ТОП-50 лучших книг в жанре Шпионские детективы

Шпионские детективы - ТОП 50 лучших книг

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Утром после своей роскошной свадьбы в Венеции Ханна Дэвис должна была бы быть самой счастливой женщиной на свете. Вместо этого она сжимает леденящую душу записку от анонимного источника: «Джейк и его семья планируют избавиться от тебя сразу после свадьбы. Ты всего лишь пешка в их игре. Если хочешь выжить - беги». Джейк Россини — наследник одной из самых могущественных семей Италии — должен был стать ее будущим. Теперь он — ее самая большая угроза. Когда Ханна бежит от жизни, которую, как она думала, она хотела, она оказывается втянутой в смертельную игру обмана, власти и предательства. Одна, преследуемая, она пересекается с таинственным незнакомцем — Лукасом Риверой. Он утверждает, что может ей помочь. Но у Лукаса есть свои секреты... и доверять ему, может быть, так же опасно, как бежать от Джейка.
Un Hiver Tant Attendu
Dans un village isolé de la France rurale, James « J.D. » Delaney mène une vie tranquille pour expier ses fautes passées. Ancien espion, il a abandonné ce monde après qu'une erreur a coûté la vie à son frère. Mais son passé refait surface lorsqu'Irina Volkova, une femme au passé mystérieux, exige la liste confidentielle des espions russes qu'il détient. Cette liste, volée il y a des années, pourrait provoquer une crise mondiale. Pour survivre, J.D. doit s'allier à la seule personne qui connaît son sombre passé. «Un hiver tant attendu» est une histoire de culpabilité, de courage et de rédemption. De la campagne française gelée aux ruelles sombres de Paris, J.D. est confronté à une partie d'échecs où la confiance est mise à l'épreuve et où les alliés peuvent devenir des traîtres. En cet hiver glacial, les fantômes du passé se font enfin entendre.
A long awaited winter
In a remote village in rural France, James “J.D.” Delaney lives a quiet life to atone for past sins. A former spy, he abandoned this world after a mistake cost his brother his life. But his past resurfaces when Irina Volkova, a woman with a mysterious past, demands the classified list of Russian spies he holds. This list, stolen years ago, could cause a global crisis. To survive, J.D. must ally himself with the only person who knows about his dark past. A Long-Awaited Winter is a story of guilt, courage and redemption. From the frozen French countryside to the dark alleys of Paris, J.D. faces a chess game in which trust is tested and allies can become traitors. In this cold winter, the ghosts of the past finally make themselves heard.
Неправедный ветер (Интерпретация января 2022)
Политический терроризм в современном мире превратился в одну из самых глобальных проблем. Противостоять масштабам расширяющейся преступной деятельности международных террористических организаций становится возможным лишь с помощью объединения усилий спецслужб всего мирового сообщества. В январе 2022 года в Казахстане произошли события, которые могли превратить республику во вторую «анти-Россию». Сотрудники частной российской разведывательной компании «Mozart», занимающиеся предотвращением акций политического терроризма случайно оказываются в эпицентре готовящегося переворота в РК.
Группа специального назначения
Роман о военном времени, о сложных судьбах и опасной работе неизвестных героев, вошедших в ударный состав «спецназа Берии». Общий тираж книг А. Тамоникова – около 10 миллионов экземпляров. Еще в застенках Лубянки майор Максим Шелестов знал, что справедливость восторжествует. Но такого поворота судьбы, какой случился с ним дальше, бывший разведчик не мог и предположить. Нарком Берия лично предложил ему возглавить спецподразделение особого назначения. Шелестов соглашается: служба Родине – его святой долг. Группа получает задание перейти границу в районе Западного Буга и проникнуть в расположение частей вермахта. Где-то там засел руководитель шпионской сети, действующей в приграничном районе. До места добрались благополучно. А вот дальше началось непредвиденное… Шел июнь 1941 года…
Тайна атолла Дьявола
Знаменитого сыщика, успешно закончившего расследование убийства на борту круизного лайнера, опять не оставляют в покое. Новое предложение привлекает Макса своей таинственностью и необычностью, ведь предстоит раскрыть тайну атолла Дьявола, уходящую корнями в далекое прошлое. Но настоящий драйв ждет впереди и предсказать развязку практически невозможно. Это третья книга из серии Приключения знаменитого сыщика Макса Пипсена.
