ТОП-50 лучших книг в жанре Кулинария

Кулинария - ТОП 50 лучших книг

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Кухня Кубы
Перед Вами уникальная книга Соколовой Зои Ивановны (ученого-историка - доктора исторических наук), всю жизнь посвятившей изучению Кубы. Кубы во всем многообразии - историческом, культурном, этнографическом, философском... В этой книге Куба "кулинарная"... Эту книгу вполне можно расценивать как сборник рецептов, распространенных на Кубе, и использовать для знакомства с кубинской кухней. Причем использовать вполне в практическом плане. Но не только. Эта книга помогает "прикоснуться" к Кубе, находясь вне "острова Свободы". Книга адресуется самому широкому кругу читателей. Тем, кто хотел бы попробовать воссоздать в какой-то мере атмосферу Кубы у себя дома, кто собирается в поездку и заранее готовится ко встрече с новым уникальным уголком Земли. кто изучает Кубу профессионально и был бы рад встретиться с информацией, неизвестной ранее. Читателю, которому только предстоит чтение этой книги, можно - наверное - даже немного по доброму позавидовать. "Попробуй Кубу на вкус", дорогой Читатель!!!
Веганские вкусняшки
В этой книге собраны самые вкусные и простые веганские рецепты сладостей, которые порадуют не только сторонников растительной кухни, но и всех любителей десертов! От нежных блинчиков с ягодами до шоколадных печений и освежающих конфет — каждая страница наполнена вдохновением и полезными советами для создания сладких лакомств без продуктов животного происхождения. Вы научитесь использовать натуральные ингредиенты, такие как орехи, сухофрукты, кокос и какао, чтобы приготовить полезные и питательные десерты, полные витаминов и минералов. Эта книга подходит как для опытных кулинаров, так и для новичков, желающих попробовать что-то новое, безглютеновые и безсахарные варианты делают рецепты доступными для широкого круга людей, включая тех, кто придерживается особых диет. Откройте для себя мир веганских сладостей и порадуйте себя и своих близких здоровыми, вкусными десертами, которые заставят вас забыть о привычных сладостях!
Весёлая жизнь
Юмористические истории в стихах о нашей повседневной жизни. Вы узнаете, к чему приводят кулинарные курсы, праздники, как быть идеальной женой, как может удивить ребенок, что бывает, когда уехала жена, кого охраняют бабушки и, наконец, когда убираться в квартире.
На берегах Босфора. Стамбул в рецептах, историях и криках чаек
Аромат турецкого кофе, хрусткий симит на набережной района Ортакёй, крик чаек над лабиринтом рыбного рынка, – Стамбул, единожды запавший в душу, не отпустит никогда. Дебютная книга Эсмиры не просто гид по красивым местам города и не еще один кулинарный путеводитель – это история о том, как познать стамбульский кейф, научиться никуда не спешить, наслаждаться янтарным менеменом на завтрак, маленькими глоточками пить тюрк кахвеси с послевкусием корицы и кардамона, следить за вальсом чаинок в тюльпанообразном бокале и вдыхать полной грудью запах Босфора и гранатового сока. Книга о рецептах, которым не одна сотня лет, о людях, чьи истории так и просятся на страницы романа, о бесконечно красивом городе на берегах Босфора.
Cuoco Per Amore
Nel mio libro troverete 10 ricette e due condimenti, preparati in modo semplice. Ho puntato tutto sul risultato, solo piatti di qualità, nessuna ricetta mediocre dalla realizzazione dubbia come su alcuni libri. Inoltre, potrete ricevere assistenza nella preparazione via messenger Facebook, inoltrandomi i vostri dubbi e le vostre riserve all’indirizzo che troverete alla fine del libro. Tutto esclusivamente senza Mix di farine pre-preparati, dove dentro non sempre si trovano solo ingredienti genuini. Userò solo farine pure e naturali e risponderò alle domande che rendono impossibili questo tipo di preparazioni. Non vi accorgerete di mangiare senza glutine, non crederete al vostro palato, semplicemente perché io non sono celiaco! Sono diventato cuoco-celiaco per amore, cucino per mia moglie, celiaca da tanti anni, per regalarle il sapore originale dei prodotti della nostra terra, la Sicilia. Anche se non siete intolleranti e volete stupire la vostra dolce metà o un nipotino con un piatto gustoso, avete trova…
Eat Clean: 20 Recipe Bite-Sized Edition
A mouthwatering collection of 20 easy, speedy, nutritional and delicious recipes taken from TV chef Ching’s beautiful new book, Eat Clean. Includes fresh and healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes, as well as sides, pickles and salsas, and teas.Forget your saucepan and roasting tin, Ching-He Huang’s beautiful new recipe book shows you how you can Eat Clean and wok yourself to health.Eat Clean is the perfect cookery book for the time starved and health conscious who don’t want to compromise on taste. Drawing on her belief of the age-old principle of Yin and Yang, Ching-He Huang creates delicious fare for each mealtime which is specifically balanced in all these ways: food which is hassle-free, good for you and which you’ll enjoy!
