Личные финансы - ТОП 50 лучших книг
Деньги, карты, два ствола! Жизнь, любовь, надежды! Как быть? Как дальше жить?!.
Что делает фрилансера по-настоящему свободным? Не просто отсутствие начальника, а финансовая система, которая работает даже когда вы — нет.
В этой книге программист с многолетним опытом делится своим путем от финансового хаоса к продуманной стратегии. Вы найдете не теоретические концепции, а проверенные в реальной жизни методы:
Как превратить волатильный доход в стабильный денежный поток
Почему "жить на прошлый месяц" — ключ к финансовому спокойствию
Как формировать накопления, не ощущая дефицита здесь и сейчас
Практические инструменты защиты от "черных лебедей" фриланса
Эта книга станет вашей дорожной картой к финансовой зрелости — состоянию, когда деньги перестают быть источником тревоги и превращаются в инструмент расширения вашей свободы.
Деньги любят тишину? Нет, они любят тех, кто верит в лапти удачи!
Перед вами абсурдно-комедийное руководство по созданию суеверно успешного бизнеса. Хотите построить финансовую пирамиду по фэншую, привлечь богатство магией чисел и убедить людей, что десятину лучше отдавать вам? Бобр знает, как!
Но не спешите радоваться: эта книга — не инструкция к действию, а способ защитить свои финансы. Ведь самый богатый в пирамиде – её создатель… и его адвокат.
Сборник аудиокниг: Все дело в отношении. Истории, которые вдохновляют на веру и мужество; Деньги – это любовь, или То, во что стоит верить. Том 1
Автор рассказывает о том, как научиться жить в изобилии: иметь деньги и грамотно ими распоряжаться. Клаус Джоул на личном примере демонстрирует, что нужно сделать, чтобы стать законным и счастливым обладателем 3,6 миллионов долларов. Оказывается, когда ежедневно учишься управлять своими мыслями и чувствами, то можно стать не просто обеспеченным, а очень богатым человеком. Раскрывайте ваши способности и создавайте ту фантастическую жизнь, которую вы желаете!
Приготовьтесь к невероятно увлекательному путешествию в ваше будущее, ведь во время прослушивания книг Клауса Джоула мечты начинают сбываться.
"Ценность денег заключается не в них самих,
а в том, что они позволяют мечтам осуществляться".
Клаус Дж. Джоул
Ta książka pokaże Ci najszybsze i najbardziej zyskowne narzędzia do zarabiania na kryptowalutach w 2019 r.
Ta książka pokaże Ci najszybsze i najbardziej zyskowne narzędzie do zarabiania na kryptowalutach w 2021 roku.
Nie wymaga prawie żadnych inwestycji i przynosi zyski, nawet gdy rynek spada.
Istnieją dziesiątki sposobów zarabiania na kryptowalutach, a nowe pojawiają się niemal każdego dnia: Inwestycje Górnicze Sprzedaż sprzętu Ico Doradztwo Tworzenia startupów kryptowalutowych.
Jest jednak jedno narzędzie, które wyróżnia się wśród pozostałych.
Dzięki niemu nawet nowicjusz może szybko ”wejść” na rynek kryptowalut i zacząć zarabiać przy niewielkich lub żadnych inwestycjach – to Cryptotrading.”
Zapomnij o wszystkim, co wiedziałeś lub słyszałeś o tradingu. Wraz z nadejściem ery kryptowalut, zasady gry bardzo się zmieniły. I tylko ci, którzy szybko dostosują się do nowego trendu, będą działać. ”
W jaki sposób kryptowaluty zmieniły zasady gry w handlu?
