detected, chemically modified and then eliminated from human systems.
Pharmaceutical Bioassays
The definitive compendium of bioassay procedures and applications A virtual encyclopedia of key bioassay protocols, this up-to-date, essential resource reviews the methods and applications of bioassays that quantify drug activity and evaluate the validity of pharmacological models. Demonstrating the specific ways in which various pharmaceutical bioassays interpret the activity of drug molecules, the book covers the evaluation and screening of drug compounds in a wide spectrum of therapeutic categories. Throughout, the authors use various models to link experimental observations with findings that clarify the effect of drug compounds on cellular biology and measure the pharmacological activity of chemical substances. This provides an important technological platform for successful drug research and clinical therapy, making Pharmaceutical Bioassays an ideal sourcebook for pharmacologists, pharmaceutical and medical researchers, analytical chemists, toxicologists, and students. Just as a fundamental knowledg…
Clinical Trials
This comprehensive, unified text on the principles and practice of clinical trials presents a detailed account of how to conduct the trials. It describes the design, analysis, and interpretation of clinical trials in a non-technical manner and provides a general perspective on their historical development, current status, and future strategy. Features examples derived from the author's personal experience.
High Content Screening
The authoritative reference on High Content Screening (HCS) in biological and pharmaceutical research, this guide covers: the basics of HCS: examples of HCS used in biological applications and early drug discovery, emphasizing oncology and neuroscience; the use of HCS across the drug development pipeline; and data management, data analysis, and systems biology, with guidelines for using large datasets. With an accompanying CD-ROM, this is the premier reference on HCS for researchers, lab managers, and graduate students.
Integrated Cardiac Safety
The serious nature of cardiovascular adverse drug reactions occurring in patients makes assessment of a drug's cardiac safety profile a high priority during both development and post-approval monitoring. Integrated Cardiac Safety provides necessary guidance and methodology for professionals assessing cardiac safety of drugs throughout all stages of the drug's life, from discovery and development through postmarketing research. This self-contained, reader-friendly text is valuable to professionals in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and CRO industries, pharmacologists, toxicologists, government officials, and students.
Основы фармакологии и токсикологии для биологов
Данное учебное пособие представляет собой расширенное изложение материала курса лекций по Фармакологии и токсикологии, читаемых на биологическом факультете МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова для студентов и аспирантов, обучающихся по специальности «физиология человека и животных». Книга включает в себя следующие разделы – история фармакологии, общая фармакология, фармакодинамика, фармакокинетика, разработка новых лекарственных препаратов и токсикология. В книге проанализированы основные пути взаимодействия вещества с клеткой, описаны способы введения веществ в организм и дозировки лекарственных препаратов. Отдельные разделы учебного пособия посвящены таким темам как фармакогенетика, гормезис, допинг, доказательная медицина, плацебо. Задачей данного пособия является предоставление основных познаний в области воздействия биологически активных веществ на организм человека и животных. Целевая аудитория: бакалавры, магистры, аспиранты и преподаватели высших учебных заведений биологических специальностей.
Сборник тестов по фармацевтической химии. Том 1
Учебное пособие подготовлено сотрудниками кафедры фармацевтической и токсикологической химии им. А. П. Арзамасцева Института фармации ФГАОУ ВО Первого Московского государственного медицинского университета им. И. М. Сеченова под редакцией д-ра фарм. наук, проф. Г. В. Раменской. Пособие выполнено в рамках квалификационной характеристики по специальности 33.05.01 «Фармация». Оно предназначено для проверки уровня подготовки студентов, а также для формирования умений и навыков, необходимых в практической деятельности провизора в области стандартизации и контроля качества лекарственных средств.
