Критика - ТОП 50 лучших книг
Русский литературный журнал «Парус» приглашает любителей отечественной словесности на свои электронные страницы. Академичность, органично сочетающаяся с очарованием художественного слова, — наша особенность и сознательная установка. «Парус» объединяет авторов, живущих в разных уголках России: в Москве, Ярославле, Армавире. Статус издания как «учёно-литературного» (И. С. Аксаков) определяет то, что среди авторов и редколлегии есть представители университетской среды, даже определённой — южно-русской — литературоведческой школы. Рубрики «Паруса» призваны отразить в живых лицах текущий литературный процесс: поэзию и прозу, историю литературы, критику, встречи журнала с разными культурными деятелями, диалог с читателем. В наши планы входят поиск и поддержка новых талантливых прозаиков и поэтов, критиков и литературоведов, историков и философов. Мнение редакции не всегда совпадает с мнениями авторов.
Русский литературный журнал «Парус» приглашает любителей отечественной словесности на свои электронные страницы. Академичность, органично сочетающаяся с очарованием художественного слова, — наша особенность и сознательная установка. «Парус» объединяет авторов, живущих в разных уголках России: в Москве, Ярославле, Армавире. Статус издания как «учёно-литературного» (И. С. Аксаков) определяет то, что среди авторов и редколлегии есть представители университетской среды, даже определённой — южно-русской — литературоведческой школы. Рубрики «Паруса» призваны отразить в живых лицах текущий литературный процесс: поэзию и прозу, историю литературы, критику, встречи журнала с разными культурными деятелями, диалог с читателем. В наши планы входят поиск и поддержка новых талантливых прозаиков и поэтов, критиков и литературоведов, историков и философов. Мнение редакции не всегда совпадает с мнениями авторов.
Рецензия на роман Евгения Водолазкина "Брисбен". Можно было бы и покороче.
Рецензия на роман Г. Яхиной "Дети мои". Автор искренне восторгается языком и живописной панорамой, хоть и не скрывает некоторого разочарования в содержательной части.
“Une adoration métaphorique de mots gravée dans des images cohérentes : le tot accrochant. Votre diction, comme une capsule de vie, qui contraint l'imaginaire humain à conceptualiser et à nourrir. Un enrobage de la joie et de la tristesse. Le cordage de cette capsule au son, au ton, à l'humeur et à d'autres caractéristiques paralinguistiques pour mettre en amont le sens et être esthétiquement agréable à l'esprit”. -Udensi Udensi Literary Reviewe “Ce poème est sensuel, solennel, saisissant et sacré. Je ressens les pressions d'une tranquillité positive”. -Professeur d'Onomastique Littéraire, Center for Graduate Studies (Centre d'Études Supérieures), Nodia International University (Université internationale de Nodia), Uttar Pradesh, Inde “Notre monde n'est rien d'autre qu'un lieu de passage joyeux et troublé et les poèmes de Gift Foraine Amukoyo relèvent brillamment ce thème”-Ogunbowale Olusegun'tayo “De l'intérieur…Quelque part derrière le cœur…Où les humains sentent… Et se font sentir… C'est tout le sens d…
The most fucked up memoir you’ll ever read.A foul-mouthed memoir about a dysfunctional life.Each chapter recounts a key moment in the author’s life through the books she was reading at the time including:• Howard’s End, the only text she had read whilst engaging in sexual intercourse.• The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, which she had in her bag while on holiday in Tangier when a market trader offered her to buy her from her mother for 30 camels.• Angela’s Ashes, her chosen reading material during her breast reduction surgery.• Wild Swans, the book she read the day she decided to have nothing more to do with her mother.It is funny, it is shocking, it is heartbreaking, it is very rude and it is totally unforgettable.
The diverse and controversial world of contemporary Milton studies is brought alive in this stimulating Companion. Winner of the Milton Society of America's Irene Samuels Book Award in 2002. Invites readers to explore and enjoy Milton's rich and fascinating work. Comprises 29 fresh and powerful readings of Milton's texts and the contexts in which they were created, each written by a leading scholar. Looks at literary production and cultural ideologies, issues of politics, gender and religion, individual Milton texts, other relevant contemporary texts and responses to Milton over time. Devotes a whole chapter to each major poem, and four to Paradise Lost. Conveys the excitement of recent developments in the field.