1. Transakcje stały się bardziej opłacalne Pomi…
ESSENTIALS OF PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING Essentials of Personal Financial Planning was written to challenge the status quo by promoting personal financial planning (PFP) as a profession, not as a sales tool to gather assets under management or facilitate sales of insurance products. The book takes a comprehensive and integrated approach to PFP for accounting students, allowing them to view the profession through the lens of a CPA – with integrity and objectivity. This book systematically introduces the essentials of all the major PFP topics (estate, retirement, investments, insurance, and tax), as well as: The PFP process, concepts and regulatory environment. Professional responsibilities of a CPA personal financial planner and the requirements of the Statement on Standards in PFP Services. Time value of money concepts. The book then builds on these foundational concepts, showing their interconnectivity and professional opportunities, to provide a deeper understanding of PFP and its application. After re…
Maximize your bottom line with the nation's most trusted small business tax guide J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2019 is the small business owner's ultimate guide to a money-saving, stress-free tax season. Providing straightforward advice from the nation's most trusted tax expert on small business taxes, this book gives you the answers you need quickly, with clear, concise guidance. Updated to cover changes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and other legislation, this edition also includes an e-supplement covering additional developments from Congress and the IRS to keep you fully up-to-date. A complete listing of all available business deductions and credits helps you identify those you qualify for, and includes critical information on dollar limits, recordkeeping requirements, and how to actually take the write-off—all the way down to the IRS form to use. Organizational and planning strategies help you get through the process quickly and with fewer headaches, and this year's changes to the tax laws are…
Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119543633) was previously published as Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119118770). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. Manage your finances in your golden years—enjoy your retirement! Numerous life changes come with the territory of getting older—as we're reminded every day by anti-aging campaigns—but one change the media doesn't often mention is the need for a shifting approach to personal financial management. Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies, 2nd Edition offers the targeted information you need to make informed decisions regarding your investments, spending, and how to best protect your wealth. You've worked your whole life for your nest egg—why not manage it as effectively as possible? Enjoying your golden years hinges on your ability to live the life you've dreamed of, and that's not possible un…
В учебном пособии рассматривается относительно новый для российского финансового сектора экономики – сектор негосударственных пенсионных услуг, предоставляемых негосударственными пенсионными фондами. Перед каждым гражданином возникает задача выбора пенсионного фонда – государственного или негосударственного. Для того чтобы это сделать, необходимо использовать определенные алгоритмы и методики, представленные в данном учебном пособии.
Теоретический аппарат учебного пособия раскрывает институциональные основы деятельности фондов в России; подходы к оценке их финансовой состоятельности; особенности инвестиционной деятельности, а также критерии и методики оценки ее эффективности. Отдельно рассматривается алгоритмика управления инвестиционным процессом, а также тенденции рынка НПФ в России (главы 1–5). Практический аппарат учебного пособия наглядно представляет применение методик анализа эффективности НПФ, а также особенности и алгоритмы выбора его управляющей компании на основе конкретного кейса НПФ «Газфонд»…
От неё веет спокойствием, уверенностью и силой. Ей достаётся всё внимание окружающих. За что бы она ни взялась, всё получается словно само собой. Её добиваются, ею восхищаются. Это она - женщина нового времени. Женщина, которая получает всё.
Перед вами книга по бережной, но вдумчивой и основательной личностной трансформации. Она рассказывает, как стать не непоколебимой, успешной и самодостаточной. Как в суровом патриархальном мире играть по собственным правилам и выигрывать. Как достигать ресурсного состояния, зарабатывать достойные деньги и сменить рутину на яркие приключения.
Практические советы и упражнения из этой книги помогут вам стать той самой – ЖЕНЩИНОЙ НОВОГО ВРЕМЕНИ.
Эта книга расставляет мысли по нужным местам. Какая я? Что мне делать? Чем зарабатывать? Куда смотреть? После прочтения книги вы легко найдёте ответ на важные вопросы и разрешите миру дать вам то, что он давно для вас приготовил.
Англоязычная версия – N1 в категории «Предназначение» (destiny) на Amazon.
[b]Take advantage of the decades ahead and invest in your financial future today [/b]
You may be at the stage of your life where you’re still watching every penny, but you know the earlier you invest, the more time your money has to work for you. [i]Investing in Your 20s and 30s For Dummies[/i] provides novice investors with time-tested advice, along with strategies that reflect today’s market conditions. You’ll get no-nonsense guidance on how to invest in stocks, bonds, funds, and even real estate—complete with definitions of all the must-know lingo. You’ll also learn about the latest investment trends, including using robo-advisors to manage your portfolio, relying on apps to make fast trades, and putting your hard-earned cash in digital currencies. Armed with the knowledge and strategies in this book, you can invest wisely, monitor your progress, and avoid risking too much. Today’s investing landscape is changing at record speed, and this book helps you keep up. Find information on the latest tax laws,…
Всего 10 шагов отделяют вас от богатой, изобильной жизни! В этой книге Саидмурод Давлатов представляет пошаговую методику открытия и развития успешного бизнеса. Все его слова подкреплены делом, а советы – проверены реальным опытом. За свою жизнь автор участвовал в 67 бизнесах, и многие из них сейчас процветают. Но часть не оправдала себя, о чем честно рассказывает Саидмурод Давлатов. Именно благодаря тому, что речь идет как о позитивном, так и негативном опыте, книга так ценна – ведь лучше учиться на чужих ошибках, чем совершать собственные.
