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Мукомольное производство - ТОП 50 лучших книг

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The Common Fisheries Policy. The Quest for Sustainability
Written by Ernesto Penas of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, this thorough and comprehensive book provides a full understanding of the European Commission’s common fisheries policy (CFP), which is of major importance to all fisheries scientists and managers. Commencing with introductory chapters which look at the history behind the CFP, its birth and enlargement, this excellent book continues with chapters covering the major aspects of the CFP including policies on conservation, fishing fleets, structure, control, and environment, the external sector, scientific advice, stakeholders and decision making. Further chapters consider the Mediterranean Sea, aquaculture and the reforms of the CFP. A concluding chapter looks at what’s next for the CFP. The Common Fisheries Policy is an essential reference for all fisheries managers and fisheries scientists throughout the world, and provides a huge wealth of important information for fish biologists, conservation bi…
Paddlefish Aquaculture
Paddlefish have become of increasing interest to the aquaculture community in recent years, particularly as a potential new source of seafood and caviar. Native to North America, paddlefish show great promise both domestically and internationally as a commercially viable farmed species. Paddlefish Aquaculture examines all aspects of the biology and culture of these fish, exploring their physiology, production, end products and the economics underlying a successful paddlefish operation. Chapters specifically cover paddlefish biology, propagation and early culture techniques, production for meat and caviar, international culture and history, paddlefish food products, bioaccumulants of contaminants in paddlefish, parasites and diseases, and the economics of paddlefish aquaculture. Paddlefish Aquaculture is a timely practical reference for researchers and producers interested in paddlefish.
Sustainable Retail Refrigeration
Carbon emissions from the retail segment of the food cold chain are relatively high compared to other parts of the food cold chain. Studies have also shown that food temperature is less well controlled at the retail and consumer end of the cold chain. There is therefore considerable potential to optimize performance of refrigerated display cabinets and the refrigeration systems that are used to operate them to reduce carbon emissions and to improve food temperature control. Sustainable Retail Refrigeration draws together world experts on retail refrigeration. In a single resource, the authors cover the latest technologies and best current knowledge in the field. With increasing concerns about energy use and global warming gasses, retailers are increasingly being called to account for their actions. Sustainable Retail Refrigeration is a valuable reference to manufacturers, managers and policy makers, incorporating both a design and an operational perspective.
Sensory Discrimination Tests and Measurements. Sensometrics in Sensory Evaluation
Sensory testing and measurement are the main functions of sensory analysis. In recent years, the sensory and consumer field has evolved to include both difference testing and similarity testing, and new sensory discrimination methods such as the tetrads have received more attention in the literature. This second edition of Sensory Discrimination Tests and Measurements is updated throughout and responds to these changes and includes: A wide range of sensory measurements: Measurements of sensory effect (d', R-index and Gini-index); Measurements of performance of trained sensory panel (Intraclass correlation coefficients and Cronbach?s coefficient alpha); Measurements of relative importance of correlated sensory and consumer attributes (drivers of consumer liking or purchase intent); Measurements of consumer emotions and psychographics; Measurements of time-intensity; Measurements of sensory thresholds; Measurements of sensory risk with negative sensory effects (Benchmark Dose, BMD, methodology) Measurements…
Food Authentication. Management, Analysis and Regulation
The determination of food authenticity is a vital component of quality control. Its importance has been highlighted in recent years by high-profile cases in the global supply chain such as the European horsemeat scandal and the Chinese melamine scandal which led to six fatalities and the hospitalisation of thousands of infants. As well as being a safety concern, authenticity is also a quality criterion for food and food ingredients. Consumers and retailers demand that the products they purchase and sell are what they purport to be. This book covers the most advanced techniques used for the authentication of a vast number of products around the world. The reader will be informed about the latest pertinent analytical techniques. Chapters focus on the novel techniques & markers that have emerged in recent years. An introductory section presents the concepts of food authentication while the second section examines in detail the analytical techniques for the detection of fraud relating to geographical, botanic…
Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria. Novel Applications
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have historically been used as starter cultures for the production of fermented foods, especially dairy products. Over recent years, new areas have had a strong impact on LAB studies: the application of ?omics? tools; the study of complex microbial ecosystems, the discovery of new LAB species, and the use of LAB as powerhouses in the food and medical industries. This second edition of Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications addresses the major advances in the fields over the last five years. Thoroughly revised and updated, the book includes new chapters. Among them: The current status of LAB systematics; The role of LAB in the human intestinal microbiome and the intestinal tract of animals and its impact on the health and disease state of the host; The involvement of LAB in fruit and vegetable fermentations; The production of nutraceuticals and aroma compounds by LAB; and The formation of biofilms by LAB. This book is an essential reference for established rese…
Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists
A guide to using molecular biology and immunological methods for the analysis of food Many of the analytical problems that food chemists face in the lab cannot be solved by chemistry alone, and so analytical chemists are turning to molecular biology and immunology for alternative approaches. Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists comprehensively explains the most important molecular biology and immunology methods, and illustrates their application in food analysis. Written by a distinguished group of experts, the coverage includes: Molecular Biological Methods—techniques explained, laboratory layout, PCR, real-time PCR, RFLP, SSCP, and sequencing Molecular Biology Applications—meat, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), food allergens, offal, and fish Immunological Methods—techniques explained and antibody-based detection methods Immunology Applications—animal speciation, international food allergen regulations (except Japanese), Japanese regulations and buck…
Probiotic Dairy Products
Probiotic Dairy Products, 2nd Edition The updated guide to the most current research and developments in probiotic dairy products The thoroughly revised and updated second edition of Probiotic Dairy Products reviews the recent advancements in the dairy industry and includes the latest scientific developments in regard to the 'functional' aspects of dairy and fermented milk products and their ingredients. Since the publication of the first edition of this text, there have been incredible advances in the knowledge and understanding of the human microbiota, mainly due to the development and use of new molecular analysis techniques. This new edition includes information on the newest developments in the field. It offers information on the new ‘omic’ technologies that have been used to detect and analyse all the genes, proteins and metabolites of individuals’ gut microbiota. The text also includes a description of the history of probiotics and explores the origins of probiotic products and the early pioneers i…
Chemesthesis. Chemical Touch in Food and Eating
Chemesthesis are the chemically initiated sensations that occur via the touch system. Examples in the mouth include the burn of capsaicinoids in chilies, the cooling of menthol in peppermint, and the tingle of carbonation. It is physiologically distinct from taste and smell, but is increasingly understood to be just as important as these senses for their contribution to flavor, especially with the sustained growth in interest in spicy foods from around the world. Chemesthesis: Chemical Touch in Food and Eating surveys the modern body of work on chemesthesis, with a variety of contributors who are well known for their expertise on the topic. After a forward by John Prescott and an introduction by Barry Green (who originally coined the term chemesthesis 25 years ago), the book moves on to survey chemesthetic spices and address the psychology and physiology of chemesthesis; practical sensory and instrumental analysis; the interaction of chemesthesis with other chemical senses; health ramifications; and the a…
Anti-Ageing Nutrients. Evidence-Based Prevention of Age-Associated Diseases
Ageing is a complex, time-related biological phenomenon that is genetically determined and environmentally modulated. According to even the most pessimistic projections, average lifespan is expected to increase around the world during the next 20 years, significantly raising the number of aged individuals. But increasing life expectancy presents new problems, and industrialized countries are facing a pronounced increase in lifestyle diseases which constitute barriers to healthy ageing. Anti-Ageing Nutrients: Evidence-based Prevention of Age-Associated Diseases is written by a multi-disciplinary group of researchers, all interested in the nutritional modulation of ageing mechanisms. Structured in three parts, Part 1 looks at the cellular modifications that underlie senescence of cells and ageing of the organisms; the effects of energy restriction on cellular and molecular mechanisms and in the whole organism; and the epigenetic modifications associated with ageing. Part 2 includes chapters which discuss th…
Food Forensics and Toxicology
A comprehensive guide, offering a toxicological approach to food forensics, that reviews the legal, economic, and biological issues of food fraud Food Forensics and Toxicology offers an introduction and examination of forensics as applied to food and foodstuffs. The author puts the focus on food adulteration and food fraud investigation. The text combines the legal/economic issues of food fraud with the biological and health impacts of consuming adulterated food. Comprehensive in scope, the book covers a wide-range of topics including food adulteration/fraud, food «fingerprinting» and traceability, food toxicants in the body, and the accidental or deliberate introduction of toxicants into food products. In addition, the author includes information on the myriad types of toxicants from a range of food sources and explores the measures used to identify and quantify their toxicity. This book is designed to be a valuable reference source for laboratories, food companies, regulatory bodies, and researchers who…
Handbook of Seal Integrity in the Food Industry
Seal integrity is vital in food supply chains with modern methods of food retailing and a requirement for very high levels of consumer satisfaction. Robust packages are an important factor in food preservation, consumer confidence in the product as well as waste minimisation and cost control throughout the system. The Handbook of Seal Integrity in the Food Industry is aimed at people working in food supply chains and associated industries from packing machine operators to quality managers and from retail technical staff to packaging machine designers and maintenance engineers. This well illustrated and comprehensively indexed handbook paints a complete picture of all of the factors that operate together in the creation of food packages with high performing seals. A comprehensive review of the reasons for poor seal integrity is included along with suggestions for improvements in maintenance, machine set up and operation. Seal testing systems are featured along with management techniques to ensure a high le…