Тайный фронт
Роман о военном времени, о сложных судьбах и опасной работе неизвестных героев, вошедших в ударный состав «спецназа Берии». 1944 год. В Румынии к власти приходит король Михай Первый. Он разрывает отношения с Гитлером и берет курс на сближение с Советским Союзом. В Бухаресте планируется встреча глав государств антигитлеровской коалиции. Однако фашистские недобитки пытаются сорвать это мероприятие. Будучи хорошо осведомлены о деталях предстоящей встречи, бандиты обстреливают самолет, в котором летят представители советской делегации. Для обеспечения безопасности в Румынию в числе других направляется группа спецназа Максима Шелестова. Помимо прочего, бойцам дано особое задание: выявить и обезвредить засевшего в наших рядах предателя… «Эта серия хороша тем, что в ней проведена верная главная мысль: в НКВД Лаврентия Берии умели верить людям, потому что им умел верить сам нарком. История группы майора Шелестова сходна с реальной историей крупного агента абвера, бывшего штабс-капитана царской армии Нелидова, п…
Эхо северных скал
Фашисты планируют создать в советском Заполярье свои секретные морские базы. В случае удачи их субмарины станут серьезной угрозой нашему тылу. Группе майора Максима Шелестова поручено обследовать побережье и изучить имеющиеся сведения о возможном появлении там немцев. Максим выясняет, что фашисты действительно высаживались в указанном районе и даже успели составить подробную карту удобных бухт и фарватеров. Известно, что с ее помощью они в ближайшее время намереваются проникнуть на одну из советских баз и захватить топливо для своей лодки. Майор решает встретить «гостей» смертоносным сюрпризом…
Sniper Fire in Belfast
Ultimate soldier. Ultimate mission. But can the SAS survive working deep undercover among the terrorists of Northern Ireland?It is the 1970s, and a mean and dirty war is being waged on British soil. Sectarian violence is an almost daily occurrence and the terrorist groups, who finance their operations through robbery, fraud and extortion, engage in torture, assassination and wholesale slaughter.To cope with the terrorists’ activities the British Army need the support of exceptional soldiers who can operate deep undercover – the SAS. The regiment is soon embroiled in some of the most secretive, dangerous and controversial activities in its history. These include plain-clothes work in the towns and cities, the running of operational posts in rural areas, surveillance and intelligence gathering, ambushes and daring cross-border raids.Sniper Fire in Belfast is a nerve-jangling adventure about the most daring soldiers in military history, where friend and foe look the same and each encounter could be their las…
The Mysterious Lord Millcroft
Life as a duchess…Or something much more dangerous…?Part of The King’s Elite. Constantly told her beauty and charm is all she has to offer, Lady Clarissa is intent on marrying a duke. And intriguing spy Sebastian Leatham will help her! Only first she’ll assist him with his new assignment—playing the part of confident aristocrat Lord Millcroft. Sebastian awakens a burning desire within Clarissa which leaves her questioning whether becoming a duchess is what she truly longs for…
Gabriel D'Arcy
From wild and rugged Cornwall, the setting of Poldark and Jamaica Inn, comes another fabulous, dramatic story…Never trust a spy!Nicoletta, the Countess Vilandry, is on a dangerous mission – to lure fellow spy Gabriel D’Arcy into bed and into revealing his true loyalties. With such sensual games at play, and such strong sensations awakened, suddenly Nicky’s dangerously close to exposing her real identity.Gabe knows the Countess has been sent to seduce him. The only question is to what end? He’s never met such a captivating woman – and he’s determined to enjoy every seductive second she spends as his very willing captive!Original title – THE CAPTURED COUNTESSTHE CORNWALL COLLECTIONFour wonderful atmospheric historical romances – perfect for fans of Winston Graham's Ross Poldark and Demelza, and Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca and Jamaica Inn.LUCIEN TREGELLASBANE BERESFORDGABRIEL D'ARCYVALERIAN INGLEMOORE
Twinkle Twinkle Little Spy
A Soviet space scientist defects to win academic freedom, but western intelligence has other plans for him, and sends an unnamed spy – perhaps the same reluctant hero of The Ipcress File – to look after him. But what follows is a blood-streaked trail across three continents… Twinkle, Twinkle Little Spy reveals a more mature Deighton exploring relationships between couples: professional rivals and private allies, spy and counter-spy, master and slave. some are drawn together mutual comfort, others for exploitation. With an uncanny feeling for landscape, he begins his story in the awesome emptiness and remorseless heat of the Sahara desert. From there a trail of blood leads to Manhattan, Paris, Dublin and halfway back across Africa. In a narrative as compelling as it is tantalizing, Deighton surpasses all his previous triumphs and holds the reader spellbound to the very last page. This new reissue includes a foreword from the cover designer, Oscar-winning filmmaker Arnold Schwartzman, and a brand new introd…
