ТОП-50 лучших книг в жанре Общественные организации

Общественные организации - ТОП 50 лучших книг

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Improving the Economy, Efficiency, and Effectiveness of Not-for-Profits. Conducting Operational Reviews
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED As not-for-profits must increasingly achieve greater results with less resources, they are continually seeking ways to use such scarce resources with more economy, with greater efficiency of processes and people within their organizations, and with increased effectiveness of results in order to further their missions. Whether used alone or together with other tools such as benchmarking, activity-based management, and flexible budgeting, the operational review is the tool best used to perform an evaluation of these crucial three e's-economy, efficiency, and effectiveness. This book shows not-for-profit managers why conducting an operational review can be beneficial, explains the tools and personnel needed to conduct the review, and shows in detail how to conduct a review of operations in each area. It includes case study materials for a social service agency, a museum operation, an arts organization, a community service agency, and a college business office. Here is accessible, compreh…
Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement
The essential planning resource and framework for nonprofit leaders Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations is the comprehensive, practical guide to building and sustaining a more effective organization. Solid strategy is now more important than ever, and this book provides a clear framework for designing and implementing an effective and efficient planning process. From identifying stakeholders and clarifying a shared vision, to implementing plans and revising strategies, the discussion covers all aspects of the process to help you keep your organization united and on track into the future. The field's leading authority shares insight, advice, helpful tools, and specific techniques, alongside a widely used and well-regarded approach to real-world planning. This new fifth edition includes new case studies and examples along with up-to-date resources and references, and new multimedia-related content. Innovation and creativity produce great ideas, but these ideas must be collected and org…
Joint Ventures Involving Tax-Exempt Organizations, 2018 Cumulative Supplement
Effective strategies for non-profit entities in a profit-based world Joint Ventures Involving Tax-Exempt Organizations examines the procedures, rules, and regulations surrounding joint ventures and partnerships, emphasizing tax-exempt status preservation. Revised and updated to align with current 2017 Tax Act, this supplement offers expert interpretation and practical guidance to professionals seeking a complete reference, including an analysis of impact of the “siloing” of the UBIT rules, the new Opportunity Zone Funds which will incentivize investors in designated census tracts, inter alia. Sample documents enable quick reference and demonstrate real-world application of new laws and guidelines. The discussion delves into planning strategies that can be applied to joint ventures and partnerships while maintaining tax-exempt status, and which joint ventures are best suited for a particular organization. Widely accepted business strategies for profit-based entities, joint ventures, partnerships, and allia…
The World that Changes the World. How Philanthropy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship are Transforming the Social Ecosystem
If there is an X PRIZE for collaborative thought leadership of the social ecosystem, this book would get it. Dr. Peter H. Diamandis Chairman and CEO, X PRIZE Foundation The World that Changes the World is thought leadership at its best—envisioning the future through reflection and analysis of past trends and contemporary challenges. Senator the Hon. Ursula Stephens Australian Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector The multifaceted, multinational, multisectoral insights in this volume offer inspiration, ideas, and opportunity for action and impact. Dr. Melissa A. Berman President and CEO, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. This is a comprehensive primer representing the diversity of perspectives that comprises the evolving global social ecosystem. Dr. Pamela Hartigan Director, Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Saïd Business School, Oxford University The World that Changes the World puts together the pieces of this puzzle by explaining how these varied actors of t…
Creating Your Strategic Plan. A Workbook for Public and Nonprofit Organizations
Creating and Implementing Your Strategic Plan is the companion workbook to Bryson's landmark book, Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, a step-by-step guide to putting strategic planning into effect. Using revised, easy-to-understand worksheets, the authors provide clear instructions for creating a strategic plan tailored to the needs of the individual organization. With more material on stakeholder analysis, visioning, strategic issue identification, and implementation, this new edition is the best resource for taking leaders, managers, and students through every step of the strategic planning process.
The Brand IDEA. Managing Nonprofit Brands with Integrity, Democracy, and Affinity
Offering a new framework for nonprofit brand management, this book presents the Brand IDEA (Integrity, Democracy, and Affinity). The framework eschews traditional, outdated brand tenets of control and competition largely adopted from the private sector, in favor of a strategic approach centered on the mission and based on a participatory process, shared values, and the development of key partnerships. The results are nonprofit brands that create organizational cohesion and generate trust in order to build capacity and drive social impact. The book explores in detail how nonprofit organizations worldwide are developing and implementing new ways of thinking about and managing their organizational brands.
Model Policies and Procedures for Not-for-Profit Organizations
The completely revised and expanded third edition of Model Accounting and Financial Policies Procedures Handbook will help nonprofit executives strengthen their organization's financial procedures while assuring board members that they are meeting fiduciary responsibilities. This process is streamlined by the more than 150 sample policies and forms included both in this book and on the accompanying web site (offering dowloadable and customizable versions of those forms). Major topics include internal financial statement forms, a chart of accounts, and accounting and financial policies and procedures manual, a glossary, and a full index.