Statistical Methods for Food Science. Introductory Procedures for the Food Practitioner
The recording and analysis of food data are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Consequently, the food scientist in industry or at study faces the task of using and understanding statistical methods. Statistics is often viewed as a difficult subject and is often avoided because of its complexity and a lack of specific application to the requirements of food science. This situation is changing – there is now much material on multivariate applications for the more advanced reader, but a case exists for a univariate approach aimed at the non-statistician. This second edition of Statistical Methods for Food Science provides a source text on accessible statistical procedures for the food scientist, and is aimed at professionals and students in food laboratories where analytical, instrumental and sensory data are gathered and require some form of summary and analysis before interpretation. It is suitable for the food analyst, the sensory scientist and the product developer, and others who work in food-related …
Essential Oils in Food Processing: Chemistry, Safety and Applications
A guide to the use of essential oils in food, including information on their composition, extraction methods, and their antioxidant and antimicrobial applications Consumers’ food preferences are moving away from synthetic additives and preservatives and there is an increase demand for convenient packaged foods with long shelf lives. The use of essential oils fills the need for more natural preservativesto extend the shelf-life and maintaining the safety of foods. Essential Oils in Food Processing offers researchers in food science a guide to the chemistry, safety and applications of these easily accessible and eco-friendly substances. The text offers a review of essential oils components, history, source and their application in foods and explores common and new extraction methods of essential oils from herbs and spices. The authors show how to determine the chemical composition of essential oils as well as an explanation of the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of these oils in foods. This resource …
The Perfect Meal. The Multisensory Science of Food and Dining
The authors of The Perfect Meal examine all of the elements that contribute to the diner?s experience of a meal (primarily at a restaurant) and investigate how each of the diner?s senses contributes to their overall multisensory experience. The principal focus of the book is not on flavor perception, but on all of the non-food and beverage factors that have been shown to influence the diner?s overall experience. Examples are: the colour of the plate (visual) the shape of the glass (visual/tactile) the names used to describe the dishes (cognitive) the background music playing inside the restaurant (aural) Novel approaches to understanding the diner?s experience in the restaurant setting are explored from the perspectives of decision neuroscience, marketing, design, and psychology. 2015 Popular Science Prose Award Winner.
Handbook of Food Science and Technology 1. Food Alteration and Food Quality
This book serves as a general introduction to food science and technology, based on the academic courses presented by the authors as well as their personal research experiences. The authors' main focus is on the biological and physical-chemical stabilization of food, and the quality assessment control methods and normative aspects of the subsequent processes. Presented across three parts, the authors offer a detailed account of the scientific basis and technological knowledge needed to understand agro-food transformation. From biological analyses and process engineering, through to the development of food products and biochemical and microbiological changes, the different parts cover all aspects of the control of food quality.
Biotechnology and Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture
Following the extremely well-received structure of the first edition, this carefully revised and updated new edition now includes much new information of vital importance to those working and researching in the fisheries and aquaculture industries. Commencing with chapters covering genetic variation and how it can be measured, the authors then look at genetic structure in natural populations, followed by a new chapter covering genetics in relation to population size and conservation issues. Genetic variation of traits and triploids and the manipulation of ploidy are fully covered, and another new chapter is included, entitled 'From Genetics to Genomics'. The book concludes with a chapter covering the impact of genetic engineering in aquaculture. With the inclusion of a wealth of up-to-date information, new text and figures and the inclusion of a third author, Pierre Boudry, the second edition of Biotechnology and Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture provides an excellent text and reference of great value…
Tarpons. Biology, Ecology, Fisheries
Stephen Spotte, Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, Florida, USA Tarpons arose from an ancient lineage, and just two species exist today, confined to the tropics and subtropics: Megalops atlanticus in the western and eastern Atlantic and Megalops cyprinoides distributed widely across the Indo-West Pacific. The Atlantic tarpon is considered king of the saltwater sport fishes and supports a multi-billion dollar recreational fishery in the U.S. alone. The Pacific tarpon, which is much smaller, is less valued by anglers. Both have limited commercial value but offer considerable potential for future aquaculture because of their hardiness, rapid growth, and ease of adaptation to captivity. This book is the latest and most thorough text on the biology, ecology, and fisheries (sport and commercial) of tarpons. The chapters comprise clear, intricate discourses on such subjects as early development and metamorphosis, population genetics, anatomical and physiological features and adaptations, migrations, reproductive …