How individuals and communities can profit from local investing In the wake of the financial crisis, investors are faced with a stark choice: entrust their hard-earned dollars to the Wall Street casino, or settle for anemic interest rates on savings, bonds, and CDs. Meanwhile, small businesses are being starved for the credit and capital they need to grow. There's got to be a better way. In Locavesting: The Revolution in Local Investing and How to Profit from It, Amy Cortese takes us inside the local investing movement, where solutions to some of the nation's most pressing problems are taking shape. The idea is that, by investing in local businesses, rather than faceless conglomerates, investors can earn profits while building healthy, self-reliant communities. Introduces you to the ideas and pioneers behind the local investing movement Profiles the people and communities who are putting their money to work in their own backyards and taking control of their destinies Explores innovative investment strateg…
Get your finances in order with smart budgeting and money mindfulness You Only Live Once is the guide to achieving your best life through smart money moves. Before you even begin making a budget, you need to think about why. Where do you see yourself financially in ten years? Five years? This time next year? What does money do for you? Once you know your destination, you can begin charting your course. Step-by-step guidance walks you through the budgeting process, and shows you how to plan your financial path to point toward your goals. You'll learn how to prioritize spending, how to save efficiently, and how to take advantage of simple tools you didn't know you had. Next comes the most important part: taking control. You need to really look at how you perceive and use money day-to-day. Chances are, changing a few habits could give you some breathing room and help you reach your goals sooner. You work hard for your money, yet there never seems to be enough. You don't need to live like a pauper, but you ne…
Простые и понятные идеи профессора экономики Принстонского университета Бертона Малкиела уже более тридцати лет привлекают внимание инвесторов, стремящихся постичь законы финансового мира и научиться с наибольшей выгодой использовать их. В этой книге Малкиел предлагает простую пошаговую стратегию, которая позволяет любому частному инвестору превзойти самых искушенных профессионалов, причем с меньшим риском. Это полное практическое руководство, доступное пониманию даже далекого от мира инвестиций читателя. В нем действительно есть все, что вам нужно знать при инвестировании.
Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, для всех, кто задумывается о формировании инвестиционного портфеля или просто хочет найти ориентиры в мире личных финансов.
Praise for SAFELY PROSPEROUS or REALLY RICH? «Howard's brilliant concept that the roads to Prosperity and Riches are very different is very liberating. In most financial books, the author would never do what Howard has done-recount with unflinching honesty the big financial mistakes he and his subscribers have made over the years so readers can avoid the same stumbling blocks and pitfalls. Only a very secure man would have the guts to do that.» -Robert Allen author of Multiple Streams of Income and Nothing Down «Howard Ruff is back, offering a wealth of powerful new financial advice for America's middle class. In his new manual, Safely Prosperous or Really Rich?, he challenges you to choose between two roads. The older I get, the more I favor 'Safely Prosperous,' but you make the call. I also love Howard's old-fashioned moral perspectives on money.» -Mark Skousen editor of Forecasts and Strategies «Safely Prosperous or Really Rich? is destined to be one of the most influential books of the early twenty-fi…
Совет директоров – ключевой институт корпоративного управления в современной компании. Как устроены советы директоров? Как они дополняют другие механизмы корпоративного управления? Чем они отличаются от парламентов в демократических государствах? Какую роль играют советы директоров на самом деле? Чем отличаются российские советы директоров от западных? Ответы на эти вопросы ищем с профессором Российской экономической школы на лекции в Политехническом музее.
Новая книга Лены Лениной раскрывает секреты богатства, успеха, соблазнения, красоты, здоровья и знаменитости и позволит всем желающим заглянуть в «замочную скважину» жизни звезд и миллионеров.
Самое популярное руководство для всех, то хотел бы добиться успеха в этой жизни.
А кто бы этого не хотел?!...
Для всех, кто почему-либо думает, что этого успеха уже достиг, для всех, кто хотел бы получить от жизни больше, чем имеет, для всех, кто не смирился с участью ночного сторожа или посыльного, а решил завоевать весь мир!.. Или, по крайней мере, более привлекательную его часть...
С широким использованием положительного опыта всех времен и народов, с яркими нравоучительными сценами и примерами, а также рекомендациями всемирно известных специалистов!
Самое уникальное и ценное руководство как стать богатым и счастливым. При этом - уважая “уголовный кодекс” и последние указы президента по борьбе с организованной преступностью.
America's number one bestselling and most trusted tax guide offers the best balance of thoroughness, organization, and usability For over half a century, more than 39 million Americans have turned to J.K. Lasser for easy-to-follow, expert advice and guidance on planning and filing their taxes. Written by a team of tax specialists, J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2011 includes all the outstanding features that have made this book the nation's all-time top-selling tax guide. As an added value, you can gain direct access to dozens of bonuses through jklasser.com, including links to the latest tax forms from the IRS, up-to-the-minute tax law changes, small business help, and much more. The book of choice for today's serious taxpayer Your Income Tax 2011 contains Over 2,500 easy-to-use tax planning tips and strategies Easy-to-understand coverage of the year's tax law changes Filing tips and instructions to help you prepare your 2010 return Quick reference section that highlights what's new for 2010 Quick topic i…
You don’t have to earn megabucks or have a degree in economics to gain control of your finances. Organise Your Money will show you how to set financial goals, move out of debt and start saving for the future. Learn how to take control of your financial destiny and make your money grow. Authors Vanessa Rowsthorn and Nina Dubecki of moneygirl.com.au are passionate about inspiring women to get smart about their money.