The Man Who Was Saturday
A classic Cold War spy story from the bestselling thriller writer Derek Lambert.Moscow treated defectors from the West with kid-gloves. That is, until they had outlived their usefulness. But the American Robert Calder was different. He had defected to Russia with information so explosive that even the iron-clad regime of the Kremlin shook with fear. It had kept him alive. Until now. For Calder is desperately keen to return to the West. So they place the ruthless and scheming Spandarian on his trail, a KGB chief with a mind as sharp as the cold steel of an ice pick. And as a back-up they unleash Tokarev, a professional assassin who kills for pleasure…‘Certainly puts Lambert up there with today’s top suspense writers’ Book Browsing‘Mr Lambert’s Moscow experience comes chillingly through’ Sunday Telegraph‘This terrific novel puts Lambert in a league with the best espionage writers of the day’ United Press International‘Another winner’ Pittsburgh Press‘Lambert is at the top of the class’ UPI‘Splendid stuff. M…
The Judas Code
A classic World War II novel from the bestselling thriller writer Derek Lambert.In neutral Lisbon, British Intelligence have concocted a ruthless doublecross to lure Russia and Germany into a hellish war of attrition on the Eastern Front and so buy Britain the most precious commodity of all: time.That plot now hinges on one man: Josef Hoffman, a humble Red cross worker. But who is Hoffman? And where do his loyalties really lie?‘Charged with action and tension from start to finish’ John Barkham Reviews‘For unbearable suspense, for chapter-by-chapter fascination, nothing I’ve read equals this one’ Los Angeles Times‘A World War II “what if” that’s great fun. Lots of suspense and a bang-up climax’ Publishers Weekly‘A humdinger of a thriller … a novel which turns history upside down’ Express & Echo‘Veteran thriller writer Derek Lambert skillfully mixes fact and fiction from World War II. It’s bloody good fun’ New York Daily News‘A grand Churchillian scheme depicted with great flair and ingeuinty’ The Seattle T…
The Black Widow
No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva delivers another stunning thriller in his latest tale of high-stakes international intrigue featuring the inimitable Gabriel Allon.Legendary spy Gabriel Allon is poised to become the chief of Israel’s secret intelligence service. But on the eve of his promotion, ISIS detonate a massive bomb in the Marais district of Paris, and a desperate French government wants Gabriel to eliminate the man responsible.They call him Saladin…He is a terrorist mastermind, whose network communicates in total secrecy, leaving Gabriel no choice but to insert an agent into the most dangerous terrorist group the world has ever known. An extraordinary young doctor, she must pose as an ISIS recruit in waiting, a ticking time bomb, a black widow out for blood.
The Killing Grounds: an explosive and gripping thriller for fans of James Patterson
IF THE TRUTH DIES…. HE’LL KILL HER ALL OVER AGAIN. Ex-US Navy-turned-investigator Thomas J. Cooper is tortured by the past. A deadly fight with Somali pirates and a tragic accident at sea have left him struggling with PTSD and an addiction to prescription drugs. When he and his colleague Maddie return to the Democratic Republic of Congo to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a plane, what they find is far more sinister and dangerous…
The Darkness Within: A heart-pounding thriller that will leave you reeling
A gripping new crime novel from the global bestseller Cathy Glass writing as Lisa StoneYou know your son better than anyone. Don’t you?When critically ill Jacob Wilson is given a life-saving heart transplant, his parents are relieved that their loving son has been saved.However, before long, his family are forced to accept that something has changed in Jacob. Their once loving son is slowly being replaced by a violent man whose mood swings leave them terrified – but is it their fault?Jacob’s girlfriend, Rosie, is convinced the man she loves is suffering from stress. But when his moods turn on her, she begins to doubt herself – and she can only hide the bruises for so long.When a terrible crime is committed, Jacob’s family are forced to confront their darkest fears. Has the boy they raised become a monster? Or is someone else to blame?This is a spellbinding crime novel with a dark heart from the worldwide bestseller Cathy Glass, writing as Lisa Stone.