Dairy Processing and Quality Assurance
Dairy Processing and Quality Assurance, Second Edition describes the processing and manufacturing stages of market milk and major dairy products, from the receipt of raw materials to the packaging of the products, including the quality assurance aspects. The book begins with an overview of the dairy industry, dairy production and consumption trends. Next are discussions related to chemical, physical and functional properties of milk; microbiological considerations involved in milk processing; regulatory compliance; transportation to processing plants; and the ingredients used in manufacture of dairy products. The main section of the book is dedicated to processing and production of fluid milk products; cultured milk including yogurt; butter and spreads; cheese; evaporated and condensed milk; dry milks; whey and whey products; ice cream and frozen desserts; chilled dairy desserts; nutrition and health; sensory evaluation; new product development strategies; packaging systems; non-thermal preservation techn…
Handbook of Pineapple Technology. Production, Postharvest Science, Processing and Nutrition
Pineapple is the third most important tropical fruit in the world, with production occurring throughout the tropics. The demand for low acid fresh pineapples and its processed products is one of the fastest growing markets, especially in Europe and North America. This book provides an in depth and contemporary coverage of knowledge and practices in the value chain of this popular fruit, from production through to consumption. The chapters explore all the most recent developments in areas such as breeding, novel processing technologies, postharvest physiology and storage, packaging, nutritional quality and safety aspects. An outstanding team of authors from across the globe have contributed to make this the definitive pineapple handbook. Handbook of Pineapple Technology: Production, Postharvest Science, Processing and Nutrition is the ultimate guide for scientists in the food industries specializing in fruit processing, packaging and manufacturing. It is also a useful resource for educators and students of…
Spray Drying Techniques for Food Ingredient Encapsulation
Spray drying is a well-established method for transforming liquid materials into dry powder form. Widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries, this technology produces high quality powders with low moisture content, resulting in a wide range of shelf stable food and other biologically significant products. Encapsulation technology for bioactive compounds has gained momentum in the last few decades and a series of valuable food compounds, namely flavours, carotenoids and microbial cells have been successfully encapsulated using spray drying. Spray Drying Technique for Food Ingredient Encapsulation provides an insight into the engineering aspects of the spray drying process in relation to the encapsulation of food ingredients, choice of wall materials, and an overview of the various food ingredients encapsulated using spray drying. The book also throws light upon the recent advancements in the field of encapsulation by spray drying, i.e., nanospray dryers for production of nanocapsules and computa…
Microbiology in Dairy Processing. Challenges and Opportunities
An authoritative guide to microbiological solutions to common challenges encountered in the industrial processing of milk and the production of milk products Microbiology in Dairy Processing offers a comprehensive introduction to the most current knowledge and research in dairy technologies and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and dairy associated species in the fermentation of dairy products. The text deals with the industrial processing of milk, the problems solved in the industry, and those still affecting the processes. The authors explore culture methods and species selective growth media, to grow, separate, and characterize LAB and dairy associated species, molecular methods for species identification and strains characterization, Next Generation Sequencing for genome characterization, comparative genomics, phenotyping, and current applications in dairy and non-dairy productions. In addition, Microbiology in Dairy Processing covers the Lactic Acid Bacteria and dairy associated species (the beneficial micr…
Natural Food Flavors and Colorants
In this book the author utilizes his over fifty years of experience in food chemistry and technology in order to produce the most detailed and comprehensive guide on natural food flavors and colors. Unique coverage of natural flavors and natural colorants in the same volume Includes chemical structures of all principal constituents and CAS, FEMA and E numbers. Wherever available FCC (Food Chemicals Codex) Includes techniques and characteristics of extracts, such as solvent extraction, dispersion and solubitization, nutraceutical function and effect of heat
The Perfect Meal. The Multisensory Science of Food and Dining
The authors of The Perfect Meal examine all of the elements that contribute to the diner?s experience of a meal (primarily at a restaurant) and investigate how each of the diner?s senses contributes to their overall multisensory experience. The principal focus of the book is not on flavor perception, but on all of the non-food and beverage factors that have been shown to influence the diner?s overall experience. Examples are: the colour of the plate (visual) the shape of the glass (visual/tactile) the names used to describe the dishes (cognitive) the background music playing inside the restaurant (aural) Novel approaches to understanding the diner?s experience in the restaurant setting are explored from the perspectives of decision neuroscience, marketing, design, and psychology. 2015 Popular Science Prose Award Winner.
