Нормативная документация - ТОП 50 лучших книг
В издание включены тексты следующих уставов Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации:
– Устав внутренней службы Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации;
– Дисциплинарный устав Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации;
– Устав гарнизонной и караульной служб Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации;
– Строевой устав Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации;
– Устав военной полиции Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации.
Настоящее издание учитывает нововведения, внесенные Указами Президента РФ от 26.02.2024 № 141 и от 01.03.2024 № 162, и включает все изменения, опубликованные в официальных источниках на момент подписания издания в печать.
В дополнение к уставам приводятся статьи Уголовного кодекса Российской Федерации о преступлениях против военной службы.
Для военнослужащих, курсантов военных училищ, слушателей военных кафедр вузов.
Mental health services have changed completely in the UK, and the new edition of ABC of Mental Health has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect this. Providing clear practical advice on how to recognise, diagnose and manage mental disorders successfully and safely, with sections on selecting drugs and psychological treatments, and improving compliance, ABC of Mental Health also contains information on the major categories of mental health disorders, the mental health needs of vulnerable groups (such as the elderly, children, homeless and ethnic minorities) and the psychological treatments. Fully up to date with recent mental health legislation, this new edition is as comprehensive as it is invaluable. By covering the mental health needs of special groups, this ABC equips GPs, hospital doctors, nurses, counsellors and social workers with all the information they need for the day to day management of patients with mental health problems.
A comprehensive look at the latest research findings and clinical applications of oncogenic viruses Written by a panel of academic experts, Viral Oncology is the first self-contained and comprehensive book to present both scientific and clinical information on viruses linked to some of the most important human cancers. Readers can turn to this book for the most in-depth and up-to-date coverage of: HPV-associated cancers; molecular events associated with HPV-induced human cancer; the role of the HPV E6 oncoprotein in malignant progression; virus association with brain tumors; involvement of the polyomavirus JCV in colorectal cancer; possibleassociation of BKV with prostate cancer; oncogenic transformation bypolyomavirus large T antigen; SV40 and human cancer; SV40 and mesothelioma; molecular immunology of hepatitis B–associated viral cancer; hepatitis B vaccine and hepatocellular carcinoma; pathogenesis of acute and chronic hepatitis Cvirus infection; molecular mechanisms of hepatitis C virus-induced cellu…
Рассмотрена физика и схемотехника построения и функционирования современных пирометров, включающих в себя энергетические пирометры и пирометры спектрального отношения. Значительное внимание уделено современной элементной базе – микропроцессорам и микроконтроллерам, особенностям их использования в измерительной технике. Даны примеры построения узлов пирометров на элементах микропроцессорной техники. Рассмотрены вопросы метрологического обеспечения пирометрии, эталонной базы, поверочных схем, а также особенности применения и коррекции современных пирометров спектрального отношения, их преимущества перед энергетическими пирометрами.
Для студентов, обучающихся по направлениям бакалавриата, магистратуры и специалитета при изучении дисциплин «Теплофизика», «Технологические измерения», «Тепловое проектирование радиоэлектронных средств», «Метрология» и других технических и инженерно-физических направлений и специальностей.