Дину Перу любят не только за искренность и юмор, но и за новые знания, шанс изменить жизнь. Так, как сделала это сама Дина, превратившись из «простой перуанской домохозяйки» в основательницу школы новейших профессий, где сотни и тысячи человек получают навыки и знания в PR, SMM, настройке рекламы, продвижении бизнеса.
Хотите знать, как ей это удалось? Книга расскажет:
• Как ставить цели и определять ценности.
• Почему шаманские практики ни на шаг не приблизят к избавлению от кредитов и пониманию смысла жизни.
• Почему совершать ошибки можно и нужно.
• Где получить актуальные и кризисоустойчивые профессии.
В каждой главе полезная информация и практические задания: упражнения, чек-листы, таблицы. Половина книги посвящена вопросам удаленной работы: какие навыки можно освоить уже сегодня, как найти клиентов и чем удаленка поможет врачу, кондитеру и даже сантехнику! Готовьтесь к тому, что до последней страницы будете удивляться, задумываться, спорить, проверять факты – но скучать точно не будете.
В формате PD…
Книга «Самый богатый человек Вавилона» в формате 10-минутного чтения: обзоры лучших книг, только самое важное и полезное.
Джордж Сэмьюэл Клэйсон начал карьеру в издательском деле, основав фирму «Clason Map Company of Denver» в штате Колорадо, которая выпустила первый дорожный атлас Соединенных Штатов и Канады. В 1926 году Клэйсон публикует первый сборник брошюр о секретах финансового успеха. Позже они были собраны в книгу «Самый богатый человек Вавилона», распроданную тиражом более полутора миллионов экземпляров.
ЦИТАТА: «В древнем Вавилоне жил очень богатый мужчина по имени Аркад. Он славился большим состоянием. А еще – широтой своих взглядов. Он был щедр в своих пожертвованиях. Он был щедр по отношению к родным. Он был свободен в своих тратах. Но тем не менее каждый год его состояние увеличивалось быстрее, чем он его тратил».
Знаменитое издание Наполеона Хилла в формате CrossReads!
CrossReads – это емкие саммари, которые помогут ознакомиться с содержанием бестселлеров, сэкономить время и определиться с планами на чтение.
Классика деловой литературы уже более 80 лет меняет судьбы, воспитывает успешных людей и мотивирует на воплощение идей в рабочие проекты. В саммари «Думай и богатей» вы узнаете, как известные миллионеры придумывали бизнес, что мешает неудачникам и какой главный секрет привлечения богатства передал автору Дейл Карнеги.
В дополнение к тексту вы найдете инфографику, которая поможет лучше усвоить информацию. Скачать ее можно в виде ПДФ-файла на странице саммари на сайте после покупки.
Questions concerning retirement savings abound, but the one question on everyone’s mind is, «How much is enough to provide for the type of retirement I want?» How Much Is Enough? provides the answer by helping readers build a customized plan. Author and financial planning expert Diane McCurdy clearly explains how to save on taxes and invest wisely, so that readers can find the money they need to reach their retirement goals. Readers will also learn how to comfortably work with financial advisors and manage the investments needed for retirement. Filled with in-depth insight and practical advice, How Much Is Enough? is a refreshing approach to defining retirement goals and building a personalized plan to reach them.
A comprehensive history of the evolution of technical analysis from ancient times to the Internet age Whether driven by mass psychology, fear or greed of investors, the forces of supply and demand, or a combination, technical analysis has flourished for thousands of years on the outskirts of the financial establishment. In The Evolution of Technical Analysis: Financial Prediction from Babylonian Tablets to Bloomberg Terminals, MIT's Andrew W. Lo details how the charting of past stock prices for the purpose of identifying trends, patterns, strength, and cycles within market data has allowed traders to make informed investment decisions based in logic, rather than on luck. The book Reveals the origins of technical analysis Compares and contrasts the Eastern practices of China and Japan to Western methods Details the contributions of pioneers such as Charles Dow, Munehisa Homma, Humphrey B. Neill, and William D. Gann The Evolution of Technical Analysis explores the fascinating history of technical analysis, …
Альфио Бардолла, финансовый коуч №1 в Европе, учит, как правильно управлять и комфортно жить на наш частный доход. Автор делится своими взглядами на принципы и методы инвестирования, основанными на более чем двадцатилетнем опыте инвестиций, финансового коучинга и управления.