Biofilms in the Food Environment
In nature, microorganisms are generally found attached to surfaces as biofilms such as dust, insects, plants, animals and rocks, rather than suspended in solution. Once a biofilm is developed, other microorganisms are free to attach and benefit from this microbial community. The food industry, which has a rich supply of nutrients, solid surfaces, and raw materials constantly entering and moving through the facility, is an ideal environment for biofilm development, which can potentially protect food pathogens from sanitizers and result in the spread of foodborne illness. Biofilms in the Food Environment is designed to provide researchers in academia, federal research labs, and industry with an understanding of the impact, control, and hurdles of biofilms in the food environment. Key to biofilm control is an understanding of its development. The goal of this 2nd edition is to expand and complement the topics presented in the original book. Readers will find: The first comprehensive review of biofilm develop…
Chocolate Science and Technology
This second edition provides information on recent advances in the science and technology of chocolate manufacture and the entire international cocoa industry. It provides detailed review on a wide range of topics including cocoa production, cocoa and chocolate manufacturing operations, sensory perception of chocolate quality, flavour release and perception, sugar replacement and alternative sweetening solutions in chocolate production, industrial manufacture of sugar-free chocolates as well as the nutrition and health benefits of cocoa and chocolate consumption. The topics cover modern cocoa cultivation and production practices with special attention on cocoa bean composition, genotypic variations in the bean, post-harvest pre-treatments, fermentation and drying processes, and the biochemical basis of these operations. The scientific principles behind industrial chocolate manufacture are outlined with detailed explanations of the various stages of chocolate manufacturing including mixing, refining, conch…
Statistics for Sensory and Consumer Science
As we move further into the 21st Century, sensory and consumer studies continue to develop, playing an important role in food science and industry. These studies are crucial for understanding the relation between food properties on one side and human liking and buying behaviour on the other. This book by a group of established scientists gives a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the most common statistical methods for handling data from both trained sensory panels and consumer studies of food. It presents the topic in two distinct sections: problem-orientated (Part I) and method orientated (Part II), making it to appropriate for people at different levels with respect to their statistical skills. This book succesfully: Makes a clear distinction between studies using a trained sensory panel and studies using consumers. Concentrates on experimental studies with focus on how sensory assessors or consumers perceive and assess various product properties. Focuses on relationships between methods and techniq…
Dietary Nutrients, Additives and Fish Health
Fish nutrition can be the deciding factor between a robust and healthy farmed fish population and low aquaculture production. In an age where chemicals and antibiotics are under greater scrutiny than ever, a strong understanding of the role of nutrients and feed additives is essential in the aquaculture industry. Dietary Nutrients, Additives and Fish Health is a comprehensive review of dietary nutrients, antinutritional factors and toxins, and non-nutrient dietary additives, and their effects on fish performance and immune system function, as well as overall health. The book opens with an overview of fish immune systems and health. Subsequent chapters delve into proteins and amino acids, lipids and fatty acids, carbohydrates, beta glucans, vitamins, minerals, antinutrients, mycotoxins, nucleotides, prebiotics, probiotics, organic acids and their salts, and plant extracts and their impacts on fish health, growth, and development. The text then concludes with a chapter on feeding practices. Authored by lead…
Wine Production and Quality
Gourmand Award for the No. 1 Best Wine Book in the World for Professionals Since the publication of Wine Production: Vine to Bottle (2005) and Wine Quality: Tasting and Selection (2009), there has been a great deal of change in the wine industry, and the perceptions of critics and expectations of consumers have shifted. Wine Production and Quality, Second Edition brings together its two predecessors in one updated and considerably expanded volume. This comprehensive guide explores the techniques of wine production in the vineyard and winery, and considers their impact upon the taste, style and quality of wine in the bottle. Part 1 of the book provides a structured yet easily readable understanding of wine production, from vine to bottle. The impact of natural factors, including climate and soil, is considered, together with the decisions made and work undertaken in the vineyard and winery. Part 2 looks at quality in wines: the concepts and techniques of tasting are detailed, along with the challenges in r…
Textural Characteristics of World Foods
A complete guide to the textural characteristics of an international array of traditional and special foods It is widely recognized that texture has an intrinsic relationship to food preference. A full understanding of its functions and qualities is, therefore, of crucial importance to food technologists and product developers, as well as those working towards the treatment of dysphagia. Textural Characteristics of World Foods is the first book to apply a detailed set of criteria and characteristics to the textures of traditional and popular foods from across the globe. Structuring chapters by region, its authors chart a journey through the textural landscapes of each continent’s cuisines, exploring the complex and symbiotic relationships that exist between texture, aroma, and taste. This innovative text: Provides an overview of the textural characteristics of a wide range of foods Includes descriptions of textures and key points of flavor release Examines the relationships between the texture, taste, and…
Emerging Dairy Processing Technologies. Opportunities for the Dairy Industry