'…a wonderfully easy-to-follow text which manages to combine practical procedures with clear explanations of the underlying theoretical concepts.' Nursing Standard (from review of first edition) The third edition of this successful book incorporates recent developments in nursing research, with updates to every chapter. Abstract ideas in qualitative research are clearly explained and more complex theories are included. Structured into four clear sections, the book looks at initial stages, methods of data collection, qualitative approaches and analysis of collected data. Brand new chapter on Mixed Methods Research Considers a variety of approaches from Ethnography to Action Research Allows the reader to dip in and out depending on their choice of approach Detailed reference lists provide guidance for further reading Links research with real nursing practice through relevant examples throughout Professor Immy Holloway has been at Bournemouth University since its inception and works in the School of Health a…
ABC of Transfer and Retrieval Medicine provides the key information required to help health care professionals involved in the movement of critically ill patients to do so safely, correctly and with confidence. Beginning with the practical and clinical considerations to be taken into account during patient transfer and an overview of transfer equipment, it then addresses pharmacological aspects of patient transfer, the roles and responsibilities of the transfer team, and the requirements of neonatal, paediatric and specialist transfers. Mapped against the syllabus for the Diploma of Retrieval and Transfer Medicine (Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh), it has been developed as a core resource for the diploma whilst providing an invaluable resource for any healthcare professional involved in the transfer of critically ill patients including anaesthetists, intensivists, nurses from ICU/ED and paramedics. It also includes frameworks for radiology and arterial blood gas interpretation, guidance on patient …
Percutaneous renal procedures are highly complex and require a great deal of surgical skill. Improve your patient care with this outstanding instruction manual from the experts. Clinically-focused throughout, the three major conditions managed by percutaneous renal surgery – large renal calculi, transitional cell cancer and renal cell cancer – are expertly covered by the world’s leading surgeons and urologists. Well-illustrated with over 100 top-quality surgical photos and with reference to the leading society guidelines in this area, inside you’ll find coverage of: • Evidence-based outcomes for percutaneous management • Patient selection and informed consent • Preparing the patient for surgery • Instrumentation used in surgery • Surgical technique and patient safety • Pre-and post-op counseling In addition, 10 high-quality videos offer an excellent visual guide to best practice and surgical tips and tricks of the trade. Percutaneous Renal Surgery is the perfect multi-media teaching tool, providing urolog…
This book helps readers integrate in silico, in vitro, and in vivo ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination and toxicity) and PK (pharmacokinetics) data with routine testing applications so that pharmaceutical scientists can diagnose ADMET problems and present appropriate recommendations to move drug discovery programs forward. The book introduces the current clinical practice for drug discovery and development along with the impact on early risk assessment; consolidates the tools and models to intelligently integrate existing in silico, in vitro and in vivo ADMET data; and demonstrates successful cases and lessons learned from real drug discovery and development. In short, it is a book aimed to provide a practical road map for drug discovery and development scientists to generate efficacious and safe drugs for unmet medical needs.
Уважаемый читатель! В настоящей книге приводится проект закона субъекта РФ по "гаражной амнистии", содержащий перечень дополнительных документов, подтверждающий право гражданина на передачу бесплатно земельного участка в собственность для размещения гаража в случае отсутствия у него документов, предусмотренных Федеральным законом от 05.04.2021 N 79-ФЗ.
В учебном пособии рассмотрены наиболее важные нормативные документы ФСТЭК, а также международные и национальные стандарты Российской Федерации в области информационной безопасности.
Предназначено для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальностям в области информационной безопасности, слушателей курсов повышения квалификации по проблемам защиты информации. Рассмотренные вопросы будут полезны руководителям учреждений, а также специалистам в области ИТ, занимающимся разработкой и эксплуатацией аппаратно-программных средств и обеспечением их безопасности.
Рекомендовано к изданию редакционно-издательским советом федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С. П. Королева» в качестве учебного пособия для студентов, обучающихся по программам высшего образования укрупненной группы специальностей и направлений подготовки 10.00.00 «Информационная безопасность».