Мясная PROпаганда
Если вы гурман, новичок или просто хотите поразить близких новыми блюдами на столе, то книга Дмитрия Фреско, автора популярного YouTube-канала «COOLинарная PROпаганда», под названием «Мясная PROпаганда» станет вашим проводником в мир неизведанных интересных рецептов и вкусов. Открыв книгу, вы узнаете, как приготовить сочную свинину, вкуснейшую баранину, домашние колбасы и многое другое. Автор поделится аутентичными рецептами европейской традиционной кухни: от свиной рульки до охотничьих колбасок из дичи. Вы можете быть уверены – и вам, и вашим гостям все блюда придутся по вкусу, ведь они будут приготовлены с любовью под четким руководством мясного гурмана – Дмитрия Фреско. А готовя колбасу в домашних условиях, вам не придется переживать о качестве и происхождении ингредиентов. Все секреты, собранные в одной книге, помогут вам стать настоящим волшебником на кухне! Ищите дополненную реальность внутри!
Wine For Dummies
Wine enthusiasts: raise a glass! The global wine market has expanded rapidly in the past few years and is forecasted to increase through 2019. Consumption, new wine styles, online wine purchasing, and a growing younger population of wine enthusiasts are all contributing factors. In Wine For Dummies, the authors—both recognized wine authorities and accredited Certified Wine Educators—share their expertise, revealing the latest on what's in, what's out, and what's new in wine. Featuring information on both classic and cutting-edge wines, it’s packed with everything you need to hold your own in tasting rooms, shops, and beyond! Includes updated information on navigating wine shops and selecting wines in restaurants Covers the latest expert advice on buying wine online thanks to the online retail boom Provides updated vintage charts and price guidelines Offers information on trends in wine, including packaging innovations such as wine in a can, kegs, and boxes Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate wine en…
YO Sushi: The Japanese Cookbook
YO! Sushi has transformed the concept of Japanese food and has created a revolutionary and unique dining experience. Conveyor belts filled with a rainbow of coloured plates carrying mouth-watering food prepared by chefs cooking in front of the diner have made sushi fun, funky and totally accessible.YO! Sushi: The Japanese Cookbook brings YO!'s delicious Japanese dishes to the home and shows you how easy it is to make your own sushi and other Japanese fare. This eye-popping book includes YO!'s most popular dishes: california rolls, salmon maki, prawn yaki soba and chilled roasted aubergines. Original recipes encourage readers to expand their repertoire and enjoy a range of flavoursome dishes. Learn to cook soy-marinated chicken, make healthy salads such as beetroot with sweet vinegar and impress friends with red snapper rice.Written by renowned Japanese food expert, Kimiko Barber, YO! Sushi: The Japanese Cookbook includes 120 delicious recipes. Forget complicated rolling or bizarrely named ingredients, Kim…
The Irish Farmers’ Market Cookbook
Both a cookbook and a culinary tour of Ireland, celebrating the diversity and quality of local food and showing how the experience of shopping at farmers' markets can transform your everyday cooking.Over 100 recipes range from new takes on traditional Irish favourites to dishes with more Mediterranean flavours, always emphasising seasonality, local produce and fresh ingredients – the return to slow food.Includes a guide to the best farmers' markets in each region of Ireland, with profiles of some of the farmers and producers bringing their food sensations to market.As well as using ingredients available at the market, recipes also recreate some of the breads, cakes, chutneys available, like Gallic Kitchen’s organic steak pies and Giana Ferguson’s baked cheese with winter herbs – so even if you can't visit the markets you can still enjoy a taste of Ireland.Recipes for everyday cooking – Fried mackerel, Cork Beef Stew – as well as more unusual offerings that reflect the wider range of produce available at f…
Rachel’s Food for Living
Bestselling author and TV chef Rachel Allen is back with a celebration of favourite foods for making memories.Ever feel rapture over a pudding? Fall in love over a romantic meal? Can you remember the smell of baking in your grandmother's kitchen? Food has the power to conjure up many emotions – it can make us feel happy or energetic, nostalgic or loved. Cooking and enjoying great food with others is part of how we relish life and in her new book, Rachel Allen provides the mouth-watering recipes to help you do just that.Rachel explores the foods that stir these wonderful feelings. She provides inspiring and easy-to-achieve suggestions for all kinds of occasions whether you want to make an indulgent celebratory meal for someone special, create memories with your kids, or need a little healthy boost…or a sneaky treat! This is the food that will make you smile.Rachel's Food for Living includes over 100 new recipes such as Greek Lamb, Onion and Butter Bean Stew; Korean Beef with Avocado Rice; Spanish Chorizo a…