Noted scholars in the field explore the rich variety of late antique literature With contributions from leading scholars in the field, A Companion to Late Antique Literature presents a broad review of late antique literature. The late antique period encompasses a significant transitional era in literary history from the mid-third century to the early seventh century. The Companion covers notable Greek and Latin texts of the period and provides a varied overview of literature written in six other late antique languages. Comprehensive in scope, this important volume presents new research, methodologies, and significant debates in the field. The Companion explores the histories, forms, features, audiences, and uses of the literature of the period. This authoritative text: Provides an inclusive overview of late antique literature Offers the widest survey to date of the literary traditions and forms of the period, including those in several languages other than Greek and Latin Presents the most current researc…
A spirited defence of Tolkien’s mythological creation and its increasing relevance for the real world.Acclaimed by the largest readers’ survey ever conducted as ‘the greatest book of the century’, J.R.R.Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings has cast the spell of its storytelling for over 40 years and continues to enthral new generations of readers. Yet it has also been widely labelled as reactionary and escapist by hostile critics.Patrick Curry’s book shows just how mistaken they are. He reveals Tolkien’s profound and subtle advocacy of community, ecology and spiritual values against the destructive forces of runaway modernity. Tolkien’s remedy, and the project implicit in his literary mythology, is a re-enchantment of the world. In helping us to realize that living nature, including humanity, is sacred, his writings draw on ancient magical mythology, but at the same time resonate closely with the ideas of contemprary radical ecology.Quoting extensively from Tolkien’s works, Patrick Curry argues that Tolkien ad…
Terror and the Postcolonial is a major comparative study of terrorism and its representations in postcolonial theory, literature, and culture. A ground-breaking study addressing and theorizing the relationship between postcolonial studies, colonial history, and terrorism through a series of contemporary and historical case studies from various postcolonial contexts Critically analyzes the figuration of terrorism in a variety of postcolonial literary texts from South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East Raises the subject of terror as both an expression of globalization and a postcolonial product Features key essays by well-known theorists, such as Robert J. C. Young, Derek Gregory, and Achille Mbembe, and Vron Ware
Издание выпущено при финансовой поддержке Всероссийской общественной организации «Союз композиторов России», АНО «Издательство КОМПОЗИТОР».
КРУПНЫЙ ПЛАН«Евгений Онегин» в снах Владиславса Наставшевса
ПЕРСОНАНиколай Луганский
В СОЮЗЕ КОМПОЗИТОРОВРоман Цыпышев: Урал – это не место, а состояние«Композиторские читки»
НА МИРОВЫХ СЦЕНАХЕнуфа в «Ан-дер-Вин»: между реализмом и национальным фольклоромВозвращение «Воццека» в Венскую оперу
КОНЦЕРТЫАлександр Лазарев в «Диалогах с XX веком»Финальный weekend в «Другом пространстве»
и многое другое.
«В образовании гражданских обществ, как и во всяком историческом процессе, неизбежен известный осадок, в котором скопляются единицы, выделяющиеся из общих форм жизни, так точно как в химическом процессе оседают на стенках сосуда частицы, неспособные к химическому соединению. Объем и злокачественность такого осадка обыкновенно увеличиваются в периоды общего брожения, когда предложенные к решению задачи колеблют общественную массу и нарушают спокойное равновесие, в котором она пребывала многие годы. В такие эпохи, под видимыми, исторически образовавшимися общественными слоями, накопляется особый подпольный слой, обыкновенно враждебно расположенный к устроившемуся над ним общественному организму, и во всяком случае совершенно чуждый историческим формам жизни, подле которой он накопился во мраке, представляя собою патологический нарост на живом теле…»
This volume examines the tumultuous changes that have occurred and are still occurring in the aftermath of European colonization of the globe from 1492 to 1947. Ranges widely over the major themes, regions, theories and practices of postcolonial study Presents original essays by the leading proponents of postcolonial study in the Americas, Europe, India, Africa, East and West Asia Provides clear introductions to the major social and political movements underlying colonization and decolonization, accessible histories of the literature and culture, and separate regions affected by European colonization Features introductory essays on the major thinkers and intellectual schools that have informed strategies of national liberation worldwide Offers an incisive summary of the long history and theory of modern European colonization in local detail and global scale
Если мы спросим специалистов в этой области, по каким критериям они определяют, что есть шедевр, а что — бесполезный хлам, нам ответят, что критерий только один — их собственное субъективное мнение.
