Исторические любовные романы - ТОП 50 лучших книг
Каждая книга Елизаветы Дворецкой – это захватывающее приключение, мир Древней Руси, в который попадаешь прямо со страниц романа. Ее герои вызывают невольное уважение, их поступки заставляют переживать и радоваться, а их судьбы волнуют так, что невозможно оторваться, не дочитав до конца.
Весной 914 года объединенное войско русских земель возвращается из похода на Хазарское море и везет немалую добычу. Нарушив договор, конница хакан-бека нападет на них на стоянке близ Итиля, чем вынуждает в жестоких сражениях защищать свою добычу и саму жизнь. Но даже для тех, кто сумел уцелеть, трудности только начинаются. Южная часть войска под началом плеснецкого князя Амунда Ётуна пытается с боем прорваться привычным путем, через переволоку с Волги на Дон. Северному войску, которое возглавляют двое братьев из Хольмгарда, Свенельд и Годред, приходится уйти в другую сторону, в неизвестность. Чтобы вернуться домой, им предстоит найти совершенно новый путь на родину через владения незнакомых народов.
А дома Свенельда ждет В…
Любимая жена Фараона умирает при загадочных обстоятельствах. Жрецы настаивают на новом союзе Фараона со жрицей храма Исиды. Командующий Хоремхеб — друг детства Фараона ведёт тайное расследование. Заговор в стенах дворца или воля Богов? Древний Египет и его тайны.
Одинокую норвежскую фермершу Силдж Уре похищает загадочный незнакомец. Он убеждает женщину, что ей угрожает смертельная опасность и только он может ее спасти. Им предстоит проделать длинный путь в "безопасное место", а в дороге у Силдж появится возможность узнать своего похитителя.
Его зовут Франциск Нойманн и он рассказывает Силдж историю своей трагической любви к порывистой и непредсказуемой Астрид Райх.
Но кто она? И какое отношение к ней имеет бедная затворница Силдж?
Содержит нецензурную брань.
История Шестого принца династии Ся. Пройдя многочисленные трудности он и его брат вернули трон и восстановили династию. Казалось бы грядут беззаботные дни для него. Но почему-то тень неизвестной печали окутал его. Удачного прочтения новеллы о древнем Китае
Рассказ из сборника "Первый снег" сербской и югославской писательницы Милицы Мир-Ям (1887-1952). Критики называли ее Джейн Остин сербской литературы. О любви и семейных отношениях мало кто писал на сербском языке с такой теплотой и глубоким знанием характеров и социальных обстоятельств, как это сделала Милица Яковлевич (Мир-Ям). Характеры и судьбы узнаваемы во все времена, и поэтому всегда близки, даже современному читателю.
Прекрасная Аврора Кимберли обладала слишком независимым нравом, чтобы выйти замуж за человека, которого никогда в жизни не видела… точнее, за герцогский титул этого человека.
Лукавая девушка пошла на обман, подсунув в невесты герцогу свою сводную сестру Каландру. Когда же Аврора познакомилась с неотразимым Валерианом Хоксуортом поближе, было уже поздно – она собственными руками подарила Каландре единственного мужчину, с которым могла бы обрести счастье.
Надежды, увы, нет… или все-таки есть?
Влюбленным, как известно, помогает Небо…
Юную Марию обманом выдают замуж за нелюбимого. Встретит ли она когда - нибудь молодого князя Ремизова, которого полюбила ещё в детстве.
Что делать, если однажды ты просыпаешься не в своём мире, а в жизни, полной ограничений и предопределенности? В теле женщины, заключенной в оковы традиций и строгих правил. Когда ты была успешной и независимой, но теперь приходится жить под гнётом деспотичного будущего мужа, которому неведомы ни чувства, ни сострадание.
Как бороться за свои желания и стремления, когда выбор давно сделан за тебя? Разве возможно восстановить справедливость и обрести свободу в условиях, где каждый шаг контролируется?
Вот она — Клавдия Раймус. Спит на слежавшемся тюфяке, не сняв своего парчового платья, разорванного псами. В уродливой маске, защищающей её от чумы, которая бушует за глинобитными стенами лачуги. В рыжих волосах запутался горький дым, под ногтями запеклась кровь. Косой нож гильотины наточен и ждёт. А Клавдии снится конюх без рубашки, и её обветренные губы растягиваются в улыбку.