The Secret Ingredient: Delicious,easy recipes which might just save your life
Healthy recipes are Sally Bee's secret to staying healthy after three heart attacks aged just 36. This enhanced ebook includes personal videos from Sally to help you take control of your health, as well as gorgeous, tasty recipes to feed the whole family and tempt you to cook for health.Sally Bee's story of survival and recovery from three heart attacks in a week at the age of 36 is nothing short of a miracle. Sally attributes much of her remarkable survival to her delicious and achievable healthy eating plan, which she and her whole family enjoy. Now, in this beautifully illustrated cookbook, she shares her secret with you, and it might just save your life.Sally believes in living a full life, and that includes eating delicious food with all the family. She shares not only clean, vibrant recipes, but also her versions of comforting classics we all love. Even desserts! We all know the principles of eating a healthy diet, but actually translating that knowledge into an easy and affordable meal can be a cha…
The Recipe for Life: Healthy eating for real people
Bestselling author and home cook Sally Bee’s collection of deliciously simple recipes that show how easy it is to follow a healthy diet for life.Many of us know the principles of healthy eating but actually incorporating them into daily life is much harder. Whether it's eating more fruit and vegetables, reducing fat without losing flavour or feeding a family after work without the aid of a take-away menu, Sally Bee explains how to make good food second nature.Sally isn't a dietician, but a busy mum who knows how tough it can be to change eating habits. Her down-to-earth advice and realistic approach is borne from her own experience of life-threatening heart disease, which she recovered from thanks to her own delicious and easy-to-follow eating plan. Sally understands how real people eat and how recipes must be quick and made with affordable, readily available food. Her plan won't leave you feeling deprived or hungry, but allows you to enjoy many of your favourite foods in a balanced way.Recipes for Life o…
The New English Table: 200 Recipes from the Queen of Thrifty, Inventive Cooking
Building upon the ever-more-popular principles of The New English Kitchen and The Savvy Shopper, The New English Table celebrates good British food and shows how to make the most of ingredients and leftovers.Hot chestnut and honey soup, whipped potatoes with Lancashire cheese, melted ale and cheddar to eat with bread, baked haddock soup, saffron buns and watercress and radish sauce for pasta: just a few of the 200 completely delectable and original recipes in this inspiring new book.The New English Table explores affordable and easy good food. Rose Prince unlocks a larder of new and unfamiliar English ingredients from cobnuts to red Duke of York potatoes to watercress and also shows how eating local can mean good eating at the same time as being good for the environment. She explains how and where to shop and introduces a rhythm of cooking, identifying which foods are right for everyday meals, and which are perfect for the occasional feast. She shows how to make the most of costly ingredients – traditiona…
Floyd’s China
Floyd explores the cuisine of the enormous continent of China. He travels to different regions bringing to our attention a vast range of food types.Floyd immerses himself in Chinese culture and traditions, mixing with the locals, buying produce from the markets, bartering with the shopkeepers, and doing lots of sightseeing as well as cooking! We share in all these experiences and are told interesting anecdotes along the way.Floyd dispels the illusion that there is only one sort of Chinese cuisine. On the contrary, from one city to another, the gastronomy can vary greatly. Floyd concentrates on the food of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and Sichua. Different cooking methods are demonstrated i.e. stir-frying, pan-frying, deep-frying, baking, blanching, smoking and drying and steaming. He explains the ingredients and seasonings that create bitter, sweet, sour, spicy, salty, rich, or fresh flavours. In keeping with his typical style, Floyd shares his enjoyment of the various tastes and textures achieved from th…
365 лучших блюд раздельного питания
Принцип раздельного питания трудно назвать диетой. При этом методе питания кушать можно все, что душе угодно: мясо, рыбу, молочные продукты, фрукты, овощи и т. д. Нужно только знать, как правильно сочетать продукты, чтобы наш организм легко мог справиться с перевариванием продуктов. При переходе на раздельное питание улучшается самочувствие, исчезают желудочно-кишечные заболевания и стойко сбрасывается вес. Если вы и дальше будете так питаться, избыточный вес никогда не вернется и вы навсегда останетесь стройными, бодрыми и здоровыми.
