Современная зарубежная литература - ТОП 50 лучших книг
На дворе середина ХХ века, Федеративная Республика Германия еще молода, и также молода Ада, для которой все, что было до нее – темное прошлое, открытая книга, из которой старшее поколение вырвало важнейшую главу.
Ада ищет свою идентичность, хочет обрести семью, но сталкивается лишь с пустотой и молчанием. Тогда она решает познать этот мир самостоятельно – по тем правилам, которые выберет она сама.
Романы известного актера и сценариста Кристиана Беркеля «Моя дорогая Ада» и «Яблоневое дерево» стали бестселлерами. Роман «Яблоневое дерево» более 25 недель продержался в списке лучших книг немецкого издания Spiegel, что является настоящим достижением. Книги объединены сквозным сюжетом, но каждая является самостоятельным произведением.
В романе «Моя дорогая Ада» Кристиана Беркеля описывается вымышленная судьба его сестры. Это история о девочке, затем женщине, ставшей свидетельницей строительства и разрушения Берлинской стены, экономического чуда Западной Германии и студенческих протестов 60-х годов. Это период п…
Один вечер в театре гипноза «Ящик Пандоры» переворачивает жизнь обычного учителя истории Рене Толедано с ног на голову. Он совсем не ожидал, что сеанс гипноза с рыжеволосой фокусницей, на который он согласился из вежливости, выбросит его в окопы Первой мировой войны. Он и подумать не мог, что всего через несколько минут после этого по его вине на набережной Сены умрет человек, а труп он трусливо скинет в реку. Разве мог Рене предположить, что всего через пару дней он узнает, что его душа родом из легендарной Атлантиды и ему нужно спасти свое древнее «я» от разрушительного катаклизма, чтобы сохранить в веках память об атлантах. Все вокруг твердят Рене, что он сошел с ума, но он знает, что нет ничего более хрупкого и могущественного, чем человеческая память. Теперь перед Рене стоит непростой выбор – последовать за истиной, скрытой в его прошлых жизнях, или признать, что он болен…
Натан Дель Амико жил с уверенностью, что главное в жизни – работа. Карьера успешного адвоката – то, чем он, человек из низов, на самом деле мог гордиться. В жертву карьере он готов был принести все, в том числе отношения с самыми близкими людьми.
Разрыв с женой отрезвил его, он понял, что очень многое упустил, что разучился отличать главное от второстепенного.
Есть ли шанс переиграть судьбу? Или хотя бы как можно дольше оставаться с теми, кто ему дорог? Здесь. Сейчас. Потому что никто не знает, что будет после…
«Я, Титуба, ведьма из Салема» – исторический роман, посвященный резонансным событиям 1692 года, когда в ходе так называемой охоты на ведьм были осуждены и казнены девятнадцать человек.
В семь лет Титуба видела страшное – смерть собственной матери. Позже она была продана в рабство и отправилась в Америку, где ее обвинили в колдовстве. Мариз Конде не просто рассказывает о жизни чернокожей женщины, она делает мощное социальное заявление: в здоровом обществе нет места расизму и сексизму.
Normally Carrie is a very responsible person. . . but she still likes to walk the line every now and then.That's when Carrie visits Erotique, a private club where members don costumes and use false names to explore their secret fantasies. For Carrie, it's a chance for the suburban mom to feel like a sex goddess—especially when a certain masked man is waiting for her. . . .
FBI Agent Thomas Bristol has wanted Cassi Nolan since he was a kid.Now Cassi is wanted by the law and he's tracking the little thief down. The former prom queen was always wild, even when she was befriending poor foster child Tommy. But he never thought she could turn this bad: swindling destitute old ladies out of thousands, jilting men after stealing their cash. Cassi has changed – no doubt about it.So he can't let those guileless blue eyes trick him into letting her go. Even if she does profess her innocenceand her story is starting to make sense. He made vows to follow the law to the letter. And he won't let a word like love get in the way.
Profound, perceptive, and wryly observed, Estates Large and Small is the story of one man's reckoning and an ardent defense of the shape books make in a life.