A gold-rush town is no place for a single mother. But widow Lana Bristow won't abandon the only home her son has ever known. She'll fight to remain in Treasure Creek, Alaska–even if it means wedding Mack Tanner, the man she blames for her husband's death.Mack sees marriage as his duty, the only way to protect his former business partner's family. Yet what starts as an obligation changes as his spoiled socialite bride proves to be a woman of strength and grace. A woman who shows Mack the only treasure he needs is her heart.
Сага о великой любви Клэр Рэндолл и Джейми Фрэзера завоевала сердца миллионов читателей во всем мире. Ради такой любви стоит жить и рисковать жизнью.
XX век. Брианна и Роджер Маккензи вместе со своими детьми, Джемом и Амандой, живут обычной жизнью в поместье Лаллиброх. Они изучают историю любви Джейми и Клэр по старинным письмам и документам, пытаясь отыскать ключи к разгадке запутанной судьбы своей семьи. Но и здесь, в двадцатом столетии, им предстоит столкнуться со старым врагом из прошлого.
XVIII век. Восстание за независимость Америки заставляет Клэр и Джейми покинуть дом и отправиться в Шотландию. Но обстоятельства вновь разделяют супругов, а воссоединение оказывается не таким простым, как представлялось.
Сага о великой любви Клэр Рэндолл и Джейми Фрэзера завоевала сердца миллионов читателей во всем мире. Ради такой любви стоит жить и рисковать жизнью.
1777 год. Находясь среди бушующего восстания за независимость Америки, Клэр и Джейми должны решить, чью сторону они займут. Несмотря на кажущуюся простоту выбора – ведь Клэр уже знает, чем закончится война, – сделать это не так легко. Потому что даже борьба на стороне победителя не гарантирует спасения.
Между тем в относительной безопасности двадцатого столетия Брианна и Роджер Маккензи изучают историю любви Джейми и Клэр по старинным письмам и документам, пытаясь отыскать ключи к разгадке запутанной судьбы своей семьи.
Lady-in-Waiting Mary Betoun knows her future would be secured not by a husband, but by keeping the queen happy.When Mary must prepare a remote castle along the Scottish Borders for the queen's visit, the castle's charming captain, Jamie Davison, is all too happy to help… But Jamie's nearness makes Mary think anything but innocent thoughts…
In Nazi Germany, British agent Jack Anderson risks his life working undercover as an SS officer. And his latest mission–to uncover intelligence about a secret Nazi weapon–is his most perilous yet. Especially since he'll have to work with Katarina Kerensky. The famous actress is too dangerous to trust–and too beautiful to ignore.Desperate to save her mother from the Gestapo, Katia reluctantly agrees to work with the coolly handsome Jack. But can she trust a man whose sense of honor is tangled in a web of lies? In a race against time, Jack and Katia forge an alliance to take down the enemy…and learn whether love can survive in a world gone wrong.
Отпрыск королевской семьи, пусть и незаконнорожденный, должен вступить в брак, подобающий его или ее происхождению, – таков негласный закон царствующих домов Европы. Но на что может рассчитывать несчастный английский принц, если его внебрачная дочь Джиллиан, выросшая на вольных просторах Сицилии, ведет себя не как благородная леди, а как дерзкий мальчишка-сорванец?
В полном отчаянии его высочество решает временно передать Джиллиан под опеку безукоризненного знатока придворного этикета и манер – Чарлза Валентина Пенли, герцога Левертона. Однако воспитание непокорной девчонки принимает весьма неожиданный оборот, когда строгий наставник без памяти влюбляется в очаровательную ученицу…
1815 год. Богатый грузинский князь Серго Асатиани решает жениться на русской подданной. Молодая невеста приезжает в далекую Грузию на предстоящую свадьбу. Однако под именем графини Елены Бутурлиной скрывается совершенно другая девушка – бедная дворянка Софья Замятина. Попав в круговорот интриг и мести местной знати, Софья пытается выжить в опасном краю.