Essential Statistics for the Pharmaceutical Sciences
… this text takes a novel approach… The style… is not as dry as other statistics texts, and so should not be intimidating even to a relative newcomer to the subject… The layout is easy to navigate, there are chapter aims, summaries and “key point boxes” throughout. -The Pharmaceutical Journal, 2008 This text is a clear, accessible introduction to the key statistical techniques employed for the analysis of data within this subject area. Written in a concise and logical manner, the book explains why statistics are necessary and discusses the issues that experimentalists need to consider. The reader is carefully taken through the whole process, from planning an experiment to interpreting the results, avoiding unnecessary calculation methodology. The most commonly used statistical methods are described in terms of their purpose, when they should be used and what they mean once they have been performed. Numerous examples are provided throughout the text, all within a pharmaceutical context, with key points hig…
Pharmaceutical Toxicology in Practice. A Guide to Non-clinical Development
This book describes, with references to key source materials, the background to, and conduct of, the principal nonclinical studies that are central to drug development. The chapters provide an understanding of the key components of the preclinical phase of drug development with a hands-on description, with core chapters addressing study conduct, types, and reporting. As such, it is a practical guide through toxicology testing and an up-to-date reference on current issues, new developments, and future directions in toxicology. Opening with a practical description of toxicology and its role in the development of pharmaceuticals, the book proceeds to detail international regulations (including the impact of the new REACH standards for chemical safety), interdisciplinary interactions among scientists in drug development, steps in toxicity testing, and risk management. Further, the book covers the methods of genetic toxicology (assays, genomics, in vivo screening) as a complement to “traditional” toxicology in…
Oral Bioavailability. Basic Principles, Advanced Concepts, and Applications
Understand and assess the design, delivery, and efficacy of orally administered drugs A practical guide to understanding oral bioavailability, one of the major hurdles in drug development and delivery, Oral Bioavailability: Basic Principles, Advanced Concepts, and Applications is designed to help chemists, biologists, life science researchers, pharmaceutical scientists, pharmacologists, clinicians, and graduate and students become familiar with the fundamentals and practices of the science of oral bioavailability. The difference in rate and extent between a drug taken orally and the actual amount of a drug reaching the circulatory system, oral bioavailability is an essential parameter for determining the efficacy and adverse effects of new and developing medications, as well as finding an optimal dosing regimen. This book provides a much-needed one-stop resource to help readers better understand and appreciate the many facets and complex problems of oral bioavailability, including the basic barriers to or…
Molecular Pathology in Drug Discovery and Development
Covers powerful new tools for drug development Molecular pathology offers tools and techniques that can greatly enhance the drug discovery and development process, helping to make the promises of personalized medicine a reality. Molecular Pathology in Drug Discovery and Development provides an unmatched guide to this cutting-edge discipline and its applications to pharmaceutical science. With contributions from leading lights in drug discovery, drug development, and molecular pathology balanced by a consistent editorial approach, this reference offers both an overview of molecular pathology and a close look at the methods as they are applied to the process of drug discovery and development. Presented as steps in the drug development process, the coverage includes the use of molecular pathology to: Identify and validate new drug candidates Enhance transcriptional profiling to better find and validate biomarkers Assess toxicology Employ toxicogenomics to identify genes relevant to the safety of compounds Id…
Технология изготовления лекарственных форм. Жидкие лекарственные формы. Учебное пособие для СПО
Данное пособие содержит краткое изложение теоретических основ изготовления и свойств жидких лекарственных форм, получивших распространение в медицинской практике из-за их универсальности, удобства применения, высокой биодоступности. Приведены теоретические основы с примерами расчетов, вопросы и задания для самоподготовки, даны ситуационные задачи и тестовые задания. Соответствует современным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным квалификационным требованиям.