What decades of rent increases and declining readership couldn't do, a pandemic finally did: Phil Cooper has reluctantly closed his secondhand bookstore and moved his business online. Smoking too much pot and listening to too much Grateful Dead, he suspects that he's overdue when it comes to understanding the bigger picture of who he is and what we're all doing here. So he's made another decision: to teach himself 2,500 years of Western philosophy.
Thankfully, he meets Caroline, a fellow book lover who agrees to join him on his trek through the best of what's been thought and said. But Caroline is on her own path, one that compels Phil to rethink what it means to be alive in the twenty-first century. In Estates Large and Small Ray Robertson renders one man's reckoning with both wry humour and t…
Porcos no Paraíso é sátira, política, literária, e engraçada. Um exercício de liberdade de expressão, é também uma crítica à religião na política, nomeadamente ao evangelismo americano.
Quando Blaise dá à luz a Lizzy, a ”bezerra vermelha” numa quinta israelita, as massas afloram em massa para testemunharem o nascimento milagroso que irá anunciar o fim do mundo e o regresso ou chegada do Messias, dependendo do campo, cristão ou judeu. Quando a promessa do fim chega ao fim, e o bezerro vermelho se torna manchado, não mais digno de sacrifício de sangue, os fiéis de todo o mundo ficam caídos de crista. Por esta altura, dois ministros evangélicos, como representantes de uma mega-igreja na América, já chegaram. Eles fazem um acordo com a moshavnik israelita, e os animais da quinta israelita estão a chegar à América. Entretanto, o Papa Benevolente absolve os judeus, canta karaoke com o Rabino Ratzinger, e Boris, um javali de Berkshire e um Messias animal, é servido como prato principal na última ceia. Para não s…
A story from Hanan al-Shaykh to stir the heart and awaken vital conversations about love.A young flies from London to Cairo when she hears her love call for her. But she does not know what he is hiding, the reality that awaits.
A story from Louisa Young to stir the heart and awaken vital conversations about love.One woman frankly recalls the several ‘run-ins’ she’s had with Heathcliff-esque men who have called themselves her boyfriend. And shows the true repercussions of the dangers of being coveted.
A gold-rush town is no place for a single mother. But widow Lana Bristow won't abandon the only home her son has ever known. She'll fight to remain in Treasure Creek, Alaska–even if it means wedding Mack Tanner, the man she blames for her husband's death.Mack sees marriage as his duty, the only way to protect his former business partner's family. Yet what starts as an obligation changes as his spoiled socialite bride proves to be a woman of strength and grace. A woman who shows Mack the only treasure he needs is her heart.
Lady-in-Waiting Mary Betoun knows her future would be secured not by a husband, but by keeping the queen happy.When Mary must prepare a remote castle along the Scottish Borders for the queen's visit, the castle's charming captain, Jamie Davison, is all too happy to help… But Jamie's nearness makes Mary think anything but innocent thoughts…
Kyoko encontra-se no meio de uma guerra sem idade entre os poderosos Guardiões e o último Guardião que se tornou o inimigo, um senhor demoníaco que detém o poder de os destruir a todos. Os segredos são mantidos e os verdadeiros corações são escondidos debaixo de camadas de gelo e maldade. Mais uma vez a batalha entre o bem e o mal começa a esbater-se, enviando os destinos dos envolvidos para uma forma mais perigosa e sedutora de caos. Quando o inimigo mostra o seu coração e o aliado fica sem coração, estes poderosos imortais lutam entre si e com o seu próprio coração para proteger a sacerdotisa. Ela é o centro do seu mundo e cada Guardiã procura fazer dela o que ela era destinada a ser… A posse de um Guardião.
Kyoko encontra-se no meio de uma guerra sem idade entre os poderosos Guardiões e o último Guardião que se tornou o inimigo, um senhor demoníaco que detém o poder de os destruir a todos. Os segredos são mantidos e os verdadeiros corações são escondidos debaixo de camadas de gelo e maldade. Mais uma vez a batalha entre o bem e o mal começa a esbater-se, enviando os destinos dos envolvidos para uma forma mais perigosa e sedutora de caos. Quando o inimigo mostra o seu coração e o aliado fica sem coração, estes poderosos imortais lutam entre si e com o seu próprio coração para proteger a sacerdotisa. Ela é o centro do seu mundo e cada Guardiã procura fazer dela o que ela era destinada a ser… A posse de um Guardião.