Вторая книга дилогии «Суженый».
A sumptuous wedding feast, two advantageous marriages and a blessing from the golden kingWhen silk merchant John Lambert marries off his two beautiful daughters, their fortunes are set to change forever. Elder daughter Jane starts a notorious liaison with Edward IV, while her sister, Isabel, as the new silkweaver to the court, becomes privy to its most intimate secrets. Could they hold the keys to power in this time of uncertainty?Vanora Bennett brings to life a time of passions and politics, a time of turmoil and tension, a world in flux and a country up for grabs.
Роман Лилии Подгайской "Любовь под знаком Чертополоха" – это повесть о настоящей любви. Любви, которая вопреки всем преградам расцвела пять веков назад в далёкой от нас Шотландии. О всепобеждающей любви, которая смогла преодолеть время и разлуку, которая сделала слабую женщину сильной, а сурового воина – нежным.
Unexpected Holiday BlessingsFinding twin five-year-old boys on his doorstep isn’t the first surprise Reverend Benjamin Lahaye has faced lately. Emery Wilkes, the new schoolteacher the town had hired, turned out to be a very pretty woman—not the man they’d been expecting. And though the twins and Emmy are only boarding with Ben until Christmas, the arrangement feels all too natural.Emmy has moved to Minnesota to put loss behind her. Marriage would mean forsaking her position and her purpose, and Ben is an honorable man who understands her refusal to wed. But as he gets closer to tracking down the little boys’ father, Emmy realizes just how much she wants their sweet temporary family to become permanent.Little Falls Legacy: Building a thriving community through love and faith
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesHe was her father's poor bank clerk. She was a wealthy young lady. Though they were worlds apart, their innocent friendship bloomed into a mutual admiration.Then suddenly Nicholas Tennant was wrenched from Alice Shepard's life. Now, years later, he has returned to London society wealthy and influential, determined to seek revenge on Alice's father–and Alice herself. But she is no longer the spoiled schoolgirl Nicholas remembers.She is a beautiful young widow of conviction and faith, raising a son on her own. Now Nicholas must look deep into his heart. For only in abandoning his thirst for revenge can he finally become the man most worthy of her love.
Nach einer zufälligen Begegnung bei einem von Dianas Fechtkämpfen beschließt Luther sie zu umwerben. Ihr starker Wille und sein Bedürfnis sie zu beschützen prallen aufeinander – es wird sich mit der Zeit herausstellen, ob sie einen Weg an ihren Unterschieden vorbei und im Gegenzug eine andauernde Liebe finden können. Als junges Mädchen beschließt Diana, dass sie es lieber mochte zu fechten, als eine anständige Dame zu sein, aber manchmal ist es ein notwendiges Übel die Regeln der Gesellschaft anzunehmen. Fortuna’s Parlor gibt ihr die Möglichkeit ihre Liebe für das Fechten auszuleben und Bälle der feinen Gesellschaft sind der perfekte Ort, um die heimlichen Wettkämpfe abzuhalten. Schurkisches Verhalten, Glücksspiel und teurer Brandy sind die liebsten Laster Luther Wrights, dem Earl of Northesk. Jedes davon spielte eine Rolle darin die Dämonen, die ihn heimsuchen, zu begraben. Eines Abends verändert sich alles und er ist gezwungen jede Entscheidung, die er getroffen hat, zu hinterfragen. Nach einer zufällig…
Jonathon Bradby would gladly return to fighting the French if it meant avoiding his new title: war hero. Only he knows the reputation isn’t deserved.Then a visit to Sanctuary Bay brings renewed acquaintance with the lovely Lady Catherine Meriweather. He’s drawn to her, yet Cat surely deserves a real hero. Overwhelmed with organizing a Yuletide celebration and her sister’s wedding, Cat gladly accepts Jonathan’s help. Soon she sees the gentle heart he conceals beneath his wit. But Jonathan’s need to prove himself could drive them apart—unless they’re bold enough to seize the unexpected gift of love.