How to Feed Your Family for £5 a Day
This much loved kitchen classic has been fully updated with 50+ simple, delicious new recipes. Ideal for busy mums and kitchen novices, this handy little volume proves that you can still feed a family of four on just £5 a day if you shop with care and make nutritious ingredients the foundation of every meal. Whether you’re looking for a quick dinner such as Lemon Honey Lamb Shoulder with Potatoes and Fresh Thyme or Autumnal Black-Eyed Bean Stew with Dumplings, an old-school classic like Bread and Butter Pudding, or a breakfast full of flavour and energy like Golden Apricot Granola, Bernadine caters for every taste and lifestyle. Bernadine has had over two decades experience of cooking for a family on a budget, and knows what really works. Her recipes are child-friendly and she has a wealth of practical tips on how to stick to an incredible £35 groceries budget, use up leftovers and prevent food waste. Complete with a weekly meal planner and a guide to show which fruit and vegetables are in season, Bern…
Easy Meals Text Only
In her new book, bestselling TV cook, Rachel Allen shares her ultimate fast and easy family recipes.You can always trust Rachel to help you get a delicious and doable dinner on the table. Whether the cupboards are bare or you just want a fabulous meal without the fuss (or the washing up) you’ll find the answers here. Any situation, any problem, these are recipes you can come back to time and time again for delicious dinner solutions. After all, making home cooking both simple and enjoyable is what Rachel does best.Easy Meals contains 180 family friendly recipes for any night of the week. And even better, as well as being mouth-wateringly delicious they are simple enough for even the most novice of cooks.This book is full of ideas and recipes that you can rely on to help you tackle the most common meal-time problems; when your fridge is empty, when you’re short on time, that use 5 ingredients or less or can be cooked in one pot, even delicious dinners you can serve up without so much as turning on the oven…
200 Easy Slow Cooker Recipes
An updated edition, with more finished food photos, of the bestselling slow cooker books by Katie Bishop.Slow cookers offer a hassle-free approach to home cooking. This new edition includes over 200 mouth-watering recipes that can be prepared in advance and cooked while you're at work, overnight or just relaxing at home.More and more people are discovering the benefits these affordable cookers – they are economical, environmental and produce perfect results every time.Cookery writer and journalist, Katie Bishop, shows just how little effort is required to make great family recipes such as Rolled Shoulder of Lamb, Mini Chestnut, Mushroom and Red Wine Pies, Classic Bouillabaisse, Herby Italian Stuffed Peppers and Oat, Sunflower and Honey Bread.This book provides a fresh insight into this old-fashioned method of cooking, with straightforward, easy-to-achieve dishes that will delight your friends and family.Katie’s fresh ideas, helpful advice on making the most of your cooker and easy-to-follow recipes provid…
Swallow This: Serving Up the Food Industry’s Darkest Secrets
From the author of What to Eat and Shopped, a revelatory investigation into what really goes into the food we eat.Even with 25 years experience as a journalist and investigator of the food chain, Joanna Blythman still felt she had unanswered questions about the food we consume every day. How ‘natural’ is the process for making a ‘natural’ flavouring? What, exactly, is modified starch, and why is it an ingredient in so many foods? What is done to pitta bread to make it stay ‘fresh’ for six months? And why, when you eat a supermarket salad, does the taste linger in your mouth for several hours after?Swallow This is a fascinating exploration of the food processing industry and its products – not just the more obvious ready meals, chicken nuggets and tinned soups, but the less overtly industrial – washed salads, smoothies, yoghurts, cereal bars, bread, fruit juice, prepared vegetables. Forget illegal, horse-meat-scandal processes, every step in the production of these is legal, but practised by a strange and …
Made in Italy: Food and Stories
In this exquisitely designed and photographed volume, Britain's favourite Italian chef brings forth the work of a lifetime: combining old Locatelli family stories and recipes with the contemporary must-have dishes from his celebrated London restaurants.‘I am an Italian chef who has cooked in Paris and come of age in London,’ says Giorgio Locatelli. ‘Innovative, imaginative food is what people expect from me, but everything I do has its roots in classical, regional Italian cooking.’This is the book that fans of Locatelli have been waiting for ever since he first made his name at Zafferano. The recent opening of Locanda Locatelli, widely regarded as one of the most exciting restaurants in London, has fuelled interest in this master chef.Locatelli lights up Locanda with his big, welcoming personality, seamlessly marrying style with an all-Italian mission simply to bring people together at the table to share food, relax and enjoy good company and conversation. In the same way, his delight in food shines throu…
Low Fat, Low Sugar: Essential vegetarian collection
Topical vegetarian cookbook which excludes hidden fats and sugars in everyday foods.Over 150 new recipes for Rose Elliot fans.Diets low in fat and low in sugar are essential for well-being. This new cookbook drives home the message that keeping to a diet both low in fat and sugar can prevent health problems. Rose Elliot tempts the tastebuds with a wide range of vegetarian meals which will appeal to health conscious people, with a special focus for those who:• want to lose weight• those suffering from diabetes and blood sugar problems• suffer from candida (she has also excluded certain fruits and yeast which allow candida to proliferate)• worry about their heart healthThis book will also enter the healthy foods debate with a topical look at food labelling – many products that are marked ‘low fat’ often mean ‘high in sugar’ – as well as a look at the hidden sugars in processed foods.
Juice Master Keeping It Simple: Over 100 Delicious Juices and Smoothies
The No.1 bestselling juicing author Jason Vale is back with his ultimate book of juices and smoothies. His complete recipe book contains recipes for over 100 easy and delicious juices and smoothies to help you lose weight, get healthy and feel fantastic.Jason Vale, the inspirational king of juice detoxing and the man who helped Jordan lose 2 stone in 3 months, has compiled his definitive selection of over 100 simple but delicious, low-fat juice and smoothie recipes.Keeping it Simple has the perfect juice or smoothie, whether you want to slim down, get healthy or just need a little juice-boost pick-me-up on a rainy day. With Jason's motivational tips and unique '3-Day Super Juice Detox' programme you will not only clean your system, rid yourself of physical addictions and get extra energy, but you will also learn the fundamental Juicy Rules for a permanently slim, trim and healthy body.With a complete list of ailments that can be cured by each juice, and a full breakdown of all the minerals and nutrients c…
Chocolate Busters: The Easy Way to Kick It!