Successful Drug Discovery
With its focus on drugs so recently introduced that they have yet to be found in any other textbooks or general references, the information and insight found here makes this a genuinely unique handbook and reference. Following the successful approach of the previous volumes in the series, inventors and primary developers of successful drugs from both industry and academia tell the story of the drug's discovery and describe the sometimes twisted route from the first drug candidate molecule to the final marketed drug. The 11 case studies selected describe recent drugs ranging across many therapeutic fields and provide a representative cross-section of present-day drug developments. Backed by plenty of data and chemical information, the insight and experience of today?s top drug creators makes this one of the most useful training manuals that a junior medicinal chemist may hope to find. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry has endorsed and sponsored this project because of its high education…
Therapeutic Targets. Modulation, Inhibition, and Activation
The Latest Applications For Cellmechanism Research in Drug Discovery Designed to connect research on cell mechanisms with the drug discovery process, Therapeutic Targets: Modulation, Inhibition, and Activation introduces readers to a range of new concepts and novel approaches to drug screening and therapeutic drug targeting to help inform future avenues of drug research. Highly topical, this accessible edited volume features chapters contributed by respected experts from around the globe. The book helps postgraduate students and professional scientists working in academia and industry understand the molecular mechanisms of pharmacology, current pharmacological knowledge, and future perspectives in drug discovery, focusing on important biochemical protein targets and drug targeting strategies for specific diseases. Examining the pharmacology of therapeutically undefined targets and their potential applications, it includes chapters on traditional therapeutic targets, including enzymes (phosphodiesterases a…
The fourth edition of Pharmacoepidemiology is an outstanding and fully comprehensive textbook, which will be an essential resource for all interested in the field—in academia, in regulatory agencies, in industry and in the law. Brian Strom’s classic textbook continues both to reflect the increased maturation of pharmacoepedemiology and to help shape it’s direction. Reviews of previous editions of his celebrated textbook include: «The book is essential reading for anyone interested in pharmacoepidemiology.» INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY “…an excellent textbook and a comprehensive reference which belongs in the library of every pharmaceutical manufacturer and regulator." EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
Genomics in Drug Discovery and Development
Early characterization of toxicity and efficacy would significantly impact the overall productivity of pharmaceutical R&D and reduce drug candidate attrition and failure. By describing the available platforms and weighing their relative advantages and disadvantages, including microarray data analysis, Genomics in Drug Discovery and Development introduces readers to the biomarker, pharmacogenomic, and toxicogenomics toolbox. The authors provide a valuable resource for pharmaceutical discovery scientists, preclinical drug safety department personnel, regulatory personnel, discovery toxicologists, and safety scientists, drug development professionals, and pharmaceutical scientists.
Computer Applications in Pharmaceutical Research and Development
A unique, holistic approach covering all functions and phases of pharmaceutical research and development While there are a number of texts dedicated to individual aspects of pharmaceutical research and development, this unique contributed work takes a holistic and integrative approach to the use of computers in all phases of drug discovery, development, and marketing. It explains how applications are used at various stages, including bioinformatics, data mining, predicting human response to drugs, and high-throughput screening. By providing a comprehensive view, the book offers readers a unique framework and systems perspective from which they can devise strategies to thoroughly exploit the use of computers in their organizations during all phases of the discovery and development process. Chapters are organized into the following sections: * Computers in pharmaceutical research and development: a general overview * Understanding diseases: mining complex systems for knowledge * Scientific information handl…
БАДы и витамины. Как восполнить дефицит и избежать передозировки
Книга Анны Маховой, доктора медицинских наук, врача-клинического фармаколога и терапевта, познакомит вас с темой витаминов, минералов и БАДов. Вы узнаете, для чего нужны питательные вещества и что происходит при их нехватке, чем добавки отличаются от лекарств, можно ли принимать добавки «для профилактики» во время лекарственной терапии и беременности. В подробном путеводителе по миру питательных веществ содержатся лайфхаки по приему БАДов и витаминов, разбор их свойств и основных ошибок при выборе. Лишаются ли полезных свойств консервированные, замороженные и обработанные продукты? Как проявляются дефициты полезных веществ в организме? Существуют ли идеальные БАДы? Какие витамины не сочетаются между собой? Обо всем этом – уже в книге «БАДы и витамины». Внимание! Информация, содержащаяся в книге, не может служить заменой консультации врача. Перед совершением любых рекомендуемых действий необходимо проконсультироваться со специалистом. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.
Технология изготовления лекарственных форм. Мягкие лекарственные формы. Учебное пособие для СПО
Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС СПО по специальности «Фармация» и предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов, обучающихся по модулю ПМ 02. «Изготовление лекарственных форм и проведение обязательных видов внутриаптечного контроля». Соответствует современным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным квалификационным требованиям. В пособии представлены вопросы для теоретической проработки изучаемых тем, рецепты и ситуационные задачи, а также расчетные задания и тесты для самоконтроля знаний, полученных в процессе изучения предлагаемого материала по производству и изготовлению мягких лекарственных форм. Задания отражают актуальные в практическом отношении проблемы фармацевтической технологии и способствуют выработке у студентов умения анализировать теоретические проблемы, связанные с изготовлением и производством лекарственных средств.