The Sheriff’s Second ChanceSheriff Justice Gareau can make outlaws quake in their boots…yet coming face-to-face with Evangeline Benoit once again takes away all his composure. She broke their engagement, and his heart, to marry a wealthy older man. Despite his reluctance, Justice can’t avoid the widowed single mother of two when they’re collaborating on a Christmas village for the town’s children.The loving boy Evangeline once knew has become an unyielding lawman. Forced to flee New Orleans over false allegations, Evie doubts Justice will take her side when the past follows her to Colorado. Especially when he and her troublesome son butt heads. But perhaps the spirit of Christmas will soften his heart and give them a second chance at love.
The dance she never dared to dream of…One year after a carriage accident killed her parents and left her seriously injured, Lavinia Montgomery has finally learnt to walk again – just in time to make her societal debut. Yet while the beautiful debutante’s body may have healed, she hides a broken heart.Before her injury, Lavinia had exchanged letters with a man she knew to be the love of her life – despite never having set eyes on him. But when she feared she’d be crippled for life, she made the heart-rending decision to let him go…Randolph James Caulfield, Earl of Penwick, is betrothed, but cannot forget the words he once received from a woman whose name he knew, but who he never had the chance to meet. So when, at a ball, his dance partner is introduced, he can’t believe his luck. One thing is certain: if this really is his debutante, he won’t lose her a second time…Fans of Regency romance will adore Anabelle Bryant’s Regency Charms series:1. Defying the Earl2. Undone by His Kiss3. Society’s Most Scandalo…
Game…Matchmaker Wilhelmina Montgomery helps cupid’s arrow find its mark in the drawing rooms of the Ton, effortlessly pairing even the most unlikely couples for a discreet fee. Perhaps not an appropriate pursuit for a lady…but with an ailing sister to care for, it’s Whimsy’s only hope at securing their future.Set…Meanwhile, penniless aristocrat Valerian St. David, Earl of Dashwood is society’s favourite matchbreaker; assisting those who want to escape engagement without being sued for breach of promise. Cynical, yes…but with no intention of falling in love himself, Valerian considers himself ideally suited to the role.…And match!When Whimsy discovers that Valerian has set out to break the very engagement she has been painstakingly arranging, she refuses to allow this mysterious saboteur have his way. Yet she didn’t expect to find the handsome Earl so distractingly alluring. And suddenly, it seems that the Ton’s last two loneliest hearts are in danger of meeting their match… in the most inopportune of plac…
Life as a duchess…Or something much more dangerous…?Part of The King’s Elite. Constantly told her beauty and charm is all she has to offer, Lady Clarissa is intent on marrying a duke. And intriguing spy Sebastian Leatham will help her! Only first she’ll assist him with his new assignment—playing the part of confident aristocrat Lord Millcroft. Sebastian awakens a burning desire within Clarissa which leaves her questioning whether becoming a duchess is what she truly longs for…
Ruined by a rake…Rescued by the reclusive Baron!Following the death of his fiancée, Lord Quinn has sworn off all matters of the heart. But when he happens upon an innocent lady being assaulted his sense of honour insists he step in and rescue her…even if that means marriage to protect Serena’s reputation! However, his new wife remains distant—a stranger to his bed. Can Quinn help Serena fight her demons and finally defeat his own?
An irresistible royal seduction…Daring Prince Nikolay Baklanov feels London is worlds away from his life of battle and revolution in Kuban. But then the Russian ambassador’s daughter, beautiful Klara Grigorieva, approaches him with her father’s dangerous proposition…Since her mother’s death, Klara has complied with all her father’s wishes. She’s virtuous, polished – a Society lady through and through. But meeting dashing Prince Nikolay awakens a rebellious passion in Klara…a passion that only this man can satisfy!
Under the gaze of the ton!As the daughter of wild Pamela Winterley, Eve has always lived in the shadow of scandal. Society watches her every move, waiting for Eve to prove she is just as wayward as her mother…Ever since his father’s scandalous affair, Colm Hancourt has lived life on his own terms. But then he comes face to face with Eve, the daughter of his father’s mistress! It may have begun with a kiss that sets tongues wagging, but could the latest Winterley scandal be the start of something special?
