Жанр Стоматология - скачать книги бесплатно или читать онлайн на ЛитПортал


Как сохранить зубы здоровыми ребенку и нервы родителям
Год написания книги 2025
Правильный уход за зубами влияет не только на красоту и здоровье зубов, но и на общее здоровье ребенка. В книге говорится об особенностях гигиены полости рта на разных этапах развития ребенка: от…
Медицинские возможности и социальные риски дентальной имплантологии. (Аспирантура, Специалитет). Монография.
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2024
В монографии впервые предложена модель прогрессивной системы оказания имплантологической помощи стоматологическим пациентам на региональном уровне по кластерному типу, доказана эффективность разр…
Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses
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[b]Questions and Answers[/b] for Dental Nurses [b]An essential study aid for dental nursing students preparing for the NEBDN exam[/b] The newly revised Fourth Edition of [i]Questions and Answers …
Practical Procedures in Dental Occlusion
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[b]PRACTICAL PROCEDURES IN DENTAL OCCLUSION[/b] [b]A robust and accessible resource on occlusion for general dental practitioners[/b] [i]Practical Procedures in Dental Occlusion[/i] delivers a so…
Manual of Laboratory Testing Methods for Dental Restorative Materials
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[b]Explore the properties of a wide range of dental materials used in restorative dentistry with a brand-new resource[/b] The [i]Manual of Laboratory Testing Methods for Dental Restorative Materi…
Dental Implants for Hygienists and Therapists
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[b]An essential handbook for dental hygienists and therapists seeking a comprehensive resource covering dental implants[/b] [i]Dental Implants for Hygienists and Therapists[/i] delivers an access…
The Orthodontic Mini-implant Clinical Handbook
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[b]Offers the very latest on the theory and practice of integrating mini-implant techniques into clinical practice[/b] This all-new second edition of [i]The Orthodontic Mini-implant Clinical Hand…
An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques
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[b]Learn the basics of dental morphology while improving your cognitive and psychomotor skills with one authoritative resource[/b] [i]An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques[/…
A Practical Approach to Operative Dentistry
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[b]Perfect your transferable dental clinical skills with this new and highly practical reference[/b] [i]A Practical Approach to Operative Dentistry[/i] delivers a thorough exploration of the theo…
Aligner Techniques in Orthodontics
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[b]An essential guide to the theoretical and practical clinical information on different aligner techniques in orthodontics[/b] [i]Aligner Techniques in Orthodontics[/i] is filled with the theore…
The Dentist's Drug and Prescription Guide
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[b]The updated and authoritative reference to medications used in dental practice[/b]  The revised and updated second edition of[i] The Dentist's Drug and Prescription Guide [/i]offers a pra…
Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist
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[b]Practical guidance for dental hygienists on how to maintain dental implants in daily practice[/b] The newly revised Second Edition of [i]Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist[/i] provi…
Ergonomics in the Dental Office
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[b]Helps everyone on the dental team work in a more comfortable and less painful way [/b] Dental health providers commonly struggle with chronic back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, muscle tension,…
Укус эволюции. Откуда у современного человека неправильный прикус, кривые зубы и другие деформации челюсти
Год написания книги 2018
Огромное количество детей и взрослых по всему миру имеют проблемы с прикусом, и эти проблемы носят не только эстетический характер, они могут стать причиной серьезных заболеваний. В этой книге вр…
Single Best Answer Questions for Dentistry
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[b]A must-have resource for those preparing for the MJDF, MFDS, ORE, and other dental examinations[/b] Single best answer (SBA) questions are widely used in dental examinations including the Memb…
Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion
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The thoroughly revised third edition of a [i]Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion[/i] is an essential guide to help dental nurses prepare for a qualification in Oral Health Educatio…
Dental Management of Sleep Disorders
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[b]DENTAL MANAGEMENT OF SLEEP DISORDERS[/b] [b]A clinically focused, updated, and expanded edition of the leading resource on the dental management of sleep disorders The newly revised Second Edi…
Practical Applications of Coaching and Mentoring in Dentistry
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[b]PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF COACHING AND MENTORING IN DENTISTRY[/b] [b]Provides an understanding of the theory of coaching and mentoring with practical applications within the field of dentistry…
Textbook for Orthodontic Therapists
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[i]Textbook for Orthodontic Therapists [/i]is a comprehensive text specifically designed for orthodontic therapists. Written in an accessible and digestible format, it provides the essential clin…
Злые зубы
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Год написания книги 2019
Поход к стоматологу – это страшно, больно и дорого! Поэтому мы терпим боль до последнего, лишь бы не идти. В итоге, вместо регулярной профилактики мы занимаемся тушением пожаров и ликвидацией их …