Международное уголовное право - ТОП 50 лучших книг
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level.
The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities.
The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research.
The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars.
The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web o…
В теоретической части рассматриваются концептуальные аспекты международного уголовного права. Практическая часть состоит из 13 тем, каждая из которых включает 8 модулей, представляющих собой набор однотипных заданий, ориентированных на формирование академических, социально-личностных и профессиональных компетенций.
Для студентов учреждений высшего образования по специальности «Международное право». Может быть полезно для подготовки к международным конкурсам по международному праву.
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level.
The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities.
The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research.
The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars.
The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web o…
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level.
The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities.
The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research.
The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars.
The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web o…
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level.
The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities.
The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research.
The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars.
The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web o…
Рассмотрены международно-правовые основы борьбы с торговлей людьми, международные нормативные правовые акты и правовые акты сотрудничества независимых государств, в соответствии с которыми осуществляется противодействие торговле людьми. Представлена методика ведения дела о торговле людьми в рамках международного сотрудничества и меры по борьбе с преступлением торговли людьми на международном уровне.
Для студентов и преподавателей юридических вузов, а также сотрудников правоохранительных органов.
Во второй части учебного пособия «Международные правоохранительные организации» рассматриваются основные положения о правовом регулировании, организации и деятельности получивших распространение в последние годы юридических (судебных) сетевых структур, главными задачами которых является международное содействие в сфере правоохранительной деятельности, оперативный обмен информацией, опытом, знаниями между их участниками – представителями правоохранительных органов и судов различных стран. В нем представлены как доктринальные положения, раскрывающие содержание теоретические положения о судебных и юридических сетях, так и специально подобранные нормативные правовые акты, регламентирующие их деятельность, в переводе на русский язык.
Рекомендовано в качестве основной литературы по дисциплине «Международные правоохранительные организации», дополнительной литературы по дисциплине «Международное полицейское сотрудничество» для студентов МГИМО МИД России, обучающихся по программе магистратуры «Международное сотруд…
Настоящая книга представляет собой результат комплексного исследования взаимодействия цифровых технологий и уголовного процесса, а также произведенного в данном ключе анализа современного уголовно-процессуального права Германии. В ней рассматриваются как вопросы развития уголовного процесса в контексте эволюции информационных технологий, так и конкретные функции воздействия последних на уголовно-процессуальное право: доказательственная, коммуникационная и интеллектуальная. Состояние и перспективы реформирования УПК ФРГ представлены через призму указанных функций.
Предназначена для научных работников, преподавателей, аспирантов (адъюнктов), студентов (курсантов) юридических вузов и факультетов, сотрудников оперативно-розыскных подразделений, следователей, прокуроров, судей, адвокатов и всех интересующихся современными проблемами уголовного процесса.
В работе рассматривается концепция современного международного уголовного права, его задачи и принципы.
Сформулировано понятие международного уголовного права, его задачи, предмет и методы на основе широкого круга источников. Сделан принципиальный вывод о формировании международного уголовного права как самостоятельной отрасли, определяющей преступность деяния и пределы ответственности за его совершение, а также регламентирующей иные уголовно-правовые вопросы в целях охраны мирового правопорядка.
Проанализированы отраслевые принципы международного уголовного права: индивидуальной ответственности, nullum crimen sine lege, nullum poena sine lege, ne bis in idem, недопустимости ссылок на официальный статус и приказ. При этом изучение названных принципов проведено через понимание материального правоотношения ответственности в международном уголовном праве.
Особо рассмотрена проблема ответственности государства и юридических лиц в международном уголовном праве, реализация задач международного уголовного права …
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level.
The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities.
The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research.
The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars.
The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web o…
Как поймать и приготовить пальмового краба, если посольство не платит зарплаты, а ты голоден?
Гаагская конференция – с чем это едят?
Сложно ли прожить месяц в плену у ливийских повстанцев, питаясь одним кускусом?
Ответы на эти и другие вопросы Вы найдете в книге «Дипломатическая кухня».
В ней автор, прошедший путь от атташе до Чрезвычайного и Полномочного Посла, рассказывает о закулисье дипломатии. О жизненных казусах и приключениях, проблемах выбора и воле случая, о людях и их характерах. И конечно, о кухне разных стран.
Монография посвящена осмыслению особенностей уголовно-юрисдикционной деятельности в условиях цифровизации, в т. ч. с учетом правоприменительной практики по осуществлению уголовного преследования в ряде зарубежных стран.
Работа направлена на решение проблем, обусловленных необходимостью введения новых или изменения отдельных существующих положений уголовного, уголовно-процессуального, уголовно-исполнительного законодательства и законодательства об оперативно-розыскной деятельности.
Рассматриваются вопросы квалификации преступлений, совершенных с использованием информационно-телекоммуникационных устройств, а также преступлений, предметом которых являются цифровые сущности; специфика выявления, пресечения, расследования преступлений с цифровым элементом и привлечения виновных к уголовной ответственности; новые методики расследования преступлений в цифровой сфере; процессы внедрения информационных технологий в деятельность правоохранительных органов.
Для юристов – ученых и практиков, работников судебной систе…
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level.
The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities.
The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research.
The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars.
The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web o…
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level.
The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities.
The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research.
The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars.
The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web o…
Представленная монография является комплексным исследованием, в котором систематизируются и обобщаются основные направления развития уголовного законодательства стран, относящихся к семьям континентального и общего права. Отмечаются тенденции к расширению составов преступлений, использованию принципа экстерриториальности при применении уголовных законов, вовлечению иных отраслей законодательства в решение вопросов уголовного права и формированию новых подходов в преодолении уголовно-правового конфликта.
Рассматриваются формы взаимного влияния международного права и национальных уголовно-правовых систем, наиболее значимые для современного мира способы криминализации и декриминализации деяний. Выделяются альтернативные, квазиуголовные способы воздействия на физических и юридических лиц, применяемые как на досудебной стадии, так и на этапе исполнения наказания.
Для юристов – ученых и практиков, представителей правозащитных организаций и правотворческих органов, преподавателей, аспирантов, магистрантов, студе…
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level.
The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities.
The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research.
The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars.
The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web o…
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level.
The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities.
The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research.
The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars.
The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web o…
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level.
The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities.
The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research.
The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars.
The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web o…
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level.
The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities.
The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research.
The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars.
The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web o…
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level.
The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities.
The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research.
The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars.
The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web o…