THE COWGIRL TAKES A HUSBAND!To keep the Texas ranch she loves, Hannah Parrish will wed a man she doesn’t. Cowpokes won’t take orders from a young, single female. But while her exasperating neighbor Matt Walker jokes about her being a mere debutante, Hannah is a rancher to the core. Just like Matt. “Will you marry me?” It’s a question widowed Matt never intended to ask again.Now spirited Hannah is asking him for a marriage of convenience! Yet whether she’s birthing a calf or caring for a young orphan, the tomboy next door is becoming the partner Matt always hoped for. Now he must convince her the greatest strength comes in trusting your heart to another—and your future to God….
HERE COMES THE…BRIDE? The heiress Josh O’Malley has courted by mail is on her way to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, to become his wife. His dreams are coming true, and together, they’ll create the family he’s always wanted. But when the stagecoach arrives, it’s not his intended who exits, but her sister, Kate!She came to end her sister’s engagement, but with her duty completed, Kate Morgan is in no hurry to leave. She can’t help but like the beautiful mountain town…and her sister’s would-be groom. If only Josh would realize that his dream can still come true—and love can be found where least expected. Smoky Mountain Matches: Dreams of home and family come true in the Smoky Mountains
Though Caroline Wallace can’t have a family, she can still have a purpose.Becoming Simpson Creek’s new schoolmarm helps heal the heartache of losing Pete, her fiancé, to influenza. Then Pete’s brother arrives, trailing a herd of cattle and twin six-year-old girls. Jack Collier expected Pete and his bride to care for his daughters until he was settled in Montana.But bad weather and worse news strand Jack in Texas until spring. It’s little wonder Caroline grows fond of Abby and Amelia. But could such a refined, warmhearted woman fall for a gruff rancher…before the time comes for him to leave again?
SPINSTER BY CHOICE? In a world of marriage-minded females, Meri McIsaac is steadfastly single. She’s happiest riding on her father’s ranch. At least until the town's new marshal startles her and causes her to fall—literally—at his feet. Then he has the gall to implicate her ranch in a bank hold-up, turning her entire life upside down. This is the woman the local matchmaker thought he should meet?Meri is stubborn and headstrong as a mule. Yet he recognizes her courage and loyalty too, and the grief she carries over her mother’s passing. And if he can protect her from a criminal desperate to cover his tracks, he’ll prove that risking her heart could be the greatest adventure yet.
An Unexpected EncounterFor a few moments on a moonlit balcony, Nicole Beaumont was just a beautiful woman catching the eye of the handsome Lord Devlin—but she knew the illusion couldn't last. If the enigmatic aristocrat knew her secret, he'd realize that her disability left her unfit for love. So who could blame her for hiding the truth a little longer?Devlin had never met a woman like Nicole. Her unique combination of innocence and wisdom left him utterly intrigued. Yet what was she hiding? For a man who did not trust easily, discovering her secret was devastating. Overcoming their pasts and forging a future would take faith, forgiveness and trust. And second chances could lead to new beginnings. . .
Stand-In FatherAs temporary guardian to his twin baby nieces, William Barns barely knows a diaper from a burp cloth. The well-meaning but meddling neighbor ladies suggest a wife–namely Emily Jane Rodgers. Although William isn't in the market for a bride, he needs a loving woman to watch over the children, and Emily Jane fits the bill nicely.Emily Jane agrees to care for William's nieces–not become his betrothed. Fully determined to find her own way in life and to open her own bakery, Emily Jane isn't looking for a husband. But no matter how hard she resists, Emily Jane is roped in by the twins' little hugs and William's tender regard. And soon she longs to be a permanent part of this ready-made family…
A Mutual ArrangementHenrietta Gordon has one dream: to practice medicine alongside the uncle who raised her. But when he insists she stay in London and find a husband, she must figure out a way to earn money toward her goal. Could handsome earl Dominic, Lord St. Raven, be the answer?Desperate to find a governess for his niece after his brother’s death, Dominic hires Henrietta—and is soon taken by her smarts and determination. But as Henrietta comes to care deeply for Dominic and his charge, the thought of inevitably leaving them feels impossible, forcing her to decide what’s more important—following her dreams or her heart.