Метод автора помогает менять негативные установки о деньгах и учит инвестировать в недвижимость, не подвергая риску свои финансы. Правильно выстроив систему управления, можно освободить время и при этом зарабатывать больше денег.
Если вы еще не достигли финансового успеха, причина проста: никто не научил вас, как это сделать. Практическая и революционная книга «Деньги приносят счастье» определяет новый способ мышления о богатстве и направляет на путь к финансовой свободе и, самое главное, к жизни, полной удовлетворений.
«Планируй свое будущее так, чтобы стать миллиардером, не повезет – останешься миллионером!»
С этой книгой прокачаться нужными знаниями и стать на правильный путь будет намного проще.
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Деньги – сильнейший эгрегор современности… Дающий власть и низвергающий с высот. С ними связаны наши самые сокровенные мечты, страхи и надежды!
«Вот я и миллионер! Сбылись мечты идиота!» Большинство помнит знаменитую фразу Великого Комбинатора. И кто действительно не хотел бы стать миллионером?!
Миллион – это не просто объем денег, это возможность назвать себя миллионером.
Но кто-то навсегда застревает в несбыточных мечтах о своих миллионах, а кто-то, шаг за шагом преодолевая страхи, сомнения и трудности, смело идет к своей цели.
И это не просто психология, это сверхметауровень психологии. Для высокой цели и уровень взглядов и мировоззрения должен быть высоким. Из желания удовлетворить сиюминутные потребности и страха нищеты трудно создать достойную мотивацию. Должно возникнуть страстное желание обладать состоянием – и финансовым, и личной силы.
А для этого нужно провести сильнейшую трансформацию своих убеждений и взглядов. Преодолеть сотни «не могу» и «не получится». По сути, сильнейшим образом увеличить…
¿Qué le impide ganar dinero con la inversión en bienes raíces? ¿Sabía usted que los bienes raíces crearon más millonarios (personas ricas en otras palabras) que cualquier otra cosa? Siga leyendo… ¿Quién no ha visto un programa de renovación en la televisión? Se está volviendo cada vez más popular: una casa vieja con potencial se arregla para terminar pareciendo un palacio. En la vida real, sin embargo, voltear casas requiere el conocimiento y la estrategia. Este libro ”Inversión en bienes raíces: casas rodantes” te enseñará los trucos y secretos de la inversión en bienes raíces. Este libro le enseñará cómo encontrar, financiar, arreglar y vender una casa. Aprenderá todos los pequeños secretos que la gente no comparte en la televisión. Usted podrá prever posibles problemas y sabrá cómo resolverlos si se presentan. Esta guía te ahorrará tiempo y dinero. ”No espere para comprar una propiedad. Compre bienes raíces y espere”. – Will Rogers. En promedio, una persona tarda 10 semana ¿Qué le impide ganar dinero c…
In The Self Managed Superannuation Fund Handbook, tax and superannuation specialists Barbara Smith and Dr Ed Koken show you how to take advantage of the simplified do-it-yourself superannuation and pension rules, and how to get the best out of your investments in the most tax-friendly way. This practical handbook covers: why you should set up and run your own fund investment options and strategies taxation tips and traps in running your fund accessing your retirement savings as pension This book is full of information for investors setting up or already running an SMSF, and professionals who provide superannuation and retirement planning advice to clients with SMSFs.
The Upside of Aging: How Long Life Is Changing the World of Health, Work, Innovation, Policy and Purpose explores a titanic shift that will alter every aspect of human existence, from the jobs we hold to the products we buy to the medical care we receive – an aging revolution underway across America and the world. Moving beyond the stereotypes of dependency and decline that have defined older age, The Upside of Aging reveals the vast opportunity and potential of this aging phenomenon, despite significant policy and societal challenges that must be addressed. The book’s chapter authors, all prominent thought-leaders, point to a reinvention and reimagination of our older years that have critical implications for people of all ages. With a positive call to action, the book illuminates the upside for health and wellness, work and volunteerism, economic growth, innovation and education. The authors, like the baby boom generation itself, posit new ways of thinking about aging, as longevity and declining birthra…
The comprehensive, six-books-in-one package Canadian investors can trust with their money Designed for those investors who are already familiar with the fundamentals of the investment process and are looking to take their finances to the next level, Building Wealth All-in-One For Canadians For Dummies, is a higher-end title that will make diversifying your portfolio—the key to successful investing—a cinch. Offering readers a wealth of information on investment techniques, along with options ranging from stocks and mutual funds to trading on the Foreign Exchange and buying investment properties, the book is: Fully up-to-date and packed with current content Written by Canadian authors who understand Canadian finances Filled with everything you need to know about investing The ultimate resource for Canadian investors looking to make more profitable investment decisions, Building Wealth For Canadians For Dummies All-in-One is the book you need to take the next step towards increasing your wealth.