Managing Risk in Nonprofit Organizations
Managing Risk in Nonprofit Organizations explains and defines risk management, especially as it applies to nonprofits. It provides comprehensive guidance on such topics as identifying risk, prioritising risk, selecting appropriate risk management techniques, implementing risk management techniques, monitoring risk management, and financing. * Includes diagrams of the risk management cycle and dimensions of risk graphic * The nature of these unique risks and the special challenges facing a nonprofit that embarks on a risk management program will also be addressed. * Written by two leaders at the Nonprofit Risk Management Center, a management assistance organization that provides informational resources, technical assistance, and training to an estimated 20,000 nonprofits annually
Intellectual Property. Valuation, Exploitation, and Infringement Damages, 2016 Cumulative Supplement
Up-to-date, expert guidance and a valuable tool kit for IP valuation Intellectual Property, Valuation, Exploitation, and Infringement Damages provides practical tools and expert clarification for the valuation of intangible assets. This new 2016 Cumulative Supplement contains the latest laws, regulations, and practices surrounding licensing and joint ventures, with practical analytical models that simplify the calculation of royalties and equity splits. As a companion to the comprehensive Intellectual Property, this book provides invaluable guidance toward the investment aspects, business strategies, taxes, and accounting practices involved in intellectual property protection and profit, to help licensing professionals structure optimal arrangements and mitigate risks. Written by leading experts in the intellectual property realm, this guide is a must-have resource for anyone working with intangible assets. Intellectual property is more than a simple profit center; to many owners, it's the cornerstone of …
Intellectual Property. Valuation, Exploitation, and Infringement Damages, 2016 Cumulative Supplement
Up-to-date, expert guidance and a valuable tool kit for IP valuation Intellectual Property, Valuation, Exploitation, and Infringement Damages provides practical tools and expert clarification for the valuation of intangible assets. This new 2016 Cumulative Supplement contains the latest laws, regulations, and practices surrounding licensing and joint ventures, with practical analytical models that simplify the calculation of royalties and equity splits. As a companion to the comprehensive Intellectual Property, this book provides invaluable guidance toward the investment aspects, business strategies, taxes, and accounting practices involved in intellectual property protection and profit, to help licensing professionals structure optimal arrangements and mitigate risks. Written by leading experts in the intellectual property realm, this guide is a must-have resource for anyone working with intangible assets. Intellectual property is more than a simple profit center; to many owners, it's the cornerstone of …
Intellectual Property. Valuation, Exploitation, and Infringement Damages 2015 Cumulative Supplement
An updated, comprehensive guide to monetizing intellectual property assets Intellectual Property, Valuation, Exploration, and Infringement Damages removes complexity and provides solutions to the challenge of placing a dollar amount on intellectual property. This revised and updated cumulative supplement for 2015 provides insight that reflects the latest regulations and best practices, and the most up to date practical tools for evaluating the investment aspects of licensing and joint venture decisions. The discussion includes procedures for accounting, tax, and legalities, and examines the business economics of strategies involving intellectual property, and analytical models are provided to help you determine reasonable royalty rates for licensing and fair equity splits in joint venture arrangements. With detailed explanations and expert insight into the realities surrounding these assets, you'll have everything you need to exploit your product to the fullest extent. Companies are increasingly looking t…
The Tax Law of Charitable Giving 2016 Cumulative Supplement
The classic tax guide for charitable giving, updated and expanded for 2016 The Tax Law of Charitable Giving is the leading guide to the rules, regulations, and laws governing charitable gifts, written by one of the most trusted legal authorities on tax-exempt organizations. Completely revised, revamped, and updated for 2016, this invaluable guide provides plain-English explanations and supporting documentation to assist in the decision making process. This supplement includes discussion of the new healthcare tax on investment income of trusts and the impact on pooled income funds, updates to federal estate tax law, and case law on substantiation and appraisal requirements, as well as detailed coverage of new Department of Treasury regulations concerning recordkeeping, an update of law summary for donor-advised funds, and an updated summary of recent legislation's impact on the U.S. tax system. Supporting citations and documentation are provided, and references to rulings, regulations, cases, and tax liter…
Tax Planning and Compliance for Tax-Exempt Organizations, 2017 Cumulative Supplement
The essential time-saving guide to the latest in nonprofit tax rules, regulations, and procedures Tax rules and regulations change annually, and nonprofit organizations know that staying compliant means staying up to date. But wading through tax code is less than helpful in the field, whereas the clear, practically oriented instruction inside provides the quick reference accountants, lawyers, and executives need. In the latest edition of Tax Planning and Compliance for Tax-Exempt Organizations, you'll find straightforward information on changing Unrelated Business Income (UBI) rules, joint ventures, sponsorships, deductions against UBI, preparation of IRS forms, and more. Nonprofit organizations—including health and welfare organizations, colleges and universities, private foundations, churches, libraries, museums, cultural institutions, and other smaller groups—contend daily with the possibility of losing their tax-exempt status. From qualifying and applying for that status, to maintaining and managing i…
Nonprofit Kit For Dummies
Help your nonprofit thrive Need practical advice on running a nonprofit? No problem! Packed with the latest tips and techniques on starting and managing a charitable organization, this easy-to-follow guide offers everything you need to help your nonprofit endure the ups and downs of the economy. From applying for your tax exemption to raising money to pay for your programs, it covers it all. So get ready to bring in the bucks – and enjoy watching your nonprofit prosper. Write a mission statement Craft a compelling pitch Raise money online Apply for grants Get the word out Adapt in hard times Prepare a solid budget Project cash flow