Rehearse for life in clinical practice with this easy-to-use and unique series, which combines cases drawn from real-life experiences with a refreshing approach to presentations as you would see them in day-to-day situations. Get the most from clinical practice, with Clinical Cases Uncovered Psychiatry is one of the most interesting and challenging areas of study in medicine and Clinical Cases Uncovered is your guide through. With presentations ranging from psychosis to memory loss and from insomnia to self-harm, you tackle each problem as it arises in everyday settings. Tips and key features are highlighted throughout so you can refer back to each case for exam revision and well into your career. For further information, visit www.clinicalcasesuncovered.com
The Rapids are a series of reference and revision pocket books that cover key facts in a simple and memorable way. Each book contains the common conditions that students and newly qualified nurses encounter on the wards, in the community, and on placements. Only the basic core relevant facts are provided to ensure that these books are perfect and concise rapid refreshers. Rapid Infection Control Nursing is an essential read for all frontline nursing staff working in hospitals or community settings. Designed for quick reference, it explores the essential principles of infection control before moving on to an A-Z of the most commonly found infections. Each entry covers how the infection is spread, duration of the infectious period, key infection-control precautions, staff considerations, visitor information, and patient transfer advice. Covering all the key topics in infection prevention and control, this concise and easy-to-read title is the perfect quick-reference book for the wards. This title is also av…
A new addition to the Neurology in Practice series, Neuromuscular Disorders provides a clinical guide to the challenging diagnosis and management of neuromuscular disorders. As a part of the series, various feature boxes are highlighted throughout. «Tips and Tricks» give suggestions on how to improve outcomes through practical technique or patient questioning. In addition, «Caution» warning boxes supply helpful advice on how to avoid problems and 'Science Revisited' boxes offer quick reminders of the basic science principles necessary for understanding the presented concepts.
Providing a ready reference for the initial triage, collection of diagnostic samples, and management of a poisoning case, Small Animal Toxicology Essentials focuses on the most common poisons encountered by companion animals. From prevention to evaluation, monitoring, and treatment, the book is a guide for veterinary technicians to differentiate between significant and insignificant exposures and effectively manage animal poisonings. Emphasizing clinical signs, differential diagnoses, and case management, the book begins with the principles of veterinary toxicology, such as terminology, history-taking, and decontamination. The second half of the book is devoted to specific toxicants, including plants, metals, drugs, and household poisons. A companion website at www.wiley.com/go/poppenga provides review questions in Word and color images available for download into PowerPoint. Small Animal Toxicology Essentials is a useful resource for veterinary technicians, especially those with a interest in emergency a…
If a colleague were to ask me, What would you recommend I read if I want to become a real expert on bipolarity?" I would respond Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy: Caring for the Patient." Journal of Bipolar Disorders And the second edition is even better! Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy covers both pharmacotherapy and the supportive role of psychotherapy, psychoeducation and social approaches to provide a broad integrative philosophy of care for bipolar patients. Extensive coverage is given to special management issues such as the pharmacological care of women with bipolar disorder, children and the elderly, as well as bipolar depression and suicide prevention. The mood swings that characterize bipolar disorder can now be better stabilized in most patients than in the past, but the illness must be carefully managed throughout a person's life. Pharmacotherapy is central to the acute treatment and long-term management and as there are several classes of drugs which are often prescribed concurrently, treatment is…
Schizophrenia is one of the most complex and disabling diseases to affect mankind. Relatively little is known about its nature and its origins, and available treatments are inadequate for most patients. As a result, there are inevitable controversies about what causes it, how to diagnose it, and how best to treat it. However, in the past decade, there has been an explosion of new research, with dramatic discoveries involving genetic etiology and epidemiological risk factors. There has also been a catalog of new drugs coming to market, and controversy about the relative advantages and disadvantages of newer compared with older therapies. In addition, developing technologies in genomics, molecular biology and neuroimaging provide streams of new information. This book represents a definitive, essential, and up-to-date reference text on schizophrenia. It extensively and critically digests and clarifies recent advances and places them within a clinical context. The Editors (one American and one British), highl…
A new, case-oriented and practical guide to one of the core techniques in respiratory medicine and critical care. Concise, practical reference designed for use in the critical care setting Case-oriented content is organised according to commonly encountered clinical scenarios Flow charts and algorithms delineate appropriate treatment protocols
В книге рассмотрена технология создания документации на информационную систему как программный продукт, обрабатывающий информацию, с опорой на существующие в странах СНГ стандарты.
В данном пособии представлен проект основной образовательной программы ДОО в соответствии с ФГОС ДО, а также нормативные правовые документы федерального уровня, регламентирующие деятельность образовательных организаций, в том числе и дошкольных.