Ну уж нет, дорогие мои! Верить вам на слово — это не к нам. Позвольте нам все же, несмотря на кажущуюся утопичность подобной затеи, самостоятельно определить эти загадочные критерии оценки изобразительного искусства. Разобраться, так сказать, кто тут прилично одет, а кто, извините, без штанов.
One of the most popular and beloved introductions to the concept of faith ever written, ‘Mere Christianity’ has sold millions of copies worldwide.The book brings together C.S. Lewis’s legendary radio broadcasts during the war years, in which he set out simply to ‘explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times’.Rejecting the boundaries that divide Christianity’s many denominations, ‘Mere Christianity’ provides an unequalled opportunity for believers and nonbelievers alike to absorb a powerful, rational case for the Christian faith.
Victorian Literature is a comprehensive and fully annotated anthology with a flexible design that allows teachers and students to pursue traditional or innovative lines of inquiry – from the canon to its extensions and its contexts. Represents the period’s major writers of prose, poetry, drama, and more, including Tennyson, Arnold, the Brownings, Carlyle, Ruskin, the Rossettis, Wilde, Eliot, and the Brontës Promotes an ideologically and culturally varied view of Victorian society with the inclusion of women, working-class, colonial, and gay and lesbian writers Incorporates recent scholarship with 5 contextual sections and innovative sub-sections on topics like environmentalism and animal rights; mass literacy and mass media; sex and sexuality; melodrama and comedy; the Irish question; ruling India and the Indian Mutiny and innovations in print culture Emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of the field with a focus on social, cultural, artistic, and historical factors Includes a fully annotated companion…
Combining detailed explorations of both mainstream and experimental poets with a clear historical and literary overview, Reading Postwar British and Irish Poetry offers readers at all levels an ideal guide to the rich body of poetic works published in Britain and Ireland over the last half-century. Features detailed discussions of individual poems that are widely available in anthologies and selected poems volumes Pays explicit attention to how to read the poems, focusing on language and form and the institutional conditions of literary possibility in which poets worked Includes poets of all types and styles from throughout the post-war period, including canonical and mainstream poets alongside experimental poets, women, and poets of color
Это вся главная книга! Это вся главная полная книга сборник. В ней содержится всё! В ней содержится и книга перевое смотри_название, опубликованная. Маленькая часть отсюда — опубликована в другой книге «СН. Часть «Последовательность изложения», из технических соображений. Все главное содержится в этой платной главной книге.
В книге размещена информация о том, что указано в названии: «Двух вариантов нет, если по грубой реальности…». Первая главная часть книги априори! Вторую часть — опубликовал отдельно.
Эта книга является доказательством своей глупости для тех, кто и по сей день продолжает часто употреблять любые алкогольные напитки. Каждый из нас просто обязан вникнуть во все тонкости и скрытые проблемы, возникающие при злоупотреблении алкоголем. Чётко знать и никогда не забывать о невидимых процессах, происходящих в сознании и организме пьющего человека. И самое главное, передать эти нужные знания нашим детям, тем самым оградив их от этого страшного зла под названием — алкоголь.
This short introduction to Modernism analyses the movement from the perspective of English and American literature. Provides a critical overview of some of the central texts of literary Modernism. Covers both established works and those that have only recently come to critical attention. Includes detailed discussion of major authors, including T.S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf, D.H. Lawrence, Wallace Stevens and H.D.
What connects Shiite passion plays with Brecht's drama? Which of Goethe's poems were inspired by the Quran? How can Ibn Arabi's theology of sighs explain the plays of Heinrich von Kleist? And why did the Persian author Sadeq Hedayat identify with the Prague Jew Franz Kafka? 'One who knows himself and others will here too understand: Orient and Occident are no longer separable': in this new book, the critically acclaimed author and scholar Navid Kermani takes Goethe at his word. He reads the Quran as a poetic text, opens Eastern literature to Western readers, unveils the mystical dimension in the works of Goethe and Kleist, and deciphers the political implications of theatre, from Shakespeare to Lessing to Brecht. Drawing striking comparisons between diverse literary traditions and cultures, Kermani argues for a literary cosmopolitanism that is opposed to all those who would play religions and cultures against one another, isolating them from one another by force. Between Quran and Kafka concludes with Ker…
This reader-friendly introduction makes Joyce asscessible by combining the excitement of reading his words with the excitement of interpreting them.
