ТОП-50 лучших книг в жанре Зарубежные любовные романы

Зарубежные любовные романы - ТОП 50 лучших книг

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Стань моим завтра
ЗЕЛЬДА Десять лет назад похитили мою младшую сестру. Ее не удалось спасти. Я никогда не плакала. Но изливала боль в своем графическом романе. Моя героиня гналась за похитителями детей, чтобы помешать им исполнить свой замысел. Когда все стало хуже некуда, я познакомилась с Бекеттом. Его сердце было добрым, но душа тонула во мраке собственного прошлого. Он чувствовал вину, как и я. БЕКЕТТ Я покончил с будущим, когда пошел на то преступление, совершив адскую глупость. Мой путь не был устлан розами. Я был беден и отчаян. В мире столько грязи, что, когда находишь свет, тянешься к нему изо всех сил. Зельда была именно такой. Красивая, творческая, с зелеными глазами. Мы все совершаем ошибки. Но есть те, которые исправить уже нельзя. Я не могу и не хочу портить ей жизнь. Сожаление разъедало ее сердце, не давая шанса на искупление. Чувство вины сжигало его изнутри, словно пожар. Смогут ли они обрести силы, чтобы жить дальше?
В мире продано больше 1 млн экземпляров! Для любителей Сильвейна Рейнарда. Что будет, если скромная студентка по уши влюбится в своего профессора? Застенчивая студентка Пенни Тейлор никогда не нарушает правил. Такой ее знают друзья. Но у Пенни есть секрет – она по уши влюбилась в своего профессора. А как не влюбиться? Профессор Джеймс Хантер безумно хорош собой. Студенты его обожают, но есть в нем что-то загадочное. Странным кажется и то, что Джеймс отказался от жизни нью-йоркского миллиардера. «Никаких отношений со студентками» – принципиальная позиция Хантера. Неужели прилежная Пенни Тейлор заставит его переступить черту? «Теперь я понимаю, почему главная героиня влюбилась в этого Мистера Совершенство». – Smutsonian.com «Я до самого конца переживала за Пенни и Джеймса. История и правда с перчинкой». – Lina's Reviews (блог)
Между нами молния
Ее прозвали "Молнией", девочкой со стальным характером и нравом. А как иначе? Мэй Эплби - гроза боксерского ринга! Будущая чемпионка мира! Вот только...всё рушится после неудачного боя и теперь она вынуждена поехать в летний лагерь для трудных подростков. Грэм Моррисон - хулиган, бабник, задира и бесстрашный искатель приключений. Он богат, дико сексуален и при этом совершенно неуправляем. Грэм мечтает о музыкальной карьере, но по собственной безбашенности попадает в летний лагерь. Где встречает её... Несколько недель в лесной глуши, рядом с кристально чистыми озерами и бескрайними лесами, перевернут жизни Грэма и Мэй навсегда. Они больше не будут прежними. Ведь порой с одного невинного взгляда вспыхивает самая сильная любовь.
Спаси меня
Любовь, страсть, привязанность – Руби Белл боится всего этого как огня. Ей нужно лишь окончить Макстон-холл, одну из самых престижных школ Англии, и уехать подальше. Отношения в ее планы не входят! Но как выжить одной, когда ты обычная девушка, а все вокруг высокомерные выскочки? Особенно Руби не нравится Джеймс Бофорт. Он слишком уверен в себе, слишком привлекателен, слишком опасен. В здравом уме она ни за что бы не стала с ним общаться, вот только у судьбы другие планы. Вскоре жизнь Руби безвозвратно изменится. Теперь у ЛитРес есть группа в vk и канал в telegram, – там мы рассказываем о самом интересном, что находим в российском и зарубежном янг эдалте! Делимся интересными новинками и рассказываем о том, что уже вышло, а ещё общаемся с авторами и сами собираем интересные факты о любимых сериях. Подписывайтесь, чтобы найти единомышленников или друзей для совместных чтений!
