Stores in English - ТОП 50 лучших книг
"Приключения щенка Рекса" – это книга, написанная на английском языке для деток, которые начали изучать этот язык первый или второй год в школе. Весёлые истории о серьёзном щенке Рексе, его непослушном братике Тимми и доброй сестричке Бетси. Истории о дружбе, любви и уважении в семье. Книга написана в настоящем времени (Present Simple), словарный запас соответствует знаниям деток восьми, девяти лет. После каждой главы есть задания на внимательность и словарь. Эта книга обязательно понравится вашему ребёнку, и поможет ему полюбить английский язык!
Соавтор этой книги школьник Арсен Пашковский. Книга «Приключения щенка Рекса» одержала победу в конкурсе проектов школьников «Мир с высоты меня» в Москве в 2019 году.
Книга "Приключения щенка Рекса" также доступна на русском языке.
"The Brave Steps: Overcoming Obstacles and Embracing Growth" is a heartwarming children's book about a brave fox who sets out to achieve her goal but encounters several obstacles along the way. Each chapter presents a new challenge for the character, who must overcome self-doubt, frustration, and setbacks. With the help of supportive friends and mentors, the fox learns the value of perseverance, courage, and resilience. Through rhyming verse and vivid illustrations, the story highlights the importance of facing challenges with determination and positivity. In the end, the fox achieves her goal and reflects on the personal growth and confidence she has gained through her journey. The book concludes with an epilogue that encourages readers to embrace new challenges with optimism and a sense of possibility. "The Brave Steps" is a delightful tale that will inspire children to believe in themselves and to overcome obstacles with courage and resilience.
One February evening, when it is raining outside and there is nothing particularly to do, Archont Duval receives a letter from the mayor of Venice asking for his help. Just before the main event of the year, the Venetian carnival, the mayor's office receives puzzling anonymous notes. The archaeologist together with his nephew and niece must prevent a crime, the festival will take place!
We do not recommend that you open this book in the morning before you ride to work, - you can significantly late. 'Fall of Matilda', can be read an unlimited number of times, there is also philosophy, history, and psychology, and a tragedy, and humor.
This book tells about strong woman and her adventures in the 1990's and 2000's. In the book there are racket, murders, adventures, eroticism, power struggle, sniper's work and the work of special services. Actions take place in Russia, Spain, Morocco, Malta, Australia and the Philippines. The coincidence of historical events and characters can be considered random.
Simon and Mary love each other. He waits for hours at the window for her return from work. She monitors his health and diet. Their literary tastes coincide, and together they spend long evenings reading books. Their idlily is broken by a certain character named Vergenius who is offering tickets to the musical and throwing French words. Simon is responsible for his happiness and does not want to share the attention of his queen. In the name of love, he is ready for any sacrifice. But does Mary need such sacrifices from the cat?
Короткий рассказ на английском яызке для всех, кто изучает язык и развивает словарный запас.
This little fairy tale will be able to help the fathers and mothers to explain one of the most popular questions of the kid skillfully and interestingly: “Where am I from? Why I was born? “Going to an amazing Flower World with your children, you get vivid impressions and emotions that you want to feel again and again. Illustration for the book cover: Vladimir Slipets
This book will help you remember a lot of necessary and useful words and combinations that you are going to use in casual situations and small talks while talking about your job. The following episodes are combined in order to provide you with an opportunity of memorising some words and phrases just reading stories of different people about their jobs. Enjoy and learn!
My most cherished memories are those of our family trips to Spain during the school holidays. It was then I caught the travel bug and have many tales to recount of my adventures twenty years later.
На этот раз Рекс со своей семьей отправляются в летнее путешествие в Турцию. Щенки умеют по-настоящему отдыхать! Они катаются на парапланах и водных мотоциклах, кушают самые вкусные турецкие десерты и даже находят сокровище на необитаемом острове! Книга «Щенок Рекс и его летнее приключение в Турции» обязательно понравится Вашему ребенку и поможет ему полюбить английский язык. Ваш ребенок узнает новые английские слова и выражения о путешествиях: как вежливо заказать еду, как вести себя в самолете, как уважительно относиться к представителям другой культуры и т.д. Книга написана в настоящем времени, словарный запас соответствует знаниям деток семи – десяти лет. В создании книги принимали участие дети: Арсен Пашковский 10 лет – соавтор, Дарья Котова 12 лет – иллюстратор. Редактором стала носитель языка (США), учитель младших классов – Энн Херлин. Читайте с наслаждением, учите английский с удовольствием!
Description While getting a job as a courier, I never thought that fate would bring me into contact with two charming and powerful men. They deprived me of anal virginity and opened up a world of new sensations. Now I felt like I was born again. I am constantly on the lookout for new orgasms, I like it when powerful men force me to have sex and most of all I want to try double penetration. And every day I am now looking for two guys for myself who will help me fulfill my dream. #anal_sex # mzhm # Sandwich
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This is a story about how a fox and a wolf met and fell in love. Stories can be exciting for everyone – for kids to dive into a wonderful adventure; for teenagers looking to read stories about first love; and for adults to reminisce in their childhood memories. Perhaps you will recognize yourself in the fox, or are you more like the wolf? Join Liza & Alex in their amazing adventures together filled with fun and romance!
Simon and Mary love each other. He waits for hours at the window for her return from work. She monitors his health and diet. Their literary tastes coincide, and together they spend long evenings reading books. Their idlily is broken by a certain character named Vergenius who is offering tickets to the musical and throwing French words. Simon is responsible for his happiness and does not want to share the attention of his queen. In the name of love, he is ready for any sacrifice. But does Mary need such sacrifices from the cat?