Nonprofit Kit For Dummies
Help your nonprofit thrive Need practical advice on running a nonprofit? No problem! Packed with the latest tips and techniques on starting and managing a charitable organization, this easy-to-follow guide offers everything you need to help your nonprofit endure the ups and downs of the economy. From applying for your tax exemption to raising money to pay for your programs, it covers it all. So get ready to bring in the bucks – and enjoy watching your nonprofit prosper. Write a mission statement Craft a compelling pitch Raise money online Apply for grants Get the word out Adapt in hard times Prepare a solid budget Project cash flow
The Volunteer Management Handbook. Leadership Strategies for Success
Completely revised and expanded, the ultimate guide to starting—and keeping—an active and effective volunteer program Drawing on the experience and expertise of recognized authorities on nonprofit organizations, The Volunteer Management Handbook, Second Edition is the only guide you need for establishing and maintaining an active and effective volunteer program. Written by nonprofit leader Tracy Connors, this handy reference offers practical guidance on such essential issues as motivating people to volunteer their time and services, recruitment, and more. Up-to-date and practical, this is the essential guide to managing your nonprofit's most important resource: its volunteers. Now covers volunteer demographics, volunteer program leaders and managers, policy making and implementation, planning and staff analysis, recruiting, interviewing and screening volunteers, orienting and training volunteers, and much more Up-to-date, practical guidance for the major areas of volunteer leadership and management Explor…
Not-for-Profit Accounting, Tax, and Reporting Requirements
Learn how to apply for tax-exempt status, handle IRS audits, set up a wholly owned taxable subsidiary, and anticipate tax implications of lobbying expenses with this step-by-step guide. Complete with checklists, sample letters, and illustrative charts, this easy-to-understand reference is an important resource for every not-for-profit executive who deals with financial issues. Order your copy today!
Joint Ventures Involving Tax-Exempt Organizations. 2017 Cumulative Supplement
The definitive guide to compliance for nonprofit joint ventures Joint Ventures Involving Tax-Exempt Organizations explores the laws, rules, and policies surrounding increasing collaborations between the nonprofit and for-profit sectors. Comprehensive, authoritative, and focused on the practical, this resource has been fully updated to reflect the latest rulings and regulatory changes pertaining to tax-exempt organizations. Countless footnotes, numerous citations to case law, Internal Revenue Code sections, and other relevant authority are provided, along with a host of useful sample forms. In an era of challenging economic forces, budgetary constraints and potential tax legislation, nonprofits and for-profits are partnering in creative arrangements to achieve mutual financial and tax-exempt goals. Improper structuring and inadequate safeguards can jeopardize an organization's tax-exempt status; careful planning is critical. Thorough examination of relevant laws and rulings guides practitioners and partici…
Fundraising Principles and Practice
This books offers a definitive text on the vital topic fundraising. It provides students of fundraising and nonprofit professionals access to the most relevant theories and includes concrete examples of modern fundraising practice. The book contains clear learning objectives, recommended readings, case studies, summary self-test questions, and exercises at the end of each chapter. The Principles and Practice of Fundraising comprehensively addresses all the major forms of fundraising and critical topics such as donor behavior and fundraising planning. Praise for fundraising principles and practice «Not only will fundraisers benefit from this comprehensive yet accessible text, but this should be required reading for all nonprofit practitioners and scholars. Reading this book will provide valuable insight on a vital subject and enhance the success of any fundraising effort.» ?John B. Ford, president, Academy of Marketing Science and professor of marketing, Old Dominion University «This is not just a how-to-d…
Building Nonprofit Capacity. A Guide to Managing Change Through Organizational Lifecycles
Praise for Building Nonprofit Capacity «A central question for leadership is to identify where, and when, to focus organizational energy, and that is where Brothers and Sherman's book comes in. Changing organizations is never easy, which is why managers need the right set of maps and tools—like this one.» Jon Pratt, executive director, Minnesota Council of Nonprofits «Anyone running a nonprofit organization, no matter how large or small, would benefit from reading this book. It's chock-full of useful information about managing change.»Eric Nee, managing editor, Stanford Social Innovation Review «Nonprofit leaders need tools to help them manage better, engage communities, collaborate, and have greater impact. Building Nonprofit Capacity is a great tool and a useful reference for organizations that are seeking to make a greater and more sustainable difference.» Paul Schmitz, CEO, Public Allies «Brothers and Sherman expertly braid together complementary organizational lifecycle frameworks—and add their own w…
Building Strong Nonprofits. New Strategies for Growth and Sustainability
A proven, strategic plan to help your nonprofit emerge from the 2008-2009 economic storm Utilizing the extensive expertise of leading fundraising consulting firm Skystone Ryan's executive leadership team and managing consultants to explore and illuminate the most timely issues facing the philanthropic community, Building Strong Nonprofits: New Strategies for Growth and Sustainability identifies new opportunities to define the future of philanthropy. Includes notable contributors from the Skystone Ryan leadership team Analyzes the most potent trends and developments and interpret their implications for the future of philanthropy Offers eight to twelve essays, each by a different Skystone Ryan consultant with particular experience, insight, and expertise in the area Building Strong Nonprofits: New Strategies for Growth and Sustainability is you, whether you are a nonprofit leader, executive director, board member, or development director, and are becoming aware that new organizational strategies are called …
Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations
Indispensable for all types and sizes of nonprofit organizations, this important book imparts a clear sense of the technical expertise and proficiency needed as a nonprofit financial officer and includes real-world case studies, checklists, tables, and sample policies to clarify and explain financial concepts.