Kyle Monroe, son nouveau partenaire irritant et leurs collègues bizarres du 77e arrondissement doivent apprendre à travailler ensemble pour arrêter un meurtrier vicieux qui n'est peut-être même pas humain. La rencontre de Kyle Monroe avec une étrange créature gélatineuse dans une ruelle le laisse marqué et changé à jamais, révélant des capacités étranges qu'il souhaiterait ne pas avoir et lui valant d'être réaffecté dans un commissariat où tous les flics ont des capacités paranormales défectueuses.
Année 2017: la jeune universitaire Lucia Balleani, organisant et classant les textes de la bibliothèque de la fondation Hoenstaufen, se retrouve à travailler dans l'ancien palais qui avait été la résidence de la noble famille Baldeschi-Balleani, dont elle est une descendante directe. Une série de visions liées à ce qui est arrivé à son homonyme Lucia Baldeschi, amènera le lecteur à découvrir avec elle une histoire sombre qui s'est déroulée au même endroit 500 ans plus tôt. Dans une Jesi de la Renaissance, riche en art et en culture, où de nouveaux palais somptueux se dressent sur les vestiges de l'ancienne cité romaine, une jeune comtesse, Lucia Baldeschi, vit. La fille est le neveu d'un mauvais cardinal, un tisserand de complots sombres visant à centraliser le pouvoir temporel et ecclésiastique entre ses propres mains. Lucia, une personne dotée d'une forte intelligence, se lie d'amitié avec un typographe, Bernardino, avec qui elle partagera la passion pour la renaissance des arts, des sciences et de la c…
The Liverpool-based World War II saga from the ‘new Katie Flynn’When Sam Grey joins the ATS, and is posted to Liverpool she wants to show that she’s as brave as any man, and when she doesn’t get the chance her lively nature leads her into confrontation with her authoritarian boss. Sparks also fly when she encounters Johnny, whose heroic work in bomb disposal makes him very attractive to many women – but Sam’s determined not to fall for his charm.Sally wants nothing more than to protect her small children while her husband is a prisoner of war. She works hard doing shifts in a factory and singing at the Grafton ballroom, confessing to no-one the shameful reason why she needs two jobs. But help is at hand, from a most unlikely source.This stirring tale of women fighting together to do their bit for their country, keep their families together and finding love and fulfilment in the process will delight her fans and win her many more.
Ten sexy stories about older women and the younger lovers they seduce.‘Cougar’ features original erotica from Lily Harlem, Primula Bond, Liz Coldwell and many more. Another hot collection from Mischief Books.Sara’s guest house becomes a honey trap for young studs.When Jared mistakenly gives Miss Fenchurch a video of one of his performances, her fuse is lit for an explosive private performance.Mrs Murdoch revisits the past and gets her kicks in the world of rock and roll.Cougars are on the prowl in this Mischief collection.
‘A heartwarming summer read.’ Sunday ExpressThe wonderful seaside story from Jennifer Bohnet, perfect for fans of Fern Britton and Veronica Henry!Time’s running out to save the little kiosk by the sea…Sabine knows that if she doesn’t come up with a plan to save her little kiosk soon, it might be too late. If only her best friend Owen would stop distracting her with marriage proposals!Harriet is returning to Dartmouth for the first time in thirty years, haunted by the scandal that drove her away and shocked by an inheritance that could change everything.Rachel never expected to find love again after her world was shattered a year ago. But it seems as if the sleepy seaside town has different ideas…One thing’s for sure, it’s a summer they will never forget!Praise for Jennifer Bohnet‘A heartwarming summer read.’ Sunday Express‘An absolute delight from start to finish.’ Nudge Books‘A thoroughly charming, captivating read’ Reviewed the Book‘A wonderful escape, overflowing with secrets. I couldn’t have loved thi…
His Secret Twins! Practice Nurse Janet Muir left her feelings for Dr James McFadden, father of her precious twin sons, far behind when she began her new life at St David’s Practice.But moving halfway round the world from Scotland to New Zealand isn’t far enough – because Jamie suddenly shows up to work at St David’s! Jamie still blames Janet for their break-up. So how can she tell him about their adorable twins?