Break free from your chocolate addiction with Jason Vale’s irreverent, zany and original new book. Jason, aka The JuiceMaster, reveals the dangers of chocolate’s ingredients (sugar, dairy and additives), the marketing industry’s ploys to keep us all hooked and our emotional attachment to the sweet stuff- and shows you how to kick the habit.Jason Vale offers his own take on the SugarBusters and anti-dairy phenomenon, taking a pop at the food and marketing industries and showing you how to free yourself from the mental food trap by reframing your thoughts.Sugar is the cocaine of the food world, responsible for obesity, diabetes and a host of other problems. Dairy is equally bad for us and is an acid-forming food. Many people’s stomachs aren’t suited to break the lactose down properly and so it affects our ability to digest the nutrients from other food.This book also examines the ways in which the advertising agencies seduce us and keep us hooked, as well as examining the emotional attachments we have to ch…
How To Make Good Food Go Further: Recipes and Tips from The New English Kitchen
Rose Prince’s The New English Kitchen was a modern classic and a house-hold gem. Collected here are its most essential recommendations and recipes for making good food go further.From how to stretch a native breed, properly hung cut of beef to eight meals, to making stock from prawn or langoustine shells, to saving by making your own bread (and using it right up to the last crumb), How to Make Good Food Go Further will inspire you make the absolute most of the food you buy. With brilliantly simple recipes for leftovers, cheaper cuts, and making nourishing meals from the simplest of components, it will help you discover that it is possible to eat well, and eat economically, without compromising on quality or the simple pleasure of eating good food.
Get It Done: My Plan, Your Goal: 60 Recipes and Workout Sessions for a Fit, Lean Body
‘A leading voice in the health industry’ – Daily Express A unique, no-excuses, no-regrets body and mind revolution. In his first book, personal trainer to the stars and Instagram sensation Bradley Simmonds reveals how to get the body of your dreams, and keep it. Do you want to shred fat, get lean, tone up, be stronger, stabilise your core and access calm and focus? Now you can, with Bradley’s specially tailored food and workout plan. A method seamlessly blending HIIT, body weight exercises, TRX and weight training with delicious, filling, wholesome meals to nourish your body and quiet your mind, Bradley’s uncompromising, inspiring approach means you’ll thank him, and yourself, later. Featuring:60 delicious, quick-to-prep breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, puds and even cocktails10+ weekly workout plans with 30+ workoutsPhotos of every exerciseFull colour food shots Understand the true meaning of a great workout. Look forward to good food. Transform your body and your life permanently.
Eat Me: Love, Sex and the Art of Eating
Sex and the City meets Nigella Lawson and Jamie Oliver in this delicious combination of love, sex and the art of eating. This is the ultimate book for the those with an appreciation for the mouth-wateringly scrumptious and sensual.Sex and the City meets the culinary goddess within, in this delicious offering on love, sex and the art of eating.Alexandra Antonioni argues that food plays a significant role in the seduction and binding of individuals, and offers a collection of musings, anecdotes, quotes and recipes to enhance the smooth path of love.Alexandra takes us on a journey through the highs and lows of modern-day relationships in terms of food, from first date encounters to the inevitable tv dinners. She extols the virtues of love, sex and food whilst providing menus, relationship advice and personal anecdotes on various love-related subjects.We now live in a world of serial but temporary monogamy, where a smorgasbord of endless possibility exists, where a broken heart is no longer terminal but easil…
Позитивное питание. Блюда для здоровья и стройности
Это уже вторая книга с новыми, полезными и простыми рецептами из натуральных продуктов. Блюда не содержат яиц, пшеничной муки, сахара, искусственных подсластителей. Приготовлены в сыром виде без варки и выпечки. Особенно удобно то, что в книге собраны не только отдельные рецепты, но и готовые ужины, обеды. Множество салатов вкусны, полезны и просты в приготовлении. Уникальные десерты удивят возможностью готовить вкусные сладости без сахара и выпечки, всего из нескольких ингредиентов.
Ешь и худей. Сборник ПП-рецептов и рекомендаций от диетолога Юлии Сафроновой
Перед вами уникальное издание по прикладной диетологии, содержащее более сотни простых проверенных ПП-рецептов, не вредящих талии. Эти рецепты были опробованы участниками проекта в социальных сетях Safronovafit «Худеть на глазах у всех». Кроме того, в книге даны рекомендации от спортивного диетолога, а также секреты питания моделей фитнес-бикини. Автор книги знает, о чем говорит: она сама прошла путь к стройности от 90 до 60 кг и участвовала в качестве спортсмена в Академии фитнес-бикини.