Yours for the Asking. An Indispensable Guide to Fundraising and Management
Learn how to power up your fundraising-from Reynold Levy, the master of fundraising Drawing on his experience in raising over one billion dollars in six years as President of Lincoln Center, Reynold Levy has written the ultimate insider's guide to asking for and receiving funds. Rich with insights and invaluable advice from Levy's own lessons learned, this powerful book is for you, whether your organization is concerned with health, education, the arts, or humanitarian causes, a think tank or advocacy group, established or fledgling. Insightful, creative, and humorous, Yours for the Asking draws back the curtain to disclose Levy's secrets of success and reveals how you can: Tap into the resources of donors, large and small, for your institution or cause Reach wealthy people and successfully bring home the bacon Put aside fears, qualms, and hesitancies and confidently ask for funds Locate the intersection between the interests of business and the needs of your nonprofit organization Solve the mystery of fu…
Measuring the Networked Nonprofit. Using Data to Change the World
The tools nonprofits need to measure the impact of their social media Having a social media measurement plan and approach can no longer be an after-thought. It is a requirement of success. As nonprofits refine their social media practice, their boards are expecting reports showing results. As funders provide dollars to support programs that include social media, they too want to see results. This book offers the tools and strategies needed for nonprofits that need reliable and measurable data from their social media efforts. Using these tools will not only improve a nonprofit?s decision making process but will produce results-driven metrics for staff and stakeholders. A hands-on resource for nonprofit professionals who must be able to accurately measure the results of their social media ventures Written by popular nonprofit blogger Beth Kanter and measurement expert Katie Delahaye Paine Filled with tools, strategies, and illustrative examples that are highly accessible for nonprofit professionals This imp…
Good Counsel. Meeting the Legal Needs of Nonprofits
A concise overview of the legal needs of nonprofit organizations Good Counsel is a compact and personable overview of the legal needs of nonprofits, crafted by one of America's most astute nonprofit general counsels. The book distills the legal needs of the 1.8 million tax-exempt organizations in the United States.Written in a clear and accessible style, with plenty of humor and storytelling as well as illustrative case studies, Good Counsel explains the basics of nonprofit corporate law, governance, and the tax exemption. It then takes a department-by-department look at legal topics relevant to program, fundraising, finance, communications, human resources, operations, contracts, government relations, and more. Good Counsel is designed help organizations fulfill their missions to do the public good. Designed to impart confidence and demystify the issues, Good Counsel is a must-read for nonprofit professionals and board members as well as lawyers and law students. Using Good Counsel as their playbook, law…
Change Philanthropy. Candid Stories of Foundations Maximizing Results through Social Justice
A how-to guide for creating and funding social justice program grants This groundbreaking book shows how to increase funding for social justice philanthropy. Social justice philanthropy provides direct services to alleviate suffering and works to transform the systems and institutions that cause that suffering. Written in an engaging, easy-to-read style, Change Philanthropy offers an insider's view what works and what doesn't work when developing grantmaking strategies in support of social change. It gives clear guidance showcases foundations of all types and sizes including Liberty Hill Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Needmor Fund, Jacobs Family Foundation, Discount Foundation, Global Fund for Women, Schott Foundation, Ford Foundation, and the Open Society Institute. The book also includes a wealth of illustrative examples and contains practical suggestions and tips that can be applied immediately to support any social justice agenda. Offers a guide for increasing funds for social justice pr…
The Ask. How to Ask Anyone for Any Amount for Any Purpose
The Ask is a complete resource for teaching anyone—experienced in fundraising or not—how to ask individuals, in person, for a contribution to for a local nonprofit or a special event or community project, an enhanced annual gift, a major or planned gift, or a challenging capital campaign gift. Written by fundraising expert Laura Fredricks, The Ask shows what it takes to prepare yourself and others to make an effective ask and includes over one hundred sample dialogues you can use and adapt. Step by step, the book reveals how to listen, what to say, and how to follow up on each and every ask until you receive a solid and definitive answer. In addition, The Ask covers such topics as how to Examine your views on money before making an ask Learn the ins and outs of asking for money Work with others to make an ask Determine if you should or should not ask a friend, colleague, or peer for money Figure out how many asks you can do given your time constraints Deal effectively with all the responses you will get t…
Selling Social Change (Without Selling Out). Earned Income Strategies for Nonprofits
In Selling Social Change (Without Selling Out) expert fundraising trainer and consultant Andy Robinson shows nonprofit professionals how to initiate and sustain successful earned income ventures that provide financial security and advance an organization's mission. Step by step, this invaluable resource shows how to organize a team, select a venture, draft a business plan, find start-up funding, and successfully market goods and services. Robinson includes critical information on the tax implications of earned income and the pros and cons of corporate partnerships. The book also addresses when to consider outsourcing, collaborating with competitors, and raising additional funds to expand the business.