Пленница судьбы
Прекрасная Аврора Кимберли обладала слишком независимым нравом, чтобы выйти замуж за человека, которого никогда в жизни не видела… точнее, за герцогский титул этого человека. Лукавая девушка пошла на обман, подсунув в невесты герцогу свою сводную сестру Каландру. Когда же Аврора познакомилась с неотразимым Валерианом Хоксуортом поближе, было уже поздно – она собственными руками подарила Каландре единственного мужчину, с которым могла бы обрести счастье. Надежды, увы, нет… или все-таки есть? Влюбленным, как известно, помогает Небо…
Erotique: Carrie
Normally Carrie is a very responsible person. . . but she still likes to walk the line every now and then.That's when Carrie visits Erotique, a private club where members don costumes and use false names to explore their secret fantasies. For Carrie, it's a chance for the suburban mom to feel like a sex goddess—especially when a certain masked man is waiting for her. . . .
Подкаст бывших
«Подкаст бывших» – легкий и остроумный современный ромком с элементами производственного романа, рассчитанный на девушек, которые ищут не прекрасного принца, а человека, которого можно было бы назвать «своим», без ущерба для собственного «я» и карьеры. Шай Голдстайн – успешная продюсер на радио и обожает свою работу. Но на станции появляется Доминик Юн, недавний выпускник престижного университета, убежденный, что знает об индустрии все. Их взгляды, мягко говоря, расходятся, и их ежедневные пикировки привлекают внимание шефа. Когда едва держащейся на плаву радиостанции требуется новое шоу, Доминик и Шай делают предложение от которого невозможно отказаться. Им придется стать соведущими. Им придется выдумать историю отношений. Им придется притвориться бывшими и давать советы слушателям в прямом эфире. Но похоже, они так хороши в своих ролях, что «подкаст бывших» может превратиться в «подкаст будущих»… В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.
Эхо прошлого. Книга 2. На краю пропасти
Сага о великой любви Клэр Рэндолл и Джейми Фрэзера завоевала сердца миллионов читателей во всем мире. Ради такой любви стоит жить и рисковать жизнью. XX век. Брианна и Роджер Маккензи вместе со своими детьми, Джемом и Амандой, живут обычной жизнью в поместье Лаллиброх. Они изучают историю любви Джейми и Клэр по старинным письмам и документам, пытаясь отыскать ключи к разгадке запутанной судьбы своей семьи. Но и здесь, в двадцатом столетии, им предстоит столкнуться со старым врагом из прошлого. XVIII век. Восстание за независимость Америки заставляет Клэр и Джейми покинуть дом и отправиться в Шотландию. Но обстоятельства вновь разделяют супругов, а воссоединение оказывается не таким простым, как представлялось.
Эхо прошлого. Книга 1. Новые испытания
Сага о великой любви Клэр Рэндолл и Джейми Фрэзера завоевала сердца миллионов читателей во всем мире. Ради такой любви стоит жить и рисковать жизнью. 1777 год. Находясь среди бушующего восстания за независимость Америки, Клэр и Джейми должны решить, чью сторону они займут. Несмотря на кажущуюся простоту выбора – ведь Клэр уже знает, чем закончится война, – сделать это не так легко. Потому что даже борьба на стороне победителя не гарантирует спасения. Между тем в относительной безопасности двадцатого столетия Брианна и Роджер Маккензи изучают историю любви Джейми и Клэр по старинным письмам и документам, пытаясь отыскать ключи к разгадке запутанной судьбы своей семьи.
She’s bored of nice – it’s time to be naughty.Sally Lomax is 25 and bored of being homely and predictable, so she’s decided to give the boot to being conventional and reinvent herself as a femme fatale. This is all well and good, but she’s going to need someone to practice on.Along comes Richard; suave, single and fiercely independent.She's determined to be the one great erotic heroine of his life. He's going to be her dream affair – no strings, no scone baking, just sex and sensuality. Until, that is, a New Year masked ball unmasks more than was intended…
Моя прекрасная принцесса
Отпрыск королевской семьи, пусть и незаконнорожденный, должен вступить в брак, подобающий его или ее происхождению, – таков негласный закон царствующих домов Европы. Но на что может рассчитывать несчастный английский принц, если его внебрачная дочь Джиллиан, выросшая на вольных просторах Сицилии, ведет себя не как благородная леди, а как дерзкий мальчишка-сорванец? В полном отчаянии его высочество решает временно передать Джиллиан под опеку безукоризненного знатока придворного этикета и манер – Чарлза Валентина Пенли, герцога Левертона. Однако воспитание непокорной девчонки принимает весьма неожиданный оборот, когда строгий наставник без памяти влюбляется в очаровательную ученицу…
Взгляни на меня
Новый мировой бестселлер от короля романтической прозы Николаса Спаркса! История страсти, одержимости, переоценки ценностей и любви, преодолевающей любые преграды! Колин Хэнкок за свои двадцать восемь лет совершил немало ошибок, но все же нашел в себе силы отступить от самого края пропасти. Теперь его жизнь – это учеба, работа, спорт и никаких серьезных отношений. Но случайная встреча с обаятельной Марией Санчес меняет все – у них обоих появляется надежда стать счастливыми. Однако прошлое Марии внезапно напоминает о себе – над ее жизнью нависает угроза. На что пойдет Колин, чтобы защитить женщину, которую он по-настоящему любит?