Вкусные рецепты. Торты и не только
Торты — основа праздничного стола. В этой книге собраны рецепты ореховых, ягодных и тропических тортов, различные десерты, даже конфеты из апельсиновых корочек. А поскольку есть сладкое нужно не на пустой желудок, книга снабжена полезными рецептами супов, грибных, рыбных, овощных, мясных блюд и закусок, а также полезными советами и руководством по выбору приправ.
Кулинарная книга для кошек. Сделай свой собственный корм для кошек – кулинарная книга со вкусными рецептами для кошек своими руками
«ТЕПЕРЬ Я САМ ГОТОВЛЮ КОШАЧИЙ КОРМ!» Полное руководство по питанию кошек с множеством вкусных рецептов Тематика книги обширна: — Привычки питания предков и их изменение — Что нужно есть кошкам и что им вредит — Пояснения по темам сырой, размороженный или приготовленный, а также вегетарианской или веганской пище — Советы по изменению питания — Закупка ингредиентов и консервирование продуктов питания Используйте знания из этой книги, чтобы приготовить лакомства своими руками для Вашего любимца.
Eat What You Watch: A Cookbook for Movie Lovers
Many of our favourite movies come with a side of iconic food moments: the comforting frothy butterbeer from Harry Potter, the sumptuous apple strudel from Inglorious Basterds, the delectable deli fare from When Harry Met Sally, or Remy the rat-chef’s signature ratatouille in Ratatouille.In this cookbook, author Andrew Rea (of the hit YouTube channel ‘Binging with Babish’) recreates these iconic food scenes and many more. With recipes from more than 40 classic and cult films, Eat What You Watch is the perfect gift for both movie buffs and cooks who want to add some cinematic flair to their cooking repertoire.
Preserves: A beginner’s guide to making jams and jellies, chutneys and pickles, sauces and ketchups, syrups and alcoholic sips
This beautifully illustrated, practical and easy-to-use guide provides a wealth of ideas for making delicious preserves and drinks from over fifty fruits and vegetables.There is no comparison between shop-bought preserves and those you can make at home. With the most basic equipment, a little time and some fresh home-grown or bought produce you can make a jam, pickle or drink that's totally unique, incredibly delicious and inexpensive. Whether you want to savour the taste of your summer tomatoes all year round, treat your friends and family to the most thoughtful presents or are looking for a way to control what's in yours and your children's food, this book will show you how.In this definitive guide, author Jill Nice covers all aspects of preserving. She takes readers step-by-step through the preserving process, including choosing the right jars and containers, utensils and equipment; cooking with sugars and setting ingredients; and safe, easy sterilising. This book will also contains both traditional an…
Ricettario Vegano Starter Kit
Hai difficoltà a cucinare deliziose ricette vegane di alta qualità? Questo ricettario di cucina vegana ti insegnerà, passo dopo passo, a cucinare ricette vegane. Sarai in grado di preparare una varietà di cibi vegani per te e la tua famiglia! Hai difficoltà a cucinare deliziose ricette vegane di alta qualità? Questo ricettario di cucina vegana ti insegnerà, passo dopo passo, a cucinare ricette vegane. Sarai in grado di preparare una varietà di cibi vegani per te e la tua famiglia! Oggi, una delle abilità più preziose ed essenziali è saper nutrire noi stessi in un modo che supporti la nostra salute e si adatti ai nostri vincoli moderni! Quando fai la scelta di mangiare e cucinare cibo vero, che è il più ottimale per il corpo umano, come lo sono gli alimenti a base vegetale, ti stai assumendo la responsabilità del tuo benessere e contribuire positivamente alla nostra Terra. Quando fai la scelta di creare pasti fatti in casa con cibi vegani, stai scegliendo di evitare i pericoli per la salute degli ali…
Ноль отходов. Растительные рецепты для экономии, осознанности, заботы о себе и окружающем мире
Тренд на экологичный образ жизни становится все более привычным: уже не удивляет сортировка мусора, не вызывают вопросов мешочки для покупки овощей, а авоськи даже производят фурор. Настало время попробовать кое-что новенькое: использовать фрукты и овощи целиком, от мякоти до стеблей и кожуры! Наталья Ермолаева, веган-повар и фуд-блогер @natalie_ermolaeva, покажет, как превратить несъедобные, казалось бы, остатки фруктов, овощей и орехов в еду. И поверьте, таких блюд в стиле zero-waste вы еще не видели: это не сомнительное варево из картофельных очисток, а хрустящие чипсы, цукаты без лишнего сахара и химии и даже настоящая «Павлова», но не из яичных белков, а из аквафабы!
Лечебное питание. Рецепты и рекомендации ведущих диетологов
Все рецепты, которые собраны в книге и рекомендованы лучшими диетологами нашей страны, позволят вам вкусно и здорово организовать режим лечебного питания, включив в него очень полезные, пробуждающие аппетит и восстанавливающие силы блюда: салаты, супы, гарниры, мясо и рыбу, овощи и фрукты и даже самые замечательные и полезные десерты. В формате a4.pdf сохранен издательский макет.