Computer Applications in Pharmaceutical Research and Development
A unique, holistic approach covering all functions and phases of pharmaceutical research and development While there are a number of texts dedicated to individual aspects of pharmaceutical research and development, this unique contributed work takes a holistic and integrative approach to the use of computers in all phases of drug discovery, development, and marketing. It explains how applications are used at various stages, including bioinformatics, data mining, predicting human response to drugs, and high-throughput screening. By providing a comprehensive view, the book offers readers a unique framework and systems perspective from which they can devise strategies to thoroughly exploit the use of computers in their organizations during all phases of the discovery and development process. Chapters are organized into the following sections: * Computers in pharmaceutical research and development: a general overview * Understanding diseases: mining complex systems for knowledge * Scientific information handl…
Остеопороз, лидер среди заболеваний костей и суставов, требует особенно взвешенного подхода в терапии. Недостаточная диагностика и побочные эффекты от медикаментозной профилактики, затрагивающие коронарные артерии, – вот только некоторые из актуальных проблем ведения больных с таким диагнозом. А.Л. Вёрткин и соавторы детально рассматривают патогенез, диагностику и фармакотерапию остеопороза в неразрывной связи с кардиологическими рисками. Клинические случаи, данные актуальных исследований и сравнительный анализ схем по профилактике и лечению остеопороза, а также практические рекомендации делают пособие незаменимым в практике терапевтов, травматологов, ревматологов и ортопедов.
The Management of Chemical Process Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Here is a practical guide that not only presents insights into the organization and management of the disciplines involved in chemical process development but also provides basic knowledge of these disciplines, enabling process development practitioners to recognize and assimilate them in their work. This book illustrates practical considerations through many examples of the successful direction and integration of the activities of chemists, analysts, chemical engineers, and biologists, as well as safety, regulatory, and environmental professionals in productive teams. Moreover, this reference provides guidance on: Directing and carrying out specific tasks and courses of action Making and communicating clear and achievable decisions Solving problems on the spot Managing the administrative aspects of chemical process development The author, Dr. Derek Walker, has directed chemical process development work for four decades, combining firsthand chemical synthesis experience with many other disciplines needed …
A Clinical Trials Manual From The Duke Clinical Research Institute. Lessons from a Horse Named Jim
The publication of the second edition of this manual comes at an important juncture in the history of clinical research. As advances in information technology make it possible to link individuals and groups in diverse locations in jointly seeking the answers to pressing global health problems, it is critically important to remain vigilant about moral and ethical safeguards for every patient enrolled in a trial. Those who study this manual will be well aware of how to ensure patient safety along with fiscal responsibility, trial efficiency, and research integrity. —Robert Harrington, Professor of Medicine, Director, Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, North Carolina, USA The Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) is one of the world's leading academic clinical research organizations; its mission is to develop and share knowledge that improves the care of patients around the world through innovative clinical research. This concise handbook provides a practical «nuts and bolts» approach to the process…
Biomolecular Simulations in Structure-Based Drug Discovery
A timely and topical survey of modern simulation tools and their applications in real-life drug discovery, allowing for better and quicker results in structure-based drug design. The first part of this practical guide for industry professionals describes common tools used in the biomolecular simulation of drugs and their targets. A critical analysis of the accuracy of the predictions, the integration of modeling with other experimental data combined with numerous case studies from different therapeutic fields enable users to quickly adopt these new methods for their current projects. The second part then shows how these tools can be applied to drug discovery and development projects. Modeling experts from the pharmaceutical industry and from leading academic institutions present real-life examples for important target classes such as GPCRs, kinases and amyloids as well as for common challenges in structure-based drug discovery. With its inclusion of novel methods and strategies for the modeling of drug-ta…
Symptoms in the Pharmacy
A practical and evidence-based guide for student, pre-registration and qualified pharmacists Symptoms in the Pharmacy is an indispensable guide to the management of common symptoms seen in the pharmacy. With advice from an author team that includes both pharmacists and GPs, the book covers ailments which will be encountered in the pharmacy on a daily basis. Now in its sixth edition Symptoms in the Pharmacy has been fully revised to reflect the latest evidence and availability of new medicines. There are new sections and case studies for 'POM' to 'P' switches including chloramphenicol, sumatriptan, diclofenac, naproxen and amorolfine. This edition features colour photographs of skin conditions for the first time enabling the differentiation and diagnosis of common complaints. The public health and illness prevention content have been expanded to support this increasingly important aspect of the pharmacist’s work. The book is designed for quick and easy reference with separate chapters for each ailment. Eac…
Фармакология с общей рецептурой
Учебное пособие подготовлено в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом по специальности 33.02.01 «Фармация». В пособии содержится теоретический материал о правилах выписывания врачебных рецептов, даны понятия об основных лекарственных формах, приведены примеры коррекции рецептов. В конце каждой главы даны задания для самоконтроля знаний. В процессе решения задач студент приобретает определенные навыки как по выписыванию рецептов, так и по их коррекции. При затруднении в решении задачи студент может обратиться к ответам и решениям, которые находятся в конце пособия. Предназначено для студентов фармацевтических отделений медицинских колледжей, а также факультетов среднего медицинского образования вузов, обучающихся по специальности «Фармация».
Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems
Studies of thermodynamics often fail to demonstrate how the mathematical intricacies of the subject relate to practical laboratory applications. Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems makes these connections clear, emphasizing specific applications to pharmaceutical systems in a study created specifically for contemporary curriculums at colleges of pharmacy. Students investigating drug discovery, drug delivery, and drug action will benefit from Kenneth Connors’s authoritative treatment of the fundamentals of thermodynamics as well as his attention to drug molecules and experimental considerations. An extensive appendix that reviews the mathematics needed to master the pharmacy curriculum proves an invaluable reference. Connors divides his one-of-a-kind text into three sections: Basic Thermodynamics, Thermodynamics of Physical Processes, and Thermodynamics of Chemical Processes; chapters include: Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics The Entropy Concept Phase Transformations Solubility Acid-Base Equ…
Statistics show that out of five thousand compounds with initial promise, five will go into human clinical trials, and only one will become an approved drug. This tiny fraction illustrates the huge complexities involved in bringing a drug to market, a process that brings together scientific research, medical ethics, business, and various regulatory agencies. Drugs-From Discovery to Approval presents a clear, step-by-step overview of the entire process. Using simple language, this comprehensive guide introduces basic concepts, then moves on to discuss disease target selection and the discovery processes for both small and large molecule drugs. Subsequent chapters explain preclinical studies, clinical trials, regulatory issues, good manufacturing practices (GMPs), and perspectives on the future. Coverage also includes: * A helpful listing of current FDA and European guidelines * A special section on regulatory authorities and processes in Japan and China * Rich illustrations throughout, including more than …
Pharmacogenetics and Individualized Therapy
This resource provides thorough coverage of pharmacogenetics and its impact on pharmaceuticals, therapeutics, and clinical practice. It opens with the basics of pharmacogenetics, including drug disposition and pharmacodynamics. The following section moves into specific disease areas, including cardiovascular, psychiatry, cancer, asthma/COPD, adverse drug reactions, transplantation, inflammatory bowel disease, and pain medication. Clinical practice and ethical issues make up the third section, with the fourth devoted to technologies like genotyping, genomics, and proteomics. In the fifth part, chapters discuss the impact of key regulatory issues on the pharmaceutical industry.
Enzyme Inhibition in Drug Discovery and Development. The Good and the Bad
The science and applied approaches of enzyme inhibition in drug discovery and development Offering a unique approach that includes both the pharmacologic and pharmaco-kinetic aspects of enzyme inhibition, Enzyme Inhibition in Drug Discovery and Development examines the scientific concepts and experimental approaches related to enzyme inhibition as applied in drug discovery and drug development. With chapters written by over fifty leading experts in their fields, Enzyme Inhibition in Drug Discovery and Development fosters a cross-fertilization of pharmacology, drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology by understanding the «good» inhibitions—desirable pharmacological effects—and «bad» inhibitions—drug–drug interactions and toxicity. The book discusses: The drug discovery process, including drug discovery strategy, medicinal chemistry, analytical chemistry, drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and safety biomarker assessment The manipulations of drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters as well as the…
G Protein-coupled Receptors
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are membrane proteins that transduce a vast array of extracellular signals into intracellular reactions ranging from cell-cell communication processes to physiological responses. They play an important role in a variety of diseases from cancer and diabetes, to neurodegenerative, inflammatory and respiratory disorders. GPCRs are therefore of utmost interest in drug development: over half of all prescription drugs currently on the market act by targeting these receptors directly or indirectly. G Protein-coupled Receptors: Molecular Pharmacology provides a clear summary of the current knowledge in this fast-evolving field. The book sets out with an introduction to signalling molecules and their receptors, and an overview of the technical approaches used to investigate these interactions. Structural, functional and especially pharmacological aspects of GPCRs are then discussed in more detail and much attention is devoted to the analysis and interpretation of experimental da…
Cyclic-Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases in the Central Nervous System. From Biology to Drug Discovery
This book reviews advances in understanding phosphodiesterases within the central nervous system and their therapeutic applications. A range of expert authors from both academia and industry describe these, then focus on the areas of greatest scientific and medical interest to provide more detailed coverage. Therapeutic and drug discovery applications are covered for diseases including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia, erectile dysfunction, and spinal cord injuries. There is also a chapter on drug discovery tools such as in vitro assays and X-ray structures for medicinal chemistry studies.