It’s never too late for a second chance at love in this uplifting and warm-hearted romance.It’s never too late to find love…When Juliet Scott falls for ruggedly handsome Pete while away travelling, she never imagines how different her life will be to that of her sister, successful and beautiful model Hero. Based on a cattle station in the vast Australian Outback, Juliet’s life is now simple, down-to earth and honest, and the perfect antidote to the chaotic celebrity lifestyle that Hero leads in the UK.With her striking brunette hair, perfect posture, and mesmerising green eyes, it is no wonder Hero has come so far in such a superficial industry. But when tragedy strikes, Hero finds herself in the arms of her sister, recuperating from a terrible accident on the other side of the world.With her modelling career in tatters, and her scars more than just skin deep, Juliet worries that Hero will hide behind the mask she wears forever. But does Australia have something, or someone, to offer that London never cou…
Alissa Layton leads a dull and ordinary life, safe in routines, with no plans to escape. But when she meets businessman, Janos Kovaks, and is introduced to his kinky lifestyle, Allissa’s entire world changes…From Charlotte Stein, author of best selling Mischief titles ‘Power Play’, ‘Deep Desires’ and ‘Make Me’.Alissa uncovers a hidden world of secret assignations and kinky meetings between like-minded high fliers at an exclusive hotel. The businessman Alissa spies on seems far too handsome, sexy and worldly for someone like her, and he's into the kind of things she's not sure she can do.Janos Kovacs has spent so long indulging in emotion-less dalliances that he's forgotten what real passion is. But the more time he spends with Alissa, the less control he has over himself. By the time he's finished teaching how deliciously naughty sex can be, he might be the one learning the lessons …
A little girl is missing. Her parents are hiding something. Who will pay the price?When eight-year-old Jasmine Peterson goes missing, the police want to know everything.What is local park ranger, Sam McIntyre, running away from and why did he go out of his way to befriend a young girl?Why can’t Jasmine’s mother and father stand to be in the same room as each other?With every passing minute, an unstoppable chain of events hurtles towards a tragic conclusion.Everyone has secrets. The question is: who will pay the price?
A short story by Lionel Shriver from the collection Reader, I Married Him: Stories inspired by Jane Eyre.In ‘The Self-Seeding Sycamore’, a widow wages war upon her neighbour’s garden, and makes a surprising discovery.Edited by Tracy Chevalier, the full collection, Reader I Married Him, brings together some of the finest and most creative voices in fiction today, to celebrate and salute the strength and lasting relevance of Charlotte Brontë’s game-changing novel and its beloved narrator.
A short story by Patricia Park from the collection Reader, I Married Him: Stories inspired by Jane Eyre.In ‘The China from Buenos Aires’, an Argentine Korean student struggles to find her place in New York City.Edited by Tracy Chevalier, the full collection, Reader, I Married Him, brings together some of the finest and most creative voices in fiction today, to celebrate and salute the strength and lasting relevance of Charlotte Brontë’s game-changing novel and its beloved narrator.
Life after Deborah reaffirms Nobbs as the best writer of comedy and observer of the nuances of human nature that there is today.One man, five very different women.James Hollingshurst is a man shaped by those who surround him. And in James's case, it's some very different women. Be it his trusty wife Deborah, his hapless PA Marcia or his ex-girlfriend Jane. And there's one woman in James's life who looks set to upset the status quo…But a tragic accident is about to shake the bedrock of life as James knows it. An event sets a train in motion, which will challenge everything he's ever known and everyone he's ever loved. It will also bring his beloved daughter, Charlotte who he has not seen for fifteen years, tantalisingly close to him…
A contemporary collection of stories by one of France’s finest writers.Revered by key literary figures including as Balzac and Mérimée, Stendhal is best known for his novels, but his shorter works were just as powerful. In this brand new translation, Susan Ashe brings his greatest Italian stories to the modern reader, whilst staying true to Stendhal’s style and brilliance.The collection includes:– The Abbess of Castro- Vittoria Accordamboni- The Cenci- Along with accompanying essays by Charles Dickens, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Stendhal himself.Together, these stories convey Stendhal’s love of Italy and admiration for the society’s honesty, sincerity, and above all, passion. ‘Roman Tales’ will reaffirm Stendhal as one of the great French masters of the 19th Century.