The Bogleheads are back-with retirement planning advice for those who need it! Whatever your current financial situation, you must continue to strive for a viable retirement plan by finding the most effective ways to save, the best accounts to save in, and the right amount to save, as well as understanding how to insure against setbacks and handle the uncertainties of a shaky economy. Fortunately, the Bogleheads, a group of like-minded individual investors who follow the general investment and business beliefs of John C. Bogle, are here to help. Filled with valuable advice on a wide range of retirement planning issues, including some pearls of wisdom from Bogle himself, The Bogleheads' Guide to Retirement Planning has everything you need to succeed at this endeavor. Explains the different types of savings accounts and retirement plans Offers insights on managing and funding your retirement accounts Details efficient withdrawal strategies that could help you maintain a comfortable retirement lifestyle Addr…
Последний кризис привел к резкому росту интереса к макроэкономике. Почему макроэкономисты не смогли предсказать кризис? Знают ли макроэкономисты, как справляться с кризисами? Учитывают ли макроэкономические модели несовершенства финансового и других рынков? О чем спорят макроэкономисты и в чем они согласны друг с другом? Чем вообще занимаются ученые-макроэкономисты? Об этих и других вопросах современной макроэкономики – лекция Сергея Гуриева.
Praise For THE LITTLE BOOK OF ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS «Ben and Phil have done it again. Another lucid, insightful book, designed to enhance your wealth! In today's stock-addled cult of equities, there is a gaping hole in most investors' portfolios…the whole panoply of alternative investments that can simultaneously help us cut our risk, better hedge our inflation risk, and boost our return. This Little Book is filled with big ideas on how to make these markets and strategies a treasured part of our investing toolkit.» —Robert Arnott, Chairman, Research Affiliates «I have been reading Ben Stein for thirty-five years and Phil DeMuth since he joined up with Ben ten years ago. They do solid work, and this latest is no exception.» —Jim Rogers, author of A Gift to My Children «If anyone can make hedge funds sexy, Stein and DeMuth can, and they've done it with style in this engaging, instructive, and tasteful how-to guide for investing in alternatives. But you should read this Kama Sutra of investment manuals no…
Această carte electronică vă oferă 51 de greșeli legate de bani pe care să le evitați la vârsta de 20 de ani pentru a obține libertatea financiară mai târziu în viață.
Ca adult la douăzeci de ani, ai tendința să încerci să-ți prevezi viitorul financiar și, de asemenea, să înveți din greșelile tale din trecut pentru a încerca să creezi o zi de mâine mai bună. La douăzeci de ani, simți că viața de adult este încă nouă și palpitantă. Îți trec multe lucruri prin minte, cum ar fi cumpărarea unei mașini, a unei case și obținerea unui loc de muncă plătit. Toate aceste dorințe te fac să simți că ți-e predestinat să ai o viață bogată foarte curând. Este o perioadă atât de minunată! Dar, deși este distractiv să fii tânăr, la vârsta de douăzeci de ani îți poți modela sau distruge viitorul financiar. Trebuie să-ți folosești foarte bine timpul pentru a-ți maximiza potențialul, altfel riști să iei decizii costisitoare care pot avea un impact semnificativ asupra viitorului tău. Dacă ești pregătit să-ți construiești viit…
L'ansia incontrollabile prende il soppravvento? Vuoi dire addio all'ansia per sempre? Continua a leggere … L'ansia è uno dei maggiori problemi nella società di oggi. Colpisce quasi tutti, ovunque nel mondo. È una condizione psicologica che limita noi stessi e riempie la nostra mente di paura e aspettativa. Come vivere sotto costante terrore, l'ansia può avere un impatto negativo su tutte le cose belle della tua vita. Sebbene sia disponibile un trattamento medico, i suoi effetti secondari possono essere pericolosi e persino peggiorare il problema. Questo libro ”Meditazione guidata per l'ansia” offre una soluzione diversa: la meditazione come trattamento per l'ansia. Apri la tua mente e il tuo cuore alla consapevolezza; pur chiarendo i tuoi pensieri, il tuo essere diventa più leggero e più felice. Questo è il libro perfetto per cominciare. ”Le cose sulla meditazione sono: diventi sempre più te” – David Lynch L'ansia colpisce circa il 30% degli adulti negli Stati Uniti (compresi quelli diagnosticati e quelli…
Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, The Vital Few vs. The Trivial Many will open your eyes to a new way of looking at the investment world, especially the stock market. You'll discover how to look past media hype to discern what the Vital Few or corporate insiders—those who know their companies best—are doing. By explaining which information is accurate and valuable, as opposed to that which is misleading and financially hazardous, investment professional George Muzea will show you how to successfully and intelligently evaluate the stock market and find valuable gems that have yet to be discovered by the masses.