A Companion to the Classical Tradition accommodates the pressing need for an up-to-date introduction and overview of the growing field of reception studies. A comprehensive introduction and overview of the classical tradition – the interpretation of classical texts in later centuries Comprises 26 newly commissioned essays from an international team of experts Divided into three sections: a chronological survey, a geographical survey, and a section illustrating the connections between the classical tradition and contemporary theory
The Blackwell Companion to Greek Tragedy provides readers with a fundamental grounding in Greek tragedy, and also introduces them to the various methodologies and the lively critical dialogue that characterize the study of Greek tragedy today. Comprises 31 original essays by an international cast of contributors, including up-and-coming as well as distinguished senior scholars Pays attention to socio-political, textual, and performance aspects of Greek tragedy All ancient Greek is transliterated and translated, and technical terms are explained as they appear Includes suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter, and a generous and informative combined bibliography
A Companion to Latin Literature gives an authoritative account of Latin literature from its beginnings in the third century BC through to the end of the second century AD. Provides expert overview of the main periods of Latin literary history, major genres, and key themes Covers all the major Latin works of prose and poetry, from Ennius to Augustine, including Lucretius, Cicero, Catullus, Livy, Vergil, Seneca, and Apuleius Includes invaluable reference material – dictionary entries on authors, chronological chart of political and literary history, and an annotated bibliography Serves as both a discursive literary history and a general reference book
This book introduces and discusses the works of leading feminist postcolonialist Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, by exploring the key concepts and themes to emerge from them. Focuses on the key themes to emerge from Spivak’s work, such as ethics, literature, feminism, pedagogy, postcoloniality, violence, and war Assesses Spivak’s often contentious relationship with feminist and postcolonial studies Considers the significance of her work for other fields, such as ethnography, history, cultural studies and philosophy
This major addition to Blackwell’s Companions to the Ancient World series covers all aspects of religion in the ancient Greek world from the archaic, through the classical and into the Hellenistic period. Written by a panel of international experts Focuses on religious life as it was experienced by Greek men and women at different times and in different places Features major sections on local religious systems, sacred spaces and ritual, and the divine
This book is a guide to the extraordinarily diverse literature of the Hellenistic period. A guide to the literature of the Hellenistic age, from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE to the Battle of Actium in 31 BC Provides overviews of the social, political, intellectual and literary historical contexts in which Hellenistic literature was produced Introduces the major writers and genres of the period Provides information about style, meter and languages to aid readers with no prior knowledge of the language in understanding technical aspects of literary Greek Distinctive in its coverage of current issues in Hellenistic criticism, including audience reception, the political and social background, and Hellenistic theories of literature
With brevity, depth, and accessibility, this book helps readers to appreciate the works of John Milton, and to understand the great influence they have had on literature and other disciplines. Presents new and authoritative essays by internationally respected Milton scholars Explains how and why Milton’s works established their central place in the English literary canon Structured chronologically around Milton’s major works Also includes a select bibliography and a chronology detailing Milton’s life and works alongside relevant world events Ideal as a first critical work on Milton
A Companion to Science Fiction assembles essays by an international range of scholars which discuss the contexts, themes and methods used by science fiction writers. This Companion conveys the scale and variety of science fiction. Shows how science fiction has been used as a means of debating cultural issues. Essays by an international range of scholars discuss the contexts, themes and methods used by science fiction writers. Addresses general topics, such as the history and origins of the genre, its engagement with science and gender, and national variations of science fiction around the English-speaking world. Maps out connections between science fiction, television, the cinema, virtual reality technology, and other aspects of the culture. Includes a section focusing on major figures, such as H.G. Wells, Arthur C. Clarke, and Ursula Le Guin. Offers close readings of particular novels, from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale.