A short story by Tracy Chevalier from the collection Reader, I Married Him: Stories inspired by Jane Eyre.In ‘Dorset Gap’, two students walk in the countryside after a night of partying and miscommunicate over Jane Eyre.Edited by Tracy Chevalier, the full collection, Reader I Married Him, brings together some of the finest and most creative voices in fiction today, to celebrate and salute the strength and lasting relevance of Charlotte Brontë’s game-changing novel and its beloved narrator.
A chilling short story taking us back to DI Sean Corrigan’s days as a newly minted detective from Luke Delaney, ex-Met detective and author of Cold Killing. Perfect for fans of Mark Billingham, Peter James and Stuart MacBride.1993. The Parkside Rapist has been terrorising the women of South London, and Detective Chief Superintendent Charlie Bannan is in need of a secret weapon if he’s going to catch this particular monster.When fresh-faced PC Sean Corrigan is transferred to join the team, Bannan immediately spots his potential. Soon Sean will find himself exploring the scars his own dark past has left him in the race to help his new mentor catch their quarry before he goes on to commit more, and worse crimes…
Quando a vida sai dos trilhos, abraçar a aventura é a maneira mais rápida de consertar as coisas. Um dia eu era apenas uma viúva diante da perspectiva de um ninho vazio, levando uma vida que era tudo, menos encantada. Do nada, descubro minhas raízes mágicas e minha herança como o Guardiã do portal entre o Reino Feérico e a Terra. Fiquei em choque. Depois veio o medo. Afinal, ninguém planeja recomeçar aos quarenta e cinco. Eu pretendia envelhecer com meu marido. Pensei que levaríamos uma vida normal. Então, quem seria eu para perder essa oportunidade de viver em um mundo que sempre pensei que fosse imaginário.
Eu sou meio bruxa, meio feérica, e estou enfrentando perigos tão reais quanto a dor em meu joelho ruim. Ibuprofeno e a cafeína me dão forças para seguir em frente, e eu poderia fazer isso pelo resto da vida. Quem achar que a casa da minha família é um alvo fácil, tome cuidado: a nova Guardiã da cidade não vai ceder sem lutar.
Afinal, ela já aprendeu a deixar para trás sua existência simples e a acre…
Bedded for the Greek’s pleasure!Ella Davies has neither the money nor the connections to warrant the interest of Nikolai Drakos’s arch enemy. Yet the unassuming beauty has done just that – and claiming her will be Nikolai’s ultimate satisfaction!The ruthless tycoon will use any means necessary to ensure Ella’s compliance so he buys out her family’s debts. Debts he’ll forgo if Ella becomes his mistress. But when he discovers the true extent of her innocence, Nikolai is forced to consider something new; it appears the indomitable Greek is about to take a bride!Congratulations Lynne Graham on OVER 35 MILLION copies sold worldwide with Harlequin®!
Eight years ago, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, three men lost everything. Now it's time to reclaim what is theirs….In order to bring justice back to New Orleans, FBI agent Ray Storm must once again turn to Molly Hennessey for help. This time, though, convincing the gorgeous attorney to believe in him is going to take more than just one night of seduction.
SPINE-TINGLING SENSATIONS…Detective Riley MacIntyre had long ago stopped being anyone's protector. Until a scared Devra Morgan needed his help. But the beautiful blonde's dependence only went so far. Were her secrets the key to the grisly murder that had torn apart his family?THAT MADE HER TREMBLEDevra had been suppressing her fears for so long, she didn't know how to trust the sexy New Orleans cop. But frequent psychic visions sent shivers down her spine, forcing her to reveal that Riley was the killer's next target. Could she get him to believe what she saw was unequivocally real–as real as the pain in her heart at the thought of losing him?