Completely expanded and updated, Live it Up Without Outliving Your Money! Second Edition is the financial roadmap that people are looking for. Based on the author's experience in the financial services sector since the mid-1960s, including more than 30 years as an investment advisor and money manager, this plain-talking book gives readers simple strategies to add between $1,000 and $10,000 to their monthly income in retirement, and without taking any of the dumb risks of the past. This reliable resource motivates readers to take the first steps to change their financial situation; presents multiple strategies for withdrawing money during retirement; and exposes the marketing tricks perpetrated by financial institutions. This book also includes added focus on newer issues such as ETFs, REITs, estate planning, IRA withdrawals, and updated allocation strategies. Live it Up Without Outliving Your Money! : • Allows readers to tailor a financial plan for retirement that takes into account the amount of risk the…
Manage your finances and enjoy your retirement Retirement security is one of the most pressing social issues facing the world in the next 30 years—so if you’re approaching your golden years, it’s essential to have a secure financial future. Personal Finance in Your 50s All-in-One For Dummies provides targeted financial advice and assists soon-to-be or established boomers with making informed decisions about how best to spend, invest, and protect their wealth while planning for the future. Retirement is an exciting time … but it can also be scary if you’re not sure that you have your ducks in a row. This hands-on resource arms you with an arsenal of beginner to intermediate personal finance and estate planning techniques for everything from spending, saving, navigating insurance, managing medical costs, household expenses, and even employment. Build a diversified portfolio Create emergency funds Avoid scams and frauds Improve your estate planning With the help of this all-in-one resource, you’ll get a succ…
For the first time ever, Margaret Lomas has combined all her positive cash flow property strategies into a step-by-step manual to guide new investors through the processes of establishing a property portfolio. Inside you will learn: Where to look for positive cash flow property The contracts you need to understand The process of applying for finance How to choose a property manager Methods to prepare for tax How to manage a property sale. Positive cash flow properties will put money in your pocket each week and can set you on the path to financial freedom. Margaret has included checklists and practical worksheets to guide you along the road one step at a time.
A complete guide to planning an estate under today's tax rules When it comes to your estate–no matter how big or small it may be–you shouldn't leave anything to chance. Proper planning is necessary to protect both your assets and your heirs. Estate Planning Law Specialist Harold Apolinsky and expert financial planner Stewart Welch III know this better than anyone else, and in the Revised and Updated Edition of J.K. Lasser's New Rules for Estate and Tax Planning, they offer valuable advice and solid strategies to help you plan your estate under today's tax rules as well as preserve your wealth. Packed with up-to-the-minute facts, this practical resource covers important issues, such as: * How new legislation will impact inheritances and trusts * Estate and generation-skipping tax planning * The role of wills, executors, and trusts * Treatment of charitable contributions * The do's and don'ts of gifting * Life insurance and retirement planning Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, this book will …
Planning Your Estate Under the New Tax Law is Easy with J. K. Lasser The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 will affect numerous aspects of your financial life-none more important than how you plan your estate. This new tax law includes the first major estate tax revision in over twenty years. Use J.K. Lasser's New Rules for Estate and Tax Planning to learn how the rules have changed and what you can do now to effectively plan your estate. Learn what the new law means for you and your family, and find out how to use it to keep what has taken a lifetime to accumulate. With this book, you'll understand: * The repeal of the Estate Tax * Wealth-transfer exemption * How the new legislation will impact trusts and inheritances * The role of wills, executors, guardianship, and trusts * Treatment of charitable contributions J.K. Lasser-Practical Guides for All Your Financial Needs Please visit our Web site at www.jklasser.com
Whether working on an international project for a Fortune 500 company or organizing a family reunion, you need effective project management to ensure timely and efficient completion of projects. This helpful guide offers explanations of everything needed to get started in project management including: how to initiate a project and lead the project team, how to structure the project and plan for resources, how to monitor and track the plan, and how to close out the project. Packed with practical advice, this book includes tips to increase success, reveals common pitfalls to avoid, and presents case studies to show and why project management actually works. Paula Martin (Torrington, CT) is the CEO of Martin Tate, a management consulting and training company. She works with project teams to help them improve performance and has been a consultant on issues related to improving organization performance for over ten years. Karen Tate (Cincinnati, OH) is the President of MartinTate and is a Project Management Pr…