This is the first book systematically to examine Wolfgang Petersen’s epic film Troy from different archaeological, literary, cultural, and cinematic perspectives. The first book systematically to examine Wolfgang Petersen’s epic film Troy from different archaeological, literary, cultural, and cinematic perspectives. Examines the film’s use of Homer’s Iliad and the myth of the Trojan War, its presentation of Bronze-Age archaeology, and its place in film history. Identifies the modern political overtones of the Trojan War myth as expressed in the film and explains why it found world-wide audiences. Editor and contributors are archaeologists or classical scholars, several of whom incorporate films into their teaching and research. Includes an annotated list of films and television films and series episodes on the Trojan War. Contains archaeological illustrations of Troy, relevant images of ancient art, and stills from films on the Trojan War.
This welcome addition to the Blackwell Guides to Criticism series provides students with an invaluable survey of the critical reception of the Romantic poets. Guides readers through the wealth of critical material available on the Romantic poets and directs them to the most influential readings Presents key critical texts on each of the major Romantic poets – Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats – as well as on poets of more marginal canonical standing Cross-referencing between the different sections highlights continuities and counterpoints
This is the first book systematically to analyze Kirk Douglas’ and Stanley Kubrick’s depiction of the slave revolt led by Spartacus from different historical, political, and cinematic perspectives. Examines the film’s use of ancient sources, the ancient historical contexts, the political significance of the film, the history of its censorship and restoration, and its place in film history. Includes the most important passages from ancient authors’ reports of the slave revolt in translation.
This book provides a lively introduction to the work of Roland Barthes, one of the twentieth century's most important literary and cultural theorists. The book covers all aspects of Barthes's writings including his work on literary theory, mass communications, the theatre and politics. Moriarty argues that Barthes's writing must not be seen as an unchanging body of thought, and that we should study his ideas in the contexts within which they were formulated, debated and developed.
Terry Eagleton is one of the most influential contemporary literary theorists and critics. His diverse body of work has been crucial to developments in cultural theory and literary critical practice in modern times, and for a generation of humanities students his writing has been a source of both provocation and enjoyment. This book undertakes a lucid and detailed analysis of Eagleton's oeuvre. It gives close attention to the full range of Eagleton's major publications, examining their arguments and implications, as well as how they have intervened in wider debates in cultural theory. It also investigates his less familiar works, such as his early writing on the Catholic left, as well as other as yet unpublished material, showing how these works can be understood alongside the more prominent areas of his thought. Through this, this book offers a cohesive overview of Eagleton's career to date, tracing the development of his theoretical positions, and an assessment of Eagleton's wider contributions to field…
The works of Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) are widely acclaimed as being among the most original and provocative writings of twentieth-century critical thought, and have become required reading for scholars and students in a range of academic disciplines. This book provides a lucid introduction to Benjamin's oeuvre through a close and sensitive reading not only of his major studies, but also of some of his less familiar essays and fragments. Gilloch offers an original interpretation of, and fresh insights into, the continuities between Benjamin's always demanding and seemingly disparate texts. Gilloch's book will be of particular interest to students and scholars in social theory, literary theory, cultural and media studies and urban studies who are seeking a sophisticated yet readable overview of Benjamin's work. It will also prove rewarding reading for those already well-versed in Benjaminian thought.
Volume 1 of the most comprehensive in-depth companion to Tolkien’s life and works ever published, including synopses of all his writings, and a Tolkien gazetteer and who’s who.The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide is a comprehensive handbook to one of the most popular authors of the twentieth century.One of two volumes comprising this definitive work, the Chronology traces J.R.R. Tolkien's progress from his birth in South Africa in 1892, to the battlefields of France and the lecture-halls of Leeds and Oxford, to his success as the author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, until his death in 1973.It is the most extensive biographical resource about Tolkien ever published. Thousands of details have been drawn from letters, contemporary documents in libraries and archives, and a wide variety of other published and unpublished sources. Assembled together, they form a revealing portrait of Tolkien in all his aspects: the distinguished scholar of Old and Middle English, the capable teacher and administ…