Chasing Shade
If she was selfish, she’d let him love her. If she was more selfish, she’d tell him that she loved him too.Betsey’s trying to recover from a violent past that’s still haunting her. Paying emotionally for something she’s never done. She’s created a small safe life.Archie’s homeless, jobless, living on the road and clueless as to where he’s going. Until a hair piece and gas station directions leads him to her. Then he’s just trying to hold onto his emotions as he finds himself falling hopelessly fast for the girl in the yellow uniform.Fate is not dealing them an easy happy ride, though. They’re trying to get through one day at a time. Making it work. Chasing shade…
Что, если мы останемся
Вторая часть трилогии Сары Шпринц «Что, если…», завоевавшей сердца читателей по всему миру. Эмбер Гиллз потеряла все: свое место в колледже, уважение родителей и любую надежду на счастливое будущее. Лишь благодаря связям отца у нее есть шанс получить диплом. Взамен родители просят Эмбер проявить себя в семейном архитектурном бюро. А давний друг, Эммет, предлагает ей помощь. Целеустремленный, вежливый, прилежный студент – полная противоположность Эмбер. Но дружеские планы рушатся в один миг: как только они остаются наедине – сердцебиение Эмбер непроизвольно учащается. Она не может справиться со своими чувствами. Теперь под угрозой не только ее карьера, но и доверие Эммета. Сара Шпринц поднимает в своих книгах важные темы: одиночество, поиск своего пути, харассмент, отношения с родителями и сверстниками. Идеальная книга для тех, кому нравится творчество Моны Кастен, Анны Тодд и Бьянки Иосивони.
Мистер Мейфэр
У парня Стеллы скоро свадьба. Но не с ней, потому что с недавних пор он – бывший. Чертовски обидно, когда тебе изменили с твоей же подругой, а потом еще и прислали приглашение на свадьбу. Стелла не собиралась ехать, она не сумасшедшая. Но Бек Уайлд сумел ее переубедить. На свадьбе соберутся сливки общества. А у Бека есть деньги, внешность, деловая хватка, но все сложно с родословной. Если Стелла возьмет его с собой на свадьбу в качестве партнера и введет в круг британской аристократии, он в качестве ответной услуги устроит ее на работу мечты. А еще сыграет роль ее мужчины. Маленькая месть бывшему. Так Стелла оказывается втянута в крайне сомнительное приключение с Беком, этим добропорядочным аферистом. Который, кстати, что-то от нее скрывает. Так ли страшна аристократия, как о ней говорят? И кому в этой жизни действительно улыбается удача? «Это бомба для любителей романтики, не упустите возможность познакомиться с мистером из Мэйфера». – Goodreads Reviewer
Resisting Her
From the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author of FILTHY BEAUTIFUL LIESShe's too young.Too vulnerable.I'm too rough.Too messed up.I will ruin her.But you and I both know that won't stop me.Resisting her is harder than I ever imagined. My name is Cole, and this is my story of trying to do the right thing, and failing. Don't judge me too harshly until you've read the final page.
Connie Bennett is a freak.She has premonitions, crazy wild hair and the boy she’s loved for three years doesn’t know who she is. Suddenly she can hear everyone’s thoughts and she finds herself drawn to a mysterious, scarred boy. Sparks literally fly between them, but could he actually be dangerous?Then she discovers there’s a gang of zombie-like young girls being controlled by someone. Only Connie can stop him.Can she cut the Puppetmaster’s strings?The first book in the Conyza Bennet trilogyEntwinedUnravelledCrowned – out now!