Fluid milk processing is energy intensive, with high financial and energy costs found all along the production line and supply chain. Worldwide, the dairy industry has set a goal of reducing GHG emissions and other environmental impacts associated with milk processing. Although the major GHG emissions associated with milk production occur on the farm, most energy usage associated with milk processing occurs at the milk processing plant and afterwards, during refrigerated storage (a key requirement for the transportation, retail and consumption of most milk products). Sustainable alternatives and designs for the dairy processing plants of the future are now being actively sought by the global dairy industry, as it seeks to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and comply with its corporate social responsibilities. Emerging Dairy Processing Technologies: Opportunities for the Dairy Industry presents the state of the art research and technologies that have been proposed as sustainable replacements for high tempe…
Food Allergen Testing. Molecular, Immunochemical and Chromatographic Techniques
An in-depth review of the current scientific knowledge on food allergens testing, covering the major methodologies and techniques used to detect food allergens. Food allergens are a series of agents, mainly proteins, which cause various unpleasant and sometimes clinical symptoms in humans through consumption of foods. Perhaps surprisingly, there are no treatments against food allergies which have been found to be 100% effective. The scope for individual difference in terms of how a person reacts to a given allergen is massive, making it incredibly difficult and complex to try and medicate against allergies. Food Allergens Testing takes a thorough look at modern molecular biology and immunochemical techniques used to detect food allergens. The eleven chapters constitute an in-depth review of the current scientific knowledge on food allergens, covering the major methodologies and techniques used in validated analytical approaches. The book is aimed at scientists and technical staff in the food industry and …
Echinoderm Aquaculture
Sea urchins and sea cucumbers are highly sought after delicacies growing in popularity globally. The demand for these species is rapidly outpacing natural stocks, and researchers and seafood industry personnel are now looking towards aquaculture as a means of providing a sustainable supply of these organism. Echinoderm Aquaculture is a practical reference on the basic biology and current culture practices for a wide range of geographically diverse echinoderm species. Echinoderm Aquaculture begins by examining the basic ecology and biology of sea urchins and sea cucumbers as well as the breadth of uses of these organisms as a source of food and bioactive compound. Subsequent chapters delineate the specific species of interest invarious geographic regions from around the world. Together, chapters provide a comprehensive coverage of culture practices. Echinoderm Aquaculture is a practical reference for researchers and industry personnel, and will serve as an invaluable resource to this rapidly growing segmen…
Analytical Methods for Food and Dairy Powders
Food and dairy powders are created by dehydrating perishable produce, such as milk, eggs, fruit and meat, in order to extend their shelf life and stabilise them for storage or transport. These powders are in high demand for use as ingredients and as food products in their own right, and are of great economic importance to the food and dairy industry worldwide. Today, the ability to control food and dairy powder quality is a source of key competitive advantage. By varying the dehydration process design, and by controlling the technological and thermodynamic parameters during dehydration, it is possible for manufacturers to engineer the biochemical, microbiological and physical characteristics of the food powder to meet their specific product requirements. This book provides an overview of the existing, adapted or new techniques used to analyse safety and quality in modern food and dairy powders. Based on original research by the authors, the book uses 25 commercial dairy and non-dairy powders to illustrate…
Improving Import Food Safety
Food safety has been a global concern for many years. While global sourcing of foods and ingredients provides great opportunity for variety and diversity of cultural products, there are significant risks. Programs that regulate food safety and quality in countries around the world vary in their scope and effectiveness, with many being underfunded. Rapidly developing countries may lack the expertise, laboratory resources for testing, and established inspection programs to adequately promote the safety of foods. Rather, these countries may be more focused on providing enough food for their citizens. Lack of documentation or traceability in the exporting country can further exacerbate the situation. Of course, safety problems in food imported from more developed countries also occur, and the source of food borne disease outbreaks are found regularly within the United States. Improving Import Food Safety gathers together vital information on the food safety programs of national governments, the food industry,…
Formulation Engineering of Foods
Formulation Engineering of Foods provides an in-depth look at formulation engineering approaches to food processing and product development of healthier, higher-performance foods. Through the use of eye-catching examples, such as low fat and low calorie chocolate, and salt reduction strategies in products like cheese and sauces, the book is at once easy to relate to and innovative. Presenting new methods and techniques for engineering food products, this book is cutting edge and as food formulation is a new method of food science, this is a timely publication in the field. All three editors are based in the University of Birmingham, base of the largest Chemical Engineering-based food research group in the UK, incorporating research into structured foods, flavour delivery and food hygiene. Research in food processing is carried out in partnership with key companies such as Nestlé, Unilever and Cadbury, as well as through funding from research councils and DEFRA. Joint research and collaboration has been ca…
Megatrends in Food and Agriculture. Technology, Water Use and Nutrition
Highlights and examines the growing convergence between the food and agricultural industries—the technological, environmental, and consumer-related drivers of this change, and the potential outcomes This is the first book of its kind to connect food and the food industry with agriculture, water resources, and water management in a detailed and thorough way. It brings together a small community of expert authors to address the future of the food industry, agriculture (both for plants and animals), and water—and its role in a world of increasing demands on resources. The book begins by highlighting the role of agriculture in today's food industry from a historical perspective—showing how it has grown over the years. It goes on to examine water management; new ways of plant breeding not only based on genetic modification pathways; and the attention between major crops (soy, corn, wheat) and so-called «orphan crops» (coffee, cocoa, tropical fruits). The book then turns towards the future of the food industry …