Оливье и винегреты
Еще лет двадцать назад невозможно было представить наш праздничный стол без салата оливье и винегрета. И сейчас, когда отечественная кухня уже пресытилась всевозможной экзотикой вроде корейских, карибских, китайских и прочих салатов, традиционные блюда начинают возвращать себе свое «доброе имя». В книге подобраны как традиционные рецепты салатов, так и новые, необычные, такие как оливье с копченым карасем или винегрет из мидий. Надеемся, что новые блюда придутся Вам по вкусу. Готовьте с удовольствием и приятного Вам аппетита!
Gin O’clock
In need of some gin-spiration? Look no further!Whether you are a gin aficionado or simply gin-curious, this book from the experts at Craft Gin Club contains everything you’ll ever need to know about the juniper spirit. With recipes for refreshing ice-cold punches through to warming winter serves, marinated main courses to delicious desserts, Gin O’Clock proves it’s always a good time for gin, no matter the season. Packed with tips including: • Hosting the perfect gin-tasting • Growing your own garnishes • Making simple syrups • Creating your own gin truffles This is the definitive seasonal guide to gin exploration.
Книга о вкусной и здоровой жизни
Книга эта ни в коем случае не является очередной благой вестью о полезной пище, здоровой диете, правильной системе питания и тому подобных вещах, ибо любая пища, если только приготовлена она осмысленно и с любовью, а съедена с аппетитом и удовольствием, является пищей, безусловно, здоровой и полезной. Настоящая книга посвящена не только еде, но и всему, что с нею связано (а связано с ней все). Это не сборник рецептов, но книга о вкусной, здоровой, интересной, а главное – осмысленной жизни.
По Японии с отличным аппетитом. Полный гайд по приготовлению рамена
Почему в любом крупном городе цивилизованного мира можно купить кусок пиццы, гамбургер или суши, а вот пирог с рыбой или тарелку борща – нет? Что делает блюдо популярным? Особый вкус? Доступность ингредиентов? Невысокая цена? Феномен «международной» еды – включает в себя всего несколько блюд. Вот эти чемпионы чемпионов – пицца, гамбургер, суши… Попробуйте продолжить сами. Будете удивлены – вам хватит пальцев одной руки. Около 20 лет назад в ряды «международных» чемпионов ворвался японский суперсуп рамен. Сначала в США, затем в Европе открылись и стали популярными тысячи рамен-шопов. Рамены вошли в меню мишленовских ресторанов. Тем не менее до сих пор единственный способ попробовать приличный, полный умами рамен в России – приготовить его самому. Первый на русском языке широкоформатный гайд по рамену делает процесс его приготовления сравнительно простым и увлекательным. Автору можно доверять. Однажды случайно попав в Японию, он остался там на годы. Путешествовал, учил язык, влюбился в японскую поэзию. Изу…
Грузинская кухня
Грузинская кухня – это обилие неповторимых вкусов, тонких ароматов и благородных застолий. Можно ни разу не побывать в Грузии, но обожать хачапури или лобио, харчо или сациви. В нашей книге, шеф-повар Тибилов Эдуард, приготовил для вас самые лучшие рецепты грузинской кухни. Пхали и чанахи, чахохбили и лобиани – все эти волшебные слова могут превратиться в чудесный пир на вашем столе. А полезные советы и рекомендации упростят процесс приготовления и ваши грузинские блюда станут настоящим шедевром!
Рецепты с крабовыми палочками
Крабовые палочки – продукт универсальный. Из них можно приготовить не только салаты, но и множество самых вкусных и оригинальных блюд! Повар и его помощник поваренок подобрали для вас самые интересные рецепты. Закуски и пироги, супы и горячее… Готовьте и удивляйте своих близких!
Вкусные рецепты нашей семьи. Секреты любимых домашних блюд
Кулинарные записи четырех поколений нашей семьи заинтересуют опытных и молодых хозяек. Всё в одной книге: рецепты и секреты приготовления. Готовьте. Наслаждайтесь вкусом домашних питательных блюд, знакомых с детства! Да прибавят они здоровья и радости!
The Halloumi Cookbook
Over 60 delicious recipes inspired by everyone’s favourite cheese.Satisfyingly squeaky and deliciously moreish, halloumi is here to make every meal amazing. Grilled, barbequed, fried, baked, roasted, the possibilities are endless.Be everyone’s favourite host and serve up halloumi fries with sticky chilli or creamy yoghurt dipping sauce; whip up a fresh and filling weeknight salad or a comforting halloumi and sweet potato burger; take time over brunch with a decadent halloumi, harissa and honey toastie; and even master baked goods such as loaded halloumi flatbreads or herby halloumi scones.
Кухонные шпаргалки
Книга «Кухонные шпаргалки» непременно станет вашим незаменимым помощником и советчиком. Что бы вы ни готовили – мясо, птицу, рыбу, морепродукты, овощи или бобовые, грибы, крупы, блюда из яиц, пасту или даже хлеб, – в нашей книге вы найдете полезные сведения о продуктах и их приготовлении и хранении, разнообразные незаменимые таблицы, полезные лайфхаки, с помощью которых ваша «кулинарная» жизнь станет легче и интереснее.