Материалы сборника окажут методическую помощь специалистам муниципальных органов управления образованием, руководителям дошкольных образовательных организаций, а также преподавателям и студентам педагогических вузов и колледжей.
В работе рассматриваются культурологические и правовые аспекты формирования и функционирования Музейного фонда СССР и Российской Федерации, комплектования собраний государственных музеев, начиная с этапа законной экспроприации культурных ценностей в октябре 1917 г.
Государственная политика 1917–1923 гг. законной экспроприации культурных ценностей связывается с ограничением оборота культурных ценностей, использованием национализированных ценностей для пропаганды государственной идеологии и увеличения государственных резервов.
Комплектование Музейного фонда рассматривается на двух уровнях:
Комплектование собрания музея представляет собой развивающийся процесс по повышению качества собрания музея, в смысле достижения полноты коллекции, всесторонности изучения предмета самого по себе и во взаимосвязи с музейной коллекцией, упорядочению бюджетной дисциплины музеев и оптимизации затрат на приобретение и последующее содержание музейных предметов. В итоге комплектование увязывается с целями эффективной пропаганды…
Surgical Patient Care for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is a highly practical reference covering all aspects of caring for canine and feline surgical patients. Covers all tasks associated with small animal surgical patient care, from the initial exam and beyond discharge Offers clear descriptions of common surgical assisting procedures and their etiology Presents 285 full-color clinical photographs to demonstrate common surgical instruments and assisting procedures and patient care Includes chapters on the history and physical examination, pre-operative planning, asepsis, surgical assisting, procedures, wound management, postoperative care, and aftercare Includes access to a companion website with review questions and answers and the figures from the book in PowerPoint
Приведены сведения об основных теоретических положениях электронного документооборота, различные подходы к созданию систем электронного документооборота, технического задания проектам внедрения информационных систем; современные технологии и методологии автоматизации документооборота; примеры и характеристика применяемых СЭД.
Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов всех форм обучения по направлению подготовки 09.04.02 – «Информационные системы и технологии», а также может быть полезно специалистам в области автоматизации документооборота.
The concept of 'person-centredness' has become established in approaches to the delivery of healthcare, particularly with nursing, and is embedded in many international healthcare policy frameworks and strategic plans. This book explores person-centred nursing using a framework that has been derived from research and practice. Person-centred Nursing is a theoretically rigorous and practically applied text that aims to increase nurses' understanding of the principles and practices of person-centred nursing in a multiprofessional context. It advances new understandings of person-centred nursing concepts and theories through the presentation of an inductively derived and tested framework for person-centred nursing. In addition it explores a variety of strategies for developing person-centred nursing and presents case examples of the concept in action. This is a practical resource for all nurses who want to develop person-centred ways of working.
Cancer imposes daunting effects on the nervous system Brain cancer is one of the most devastating diagnoses a physician can deliver. Cancer of the nervous system can take many different forms. Treatment is specific to the type of malignancy, its location in the nervous system and, increasingly, its molecular characteristics. The challenges manifest further when management choices need to be made, and multidisciplinary approaches are required. Additional complexities arise in children, where the developing neurological system requires more sensitive treatment. Neuro-oncology unmasks the complexities to provide a straightforward guide to cancers of the nervous system. Following a general approach to diagnosis and treatment, the clinical aspects of specific cancer types in adults and children are explained in practical terms. A final section considers the effect of system cancer on the nervous system and the side effects of treatment. Clinical in approach, practical in execution, Neuro-oncology will help you…
Now in its sixth edition, this highly-regarded book is designed as an introductory text on the principles of diagnosis, staging and treatment of tumours. The new edition: Includes up-to-date information on the most recent techniques and therapies available Emphasises the importance of multidisciplinary teamwork in the care of cancer patients Highlights frequent dilemmas and difficulties encountered during cancer management Features the important contributions of a new author Professor Daniel Hochhauser Contains a brand-new two-colour design As with previous editions, the first part of the book is devoted to the mechanisms of tumour development and cancer treatment. This is followed by a systematic account of the current management of individual major cancers. For each tumour there are details of the pathology, mode of spread, clinical presentation, staging and treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. This accessible and practical resource will be invaluable to trainees in oncology, palliative care an…
Рассмотрены нормативно-правовые принципы законодательной метрологии и организация метрологической деятельности в РФ, в том числе формы государственного регулирования в соответствии с Федеральным законом от 26.06.2008 № 102 «Об обеспечении единства измерений». В пособие входят комплексы взаимосвязанных и взаимообусловленных общих правил, требований и норм, направленных на обеспечение единства измерений и нуждающихся в регламентации. Задача пособия – помочь студентам и всем желающим в системном изучении документов законодательной метрологии и формировании правового мышления в различных сферах метрологической деятельности с учетом не только норм внутреннего права РФ, но и общепринятых принципов и норм международного права и норм международных договоров РФ. Для студентов высших учебных заведений, изучающих стандартизацию и метрологию.