Yours for the Asking. An Indispensable Guide to Fundraising and Management
Praise for Yours for the Asking: An Indispensable Guide to Fundraising and Management «Reynold Levy is a master at persuading people to give money—lots of money—to worthy causes. Now he shares his wisdom with us all—and at a bargain price!» —Tom Brokaw «Ren Levy is the master of his trade. He can squeeze big dollars out of a stone and he tells here just how to do it. Anyone raising money for a good cause must read this book!» —John C. Whitehead, former Co-Chairman and Senior Partner of Goldman Sachs and former United States Deputy Secretary of State «Ren Levy has written the definitive handbook on fundraising. It should be required reading for boards of directors and senior staff of nonprofit organizations. The lessons learned from Ren's broad experience are equally relevant to corporate executives as they endeavor to establish and strengthen customer relationships.» —Indra Nooyi, Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo «I have raised money for a living for several decades. But I could not articulate better than Reynol…
Mobilizing Generation 2.0. A Practical Guide to Using Web 2.0: Technologies to Recruit, Organize and Engage Youth
Use new media to attract and mobilize young people! Explore and examine the gamut of new media and the ways in which it can be used to recruit, organize, and mobilize young people–who represent the majority of new media users. Answer the questions: What is it? How is it being used? How does it work? How to get started? You'll get concise descriptions, screenshots, case studies, resources, and best practices in language that is easy for non-technical people to understand. You'll also gain a sense of the technology–without requiring any downloads, software or plug-ins. Includes a Foreword by Rock the Vote and contributions from Beth Kanter, Evan Williams, danah boyd, Fred Stutzman, Steve Grove, Jonah Sachs, Seth Godin, Zack Exley, Marty Kearns, Jason Fried, Mitch Kapor, and Katrin Verclas. Chapters cover Blogging, Social Networking, Video and Photo Sharing, Mobile Phones, Wikis, Maps, Virtual Worlds.
Fundraising Consultants. A Guide for Nonprofit Organizations
Praise for Fundraising Consultants «In Fundraising Consultants: A Guide for Nonprofit Organizations, Gene Scanlan provides a thoughtful and deliberative guide for how to select, develop, and maintain successful relationships with consultants that can help organizations achieve their goals. It is also an excellent resource for consultants, both new and experienced, on how to best serve our clients.» Barbara L. Ciconte, CFRE, Senior Vice President, Consulting Services Donor Strategies, Inc. «Finally, a book that provides a balanced and informative perspective about fundraising consulting. Gene provides solid information for organizations to consider when using a consultant while also describing the consultant's point of view. All this can only lead to a more effective use of consultants and more successful nonprofits.» Sandra Renner, MSW, CFRE, Renner Consulting Strategic Philanthropic Counsel «This book is an excellent source for a development or foundation director to read before hiring any type of consul…
Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding. Seven Principles to Power Extraordinary Results
A hands-on guide to help your nonprofit build its brand, raise its profile, strengthen impact and develop deeper relationships with donors, volunteers, and other stakeholders. Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding is about the power a constituency-focused, compelling brand can have to revolutionize an organization and the way people view and support it. Shows how to optimally define what your organization stands for to differieniate, create value and breakthrough Explains how to build loyal communities inside and outside of your organization to increase social impact Features seven principles for transforming a brand from ordinary trademark to strategic advantage Includes case studies of eleven breakthrough nonprofit brands and transferable ideas and practices that nonprofits of any size, scope or experience can implement Other title by Daw: Cause Marketing for Nonprofits: Partner for Purpose, Passion, and Profits A practical road map and essential tool for nonprofit leaders, board members, and volunteers, this…
Forces for Good. The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits
An updated edition of a groundbreaking book on best practices for nonprofits What makes great nonprofits great? In the original book, authors Crutchfield and McLeod Grant employed a rigorous research methodology derived from for-profit books like Built to Last. They studied 12 nonprofits that have achieved extraordinary levels of impact—from Habitat for Humanity to the Heritage Foundation—and distilled six counterintuitive practices that these organizations use to change the world. Features a new introduction that explores the new context in which nonprofits operate and the consequences for these organizations Includes a new chapter on applying the Six Practices to small, local nonprofits, including some examples of these organizations Contains an update on the 12 organizations featured in the original book—how they have fared, what they've learned, and where they are now in their growth trajectory This book has lessons for all readers interested in creating significant social change, including nonprofit …
Legal, Tax and Accounting Strategies for the Canadian Real Estate Investor