Operation Lavivrus
The debut novel from legendary SAS Survival Guide author Lofty Wiseman.• Test your wits at key points in the story to see if you’d survive Operation Lavivrus, and make it home alive. Lofty has written optional questions throughout the story to give you the opportunity to test yourself against the best.The country is on alert – Britain is at war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands, and SAS soldiers Peter and Tony find themselves in a military research centre being briefed in the use of a top-secret device. That’s the easy part.Part of an 8-man team, they parachute into Argentina – but the drop-off goes wrong. Tony and Peter, separated from the others, are forced to use every trick they know to evade a determined and intelligent Argentinean officer throwing men and resources at the problem of finding the operatives.What follows is a masterclass in escape and evasion in one of the world’s toughest climates – but will they make it out alive?Lofty channels his considerable survival know-how and personal e…
Deep in Marxist Guerilla territory a hopeless war is being fought.The Berlin Wall is demolished. Marx is dead. Try telling that to Ramon and his desperate men hiding in the jungle cradling their AK 47s, dusting off the slabs of Semtex and dreaming of world revolution.MAMista takes us to the dusty, violent capital of Spanish Guiana in South America, and thence into the depths of the rain forest; the heart of darkness itself. There, four people become caught up in a struggle both political and personal, a struggle corrupted by ironies and deceits, and riddled with the accidents of war. They are four people who never should have found themselves bound together in a mission for revolution, which may be the sentence of death.Never has Deighton portrayed so accurately the terror and the tedium of war, or the shifting alliances and betrayals between people who have nothing to lose but their lives.This reissue includes a foreword from the cover designer, Oscar-winning filmmaker Arnold Schwartzman, and an introduc…
Quantum of Tweed: The Man with the Nissan Micra
An exclusive short story for World Book Day from one of our bestselling authors. This brilliant comic thriller will have you on the edge of your seat.Albert Rossi has many qualities. He’s a man who can spot polyester at a hundred paces. He’s the person you’d have on speed dial were you to find yourself at the centre of a tailoring emergency. He has an excellent working knowledge of Bonnie Tyler’s back catalogue. These skills are essential to a Gentleman’s Outfitter from Eastcote. They are not necessarily on the job description for recruiting an assassin.When Albert hits an unsuspecting pedestrian whilst listening to ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ in his Nissan Micra he is amazed to escape the inevitable knock on the door from the police. Instead he receives a mysterious phone call from a man who sounds surprisingly like Stephen Hawking telling him that his money will be left in the ‘usual’ place. At that very moment, Albert Rossi decides to change careers.Albert Rossi’s life is about to get a whole lot more…
Quantum of Tweed: The Man with the Nissan Micra
An exclusive short story for World Book Day from one of our bestselling authors. This brilliant comic thriller will have you on the edge of your seat.Albert Rossi has many qualities. He’s a man who can spot polyester at a hundred paces. He’s the person you’d have on speed dial were you to find yourself at the centre of a tailoring emergency. He has an excellent working knowledge of Bonnie Tyler’s back catalogue. These skills are essential to a Gentleman’s Outfitter from Eastcote. They are not necessarily on the job description for recruiting an assassin.When Albert hits an unsuspecting pedestrian whilst listening to ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ in his Nissan Micra he is amazed to escape the inevitable knock on the door from the police. Instead he receives a mysterious phone call from a man who sounds surprisingly like Stephen Hawking telling him that his money will be left in the ‘usual’ place. At that very moment, Albert Rossi decides to change careers.Albert Rossi’s life is about to get a whole lot more…
Homeland: Saul’s Game
The second, edge-of-your-seat prequel novel based on Showtime’s hit series, HOMELAND, ‘the best thriller on American television’ New York PostDamascus, Syria, 2009. Carrie Mathison is leading an operation to capture or kill al Qaeda terrorist, Abu Nazir. But arriving at the compound where he was supposed to be in hiding, they find it empty. Carrie is sure that someone is leaking CIA information to the enemy and has betrayed their operation, seriously threatening American interests in the Middle East. To expose the double agent, her boss, Saul Berenson, devises an elaborate ruse that will send her on the most dangerous mission of her life.This twisting tale of international intrigue takes fans deeper into the intense world of high-stakes espionage, and explores never-before-seen details of Carrie’s life as an operative in the Middle East, Saul’s past as an agent in Iran, Brody’s dark childhood and captivity, and events involving the trio—and other favourite characters, like Dar Adal—that will lead them to …
East of Hounslow: A funny, clever and addictive spy thriller, shortlisted for a CWA Dagger 2018
Meet Jay.Small-time dealer.Accidental jihadist.The one man who can save us all?Javid – call him Jay – is a dope dealer living in West London. He goes to mosque on Friday, and he’s just bought his pride and joy – a BMW. He lives with his mum, and life seems sweet.But his world is about to turn upside-down. Because MI5 have been watching him, and they think he’s just the man they need for a delicate mission.One thing’s for sure: now he’s a long way East of Hounslow, Jay’s life will never be the same again.With the edgy humour of Four Lions and the pulse-racing tension of Nomad, East of Hounslow is the first in a series of thriller starring Jay Qasim.