Drug Efficacy, Safety, and Biologics Discovery. Emerging Technologies and Tools
Drug Efficacy, Safety, and Biologics Discovery: Emerging Technologies and Tools covers key emerging technologies in pharmaceutical R & D and how they have substantially impacted (or are currently impacting) drug discovery. The cross-disciplinary collaborations implicit in integrating these technologies with drug discovery operations will fuel the engine for future innovations. This book cuts across the multiple areas of drug discovery, each chapter authored by pioneers in that field, making for a broad appeal to the chemical and biological scientists and technologists involved in drug discovery and development.
Современные лекарственные средства
В настоящее время существует огромное множество медицинских препаратов и их лекарственных форм, рекомендуемых для лечения и облегчения симптомов различных заболеваний. В нашей книге представлена наиболее полная информация о современных лекарственных средствах, действующих на определённые системы организма, о препаратах, применяемых для лечения различного рода заболеваний, о способах применения и дозировке, побочных действиях, показаниях к применению и противопоказаниях. Будьте здоровы и счастливы!
Management of Chemical and Biological Samples for Screening Applications
Filling an obvious gap in the scientific literature, this practice-oriented reference is the first to tie together the working knowledge of large screening centers in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological field. It spans the entire fi eld of this emerging discipline, from compound acquisition to collection optimization for specific purposes, to technology and quality control. In so doing, it applies two decades of expertise gathered by several large pharmaceutical companies to current and future challenges in high-throughput screening. With its treatment of libraries of small molecules as well as biobanks containing biomolecules, microorganisms and tissue samples, this reference is universally applicable for any molecular scientist involved in a large screening program.
Фармакология. Учебное пособие для СПО
Пособие для студентов I курса 1, 2 семестра по изучению учебной дисциплины ОП.07 «Фармакология» предназначено для самостоятельной подготовки к практическим занятиям по специальности «Лечебное дело» (очная форма обучения). Методические рекомендации разработаны в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС, рабочей программой и календарно-тематическим планом по учебной дисциплине «Фармакология». Данное пособие позволит студентам получить необходимую информацию для подготовки к практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Фармакология», глубже усвоить материал и закрепить знания по изучаемой теме.
Systems Biology in Drug Discovery and Development
The first book to focus on comprehensive systems biology as applied to drug discovery and development Drawing on real-life examples, Systems Biology in Drug Discovery and Development presents practical applications of systems biology to the multiple phases of drug discovery and development. This book explains how the integration of knowledge from multiple sources, and the models that best represent that integration, inform the drug research processes that are most relevant to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The first book to focus on comprehensive systems biology and its applications in drug discovery and development, it offers comprehensive and multidisciplinary coverage of all phases of discovery and design, including target identification and validation, lead identification and optimization, and clinical trial design and execution, as well as the complementary systems approaches that make these processes more efficient. It also provides models for applying systems biology to pharmacoki…
Фармакология. Учебник в 2 томах
Учебник подготовлен коллективом авторов ФГАОУ ВО Первый МГМУ им. И. М. Сеченова Минздрава России (Сеченовский Университет) с учетом всех требований, предъявляемых Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом высшего образования последнего поколения. В новом издании учебника, значительно переработанном и дополненном, представлены основные разделы общей и частной фармакологии. В томе 1 рассмотрены вопросы общей фармакологии: фармакокинетика, фармакодинамика и влияние различных факторов на действие лекарственных веществ, а также разделы частной фармакологии, освещающие средства, действующие преимущественно на афферентное звено периферической нервной системы, средства, действующие на эфферентную иннервацию, средства, действующие на центральную нервную систему, и средства, действующие на функцию исполнительных органов и систем. В томе 2 продолжается рассмотрение разделов частной фармакологии. Приводится обзор средств, угнетающих воспаление и регулирующих иммунные процессы, а также большая группа прот…