Legal, Tax and Accounting Strategies for the Canadian Real Estate Investor begins and ends with the premise that buying property in Canada can be a smart, safe and successful way to invest your money. However, like most things in life, success requires hard work. You need to do your homework, understand what you are buying, and know the pros and cons of various decisions. Most importantly, you also need to know how to structure and maintain your investment. That's where we come in. Experience is a good teacher-but its lessons can be nasty and, in the real estate business, mistakes can cost you big bucks. Our goal with this book is to help you do it right-the first time. Rest assured that this book covers a vast range of topics and you're going to appreciate its breadth and depth if you're wondering about things like whether: You should opt for a sole proprietorship versus a partnership or corporate ownership strategy. There are things you can do to manage the way HST impacts your real estate investment bu…
The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation and Reporting
A complete and easy to understand guide to the fundamentals of how not-for-profit organizations are formed and run, as well as their structure and the unique accounting and reporting issues they face. Providing you with a comprehensive understanding of how to maintain the «books» of a typical nonprofit entity and comply with numerous reporting requirements, The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation & Reporting equips you with everything you need to know to form a Not-For-Profit, setup an accounting system, record financial transactions and report to donors and regulatory bodies. Topics include: Step-by-step guide to forming a Not-For-Profit and applying for tax exemption Becoming familiar with unique Not-For-Profit accounting rules such as classifying contributions/grants and recording restrictions, allocation of expenses to programs and supporting services and investment classification and reporting Budget development, payroll processing and accounting for personnel costs Shows how to …
Nonprofit Guide to Going Green
The definitive, practical, go-to resource guide on helping all charities become more «green» Nonprofit Guide to Going Green is your comprehensive learning tool to guide nonprofits and NGOs towards becoming greener. A desktop reference for any charitable organization to become greener, this essential book gives your organization the support it needs to take proactive steps to protect the environment while fulfilling its mission. Timely and clearly written, with contributions from experts from around the globe, Nonprofit Guide to Going Green leads the way in helping charities in all countries meet this challenge. Helps nonprofits green their efforts and carbon footprint * Shows CEOs, presidents, deans, marketing officers, board members proactive steps they can take to protect the environment * Teaches how to do a self-audit and plan for a more environmentally sensitive future * Nonprofit Guide to Going Green delivers a timely and essential call to action for this new century. Can your organization afford no…
Successful Marketing Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations. Winning in the Age of the Elusive Donor
From a leading expert on nonprofit marketing, the only marketing handbook a nonprofit manager will ever need-now fully revised and updated In Successful Marketing Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations, Second Edition, nonprofit marketing guru Barry J. McLeish shares everything he's learned during more than two decades managing and consulting nonprofits of every shape and size. Skipping all the arcane theory and the business school jargon, he gives you clear, step-by-step advice and guidance and all the tools you need to develop and implement a sophisticated marketing program tailored to your organization's needs and goals. New sections on the new media available to nonprofit marketers Techniques for analyzing your market and developing a comprehensive marketing plan Marketing strategies that will support fund-raising, promote new services, and enhance your organization's reputation and visibility Methods for developing a marketing program that reaches both the consumers of your service and the donors who…
A Passion for Giving. Tools and Inspiration for Creating a Charitable Foundation
Praise for A Passion for Giving «Klein and Berrie have produced a great book that manages to make complex issues simple. It blends with grace and craft the deep with the practical and the concrete with the philosophical. It is a precious tool for both the neophyte and the experienced philanthropist. It is both a useful manual and a profound exploration of the core values of giving. In a word, this book is a true gift.» –Andres Spokoiny, President and CEO, Jewish Funders Network «Through the years, many people have asked us why we set up our family foundation and how we went about accomplishing this goal. The 'why' is easy to answer: we are fortunate enough to be able to give back and help others in need. The 'how' is perfectly explained in this compelling and very informative book by Peter Klein and Angelica Berrie.» –Marilyn and Barry Rubenstein, The Marilyn and Barry Rubenstein Family Foundation «This book should be required reading for new donors and experienced philanthropists. Klein and Berrie have c…
Women, Wealth and Giving. The Virtuous Legacy of the Boom Generation
Discover gender-specific tools and strategies Boom-Generation women can use to make philanthropic and charitable decisions Answering women's questions of how and why to give from the heart, Women, Wealth & Giving helps you understand the models that work best for charitable giving and how these models fit into your legacy mission, whether you've earned, inherited or married into your wealth. Women, Wealth & Giving will help you understand what models work best for charitable giving, and how to fit those models into your plans, mission, and intended legacy-whether you earned, inherited or married into wealth. This useful planning guide also Includes pertinent anecdotes, worksheets, quizzes, inspirational profiles, a resource guide, and much more Identifies gender-specific tools and strategies Boom-Generation women can use to make philanthropic and charitable decisions Provides women the means to engage their hearts as well as their minds in giving money, time, and talent away in meaningful ways With over 4…