Reissue of the classic tale of espionage set in Cold War Europe, where the world’s greatest circus acrobat must break into an impenetrable fortress, from the acclaimed master of action and suspense.Bruno Wildermann of the Wrinfield Circus is the world’s greatest trapeze artist, a clairvoyant with near-supernatural powers and an implacable enemy of the East European regime that arrested his family and murdered his wife.The CIA needs such a man, and recruits Bruno for an impossible raid – on the impreganble Lubylan fortress, where his family his held.Under cover of a circus tour, Bruno prepares to return to his homeland. But before the journey even begins a murderer strikes twice. Somewhere in the circus there is a communist agent with orders to stop Bruno at any cost…
Кремлевский эндшпиль. Ликвидация Иблиса
В новой книге бывший разведчик Матвей Алехин еще раз убеждается, что «бывших» в его работе не бывает. Он вновь оказывается в самом центре тайной войны: спецслужбы США и Саудовской Аравии готовят против России и её Президента провокацию такого масштаба, что содрогнется весь мир. Под ударом сердце нашей Родины – Кремль. И остановить террористов может только один человек – смертельно больной Матвей Алехин. Больному Лису нечего терять, и он ставит на кон в Большой игре свою жизнь. Чем закончится смертельный поединок? Финал будет, как всегда у Александра Полюхова, внезапным, фееричным и победоносным. Хотя для Матвея Алехина это приключение и станет последним…
Bandit Country
Ultimate soldier. Ultimate mission. But will the SAS be able to find an IRA sniper, before he finds them…?1989, South Armagh: cheering mobs stand over the body of a British soldier. He is the ninth to have been killed by the so-called Border Fox, an IRA sniper whose activities have helped make this area of the United Kingdom the most feared killing ground in Western Europe.The British government is determined to break the tightly-knit South Armagh Brigade of the IRA before more lives are lost.The SAS men of Ulster Troop are the best in the world at surveillance, unsurpassed in counter-insurgency techniques. And now, once again, they are going to have to prove it. Their hunt for the Border Fox and the terrorists of South Armagh will be a murderous, little-publicized war in which every encounter, whether in or out of uniform, is potentially a battle to the death.
Мадьярский рикошет
1956 год. В Будапеште зреют беспорядки. Радикально настроенная интеллигенция и бывшие офицеры-хортисты, воевавшие на стороне Гитлера, выступают с антиправительственными лозунгами. Чтобы спровоцировать конфликты среди населения, западные спецслужбы забрасывают на территорию Венгрии диверсионное подразделение «Фаркас». В ответ Главное управление КГБ готовит особую группу «Дон» майора Семенова. Опытные бойцы и крепкие оперативники должны предотвратить надвигающуюся гражданскую бойню. Времени на подготовку очень мало, значит, охота на диверсантов должна быть точной и стремительной…
While Galileo Preys
If there were a God, he would have stopped me.That's the message discovered atop an elementary school in downtown Atlanta. Across the street are the bodies of fourteen people, each quickly and cleanly murdered. The sniper Galileo is on the loose. He can end a life from hundreds of yards away. And he is just getting started.Where others see puzzles, Esme Stuart sees patterns. These outside-the-box inductive skills made her one of the FBI's top field operatives. But she turned her back on all that eight years ago to start a family and live a normal life. She now has a husband, a daughter and a Long Island home to call her own, far removed from the bloody streets of Atlanta.But Galileo's murders escalate and her old boss needs the help of his former protege. But how can she turn her back on her well-earned quiet life? How would she be able to justify such a choice to her husband? To her daughter?And what will happen when Galileo turns his scope on them?
Пропавшие. Сложный выбор
Помощница Евдокима, Дина Стрельцова, безответно влюблена в своего начальника. Лишь она одна знает, в какое опасное место попал Евдоким, пытаясь снять с себя обвинения в убийстве. Дина ищет пути спасения для любимого, не жалея себя. Но оценит ли Евдоким смертельное самопожертвование подчинённой? От автора: Ранее книга называлась "Койка".
The Fallen Angel
Gabriel Allon, master art restorer and assassin, returns in a spellbinding #1 New York Times bestselling novel Bruised and war-weary following his secret war to bring down a terrorist mastermind, Gabriel Allon returns to his beloved Rome to restore a Caravaggio masterpiece. But early one morning Gabriel is summoned by his friend and occasional ally Monsignor Luigi Donati, the all-powerful private secretary to the Pope. The broken body of a beautiful woman lies beneath Michelangelo's magnificent dome. Donati fears a public inquiry will inflict more wounds on an already-damaged Church so he calls upon Gabriel to use his matchless talents and experience to quietly pursue the truth was it suicide, or something more sinister? Gabriel discovers that the woman revealed a dangerous secret that threatens powers beyond the Vatican. And an old enemy plots revenge in the shadows, an unthinkable act of sabotage that will plunge the world into a conflict of apocalyptic proportions. Once again Gabriel must return to the…
The Quality of Mercy
A thrilling story set in Elizabethan London, from New York Times bestselling author Faye KellermanOne wrong move could lead to death…1593. Rebecca Lopez, daughter of Queen Elizabeth’s physician, enjoys a seemingly privileged life at Court. Yet she guards a dangerous secret. She is Jewish – and her forbidden faith could bring her downfall at any moment.One night, infuriated by the restrictions imposed upon her, she slips out of her household, disguised as a boy. There she crosses paths with a dashing and daring young man – a young man by the name of Will Shakespeare.As a dutiful Jewish daughter, Rebecca never considered falling in love with such an unsuitable man. But as she and Will become ensnared in a dangerous web of intrigue, secrets and murder, they must protect each other if they are to escape alive…
Lethal Risk
SHADOW CHASEA high-ranking Chinese official has arranged to defect to the United States and reveal war crimes his country has perpetrated throughout Asia. But while en route to discreetly bring the official to American soil, Mack Bolan learns the man has been arrested, and the mission becomes much more urgent. And dangerous.Bolan's first stop, the notorious prison where the official is being held, is a trap he barely escapes. On the run through the streets of Beijing, with intelligence agents hot on his trail, time is running out to recover the defector. And when his search-and-rescue leads him to a government-sanctioned organ-harvesting facility, the Executioner adds search-and-destroy to his list of things to do before his trip to China is complete.