The proven CFP Study Guide that delivers just what you need to succeed! A quick-study guide for candidates preparing to take the CFP Certification Examination, Rattiner's Review for the CFP® Certification Examination distills the bare-bones essentials you need to know to pass this challenging exam, all in a logical and easy-to-absorb manner. This indispensable study tool for students who have already been through traditional CFP educational programming—and just need a little extra help pulling it all together—provides a no-nonsense approach to studying for some of the most important disciplines of financial planning, including: PFP, insurance, employee benefit, investments, income tax, retirement, and estate planning. Each discipline contains short and concise statements emphasizing key points through mnemonic devices, study tips, and other established test-taking methods that provide helpful hints. Rattiner's Review for the CFP® Certification Examination, Third Edition has been thoroughly updated to incl…
"Daniel Cassidy has written a detailed, comprehensive guide for managers to understand and succeed at the ongoing process of managing a company retirement plan. If motivating your employees is important to you as a manager, this book is an essential key to your success." –Josh Gordon, author of Presentations That Change Minds and Selling 2.0 Written by renowned retirement benefits planning specialist Daniel Cassidy, A Manager's Guide to Strategic Retirement Plan Management focuses on current best practices regarding company-sponsored retirement plans within the United States. Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, this valuable guide will aid managers in applying strategic thinking to their retirement plan management activities–whether it be a 401(k) plan, investing in company stock, or a traditional defined benefit plan. It will also help you to view retirement plans in a holistic manner–ever more necessary given the unpredictable economy and recent troubles with companies such as Enron and Wor…
America’s number one bestselling tax guide offers the best balance of thoroughness, organization, and usability For more than half a century, over 38 million Americans have turned to J.K. Lasser for easy-to-follow, expert advice and guidance on planning and filing their taxes. Written by a team of tax specialists, J.K. Lasser’s Your Income Tax 2005 includes all the outstanding features that have made this book the nation’s all-time top-selling tax guide. Your Income Tax 2005 is the book of choice for serious taxpayers who want to pay less on their taxes. Special features include: Usable tax forms Over 2,500 easy-to-use tax planning tips and strategies Easy-to-understand coverage of the year’s tax law changes Filing tips and instructions to help you prepare your 2004 return Quick reference section that highlights what’s new for 2004 Quick topic index to help pinpoint the biggest money-saving deductions Advice for customers whose use software or CPAs to file their taxes Plus as a new added benefit, J.K. Las…
The numerical and emotional aspects of planning for retirement This hands-on resource demystifies financial planning by giving the Enough number: an exact figure specific to personal goals, which can be a target number to aim for in retirement. It shows what changes will help to achieve the number, and offers an understanding of hidden motivations when it comes to spending money. It also provides an overview of the multitudes of investments available and provides conservative guidelines that will help make money, save taxes, and sleep at night. Offers a clear understanding of the different attitudes toward money and includes strategies to achieve goals Includes the tools needed to save for later and enjoy rewards today Contains a method for tracking money to help get your finances where you want them to be Covers the details of what it takes to work effectively with a financial advisor Written by Diane McCurdy, a noted financial planner, speaker, author, and founder of McCurdy Financial Planning This hand…
A practical guide to avoiding accidental philanthropy and controlling your tax destiny Written by Daniel Nigito-a financial services expert whose programs have saved families millions in tax dollars and created millions more for charities across the United States-this timely guide will show you how to use the simple, yet powerful strategy known as «charitable leverage» to regain control of your financial life. This proven approach, which allows you to become a partner with charity while gaining control over your tax destiny and providing for you and your family, taps into the unique tax characteristics of two financial instruments-the Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) and Cash Value Life Insurance (CVLI)-in order to achieve some amazing goals. Offers insights on increasing your current income while paying less tax on it Discusses how to develop real asset protection without moving your money offshore or using complicated and often questionable tax schemes Details how you can build a personal tax-deductible…
Completely revised to reflect important changes in this year's tax laws, J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks 2008 will help you take advantage of every tax break and deduction you may be entitled to. This comprehensive guide is clearly organized by subject matter so you can easily find situations that may apply to you. Each tax benefit is also clearly explained–along with the eligibility requirements for claiming the benefit–while planning tips and common pitfalls associated with the benefit in question are discussed in detail. New tax law alerts are also included throughout the book, so you can make the most informed decisions possible. With this book as your guide, you'll find deductions and tax breaks with regard to: * You and your family * Your home and car * Your job or business * Your investments and retirement savings * Medical and dental expenses * Health savings accounts * Education costs * Your charitable giving * Casualty and theft losses Packed with hundreds of updated deductions and cr…