Chemistry and Technology of Soft Drinks and Fruit Juices
Soft drinks and fruit juices are produced in almost every country in the world and their availability is remarkable. From the largest cities to some of the remotest villages, soft drinks are available in a variety of flavours and packaging. Over the last decade, soft drinks and fruit juices have been the subject of criticism by the health community and there is considerable pressure on beverage manufacturers to reduce, or even remove, the sugar content of these products. Chemistry and Technology of Soft Drinks and Fruit Juices, Third Edition provides an overview of the chemistry and technology of soft drinks and fruit juices, covering ingredients, processing, microbiology, traceability and packaging as well as global market trends. This fully revised edition now includes chapters on topics that have become prominent in the industry since publication of the previous edition namely: water use and treatment, and microbiology technologies. The book is directed at graduates in food science, chemistry or microb…
Advances in Food Diagnostics
Still the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and authoritative book on food diagnostics available Featuring seven entirely new chapters, the second edition of this critically acclaimed guide has been extensively revised and updated. Once again delivering food professionals the latest advances in food diagnostics and analysis, the book approaches the topic in several different ways: reviewing novel technologies to evaluate fresh products; describing and analysing in depth specific modern diagnostics; providing analyses of data processing; and discussing global marketing, with insights into future trends. Written by an international team of experts, this volume not only covers most conventional lab-based analytical methods, but also focuses on leading-edge technologies which are being or are about to be introduced. Advances in Food Diagnostics, Second Edition: Covers ultrasound, RMN, chromatography, electronic noses, immunology, GMO detection and microbiological and molecular methodologies for rapid detection …
Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture
The global trade of aquatic organisms for home and public aquariums, along with associated equipment and accessories, has become a multi-billion dollar industry. Aquaculture of marine ornamental species, still in its infancy, is recognized as a viable alternative to wild collection as it can supplement or replace the supply of wild caught specimens and potentially help recover natural populations through restocking. This book collects into a single work the most up-to-date information currently available on the aquaculture of marine ornamental species. It includes the contributions of more than 50 leading scientists and experts on different topics relevant for the aquaculture of the most emblematic groups of organisms traded for reef aquariums. From clownfish, to angelfish, tangs and seahorses, as well as corals, anemones, shrimps, giant clams and several other reef organisms, all issues related with the husbandry, breeding, and trade are addressed, with explanatory schemes and illustrations being used to…
Ultrasound in Food Processing. Recent Advances
Part I: Fundamentals of ultrasound This part will cover the main basic principles of ultrasound generation and propagation and those phenomena related to low and high intensity ultrasound applications. The mechanisms involved in food analysis and process monitoring and in food process intensification will be shown. Part II: Low intensity ultrasound applications Low intensity ultrasound applications have been used for non-destructive food analysis as well as for process monitoring. Ultrasonic techniques, based on velocity, attenuation or frequency spectrum analysis, may be considered as rapid, simple, portable and suitable for on-line measurements. Although industrial applications of low-intensity ultrasound, such as meat carcass evaluation, have been used in the food industry for decades, this section will cover the most novel applications, which could be considered as highly relevant for future application in the food industry. Chapters addressing this issue will be divided into three subsections: (1) fo…
Diagnosis and Control of Diseases of Fish and Shellfish
There has been a continual expansion in aquaculture, such that total production is fast approaching that of wild-caught fisheries. Yet the expansion is marred by continued problems of disease. New pathogens emerge, and others become associated with new conditions. Some of these pathogens become well established, and develop into major killers of aquatic species. Diagnosis and Control of Diseases of Fish and Shellfish focuses on the diagnosis and control of diseases of fish and shellfish, notably those affecting aquaculture. Divided into 12 chapters, the book discusses the range of bacterial, viral and parasitic pathogens, their trends, emerging problems, and the relative significance to aquaculture. Developments in diagnostics and disease management, including the widespread use of serological and molecular methods, are presented. Application/dose and mode of action of prebiotics, probiotics and medicinal plant products used to control disease are examined, as well as the management and hygiene precaution…
Dates. Postharvest Science, Processing Technology and Health Benefits
Dates are an important fruit, especially in many African, Middle-Eastern and Asian countries. In recent years this fruit has gained significant importance in terms of global commerce. During the period 1990–2009, global production of dates saw an increase of 219% and this trend is expected to continue as per FAO projections. Some of the major challenges confronting date fruit production and commerce are issues related to postharvest handling technologies, use of appropriate processing and packaging technologies, food safety aspects and quality assurance. Dates: Postharvest Science, Processing Technology and Health Benefits provides contemporary information that brings together current knowledge and practices in the value chain of dates, from production through to consumption. The important book published by Wiley Blackwell features coverage from leading experts on innovative processing technologies, packaging, quality management and pest control for dates. It is the only book to address the science and te…