The Killing Files
No matter how fast you run, the past always catches up with you A gripping and tense thriller’ Heat A must have’ Sunday Express Dr Maria Martinez is out of prison and on the run. Her mission? To get back to the safety of her family. Little does she know that this might be the most dangerous place of all Don’t miss the second in Nikki Owen’s electrifying Project trilogy, perfect for fans of Nicci French and Charles Cumming.
Крестовский душегуб
Странное событие привлекло внимание оперативников послевоенного Пскова. Среди белого дня в городском парке пенсионер признал в проходящем мимо милиционере переодетого фашистского палача и пытался его задержать. Милиционеру удалось скрыться, а пенсионер скончался на месте от сердечного приступа. Сыщики в недоумении: неужели опасный военный преступник, которого они разыскивают вот уже несколько лет, объявился в их городе? Следствие поручено капитану Павлу Звереву по прозвищу «Зверь». На счету бесстрашного опера десятки раскрытых преступлений. Но на этот раз ему предстоит поединок не с отмороженными уголовниками, а с кадровым офицером СС, руки которого по локоть в крови…
Peace on Earth
One of the very best thrillers of the last twenty years. Second novel by Stevens, now published as an ebook and still stunningly relevant to the Middle East conflict.The lives of three families converge: a Jewish family finally allowed out of Russia after years of persecution; a Palestinian family displaced by the Israelis from their ancestral home in Bethlehem; an English family from Hereford, home of the SAS: hostage, highjacker, rescuer – but who is really the villain, who is really the victim? A super novel of international intrigue and heartbreaking suspense.
Судный день
1973 год. На Ближнем Востоке назревает очередной военный конфликт. Египет стремится вернуть потерянные в Шестидневной войне земли. В разгар подготовки операции неизвестный из числа приближенных египетского президента Анвара Садата, завербованный израильской разведкой, похищает секретные документы генерального штаба. План предстоящего удара по Израилю под угрозой провала. Военное руководство Египта неофициально обращается к советским спецслужбам с просьбой помочь в поисках пропавших документов. Дело поручено группе «Дон» подполковника Богданова. На то, чтобы вычислить и нейтрализовать предателя, у оперативников всего одни сутки…
Sky Sentinels
When direct action and official reaction conflict, Stony Man gets the job that's too sticky, political or impossible for government channels.At the discretion of the President, this covert, action-ready commando force brings the fight to the enemy, doing the dangerous work of combating terror while keeping official hands clean–and innocent civilians safe. Iran is flexing its military muscle, kidnapping U.S. journalists and openly daring America to retaliate. But a hostile confrontation would spell political and global disaster, while doing nothing means exposing Americans to danger. To demonstrate Iran's worldwide reach, Iranian intelligence officers within the U.S. kidnap three prominent Americans from the Washington, D.C., area. Dispatched to free the hostages and get a handle on the main event, Stony Man discovers the planning stages of a radical multinational plot that could ignite the next–and last–world war.
Deadly Payload
Unflinching duty and patriotism stand at the core of the covert operations group known as Stony Man. Answering only to the Oval Office, and with a mandate to strike before the world suffers, the clandestine field and cyber operatives work without a warrant and outside the law, enabling them to strike down those who obey no law.A powerful U.S.-based consortium has begun a full-scale assault to take over the world. Attacking on multiple fronts, this secret cadre has enough high-tech weaponry to push nations to an apocalyptic standoff–and now China, Russia and the Middle East are poised to unleash swift, savage and bloody nuclear retaliations. Stony Man teams are spread thin, racing to stop the unthinkable as the world is pushed over the edge of reason, and an unseen, perhaps unstoppable, enemy brings the planet seconds closer to flash point.
Lethal Compound
U.S. intelligence agents become aware of a wealthy American's plans only when they intercept the chatter of Chinese spies.It is the billionaire's intention to lead a secret archaeological expedition into the mountainous border triangle between Afghanistan, China and Tajikistan. Mack Bolan is inserted within the group as they head into an area that is a hotbed of opium production.Traveling undercover with a group of foreign mercenaries hired to act as private security, Bolan knows that priceless treasure isn't the only thing hidden in the mountains of Tajikistan. And when they come under attack by Russian fighter jets, it becomes apparent to the Executioner that the unstable region is about to blow.