Her Reluctant Lawman Match Suffragist Lydia Tomlinson won’t stand for the rule banning women from the Batchwell Bottoms mining camp…even if protesting it means “kidnapping” miners to use as leverage. And with Pinkerton Detective Gideon Gault guarding the mail-order brides, the women have chosen her to distract him. Now Lydia just has to pretend interest long enough to reach their goal…Gideon promised to uphold the camp’s code of conduct, but he’s met his match in feisty Lydia. When a gang of outlaws threatens the town, he and Lydia must put their differences aside. And as they join forces to stop the thieves, he can’t help but wish her protest will succeed…so she can stay by his side forever.The Bachelors of Aspen Valley: Love sweeps into town for these hardworking men
Love in Plain Sight As nanny for her nephew, Judith Lapp's finally part of a vibrant, joyful Amish community instead of living on the outskirts looking in. But teaching her neighbors' Englischer farmworker to read Pennsylvania Dutch wasn't part of her plan. And the more time she spends with Guy Hoover, the more he sparks longings for a home and family of Judith's own.Guy figured he would never be truly accepted by his Amish employers' community – even though the Mast family treats him like a son. But Judith's steadfast caring shows him that true belonging could be within his reach…if he and Judith can reconcile their very different hopes – and hearts.
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesLaurie Kingery makes her home in central Ohio where she is a "Texan-in-exile. "Formerly writing as Laurie Grant for Harlequin Historical books other publishers, she is the author of sixteen previous books the 1994 winner of the Readers' Choice Award in the short historical category.She has also been nominated for Best First Medieval Career Achievement in Western Historical Romance by Romantic Times magazine. When not writing her historical books, she loves to travel, read, e-mail write her blog.
England, 1802 Beatrix March chose to be a governess rather than let an overbearing husband rule her. Even though she never intends to marry, it doesn't mean she can't enjoy a man's…company —especially when presented with one as tempting as notorious rake Simon Carling! Simon doesn't usually seduce virtuous governesses, but Beatrix is unlike any woman he's ever encountered.Her luscious curves were made to grace a man's bed, and he's never denied himself such satisfaction before. Flouting society's tedious conventions, in favor of thrilling chemistry, may force Beatrix and Simon to contemplate the unthinkable—marriage!
New York Times bestselling author Brenda Joyce takes you back to the Highlands, where the battle for land, liberty and love rages on…A bastard daughter, Alana was cast away at birth and forgotten by her mighty Comyn family. Raised in solitude by her grandmother, she has remained at a safe distance from the war raging through Scotland. But when a battle comes close to home and she finds herself compelled to save an enemy warrior from death, her own life is thrown into danger.Iain of Islay's allegiance is to the formidable Robert Bruce. His beautiful rescuer captures both his attention and his desire, but Alana must keep her identity a secret even as she is swept up into a wild and forbidden affair. But as Bruce's army begins the final destruction of the earldom, Alana must decide between the family whose acceptance she's always sought, or the man she so wrongly loves.
Rumours abound that sensible Lady M– has fallen for the infamous Mr H– Lady Maude Templeton has turned down many a marriage proposal. Why? She wants to marry for love – and her heart’s set on one man alone.Theatre owner Mr Eden Hurst is sexy, talented, intelligent – and resoundingly ineligible! What’s more, he doesn’t believe in love. It seems an impossible task, but Maude sets out to make Eden realise he needs love…and her.Society is about to see she can be just as shocking as her Ravenhurst friends when she puts her mind to it!Those Scandalous Ravenhursts
We hear the notorious Mr R– while searching for a stolen artefact, has had his attention caught by the unlikeliest of treasures… Stumbling upon his dowdy cousin Elinor on the Continent, Theo Ravenhurst hardly believes his luck. His dangerous lifestyle appears to have finally caught up with him, and her family connections could be put to excellent use…Theo is convinced Elinor’s drab exterior disguises a fiery, passionate nature. He gives her the adventure she’s been yearning for – and along the way discovers his new-found accomplice has talents beyond his wildest imagination…Those Scandalous Ravenhursts
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesU. S. Marshal Trey Scott is fixin' to walk down the aisle just as soon as his stubborn bride-to-be agrees to say "I do. "Katherine Taylor's five-year-old sister and an orphanage full of children are depending on her. So why won't the pretty schoolteacher marry him to save her tarnished reputation? Granted, Trey isn't willing to abandon his quest to avenge his first wife's murder.His name alone will protect Katherine until he returns, but she thinks he should leave vengeance to a higher power. Will the sacrifice demanded by the woman he loves be too great to bear. . . or will it be Trey's ultimate redemption?