Пища Поэтов и Принцев
Здесь вы найдёте традиционные рецепты английской, а точнее британской, кухни. Как человек, долгое время живущий в Англии, я знаю о них не понаслышке! Так как эти блюда – народные, у каждого из них древняя, порой многовековая, история. Увлёкшись изучением этой истории, я заметила, что чаще всего она связана с выдающимися личностями Великобритании – писателями, поэтами, учёными и даже королями. И мне пришла в голову мысль, что с помощью этих рецептов можно как бы прикоснуться к прошлому. Ведь когда мы готовим то или иное блюдо, зная, как оно возникло, мы как бы переносимся в давно ушедшие времена. И часто тот или иной рецепт является лучшим памятником своей эпохи. Не каждый из нас имеет возможность изучать старинные рукописи в библиотеке, и машину времени пока не изобрели. Зато любой человек имеет возможность приготовить то или иное блюдо и представить себе, какой была жизнь в прошедшие столетия. Связь традиционных рецептов с историей бывает очень разной. Иногда то или иное блюдо было любимым кушаньем корол…
The Illustrated Food Remedies Sourcebook
An A-Z of the foods that can be used as natural remedies to prevent and cure common ailments.Comprehensive and fully illustrated throughout, The Illustrated Food Remedies Sourcebook is a go-to reference for those of us wanting to nourish our body from the inside out. So much of what we eat affects our general health and well-being, and there are many widely available foods that, when eaten regularly, not only stave off illness, but also act as a natural cure for ailments.In this essential book, over 300 super-foods are listed with their nutritional breakdown and special properties highlighted for instant and easy reference. As well as those well-known fruits, nuts, and seeds that have been traditionally used as natural remedies for thousands of years, such as honey and lemon to soothe sore throats and oranges for vitamin C, there are also many more unusual foods included, such as blueberries and kale, whose beneficial properties have been acknowledged more recently.• So why not add a handful of acai berri…
Miss Dahl’s Voluptuous Delights
Sophie Dahl, one of the most glorious women on the planet, shares delicious secrets from her slinky kitchen, funny stories and favourite recipes in a beautifully illustrated hardback. With delectable recipes for each season, this luscious abundant take on food will delight women everywhere.Sophie Dahl has been both round as a Rubens and as sylphy as a sapling, through trial, error and an episode in India which needn't be discussed in detail with anyone.She lived out the latter part of her adolescence in public, and so her puppy fat, which should have been a tender family joke, became fuel for national debate. At the time this was crippling to her, and one of the reasons she moved to another country. Flirting with every food fad from Atkins to raw food, she has had both misadventures and victories in her quest to have a sound healthy relationship with food.Now in her twenty-ninth year it is suddenly simpler: Sophie cooks and eats, and does both with gusto. It can be lonely and confusing navigating food, pa…
Made in Sicily
In the follow-up to his acclaimed Made in Italy, Britain's favourite Italian chef embarks on a gastronomic tour of Sicily, a beautiful, sun-drenched isle with a rich and unique culture.When Giorgio Locatelli was about ten years old, and had scarcely holidayed outside his native northern Italy, he was captivated by tales of beautiful seas, idyllic beaches and a different way of life, recounted by the few intrepid local friends who had been to Sicily.Some twenty years later he finally visited the island for the first time and, seeing it through the eyes of a chef, he recalls, ‘I was completely blown away. It was so green and gorgeous, the whole island was a garden of wheat and vegetable fields, orange and lemon groves, olive groves and vineyards…’ Now he is producing his own olive oil on the island and the Locatelli family spend a part of every summer there. ‘Sicily has had a big influence on the way I cook,’ says Giorgio. ‘I have always loved simplicity, but there, you have true simplicity. You have no pre…
Lorraine Pascale’s Fast, Fresh and Easy Food
Number One Sunday Times Best Seller.The nation’s favourite TV chef and cookery author Lorraine Pascale returns with 100 brand new mouth-watering recipes that are wonderfully quick and easy to make and bursting with fresh ingredientsLorraine’s third beautiful cookery book is packed with delicious and inspiring meals, each with its own photograph and many having their own individual complementary side dish, and will be released to coincide with Lorraine’s BBC2 prime time 6-part cookery series.So whether you want to just grab a spoon and dive in solo to a decadent dessert like Chocolate Mousse with Raspberries, or whether you’re putting together a crowd-pleasing menu of French Onion and Sage Soup with Big Fat Gruyère and Mustard Croutons followed by Moroccan Pesto Fish with Caramelised Onion and Haricot Beans with Minty Pine Nut Couscous for a fun and relaxed evening in with friends without the fuss, Lorraine demonstrates how to effortlessly pull off scrumptious food that is a pleasure to eat.Make melt-in-th…