Close Quarters
An elite covert special ops team, Stony Man acts only under presidential directive. Backed by a sophisticated unit of cybernetics and weapons experts, Able Team and Phoenix Force fight terror across the globe. They operate with impunity, driven by grit and the instinct of true warriors dedicated to protecting the innocent.When Peace Corps volunteers working in the jungles of Paraguay are kidnapped and brutalized by a mysterious new Islamic terrorist group–and political maneuvering fails–Stony Man gets the call. Its dual mission: an under-the-radar jungle rescue and a hunt along the Iranian shores and backstreets of Tehran for the terrorist masterminds. With the enemy's hard-line agenda poised to fuel the powder keg of Middle East instability, Stony Man moves in against long odds that are only getting longer. Surrounded and outgunned, they're willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to succeed.
War Tides
When the President needs immediate, covert intervention for a crisis too sensitive or desperate for normal channels, Stony Man strikes under the radar and beyond official government protocols.Baptized in the fires of justice, freedom and protection, Stony Man stands for the highest of ideals: dedication to duty and a fierce resolve to defeat those who would brutalize nations.It's called FACOS–Fast Attack Covert Operations Submarine–and is now in the hands of an elusive and violent group known as the Revenge of Allah. This supersub, capable of blistering speed and stealth, carries a first-strike nuclear payload, spelling a new world of terror for America. With orders to recover the stolen prototype or destroy it, Stony Man's mission goes beyond standard «terminate with extreme prejudice.» With the warship poised to strike America's eastern seaboard, failure is not an option and neither is compromise. Stony Man must stop the show before the terrorists go live.
The Trinity Six
FROM THE WINNER OF THE CWA IAN FLEMING STEEL DAGGER 2012 FOR BEST THRILLER OF THE YEAR. Perfect for fans of John le Carré, a gripping and suspenseful spy thriller from ‘the master of the modern spy thriller’ (Mail on Sunday) Hard-up Russia expert Dr Sam Gaddis finally has a lead for the book that could solve all his career problems. But the story of a lifetime becomes an obsession that could kill him. When his source is found dead, Gaddis is alone on the trail of the Cold War’s deadliest secret: the undiscovered sixth member of the infamous Cambridge spy ring. Suddenly threatened at every step and caught between two beautiful women, both with access to crucial evidence, Sam cannot trust anyone. To get his life back, he must chase shadows through Europe’s corridors of power. But the bigger the lie, the more ruthlessly the truth is kept buried…
The Palace of Strange Girls
I-SPY AT THE SEASIDEHello, children! Welcome to your very own I-Spy Book. In these pages you’ll be able to look for all kinds of secret, exciting things that are found only by the sea.Blackpool, 1959. The Singleton family is on holiday. For seven-year-old Beth, just out of hospital, this means struggling to fill in her ‘I-Spy’ book and avoiding her mother Ruth’s eagle-eyed supervision. Her sixteen-year-old sister Helen, meanwhile, has befriended a waitress whose fun-loving ways hint at a life beyond Ruth’s strict rules.But times are changing. As foreman of the local cotton mill, Ruth’s husband Jack is caught between unions and owners whose cost-cutting measures threaten an entire way of life. And his job isn’t the only thing at risk. When a letter arrives from Crete, a secret re-emerges from the rubble of Jack’s wartime past that could destroy his marriage.As Helen is tempted outside the safe confines of her mother’s stern edicts, with dramatic consequences, an unexpected encounter inspires Beth to forge …
Portrait of a Spy
Gabriel Allon, secret agent, assassin and master art restorer, returns in a spellbinding novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling authorEurope is exploding. And one man must find out why.For Gabriel Allon and his wife Chiara, it was supposed to be the start of a romantic weekend in London. But nothing is ever that simple when you’re an off-duty spy and assassin.Bombings in Paris and Copenhagen have put him on edge and when Gabriel notices a man exhibiting several traits common to suicide bombers, he follows him into the Covent Garden throng. He’s determined to prevent the carnage he fears is about to take place, but before Gabriel can draw his sidearm, he is knocked to the pavement by two plain-clothes police officers.A moment later he looks up to find a scene from his nightmares.From the streets of New York and London,to the unforgiving landscape of the Saudi desert,Gabriel Allon is in a race to the death against a calculating mass-murderer that he dare not lose…
Love You Madly
A funny, sad, truthful novel about men, women and all that jazzMatthew Moore is madly in love.He's one of the lucky ones: after thirteen years, he still idolises Anna, his wife. What's more, his first novel is about to be published. Life could not be better. So why can't he just enjoy it?'Here's the thing: Anna has changed. It's nothing big. She hasn't grown horns. But there's a little green dot flashing angrily on my screen, telling me there's something out there…'Neither his beloved Duke Ellington records nor his saxophone can distract Matthew from the relentless nudge of his obsession. And so he begins to spy on his wife, until a chance discovery sends his worries spiralling out of control. As he pursues Anna from the streets of Camden to the boulevards of Paris, Matthew is caught in a vortex of jealousy which culminates in an unforgettable climax beneath the family Christmas tree.Hilarious and devastating, Love You Madly is about having everything you ever wanted – and having everything to lose.