Penny Jordan needs no introduction as arguably the most recognisable name writing for Mills & Boon. We have celebrated her wonderful writing with a special collection, many of which for the first time in eBook format and all available right now.A searing passion left her scarred. And since that devastating experience, when Campion had been like a newly opened flower crushed by a cruel hand, she had closed out that side of her nature.Now she was being forced to reopen it.Her literary agent, the frighteningly sensual Guy French, declared her historical novels well written – but flat and lifeless. He demanded she add passion. So she took herself off to a remote cottage in Wales. Perhaps inspiration would come.And then she discovered Guy French would be there to see that it did…
24/7For investigator Brenna Jensen, snowy Riverton, North Dakota, was the ideal home–until it became the target of a serial killer. Not even FBI hotshot Nick Tarver could keep her from trailing the maniac who taunted her, shadowed her every move. Brenna was anything but comfortable with Nick, her bodyguard in black leather. The sexy lawman challenged her wounded heart. But as the snow melted and the body count rose, Nick's arms became her only refuge. For Brenna had uncovered the hit list–and her name was next….
Playing with fire!Caroline Maxwell was a bright, intelligent single woman with a busy career and an adorable four-year-old girl in her care. Ellis Frazer , dynamic financier, was a confirmed bachelor with a sophisticated life-style. They were complete opposites, and Caroline knew an affair with Ellis could end in heartache.But there was an explosive attraction between them, a promise of passion Caroline wasn't sure she could resist – or even wanted to!
Man from her past Gemma had never forgiven Felipe Santos for walking out on her without so much as a backward glance.They'd been lovers – until he'd decided that he preferred his glamorous cousin Bianca… . When fate throws Gemma and Felipe together again, the hurt is still there. But so is the desire. Felipe hasn't forgotten the passion of their past affair, and he's still tormented by wanting Gemma.He wants her back – but Gemma refuses to let him play games with her mind. This time, Gemma is going to be the one calling the shots!
Malta en una antigüedad muy remota, no era una isla como ahora la conocemos, formaba parte de tierra firme, igual que Sicilia, Córcega, o las mismas Islas Baleares. todas esas tierras eran componentes de una gran península.
Italia y África por aquel entonces se encontraban juntas, el mar Mediterráneo no existía y aunque parezca extraño, todo estaba poblado de innumerables y grandísimos árboles habitados por especies hoy desconocidas.
La protohistoria o los hechos sucedidos en aquellas lejanas tierras en aquellos lejanísimos tiempos, puede que así de pronto nos resulte raro aceptarlo, pero quien sabe qué sucedía, alguien nos puede afirmar como era la vida por entonces, que clase de vida había, nadie existe con una información veraz, entonces tampoco me podrá rebatir con conocimiento de causa lo que pongo aquí, porque ¿Por qué no pudo ser así?
A veces cuando caen en nuestras manos relatos que nos chocan porque no lo habíamos escuchado nunca, les ponemos con una interrogante, eso dice de nosotros que al meno…
FabulousFathersHE NEEDED HER TLC….In all of Texas, there was no better doctor than Holden McKee.But faced with his son's broken arm, the lonely widower forgot to be a dad. Until Edie Turner came to his aid. With tender, loving care she helped his son heal–and made his own heart beat faster.Edie's caring ways soothed the bitterness in Holden's soul–and her gentle caresses stirred something more masculine. But Edie had secrets of her own, and the one thing Holden couldn't heal was a broken heart….Or could he?This Fabulous Father just might be the perfect husband!
She’s bored of nice – it’s time to be naughty.Sally Lomax is 25 and bored of being homely and predictable, so she’s decided to give the boot to being conventional and reinvent herself as a femme fatale. This is all well and good, but she’s going to need someone to practice on.Along comes Richard; suave, single and fiercely independent.She's determined to be the one great erotic heroine of his life. He's going to be her dream affair – no strings, no scone baking, just sex and sensuality. Until, that is, a New Year masked ball unmasks more than was intended…
Louis Holland arrives in Boston in a spring of strange happenings – earthquakes strike the city, and the first one kills his grandmother. During a bitter feud over the inheritance Louis falls in love with Renée Seitchek, a passionate and brilliant seismologist, whose discoveries about the origin of the earthquakes complicate everything.
An exclusive short story for World Book Day from one of our bestselling authorsSometimes all we need is a relaxing holiday in the sun.For Anthony and Carole, a week in a lovely Greek hotel has helped them mend the cracks in their marriage. For widowed Jessica, it’s the longest she’s ever gone without visiting her beloved husband’s grave.However when the flight doesn’t go according to plan, they are each forced to face up to the very things they have been avoiding for so long.By the time they land, they have learnt important life lessons about themselves and each other which change them forever.