Современная зарубежная литература
The fiction and poetry of Queer Little Nightmares reimagines monsters old and new through a queer lens, subverting the horror gaze to celebrate ideas and identities canonically feared in monster …
A bundle of books #1 (ONCE GONE) and #2 (ONCE TAKEN) in Blake Pierce’s Riley Paige Mystery series—a #1 bestseller with over 1000 five star reviews! This bundle offers books one and two in one con…
Год написания книги 1950
Аудиоприложение к одноименной книге.
He must escape.
Illegitimate and orphaned, Gian-Luca is brought up by his Italian grandparents in their prosperous salumeria in Old Compton Street, Soho. Here, surrounded by plenty – by bot…
As a third generation logger, a life in the bush is all Joe Adler has ever known. He works, he hunts; he provides. But when a man dies on his watch, and his wife abandons their young family for w…
From Susannah Marren, author of A Palm Beach Wife, comes her next book set in the exclusive, glamorous world of Palm Beach. Marren follows two sisters as one offers the ultimate selfless act to t…
Год написания книги 2019
Дин, торговец редкими книгами из Бангладеш, давно привык к тихой, размеренной жизни и стал домоседом, устроившись в Бруклине. И все шло своим чередом, пока неожиданно Судьба не отправляет его в н…
My father drowned in the Aegean Sea, fifty nautical miles northeast of the port of Piraeus. When it happened, my mother and I were at home in Toronto. It was early evening in Greece, afternoon fo…
A fresh take on the romance novel from the Giller Prize-winning author of Fifteen Dogs
From their first meeting, it was clear that Gwen and Tancred were meant to be together. But, as we know, the…
Год написания книги 2010
Лидия Хофман шестнадцать лет боролась с тяжелым недугом и победила его с помощью самоотверженной любви родных, доброты друзей и… вязания. Теперь она – удачливая владелица магазинчика пряжи «Путев…
Refusing to accept being dismissed by a society that leaves little space for old women, three friends plan a daring and extraordinary adventure
Hannelore, Clotilde, and Frau Schnadelhuber are tir…
WINNER, Amazon Canada First Novel Award; Lambda Literary Award; Firecracker Award for Fiction Finalist; Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award; A Globe and Mail Best Book of the Year
It's the dea…
Год написания книги 2019
«Україна – країна смутку і краси, де найбільше люблять волю і найменше мають її, країна гарячої любові до народу і чорної йому зради, довгої, вікової, героїчної боротьби за волю, в результаті яко…
Winter blankets Montreal, while a bookseller and her lover dream of Prague. As the narrator's open marriage becomes the subject of a novel, reality blurs with fiction, and she tries to recon…
Winner of the Lambda Literary Award
Nominated for The Otherwise Award and The Sunburst Award
"Blending the surreal and the entirely possible, The Tiger Flu is majestically compelling. A must…
Margot Wright has led a deliberate life. At 18, she left her unusual and abusive family situation and never looked back, and then two years later she devoted herself wholly to Estelle Coté, her f…
Màgòdiz (Anishinabe language): a person who refuses allegiance to, resists, or rises in arms against the government or ruler of their country.
Everything that was green and good is gone, scorched…
Finalist, 2022 International Book Award for Multicultural FictionThese twelve short stories dive deep into imaginary worlds where everyday life is marked and marred by war. They speak of wounded …
Growing up in a small, riverside town, Little Bright is thrusted into the political whirlwinds along with his family during China&#39;s Cultural Revolution. When a reversal of the winds of re…
Winner of the Commonwealth Writers' Prize for Best First Book (Caribbean and Canadian Region)
Co-winner of the Canada-Japan Literary Award
Hiromi Goto's acclaimed debut nove…