AN OBSERVER BOOK OF THE YEARA droll and dazzling compendium of observations, stories, lists, and brief essays about babies.‘Beguiling … A wunderkabinett of baby-related curios … A peculiar book, and astonishing in its effect.’ Boston GlobeOne August day, a baby was born, or as it seemed to Rivka Galchen, a puma moved into her apartment. Her arrival felt supernatural, she seemed to come from another world. And suddenly, the world seemed ludicrously, suspiciously, adverbially sodden with meaning.But Galchen didn’t want to write about the puma. She had never been interested in babies, or in mothers before. Now everything seemed directly related to them and she specifically wanted to write about other things because it might mean she was really, covertly, learning something about babies, or about being near babies.The result is Little Labours, a slanted enchanted miscellany. Galchen writes about babies in art (with wrongly shaped head) and babies in literature (rarer than dogs or abortions, often monstrous); …
The definitive biography of Edward Gorey, the eccentric master of macabre nonsense.’A genius book about a bookish genius’ Daniel Handler, author of A Series of Unfortunate EventsFrom The Gashlycrumb Tinies to The Doubtful Guest, Edward Gorey's wickedly funny and deliciously sinister little books have influenced our culture in innumerable ways, from the works of Tim Burton and Neil Gaiman to Lemony Snicket. Some even call him the Grandfather of Goth.But who was this man, who lived with over twenty thousand books and six cats, who roomed with Frank O'Hara at Harvard, and was known – in the late 1940s, no less – to traipse around in full-length fur coats, clanking bracelets, and an Edwardian beard? An eccentric, a gregarious recluse, an enigmatic auteur of whimsically morbid masterpieces, yes – but who was the real Edward Gorey behind the Oscar Wildean pose?He published over a hundred books and illustrated works by Samuel Beckett, T.S. Eliot, Edward Lear, John Updike, Charles Dickens, Hilaire Belloc, Muriel …
Part of the outstanding biographical series – edited by Richard Holmes – that recovers the great classical tradition of English biography. Every book is a biographical masterpiece, still thrilling to read and vividly alive.In this pioneering series, Richard Holmes, the world’s leading Romantic biographer, sets out to recover the great forgotten tradition of English biographical writing. ‘I have had no time for dusty tomes,’ writes Holmes, ‘I have looked for brevity, intelligence and style. Above all, I have sought out great biographical writers: biographers with passion, biographers who have found a way to the heart and soul of a memorable subject.’Jack Sheppard was an 18th-century Houdini – a handsome young escape artist who broke out of his cell on Newgate’s grim Death Row three times. Jonathan Wild was the infamous Thief-Taker General who helped to recapture him and many other criminals, only to be tried and executed himself for racketeering, among scenes of mayhem at Tyburn.Daniel Defoe, the master of…
Volume 2 of the most comprehensive in-depth companion to Tolkien’s life and works ever published. This volume includes a superlative day-by-day chronology of Tolkien’s life, presenting the most detailed biographical record available.The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide is a comprehensive handbook to one of the most popular authors of the twentieth century.One of two volumes comprising this definitive work, the Reader's Guide is an indispensable introduction to J. R. R. Tolkien's life, writings, and art. It includes histories and discussions of his works; analyses of the components of his vast 'Silmarillion' mythology; brief biographies of persons important in his life; accounts of places he knew; essays on topics such as Tolkien's interests and attitudes towards contemporary issues, ideas found in his works, adaptations, and invented languages; and checklists of his published works, his poetry, his pictorial art, and translations of his writings.
Written by influential scholar-critic and award-winning Daniel R. Schwarz, In Defense of Reading: Teaching Literature in the Twenty-First Century is a passionate and joyful defense of the pleasures of reading. This stimulating book provides valuable insights for teachers and students on why we read and how we read when we embark on «the odyssey of reading.» Provides valuable insights into why and how we read Addresses issues and problems in the contemporary university and offers insights into the future Explores the life of the mind, the rewards and joys of committed teaching, and the relationship between teaching and scholarship in the contemporary university Draws on the author's forty years of teaching experience Following his long term commitment to close reading and historicism, Schwarz shows how the best literary criticism must both respect text and context Contains insightful and important readings of a broad range of texts, including those by Joyce, Woolf, Conrad, Forster, Gordimer, and Spiegelman…
Рецензируемая книга представляет собой докторскую диссертацию либерального профессора Киевского университета А. В. Романовича-Славатинского, в молодости испытавшего влияние Белинского и Герцена. Н. Ф. Даниельсон рекомендовал К. Марксу это исследование как один из немногих источников по истории русских поземельных отношений. Характеризуя книгу А. Романовича-Славатинского как обстоятельное исследование, Салтыков далеко не во всем разделяет взгляды ее автора, не вступая, однако, с ним в открытую полемику.
Ключевым словом книги будет «новый (ое)».