Короткий рассказ на английском яызке для всех, кто изучает язык и развивает словарный запас.
На этот раз Рекс со своей семьей отправляется в летнее путешествие в Турцию. Щенки умеют по-настоящему отдыхать! Они катаются на парапланах и водных мотоциклах, кушают самые вкусные турецкие десерты и даже находят сокровище на необитаемом острове! Книга «Щенок Рекс и его летнее приключение в Турции» обязательно понравится Вашему ребенку и поможет ему полюбить английский язык. Юный читатель узнает новые английские слова и выражения о путешествиях: как вежливо заказать еду, как вести себя в самолете, как уважительно относиться к представителям другой культуры. Книга написана в настоящем времени, словарный запас соответствует знаниям деток семи – десяти лет. В создании книги принимали участие дети: Арсен Пашковский 10 лет – соавтор, Дарья Котова 12 лет – иллюстратор. Редактором стала носитель языка (США), учитель младших классов – Энн Херлин. Читайте с наслаждением, учите английский с удовольствием!
Simon and Mary love each other. He waits for hours at the window for her return from work. She monitors his health and diet. Their literary tastes coincide, and together they spend long evenings reading books. Their idlily is broken by a certain character named Vergenius who is offering tickets to the musical and throwing French words. Simon is responsible for his happiness and does not want to share the attention of his queen. In the name of love, he is ready for any sacrifice. But does Mary need such sacrifices from the cat?
Короткий рассказ на английском яызке для всех, кто изучает язык и развивает словарный запас.
Веселые истории, произошедшие со взрослым человеком, но рассказанные детям. Книга рассчитана на тех, кто изучает английский язык.
Перевод: Жанна Веселова
Я живу, значит я рассказываю историю. Я рассказываю историю, значит я живу. Жизнь - мозаика важных и проходящих моментов, сцен, разговоров. Мы сотканы из воспоминаний и надежд. Молодая пара строит отношения, делится друг с другом важным, учится договариваться и наслаждаться друг другом.
«Публикуется в авторской редакции с сохранением авторских орфографии и пунктуации».
Сценарий. История молодого человека, выбравшего профессию по ошибке. Саркастический английский юмор, забавные происшествия, место действия Англия,провинциальный городок. Банк. Практически правдивая история. На русском языке сценарий называется Смешная история служащего Английского банка.
It is the story of Sean McGuire, a supervisor in a small bank who hates his job and whose quirky sense of humour gets him into constant trouble. Through a strange twist of fate, Sean’s life becomes completely transformed. He wins his dream girl and gets his dream job. The script is original and funny , much in the style of The Full Monty, has the potential to be the pilot episode for a comedy series. Although originally set in England, it would easily adapt to another country. It is the kind of work that would suit the acting style of say, Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler.
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One beautiful sunny day, a young Canadian turns up at the shop of Archont Duval. The stranger wishes to solve the mystery of his great grandfather's letters. All clues lead to Notre Dame. Archont and his young relatives accompany the stranger to Paris to find the hidden treasure. Will they be able to untangle the messages coded in the great grandfather's letter from his oldest and dearest friend?
A medallion found in the cache of Notre Dame leads Archont Duval to the medieval Abbey of Saint-Denis. Ancient burials, dark corridors, marble statues, everything is enlaced with shadows of intrigues and past events. But how is the restorer involved?
Sean is a supervisor in a small bank in the UK who hates his job. His quirky sense of humour gets him into constant trouble and a strange twist of fate completely transforms his life. The stories in this book are original and funny and also include those of business trips to interesting countries with tips about what to do and what is better not done!
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A team of scientists consisting of Yulia Danilin from Roscosmos and Dr Tulu-Manchi Capri from Nepal detects a signal from the Voyager spacecraft coming from Earth on a space transmission frequency. They set out to find the source. The signal creates a natural anomaly that causes scientists and a few random people to meet in the Himalayas. French military man Jean-Pierre Biro, American teacher Debby Glandfield, and British tourist David Conel. They are all fleeing bad weather and meet a mysterious hermit.
Aries is an unusual little bear. Her great, great, great grandfather was a polar bear and she has inherited white ears and white paws that mark her out as unusual amongst the other brown bears.
For an orphan with an orphan disease, life is not easy. A girl finds help through accusations and beatings. Death looks like a liberation. But for her it is only the beginning. Life goes on in a new body, with seemingly old problems. Only there are new people, a new family, who seem to perceive her differently from the people and from the past. And there is even a «fiancé», as the girl calls her foster brother. Will Mariana be able to find happiness in her new life?
"Приключения щенка Рекса" – это книга, написанная на английском языке для деток, которые начали изучать этот язык первый или второй год в школе. Весёлые истории о серьёзном щенке Рексе, его непослушном братике Тимми и доброй сестричке Бетси. Истории о дружбе, любви и уважении в семье. Книга написана в настоящем времени (Present Simple), словарный запас соответствует знаниям деток восьми, девяти лет. После каждой главы есть задания на внимательность и словарь. Эта книга обязательно понравится вашему ребёнку, и поможет ему полюбить английский язык!
Соавтор этой книги школьник Арсен Пашковский. Книга «Приключения щенка Рекса» одержала победу в конкурсе проектов школьников «Мир с высоты меня» в Москве в 2019 году.
Книга "Приключения щенка Рекса" также доступна на русском языке.