Husband by NecessityTo save her family's homestead Daisy Mosley will do whatever it takes, even if it means marrying a rugged cowboy who thinks he knows best. But though the widowed mother of two takes Tucker Barlow into her home as her husband, she isn't ready to welcome him into her heart.Tucker knows his marriage to Daisy is about convenience, not love. But after years of hiding his feelings for his childhood friend, he wants to shower her with affection and favor her twin sons with the fatherly attention he'd missed. Can he show Daisy that he is more than just a practical groom–he is a man worthy of her love?
AN UNEXPECTED PARTNERSHIPQuaker Rachel Woolsey dreams of having her own bakery and her own homestead. But the odds are stacked against her—until the handsome ex-soldier she nurses back to health offers to help her. Like Rachel, Brennan Merriday is an outsider. But he’ll be the temporary ally she needs, and her foolish attraction will fade once he's gone.At first, the only thing Brennan wants to know about Pepin, Wisconsin, is how fast he can leave it. Perhaps in Canada he’ll find peace after a bloody war. Yet repaying his debt to the pretty baker offers unexpected solace. She saved him once. Now he longs to rescue dreams of family—for both of them.Wilderness Brides: Finding love—and a fresh start—on the frontier
A MOTHER FOR CHRISTMASWidower Luke Jeffries needs a mother for his three young children, whether or not they agree. When he meets Nellie McClain at the mail-order-bride agency, Luke thinks his problems are solved, but they’ve only just begun. Though the beautiful widow awakens his grieving heart, Luke won’t betray his cherished wife’s memory.A marriage of convenience is exactly what Nellie wants, since she’s been wounded by love before and doesn’t plan to risk her heart again. But despite her chilly reception at Luke’s family’s simple Colorado cabin, her feelings for Luke and the children grow deeper every day. Can Nellie and Luke heal the pain in each other and finally make their family whole again?
Inescapable, undeniable and impossible to resist!In a Mayfair ballroom, beautiful Emma Northcote stands in amazement. For gazing at her with eyes she’d know anywhere is Ned Stratham – the man whose roguish charm once held her captivated.But that was another life, in another part of London.With their past mired in secrets and betrayal, and their true identities now at last revealed, Ned realises they can never rekindle their affair. For only he knows that they share a deeper connection – one that could make Emma hate him if she ever discovers the truth…Gentlemen of DisreputeRebellious rule-breakers, ready to wed!
Promoted to Wife?Always the dutiful daughter, Fanny Mitchell surprised everyone when she broke her engagement. Now she's working at the fancy Hotel Dupree–and falling for the mysterious, handsome owner, Jonathon Hawkins. But when she and her boss are caught in an unexpected kiss at a ball, will her reputation be tarnished forever?The son of a woman of ill repute, Jonathon knows that gossip can destroy lives in an instant. And he won't allow sweet, lovely Fanny to suffer the consequences. When he proposes a marriage of convenience, Jonathon believes he can keep his heart to himself. But the more time he spends with Fanny, the more he realizes he may just be in love–with his wife…Charity House: Offering an oasis of hope, faith and love on the rugged Colorado frontier
The hero returns to face the woman who betrayed him… Years before, love-struck Reese left his home at Briarwood with a promise from raven-haired Elizabeth Clemens: that she would wait for his return. But mere months later, she married the Earl of Aldridge, whose wealth and status Reese could never match. Elizabeth knows, when she appears on Reese’s doorstep, that she is twisting the knife.But fear for her young son’s safety overcomes guilt and shame: she begs Reese for his protection. The former lovers forge an uneasy alliance, but Elizabeth still harbours some deep secrets – and Reese knows that protecting her means he is in danger…of losing his heart again.