Measurement of Antioxidant Activity and Capacity. Recent Trends and Applications
A comprehensive reference for assessing the antioxidant potential of foods and essential techniques for developing healthy food products Measurement of Antioxidant Activity and Capacity offers a much-needed resource for assessing the antioxidant potential of food and includes proven approaches for creating healthy food products. With contributions from world-class experts in the field, the text presents the general mechanisms underlying the various assessments, the types of molecules detected, and the key advantages and disadvantages of each method. Both thermodynamic (i.e. efficiency of scavenging reactive species) and kinetic (i.e. rates of hydrogen atom or electron transfer reactions) aspects of available methods are discussed in detail. A thorough description of all available methods provides a basis and rationale for developing standardized antioxidant capacity/activity methods for food and nutraceutical sciences and industries. This text also contains data on new antioxidant measurement techniques i…
Advances in Food Science and Nutrition, Volume 2
Advances in Food Science and Nutrition covers topics such as food safety objectives, risk assessment, quality assurance and control, good manufacturing practices, food processing systems, design and control, and rapid methods of analysis and detection, as well as sensor technology, environmental control, and safety. The thirteen chapters are written by prominent researchers from industry, academia, and government/private research laboratories around the world. The book details many of the recent technical research accomplishments in the areas food science, including: • Potato production, composition, and starch processing • Milk and different types of milk products • Processing and preservation of meat, poultry, and seafood • Food ingredients including additives and natural plant-based ingredients • Fruits and fruit processing • Antioxidant activity of phytochemicals and their method of analysis • The effect of food processing on bioactive compounds • Food safety regulations including foodborne pathogens,…
Advances in Food Science and Technology, Volume 1
This book comprehensively reviews research on new developments in all areas of food chemistry/science and technology. It covers topics such as food safety objectives, risk assessment, quality assurance and control, good manufacturing practices, food process systems design and control and rapid methods of analysis and detection, as well as sensor technology, environmental control and safety. The book focuses on food chemistry and examines chemical and mechanical modifications to generate novel properties, functions, and applications.
Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food Sector
Providing an overview of nanotechnology in the context of agriculture and food science, this monograph covers topics such as nano-applications in teh agri-food sector, as well as the social and ethical implications. Following a review of the basics, the book goes on to take an in-depth look at processing and engineering, encapsulation and delivery, packaging, crop protection and disease. It highlights the technical, regulatory, and safety aspects of nanotechnology in food science and agriculture, while also considering the environmental impact. A valuable and accessible guide for professionals, novices, and students alike.
Aquaculture in China
Fish have been a major component of our diet and it has been suggested that fish/seafood consumption contributed to the development of the human brain, and this together with the acquisition of bipedalism, perhaps made us what we are. In the modern context global fish consumption is increasing. However, unlike our other staples, until a few years back the greater proportion of our fish supplies were of a hunted origin. This scenario is changing and a greater proportion of fish we consume now is of farmed origin. Aquaculture, the farming of waters, is thought to have originated in China, many millennia ago. Nevertheless, it transformed into a major food sector only since the second half of the last century, and continues to forge ahead, primarily in the developing world. China leads the global aquaculture production in volume, in the number of species that are farmed, and have contributed immensely to transforming the practices from an art to a science. This book attempts to capture some of the key element…
Encapsulation and Controlled Release Technologies in Food Systems
The emergence of the discipline of encapsulation and controlled release has had a great impact on the food and dietary supplements sectors; principally around fortifying food systems with nutrients and health-promoting ingredients. The successful incorporation of these actives in food formulations depends on preserving their stability and bioavailability as well as masking undesirable flavors throughout processing, shelf life and consumption. This second edition of Encapsulation and Controlled Release Technologies in Food Systems serves as an improvement and a complement companion to the first. However, it differentiates itself in two main aspects. Firstly, it introduces the reader to novel encapsulation and controlled release technologies which have not yet been addressed by any existing book on this matter, and secondly, it offers an in-depth discussion on the impact of encapsulation and controlled release technologies on the bioavailability of health ingredients and other actives. In common with the fi…
Nanotechnology and Functional Foods. Effective Delivery of Bioactive Ingredients
The continued advancement in the sciences of functional foods and nutraceuticals has clearly established a strong correlation between consumption of bioactives and improved human health and performance. However, the efficacy and bioavailability of these bioactive ingredients (e.g., omega-3 oils, carotenoid antioxidants, vitamins, and probiotic bacteria) in foods often remains a challenge, due to their instability in food products and gastrointestinal tract, as well as their limited bioavailability. In some cases, these bioactive ingredients may impart an undesirable organoleptic characteristic to the final product, which hinders acceptance by consumers. In addressing these challenges, development of effective delivery systems is critical to meet the consumer needs for effective bioactives. The scientific knowledge behind developing effective delivery of bioactive components into modern and wide-ranging food products will be essential to reap their health-promoting benefits and to support the sustained gro…