In Their Footsteps / Stolen: In Their Footsteps / Stolen
IN THEIR FOOTSTEPS The quiet scandal surrounding her parents' deaths 20 years ago sends Beryl Tavistock on a search for the truth from Paris to Greece. As she enters a world of international espionage, Beryl discovers she needs help and turns to a suave ex-CIA agent. But in a world where trust is a double-edged sword, friends become enemies and enemies become killers. STOLEN When the bullets finally ceased, the bodies lay in a coiled embrace on the lifeboat. The sinking of a cargo ship and the slaughter of its crew seemed a senseless act of violence. But Clea Rice knows the truth and is determined to expose the culprits. When Jordan Tavistock is asked to steal the indiscreet letters of a friend, he reluctantly obliges, only to be caught red-handed by another burglar. The burglar is Clea, who is looking for something else entirely. As Jordan finds himself caught up in a web of mystery and intrigue, he wonders how he can trust Clea when she will not tell him who she is working for, or even what her real na…
To Kill the President: The most explosive thriller of the year
Maggie Costello uncovers an assassination plot to kill the tyrannical new president.A blockbuster thriller from No.1 Sunday Times bestselling author Sam Bourne.The unthinkable has happened…The United States has elected a volatile demagogue as president, backed by his ruthless chief strategist, Crawford ‘Mac’ McNamara.When a war of words with the North Korean regime spirals out of control and the President comes perilously close to launching a nuclear attack, it's clear someone has to act, or the world will be reduced to ashes.Soon Maggie Costello, a seasoned Washington operator and stubbornly principled, discovers an inside plot to kill the President – and faces the ultimate moral dilemma. Should she save the President and leave the free world at the mercy of an increasingly crazed would-be tyrant – or commit treason against her Commander in Chief and risk plunging the country into a civil war?
Flashman Papers 3-Book Collection 1: Flashman, Royal Flash, Flashman’s Lady
The first three books in George MacDonald Fraser’s uproarious bestselling Flashman series, now available in one ebook for the first time.FLASHMAN: 1839–42.Soldier, duellist, lover, imposter, coward, cad and hero, Harry Flashman triumphs in this first instalment of The Flashman Papers. His adventures as the reluctant secret agent in Afghanistan and his entry into the exclusive company of Lord Cardigan’s Hussars culminate in his foulest hour – his part in the historic disaster of the Retreat from Kabul.ROYAL FLASH: 1842–43.Flashman matches his wits, his talents for deceit and malice, and above all his speed in evasion against the most brilliant European statesman and against the most beautiful and unscrupulous adventuress of the era.From London gaming-halls and English hunting-fields to European dungeons and throne-rooms, he is involved in a desperate succession of escapes, disguises, amours and (when he cannot avoid them) hand-to-hand combats.FLASHMAN’S LADY: 1842–45.When Flashman accepts an invitation fro…
Anne Bennett 3-Book Collection: A Sister’s Promise, A Daughter’s Secret, A Mother’s Spirit
A compelling and heartrending collection of novels. Perfect for fans of Katie Flynn and Annie Groves.A Sister’s PromiseWhen young Molly’s mother is killed in an accident, she and her beloved little brother are parted, with Molly sent to live with her cruel grandmother. After years of hardship, war breaks out and Molly is determined to find her 10 year-old brother. Separated by tragedy and prejudice, can Molly brave The Blitz and bring him to safety?A Daughter’s SecretAgnes Sullivan is only fifteen when she is cruelly abused by someone she trusts. Pregnant and compelled to leave home, she must seek a safe haven in Birmingham. But the back streets of the city prove to be anything but safe and Agnes is forced to seek help from the one person that she never would have dreamed of asking before…A Mother’s PromiseGloria and her husband Joe had everything – until the Great Depression tore their world apart. Starting again from scratch, their fortunes appear to be turning but when Hitler’s bombs start doing their …
Продолжение романов «Композитор», «Вокалистка», «Дирижер». У Ани было трудное детство, и, в перспективе, сложная судьба. Зато у нее есть козырь: природный дар – необыкновенно тонкий и чуткий слух, который помог стать популярным диджеем по имени Нота и научил разбираться в людях. Но не все так радужно. Нота предотвращает теракт и наживает себе смертельного врага. Коллега-завистник готов убрать ее с дороги любыми способами. Кто-то методично убирает девушек, подражающих ей. Последней в серии должна стать Диджей Нота.