"Финансовый детектив: Читаем документы так, чтобы никто не смог тебя обмануть" – это незаменимое руководство для тех, кто хочет уверенно ориентироваться в мире финансов и избежать ловушек мошенников. Книга поможет вам научиться читать сложные отчетности, договоры, налоговые бумаги и видеть скрытые детали, которые могут стоить вам денег и времени. Вы узнаете, как распознавать махинации с цифрами, проверять достоверность информации, расшифровывать мелкий шрифт и задавать вопросы, которые вскроют скрытые риски. Автор делится доступными методами анализа и практическими советами, которые помогут защитить ваши интересы, будь то сделки с недвижимостью, кредиты или инвестиции. Погрузитесь в мир финансовой грамотности и научитесь думать, как настоящий детектив.
Обложка: Midjourney - Лицензия
Nationally recognised as the definitive guide to clinical nursing skills, The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures has provided essential nursing knowledge and up-to-date information on nursing skills and procedures for over 30 years. Now in its 9th edition, this full-colour manual provides the underlying theory and evidence for procedures enabling nurses to gain the confidence they need to become fully informed, skilled practitioners. Written with the qualified nurse in mind, this manual provides up–to–date, detailed, evidence–based guidelines for over 200 procedures related to every aspect of a person′s care including key information on equipment, the procedure and post-procedure guidance, along with full colour illustrations and photos. Following extensive market research, this ninth edition: contains the procedures and changes in practice that reflect modern acute nursing care includes thoroughly reviewed and updated evidence underpinning all procedures is organised and structured to re…
Breakthroughs in medical science and technology, combined with shifts in lifestyle and demographics, have resulted in a rapid rise in the number of individuals living with one or more chronic illnesses. Comprehensive Care Coordination for Chronically Ill Adults presents thorough demographics on this growing sector, describes models for change, reviews current literature and examines various outcomes. Comprehensive Care Coordination for Chronically Ill Adults is divided into two parts. The first provides thorough discussion and background on theoretical concepts of care, including a complete profile of current demographics and chapters on current models of care, intervention components, evaluation methods, health information technology, financing, and educating an interdisciplinary team. The second part of the book uses multiple case studies from various settings to illustrate successful comprehensive care coordination in practice. Nurse, physician and social work leaders in community health, primary care,…
This well-established book gives clear guidance on normal development and how to diagnose and manage illness in newborn infants and babies. The sixth edition of the ABC of the First Year has been fully revised and updated to reflect the introduction of National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines, the reduction in universal screening and the increasing care of the newborn provided by family practitioners and midwives. There are new sections on the recognition and prevention of obesity, which is an increasing problem. The reduction in universal screening has resulted in parents requesting advice about their child's development at a variety of ages. A Development Chart shows the age-related normal range in different abilities and activities and will enable family doctors, at a glance, to determine whether a parent should be reassured that an infant is normal or needs further assessment. The inclusion of useful links and addresses of resources and organisations helps make the new edition …
Настоящее издание содержит текст Приказа Минэнерго России от 13.09.2018 N 757 «Об утверждении Правил переключений в электроустановках» с изменениями и дополнениями на 2025 год.