Новый метод анализа литературных произведений.
Новый взгляд на топос бессознательного.
Новое доказательство существования родовой памяти.
Затекст литературного произведения (расшифрованная фонограмма) оказывается ключом к внутреннему миру автора: истинным ценностям, чувствам, мечтам и опасениям – нередко не осознаваемым им самим.
500 произведений разных жанров, биография и творчество В. В. Набокова послужили материалом для неожиданных выводов.
Книга «Пепелацы летят на Луну» является уникальным исследованием истинных причин и обстоятельств, побудивших США пойти на фальсификацию полетов космических кораблей «Аполлон» с высадкой астронавтов на поверхность Луны. На основании открытых американских документов автором были проведены многочисленные расчеты, которые неопровержимо доказывают полную техническую несостоятельность ракеты «Сатурн-V», ракетного двигателя F-1, корабля «Аполлон» и лунного посадочного модуля ЛМ.
For centuries people have been tormented by one question above all – ‘If God is good and all-powerful, why does he allow his creatures to suffer pain?’ And what of the suffering of animals, who neither deserve pain nor can be improved by it?The greatest Christian thinker of our time sets out to disentangle this knotty issue. With his signature wealth of compassion and insight, C.S. Lewis offers answers to these crucial questions and shares his hope and wisdom to help heal a world hungry for a true understanding of human nature.
WINNER OF THE HRF KEATING AWARD FOR BEST NON-FICTION CRIME BOOK 2018An entertaining history of British thrillers from Casino Royale to The Eagle Has Landed, in which award-winning crime writer Mike Ripley reveals that, though Britain may have lost an empire, her thrillers helped save the world. With a foreword by Lee Child.When Ian Fleming dismissed his books in a 1956 letter to Raymond Chandler as ‘straight pillow fantasies of the bang-bang, kiss-kiss variety’ he was being typically immodest. In three short years, his James Bond novels were already spearheading a boom in thriller fiction that would dominate the bestseller lists, not just in Britain, but internationally.The decade following World War II had seen Britain lose an Empire, demoted in terms of global power and status and economically crippled by debt; yet its fictional spies, secret agents, soldiers, sailors and even (occasionally) journalists were now saving the world on a regular basis.From Ian Fleming and Alistair MacLean in the 1950s throu…
Джон Рёскин (1819–1900) – английский писатель, художник, поэт, литературный критик, но более всего он известен как теоретик искусства, оказавший огромное влияние на развитие искусствознания и эстетики второй половины XIX – начала XX века. Рёскин многое сделал для укрепления позиций прерафаэлитов, например, в статье «Прерафаэлитизм», а также сильно повлиял на антибуржуазный пафос движения. Кроме того, он «открыл» для современников Уильяма Тернера, живописца и графика, мастера пейзажной живописи. «Лекции об искусстве» – фундаментальный труд Рескина, который он сам считал самым значительным своим произведением, в котором он изложил новую методологию анализа искусства. Искусство, по мнению Рескина неразрывно связано с моралью, религией, природой и человеческой жизнью в целом.
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The complete collection of Tolkien’s essays, including two on Beowulf, which span three decades beginning six years before The Hobbit to five years after The Lord of the Rings.The seven essays by J.R.R. Tolkien assembled in this edition were with one exception delivered as general lectures on particular occasions; and while they mostly arose out of Tolkien’s work in medieval literature, they are accessible to all. Two of them are concerned with Beowulf, including the well-known lecture whose title is taken for this book, and one with Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, given in the University of Glasgow in 1953.Also included in this volume is the lecture ‘English and Welsh’; the Valedictory Address to the University of Oxford in 1959; and a paper on Invented Languages delivered in 1931, with exemplification from poems in the Elvish tongues. Most famous of all is ‘On Fairy-Stories’, a discussion of the nature of fairy-tales and fantasy, which gives insight into Tolkien’s approach to the whole genre.The pieces…
Данная книга не планировалась в виде самостоятельного издания. Предлагаемый читателю текст должен был стать частью анализа произведений, номинированных на литературную премию «Ясная поляна» за 2016 год. В ходе работы выяснилось наличие сходных моментов среди иностранной беллетристики, чьё присутствие должно заставить читателя задуматься. А в том ли направлении развивается западная литература и должна ли русская литература иметь с ней общие черты?