Effective Telephone Fundraising. The Ultimate Guide to Raising More Money
An authoritative guide to boosting your nonprofit's bottom line through effective telephone fundraising Presenting a detailed structure for writing effective telephone call «scripts», Effective Telephone Fundraising explains the necessary and effective components of an effective call from beginning to end, and provides helpful hints, detailed examples, phrases to employ, phraseology to avoid, and a «road map/chart» for structuring effective call scripts. This how-to manual examines in detail the various stages of an effective telephone call from identifying the prospect and introducing yourself; getting through screens and talking to the decision maker; developing rapport and a creating two-way conversation; explaining the purpose of your call; making a proposal to the prospect;the process of negotiation and effective closing strategies; results of the negotiation;and ending the call. Examines in detail a systematic way of dealing with objections Deflection/decision deferral strategies, along with psychol…
Do More Than Give. The Six Practices of Donors Who Change the World
How donors change the world through the six catalytic practices of high-impact philanthropy Do More Than Give provides a blueprint for individuals, philanthropists, and foundation leaders to increase their impact. Based on Forces for Good, this groundbreaking book demonstrates how the six practices of high-impact nonprofits apply to donors aiming to advance social causes. Rather than focus on the mechanics of effective grantmaking, reporting, or evaluation, this book instead proposes that donors can become proactive catalysts for change by rising to meet the challenges of our increasingly interdependent world. Key principles include: going beyond check writing/traditional volunteering; advocating for change; leveraging business; forging peer networks; empowering individuals; leading adaptively; and developing learning organizations. Contains robust case studies depicting every type of philanthropy (corporate, community, operating, specialized, and large private and family foundations) Includes easy to use…
Managing to Change the World. The Nonprofit Manager's Guide to Getting Results
Why getting results should be every nonprofit manager's first priority A nonprofit manager's fundamental job is to get results, sustained over time, rather than boost morale or promote staff development. This is a shift from the tenor of many management books, particularly in the nonprofit world. Managing to Change the World is designed to teach new and experienced nonprofit managers the fundamental skills of effective management, including: managing specific tasks and broader responsibilities; setting clear goals and holding people accountable to them; creating a results-oriented culture; hiring, developing, and retaining a staff of superstars. Offers nonprofit managers a clear guide to the most effective management skills Shows how to address performance problems, dismiss staffers who fall short, and the right way to exercising authority Gives guidance for managing time wisely and offers suggestions for staying in sync with your boss and managing up This important resource contains 41 resources and down…
Prospect Research for Fundraisers. The Essential Handbook
Essential tools for implementing right-sized prospect research techniques that help nonprofit organizations reach their fundraising goals Written especially for front-line fundraisers, Prospect Research for Fundraisers presents a practical understanding of prospect research, prospect management, and fundraising analytics, demonstrating how research can be used to raise more money. Filled with examples, case studies, interviews, and stories, this unique book is structured around the fundraising cycle and illustrates the myriad of current and ever-changing prospect research tools and techniques available to boost an organization's fundraising effectiveness. From essential overviews to how-to-search skills, this practical book gives development officers the tools to understand how to use prospect research in ways that best fit their goals for each stage of the fundraising cycle. Provides practical insight to understand the best use of each prospect research tool and technique Features a companion website wit…
Nonprofit Leadership Tools for Uncertain Times e-book Set. The Essential Collection
Take control of where your nonprofit is headed with our Nonprofit Leadership Tools for Uncertain Times e-book set The past couple of years have been tough for most nonprofits. With a global recession in full swing, nonprofits have begun searching for new ways to make budgets stretch further, do more with less, and maximize their return on investment. We don't know how long the economy will remain in a recession, but it certainly provides challenges for the immediate future. This e-book bundle provides you with the step-by-step guidance, practical tools, and solid strategies you need to get your nonprofit back on the road to success. Helping you develop a better understanding of what your organization needs to do to survive a depressed-or any-economy, this bundle offers expert advice from renowned nonprofit leaders. Nonprofit Finance for Hard Times: Leadership Strategies When Economies Falter / Susan U. Raymond-Learn how to survive the current economic conditions and prepare for future economic cycles Jump…
Internet Management for Nonprofits. Strategies, Tools and Trade Secrets
