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"There It Is": Narratives of the Vietnam War
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This book provides a critical survey of the literature on the Vietnam War and is intended both for academic and general readers. Earlier works of this kind constantly recycled criticism of a half…
Развитие мышления. ТРИЗ. Часть 34
Слова-омофоны, анаграммы, знаки на улице и их обозначения...Разминали мозг с самого утра! Задавала вопросы Кира Трубецкая, преподаватель Школы развития «Маяк».
Deeper shit und so
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Es geht um Menschen und um Dinge und so ein Zeug. In englischer Sprache, schrieb ich in leichten Worten das Leben, so wie ich es erlebe nieder. Deeper shit gemischt mit allerlei Absurdität. <br/>…
Freya's Image
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What if …? Sylva Kanderal addresses this question in her highly imaginative and emotional novel about life, love and a wonderful female friendship between two people from different worlds who sha…
Janet Frame’s World of Books
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This study investigates how Janet Frame weaves together literary sources from her extensive reading to create a web of intertextual relationships. Patricia Neville traces Frame’s passion for book…
Ben Hur (Classic Books)
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&quot;And when, finally, Ben-Hur saw the tribune mount his platform and don his armor, and get his helmet and shield out, the meaning of the preparations might not be any longer doubted, and he m…
Twenty-Five Knots to the China Seas
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Every voyage at sea, on any ship, is legally defined as an adventure. This adventure is unprecedented and is set in the year 1974, when the British Merchant Navy was at its peak. After a very sho…
Изображая, понимать, или Sententia sensa: философия в литературном тексте
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Год написания книги 2017
В своей работе Владимир Кантор, доктор философских наук, заведующий Международной лабораторией исследований русско-европейского интеллектуального диалога Национального исследовательского универси…
Бесы. Приключения русской литературы и людей, которые ее читают
Год написания книги 2010
Удивительные сплетения судеб, неожиданный взгляд на знакомые с детства произведения, наука и любовь, мир, населённый захватывающими смыслами, – всё это ждёт вас в уникальном литературном путешест…
The Swim
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Lost in the North Sea: Left to her own devices, the protagonist experiences a freewater triathlon training session as a kaleidoscope of existential insights. Family, friends, guilt, forgiveness a…
Братья Стругацкие. Письма о будущем
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Год написания книги 2017
Надо ли представлять читателю Аркадия и Бориса Стругацких? Вопрос риторический: кто из нас не держал в руках их книг, тот просто не умеет читать. Но что мы знаем о гениях советской фантастики, пр…
Poetic Healing
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Writing is part of my therapeutic process of poetic healing. Sharing my thoughts and rhythms with the world intensifies the feeling of having spoken out my sorrows from my soul. This book is a co…
Stumpy and Stumble
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Seemingly unknown to Granny Annie, the things in her room are actually alive! Meet Stumpy the footstool, Skinny Vase, Sofa, Clock and many more characters, each with their own unique personality.…
Matar a mamá / Matricide
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Imagine el lector que sale de su casa, dentro de su cartera o bolso lleva este pequeño libro, pero sin saberlo está cargando uno de los museos contemporáneos más completos del mundo, el verdadero…
The Curious Affair at Heron Shoals (Augusta Huiell Seaman) (Literary Thoughts Edition)
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Literary Thoughts edition <br/> presents <br/> The Curious Affair at Heron Shoals by Augusta Huiell Seaman <br/> <br/> <br/> – <br/> <br/> <br/> &quot;The Curious Affair at Heron Shoals" is a mys…
The Antichrist in Post-Soviet Russia: Transformations of an Ideomyth
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The book explores transformations of the apocalyptic figure of the Antichrist in various post-Soviet discourses, including ecclesiastical and political writings, conspiracy theories, and literary…
The Return of Sherlock Holmes
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This is Book 6 of the series «The Chronological Sherlock Holmes». <br/> &quot;The Return of Sherlock Holmes" is a collection of 13 Sherlock Holmes stories, originally published in 1903-1904, by A…
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More than a quarter of a century living away from the country she grew up in, the author finds she is constantly revisiting her native land, when often only inside her head. It is a journey which…
The Twilight of Magic
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&quot;The Twilight of Magic" was written in 1931 by Hugh Lofting (1886-1947), telling about the Middle Ages, when adults and children alike still believed in magic. The tale is full of castles, k…
The Second Jungle Book
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&quot;The Second Jungle Book" is a sequel to «The Jungle Book» by Rudyard Kipling. First published in 1895, it features five stories about Mowgli and three unrelated stories, all but one set in I…