Focusing exclusively on the surgical management of aortic arch disease in adults, this concise reference provides authoritative guidance on both standard and alternative approaches from internationally recognized experts. Topics include: general principles of aortic diseases imaging techniques intraoperative management neurologic protection strategies options for aortic repair surgical treatment of specific problems complications Abundant illustrations demonstrate significant imaging study findings and depict key techniques and strategies. With its detailed descriptions and thorough explanations of a wide variety of approaches to imaging, brain protection and monitoring, and aortic reconstruction, Aortic Arch Surgery: Principles, Strategies and Outcomes gives practicing and prospective thoracic and cardiovascular surgeons access to the full armamentarium of management options. Anesthesiologists, perfusionists, neurologists, radiologists, and others who have a special interest in treating patients with tho…
A state-of-the-art, multidisciplinary approach to cancer and aging With the majority of cancers occurring in individuals over the age of 65 against a backdrop of an expanding aging population, there is an urgent need to integrate the areas of clinical oncology and geriatric care. This timely work tackles these issues head-on, presenting a truly multidisciplinary and international perspective on cancer and aging from world-renowned experts in geriatrics, oncology, behavioral science, psychology, gerontology, and public health. Unlike other books on geriatric oncology that focus mainly on treatment, Cancer and Aging Handbook: Research and Practice examines all phases of the cancer care continuum, from prevention through evidence-based diagnosis and treatment to end-of-life care. Detailed clinical and research information helps guide readers on effective patient care as well as caregiver training, research, and intervention. Coverage includes: Epidemiology of cancer in older adults, plus the unique physical,…
Designed to provide a comprehensive but accessible introduction to epilepsy and seizure disorders, Adult Epilepsy provides state-of-the-art information in a concise format useful to a wide audience, from neurology residents to epilepsy fellows and practitioners. This illustrated guide to the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of epilepsy is a valuable resource enabling clinicians to stay on top of the latest recommendations for best practice.
This quick reference manual offers accessible, reliable knowledge on small animal dermatology in the popular Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult format. The second edition of Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dermatology is a completely new compilation of information, with rewritten, reorganized, and updated chapters which offer even faster access to commonly used dermatology information. Aiding busy practitioners in making rapid, accurate decisions, the book offers complete coverage of diagnostic tools and information in an easy-to-use bulleted format. This new edition includes many new topics such as diagnostic cultures, the diagnostic approach to the dermatology patient, precancerous conditions, zoonoses, and breed predispositions. In addition, existing content has been fully revised to provide a resource that is current and clinically relevant. New to this edition are printable client handouts on a back-of-book CD for use in your practice. With more tha…
Cancer is one of the most rapidly changing areas of medicine, affecting ever-increasing numbers of people, and this new edition of Lecture Notes: Oncology brings together all the information a medical student or graduate clinician needs in one accessible volume. It covers the scientific basis and social impact of cancer, describes the origins and presentations of cancer on a regional and system basis, and discusses the fundamentals of oncology treatment and patient management. Including a new section on epigenetics, clinical vignettes, clear illustrations, tables and diagrams, as well as a self-test section of MCQs, Lecture Notes: Oncology provides core knowledge for professionals involved in cancer care.