The essential guide for nonprofits wanting to manage their Internet applications in a coordinated, cost-effective, and efficient manner The rapid onset of increasingly advanced and complex technologies has challenged nonprofits to invest with their sparse resources in attempting, and failing, to keep pace with for-profit companies, with the result that most now cannot compete with new commercial products and commercial applications. Nonprofit Internet Management reveals how current technologies can be utilized in full measure most effectively by nonprofits and addresses how to manage various applications for maximum benefit to internal operations and community service. Covers management models, social networking information, case studies, fundraising strategies, collaboration and coordination examples, and sample communications techniques Includes chapters written by leading Internet professionals In-depth discussion of Website design, technology trends, social networks, managing the organization using on…
The End of Fundraising. Raise More Money by Selling Your Impact
Why does it cost nonprofits on average $20 to raise $100, while it costs companies only $4? Simply put: Nonprofits have no leverage. No one has to make a donation. And since most donors have no direct stake in the organizations they support, they make donations out of the goodness of their hearts. If donors feel like writing a check, they will. If they don't, they won't. The End of Fundraising turns fundraising on its head, teaching nonprofits how to stop begging for charity and start selling impact. For the first time, nonprofits have economic power. We live in a new era where consumers, businesses, investors, employees, and service providers attach real economic value to social outcomes. An era where yesterday's «feel good» issues—education, the environment, health care, the arts, and animal rights—now have direct economic consequences and opportunities. Nonprofits now have leverage. To use this leverage, nonprofits must learn how to «sell» their impact to a new set of stakeholders. Using his fifteen ye…
Mission-Based Marketing. Positioning Your Not-for-Profit in an Increasingly Competitive World
A direct, practical guide revealing how you can lead your not-for-profit to success through mission-based marketing Now in a Third Edition, Mission-Based Marketing is a direct, practical guide showing how you can lead your not-for-profit to success in a more competitive world. This book provides the knowledge and skills you need to build a market-driven organization that holds onto its core values, does a better job of providing mission, and successfully competes for funding, clients, referral sources, staff, and board members. Includes new material on nonprofit websites, social networking and new methods of communication, advances in technology, customer service in today's world, and the effects of marketing on fundraising Goes beyond the hows and whys to include lots of hands-on advice and real-world examples Other titles by Brinckerhoff: Mission-Based Management: Leading Your Not-for-Profit In the 21st Century, Faith-Based Management: Leading Organizations That Are Based on More than Just Mission, and …
Smart Stewardship for Nonprofits. Making the Right Decision in Good Times and Bad
A practical guide to effective decision-making frameworks and tools for nonprofits that ensure successful stewardship The basic tenets of decision making for nonprofits are similar, whether you're growing, shrinking, or trying to think your way out of a box. Smart Stewardship for Nonprofits provides the tools to make the best stewardship decisions in these varied, but common, situations. Coverage includes the keys to smart stewardship for your nonprofit, the smart stewardship decision tree, understanding capability and capacity, making innovation the norm, understanding the true cost of growth, going to scale, and smart stewardship in bad times. Features tools to make the best stewardship decisions in every kind of situation Written for executive directors of nonprofit organizations, nonprofit board members, CPAs, and other financial counsel for nonprofits, development directors Provides a website hosting a variety of online tools and materials Also by Peter Brinckerhoff: Mission-Based Marketing, Mission-…
Recession, Recovery, and Renewal. Long-Term Nonprofit Strategies for Rapid Economic Change
The guidance every nonprofit needs to plan the best survive-and-succeed strategy in any economy The slow and uneven climb out from the Great Recession promises nonprofits an economic future that is unlike the past. Get equipped with the tools you need to plan your resilient nonprofit strategy with Recession, Recovery, and Renewal: Long-Term Nonprofit Strategies for Rapid Economic Change. This dynamic book reveals how your nonprofit can choose and assess indicators that will anticipate rapid twists in the road. It illustrates how your nonprofit can adapt management, programs, skills, leadership, and governance to take advantage of—rather than suffer through—rapid and constant change. This book is a practical guide that teaches readers to identify, choose and track trend indicators in the market; establish systems to take up and act on both challenges and opportunities surfaced by those indicators; and produce concrete evidence of the impact of paying attention to those indicators. Examines the Great Recess…
Mission-Based Management. Leading Your Not-for-Profit In the 21st Century
The only nonprofit management book you must have-in an exciting new edition As a nonprofit manager, you have to be more effective and more efficient than ever to win funding and support to ensure your organization pursues its mission, meets community needs, and maintains its budget, while juggling the demands of funders, clientele, boards, staff, and community. This Third Edition of Mission-Based Management provides comprehensive, hands-on guidance that addresses your unique concerns as a nonprofit manager and policy-maker Addresses the effects of SOX, organizational transparency, new technologies, technology planning, and marketing in today's environment Is written by a nationally recognized expert who has trained thousands of nonprofit managers in hundreds of seminars on the best practices in nonprofit management Includes in each chapter a recap and a list of questions for group discussion More than ever before, as a nonprofit manager, you want and need practical guidance on how to do your job and run y…