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Научно-популярная литература

Palaeoweathering, Palaeosurfaces and Related Continental Deposits (Special Publication 27 of the IAS)
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Год написания книги 2019
The study of palaeoweathering provides vital clues about past continental environments, the correlation of sedimentary deposits and processes such as the rate and timing of uplift and erosion. Th…
Fluvial Sedimentology VII (Special Publication 35 of the IAS)
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Год написания книги 2019
IAS Special Publication 35, Fluvial Sedimentology VII, comprises of a series of peer-reviewed papers that were initially presented at the 7th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology, he…
Advanced Modeling in Computational Electromagnetic Compatibility
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Год написания книги 2019
This text combines the fundamentals of electromagnetics with numerical modeling to tackle a broad range of current electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems, including problems with lightning,…
Advances in the Biology and Management of Modern Bed Bugs
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Год написания книги 2019
The first comprehensive scholarly treatment of bed bugs since 1966 This book updates and expands on existing material on bed bugs with an emphasis on the worldwide resurgence of both the common b…
Ultrafast All-Optical Signal Processing Devices
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Год написания книги 2019
Semiconductor-based Ultra-Fast All-Optical Signal Processing Devices –a key technology for the next generation of ultrahigh bandwidth optical communication systems! The introduction of ultra-fast…
Correlation Spectroscopy of Surfaces, Thin Films, and Nanostructures
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Год написания книги 2019
Here, leading scientists present an overview of the most modern experimental and theoretical methods for studying electronic correlations on surfaces, in thin films and in nanostructures. In part…
Photo-Induced Metastability in Amorphous Semiconductors
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Год написания книги 2019
A review summarising the current state of research in the field, bridging the gaps in the existing literature. All the chapters are written by world leaders in research and development and guide …
Topics in Inorganic and Organometallic Stereochemistry
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Год написания книги 2019
This volume is devoted entirely to inorganic and organometallic stereochemical subjects. Discusses the systematic notations that have been developed to satisfy the needs for a rational and system…
Progress in Physical Organic Chemistry, Volume 8
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Год написания книги 2019
Progress in Physical Organic Chemistry is dedicated to reviewing the latest investigations into organic chemistry that use quantitative and mathematical methods. These reviews help readers unders…
Progress in Physical Organic Chemistry, Volume 11
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Год написания книги 2019
Progress in Physical Organic Chemistry is dedicated to reviewing the latest investigations into organic chemistry that use quantitative and mathematical methods. These reviews help readers unders…
Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering
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Год написания книги 2019
Like its predecessors, volume three of this meanwhile well-established series covers selected topics from electrochemical science and its applications. The authors have been carefully selected am…
Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering
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Год написания книги 2019
This series, formerly edited by Heinz Gerischer and Charls V. Tobias, now edited by Richard C. Alkire and Dieter M. Kolb, has been warmly welcomed by scientists world-wide which is reflected in t…
Modeling and Simulation of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions
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Год написания книги 2019
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2007 awarded to Gerhard Ertl for his groundbreaking studies in surface chemistry highlighted the importance of heterogeneous catalysis not only for modern chemical in…
Structure, Function and Modulation of Neuronal Voltage-Gated Ion Channels
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Год написания книги 2019
This book discusses voltage-gated ion channels and their importance in drug discovery and development. The book includes reviews of the channel genome, the physiological bases of targeting ion ch…
The Science and Engineering of Thermal Spray Coatings
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Год написания книги 2019
This extensively updated and revised version builds on the success of the first edition featuring new discoveries in powder technology, spraying techniques, new coatings applications and testing …
Analysis and Purification Methods in Combinatorial Chemistry
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Год написания книги 2019
Quality measurement, control, and improvement in combinatorial chemistry Combinatorial chemistry has developed rapidly in the past decade, with great advances made by scientists working on analys…
Handbook of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Reagents for Radical and Radical Ion Chemistry
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Год написания книги 2019
Radicals and radical ions are important intermediates with wide use in organic synthesis. The first book to concentrate on reagents for the creation and use of radicals and radical ions, this new…
Introduction to Process Safety for Undergraduates and Engineers
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
Familiarizes the student or an engineer new to process safety with the concept of process safety management Serves as a comprehensive reference for Process Safety topics for student chemical engi…
Green Techniques for Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
An updated overview of the rapidly developing field of green techniques for organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry Green chemistry remains a high priority in modern organic synthesis and pharm…
Green Techniques for Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
An updated overview of the rapidly developing field of green techniques for organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry Green chemistry remains a high priority in modern organic synthesis and pharm…