This new book by international experts in psycho-oncology has arisen from the teaching academies offered by the International Psycho-oncology Society. It distills the wisdom and experience from the training manuals dedicated to individual psychological therapies and combines them into an accessible handbook for clinicians in cancer care today. The editors have brought together leading researchers and therapists, who provide accounts of the prominent models of psychotherapy currently being used in cancer care, the key themes they address and the essential techniques needed to apply each approach successfully. Helpful clinical illustrations are woven throughout the book to make overt the strategies found in each model. Provides practical guidance about how to deliver a range of individual, group, couple and family interventions that have proven utility in cancer care. Describes comprehensively each model of psychotherapy as taught by experts delivering the International Psycho-Oncology Society’s Educational…
Most textbooks on neurodegenerative disorders have used a classification scheme based upon either clinical syndromes or anatomical distribution of the pathology. In contrast, this book looks to the future and uses a classification based upon molecular mechanisms, rather than clinical or anatomical boundaries. Major advances in molecular genetics and the application of biochemical and immunocytochemical techniques to neurodegenerative disorders have generated this new approach. Throughout most of the current volume, diseases are clustered according to the proteins that accumulate within cells (e.g. tau, α-synuclein and TDP-43) and in the extracellular compartments (e.g. β-amyloid and prion proteins) or according to a shared pathogenetic mechanism, such as trinucleotide repeats, that are a feature of specific genetic disorders. Chapters throughout the book conform to a standard lay-out for ease of access by the reader and are written by a panel of International Experts Since the first edition of this book, …
As the population ages, technology improves, intensive care medicine expands and neurocritical care advances, the use of EEG monitoring in the critically ill is becoming increasingly important. This atlas is a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the uses of EEG monitoring in the critical care setting. It includes basic EEG patterns seen in encephalopathy, both specific and non-specific, nonconvulsive seizures, periodic EEG patterns, and controversial patterns on the ictal–interictal continuum. Confusing artefacts, including ones that mimic seizures, are shown and explained, and the new standardized nomenclature for these patterns is included. The Atlas of EEG in Critical Care explains the principles of technique and interpretation of recordings and discusses the techniques of data management, and 'trending' central to long-term monitoring. It demonstrates applications in multi-modal monitoring, correlating with new techniques such as microdialysis, and features superb illustrations of commonly ob…
Сборник содержит документы и методические материалы по внедрению в Российской Федерации профессиональных стандартов. В него вошли три стандарта: «Специалист по антидопинговому обеспечению», «Специалист по обслуживанию и ремонту спортивного инвентаря и оборудования», «Сопровождающий инвалидов, лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья и несовершеннолетних», а также методические материалы в помощь специалистам.
This pocket guide is a must for all clinical medical students and junior doctors and provides an excellent revision tool in the run-up to exams. It is also perfect for when working on the psychiatric attachment, as it covers many of the conditions encountered on the wards, in clinics, and in general practice. Now thoroughly updated, it includes new sections on Neuropsychiatry, the Psychiatry of Learning Disability, Forensic Psychiatry, and Psychotherapy, as well as common disorders, their assessment and their treatment. Featuring the key points of the Mental Health Act, along with a glossary of terms, Rapid Psychiatry is the ideal refresher, covering just the basic relevant facts.
Справочник предназначен для работников служб делопроизводства и документационного обеспечения управления различных организаций, документоведов, делопроизводителей и секретарей организаций.
Справочник может быть использован для корпоративного обучения, профессиональной переподготовки и повышения квалификации, для подготовки к тестированию при проведении независимой оценки квалификаций и при прохождении конкурса на замещение вакантной должности. Материалы справочника могут быть полезны преподавателям и студентам.
В справочнике рассмотрены вопросы формирования и организации работы службы делопроизводства, регламентации делопроизводства на государственном уровне, правила составления и оформления организационных, распорядительных и информационно-справочных документов, технологические этапы работы с документами и оперативное хранение документов в делопроизводстве.