Drug Delivery Applications of Noninvasive Imaging. Validation from Biodistribution to Sites of Action
Cost-effective strategies for designing novel drug delivery systems that target a broad range of disease conditions In vivo imaging has become an important tool for the development of new drug delivery systems, shedding new light on the pharmacokinetics, biodistribution, bioavailability, local concentration, and clearance of drug substances for the treatment of human disease, most notably cancer. Written by a team of international experts, this book examines the use of quantitative imaging techniques in designing and evaluating novel drug delivery systems and applications. Drug Delivery Applications of Noninvasive Imaging offers a full arsenal of tested and proven methods, practices and guidance, enabling readers to overcome the many challenges in creating successful new drug delivery systems. The book begins with an introduction to molecular imaging. Next, it covers: In vivo imaging techniques and quantitative analysis Imaging drugs and drug carriers at the site of action, including low-molecular weight …
Микроволновой синтез биологически активных соединений и фармацевтических субстанций
Практикум включает описание лабораторных работ, иллюстрирующих экспериментальные методы получения фармацевтических субстанций и биологически активных соединений с использованием микроволнового воздействия. Приведены примеры использования микроволнового воздействия при проведении различного типа реакции. Практикум представляет интерес для студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов, изучающих дисциплины «Органическая химия», «Органическая химия веществ природного происхождения», «Химия биологически активных веществ», и специализирующихся в области синтеза фармацевтических субстанций и биологически активных соединений.
Технология изготовления лекарственных форм. Педиатрические и гериатрические лекарственные средства. Учебное пособие для СПО
Пособие отражает актуальные в практическом отношении проблемы фармацевтической технологии и способствуют выработке у студентов умения анализировать теоретические проблемы, связанные с изготовлением и производством лекарственных средств. Соответствует современным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным квалификационным требованиям. Пособие рекомендуется для студентов фармацевтического факультета очной формы обучения, обучающихся по специальности «Фармация» по дисциплине «Фармацевтическая технология», для ординаторов фармацевтического факультета, а также для студентов медицинских колледжей направления «Фармация» при изучении модуля ПМ.02 «Изготовление лекарственных форм и проведение обязательных видов внутриаптечного контроля».
Лекарственнo-индуцированные заболевания. Том IV
Монография посвящена диагностике и лечению лекарственно-индуцированных заболеваний и состоит из 12 разделов. Пятый раздел «Лекарственно-индуцированные заболевания в пульмонологии», представленный в данном томе, содержит информацию о лекарственно-индуцированных поражениях органов дыхания: лекарственно-индуцированных кашле, бронхоспазме, повышении температуры тела, легочной гипертензии, интерстициальных заболеваниях легких и поражении плевры. В шестом разделе «Лекарственно-индуцированные заболевания в нефрологии», который также содержится в этом томе, обсуждаются вопросы лекарственно-индуцированных острого повреждения почек, мочекаменной болезни, инфекций мочевыводящий путей, гломерулопатий. В каждой главе приводятся данные по эпидемиологии, патогенезу, диагностике, дифференциальной диагностике, лечению и профилактике соответствующего лекарственно-индуцированного заболевания или синдрома. Каждая глава иллюстрирована таблицей, в которой суммированы лекарственные средства, применение которых ассоциировано с р…
Antiviral Drugs. From Basic Discovery Through Clinical Trials
This book focuses on new small molecule approaches to combat viral infections. The chapters describe the discovery and development from bench through the clinic of relatively recently-approved antiviral drugs and compounds in advanced clinical development. Organized by a virus (such as HIV, HCV, RSV, influenza, HBV and CMV) and written by top academic and industrial authorities in the field, the book provides a unique opportunity to study, understand and apply discovery and development principles and learning without the need for an individual to research, analyze and synthesize all immense sourcing references. Topics showcase challenges and solutions of issues encountered, offering tremendous experience accumulated over many years of research that will be particularly useful to basic and bench scientists as well as clinicians as they continue discovering and developing new drugs and therapies.