A clinical ‘in the office’ or ‘at the bedside’ guide to effective patient care for neurologists in practice and in training Each presentation includes practical descriptions of phenomenology, and key clinical information from the history and neurological examination that guide the physician to the correct diagnosis, and treatment options Throughout the book Science Revisited highlights remind clinicians of the scientific anchors related to each disorder, and Evidence at a Glance boxes summarise clinical trial evidence-based review information Numerous video clips in every chapter demonstrate different movement disorders to aid diagnosis Unique learning tools, Tips and Tricks and Caution Warning boxes, give useful hints on improving outcomes and preventing errors
ABC of Arterial and Venous Disease provides a structured, practical approach to clinical assessment, investigation and management of the most commonly presenting arterial and venous disorders. Structural and functional abnormalities of arteries and veins manifest clinically in a broad spectrum of disorders, including cerebrovascular and carotid artery disease, abdominal aortic aneurysms, acute and chronic limb ischaemia, vasculitis and varicose veins. This revised edition incorporates new chapters on coronary artery disease and acute coronary syndrome, visceral artery stenosis and mesenteric ischaemia, and arteriovenous malformations. Many of these common or chronic conditions first present for initial assessment by primary health care professionals. Case vignettes have been added to relevant chapters to aid understanding and decision making. Fully up to date and from an expert editor and contributor team, ABC of Arterial and Venous Disease remains a useful resource for non-specialist doctors such as gene…
ABC of Dementia is a practical guide to help healthcare professionals develop knowledge, skills, confidence and an understanding of dementia, in order to support those with dementia to live well. It begins with the cognitive disabilities and underlying brain diseases that define dementia, before moving on to diagnostic assessment and early intervention for dementia. There is a focus on the experience of the person with dementia and their families, highlighting the journey from diagnosis to end of life, including the role of person-centred care, and the limited therapeutic options available. Separate chapters address dementia in acute hospital settings, primary care, and care for those with the most severe challenges, as well as the specific needs of younger people developing dementia. The ethical and legal context of dementia care is also outlined. From a multidisciplinary author team, ABC of Dementia is a valuable resource for general practitioners, family physicians and other health care professionals c…
Following the popular and accessible at a Glance format, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at a Glance demystifies the important concepts of vascular disease and vascular surgery. Featuring in-depth details of common vascular topics, to rarer presentations, this is an ideal guide for those interested in a variety of subjects relating to this rapidly expanding area. This is a must-read for any specialist at all levels who has an on-going commitment to vascular disease management and medical education. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at a Glance: • Comprehensively covers the key concepts and core practical procedures with superb illustrations • Is a brilliant companion to the emerging curriculum for specialist vascular training • Is an excellent source of information and management guidelines for interdisciplinary specialties • Includes a companion website at www.ataglanceseries.com/vascular featuring a wide range of interactive multiple choice questions This title forms a succinct overview of vascular di…
Учебник подготовлен для ветеринарно-санитарных экспертов по дисциплине «Ветеринарное законодательство».
Accurate clinical observations are the key to good patient care and fundamental to nursing practice. Vital Signs for Nurses will support anyone in care delivery to enhance their skills, reflect upon their own practice and assist in their continuing professional development. This practical introductory text explores how to make assessments of heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, pain and nutrition. It also looks at issues of infection control, record-keeping and legal and ethical considerations. With case studies and examples throughout, this text will be invaluable to all healthcare assistants, student nurses, Trainee Assistant Practitioners and students on foundation degrees.
Patients with intellectual disability (ID) can benefit from the full range of mental health services. To ensure that psychiatric assessment, diagnosis and treatment interventions are relevant and effective; individuals with ID should be evaluated and treated within the context of their developmental framework. Behavior should be viewed as a form of communication. Individuals with ID often present with behavioral symptoms complicated by limited expressive language skills and undiagnosed medical conditions. Many training programs do not include focused study of individuals with ID, despite the fact that patients with ID will be seen by virtually every mental health practitioner. In this book, the authors present a framework for competent assessment and treatment of psychiatric disorders in individuals with ID. Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability is a resource guide for psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, and other prescribers treating patients with ID. It is a supplemental text for psychiatry residents, m…
In its different presentations, headache is one of the most common symptoms seen by family practitioners. The difficulty is in diagnosing the cause of the headache so that the appropriate treatment is provided, or if referral to a specialist is the recommended course of action. The ABC of Headache helps with this dilemma and guides the healthcare professional to look for the possible causes of presenting symptoms. Based on real case histories, each chapter guides the reader from symptoms through to diagnosis and management. This new ABC is a highly illustrated, informative, and practical source of knowledge. With links to further information and resources, it is a valuable text for healthcare professionals at all levels of practice and training.