Сломленный принц
У Рида Ройала есть все: привлекательная внешность, положение в обществе, деньги. Девушки из его элитной школы готовы на все, чтобы встречаться с ним. Парни хотят быть похожими на него. Но Риду нет дела ни до кого, кроме членов семьи, пока в его жизни не появляется Элла Харпер. Сможет ли Рид завоевать неприступную принцессу и доказать, что достоин ее любви?..
Everybody’s talking – but what’s really going on?Rumour has it that Stella Hutton landed her new job thanks to family connections. She’s guarded about her past and private about her new life.Over in Long Dansbury, there’s always a rumour circulating about Xander – but the eligible bachelor shrugs off village gossip.Then a rumour starts that Longbridge Hall is up for sale. Home to the eccentric Fortescues, it has dominated Long Dansbury lives for centuries.Stella is summoned to sell the estate. But Xander grew up there. His secrets and memories are not for sale. He’ll do anything to stand in Stella’s way. Anything but fall in love.
Angel Unleashed
A fine line between vengeance and desire…As an immortal Blood Knight, Rhys de Troyes is familiar with quests. It's obvious that the ethereal beauty who just arrived in London is on one of her own. But Avery Arcadia Quinn seems intent on keeping her secrets, even as Rhys strips away all her defences.A grounded angel, Avery seeks to recover the wings stolen from her centuries ago when the Knights were created from her suffering and pain. She swore vengeance, but her burning connection with Rhys threatens to consume her anger, her mission…and even her vow to destroy him.
His Forbidden Debutante
The dance she never dared to dream of…One year after a carriage accident killed her parents and left her seriously injured, Lavinia Montgomery has finally learnt to walk again – just in time to make her societal debut. Yet while the beautiful debutante’s body may have healed, she hides a broken heart.Before her injury, Lavinia had exchanged letters with a man she knew to be the love of her life – despite never having set eyes on him. But when she feared she’d be crippled for life, she made the heart-rending decision to let him go…Randolph James Caulfield, Earl of Penwick, is betrothed, but cannot forget the words he once received from a woman whose name he knew, but who he never had the chance to meet. So when, at a ball, his dance partner is introduced, he can’t believe his luck. One thing is certain: if this really is his debutante, he won’t lose her a second time…Fans of Regency romance will adore Anabelle Bryant’s Regency Charms series:1. Defying the Earl2. Undone by His Kiss3. Society’s Most Scandalo…
Under the Surface
Lusting after the enemyFormer SEAL Jackson Duchane has spent almost a decade hunting down the wreck of the Chimera, a Civil Warera ship rumored to be filled with gold. Now he's agonizingly close to the biggest discovery of his life. With a rival diving team hot on his tail, Jackson is determined to get there first, but he didn't bargain on a sexy distraction…Heading up a diving team is Loralei Lancaster's nautical nightmare. Fortunately, nothing distracts a girl from her water phobia like a gloriously ripped surf god. And Jackson is hot enough to make Loralei forget everything – including the fact that he's an arrogant jerk! And when heated words lead to steamy nights, Loralei finds herself caught between the devil and the deep blue sea!
The Spring At Moss Hill
New York Times bestselling author Carla Neggers returns to charming Swift River Valley, where spring is the time for fresh starts and new beginnings…Kylie Shaw has found a home and a quiet place to work as an illustrator of children's books in little Knights Bridge, Massachusetts. No one seems to know her here—and she likes it that way. She carefully guards her privacy in the refurbished nineteenth-century hat factory where she has a loft. And then California private investigator Russ Colton moves in.Russ is in Knights Bridge to keep his client and friend, eccentric Hollywood costume designer Daphne Stewart, out of trouble. Keeping tabs on Daphne while she considers starting a small children's theater in town doesn't seem like a tough job until he runs into Kylie. Her opposition to converting part of the old hat factory into a theater is a challenge. But his bigger challenge is getting Kylie to let loose a little…like the adventurous characters she depicts in her work.Kylie and Russ have more in common th…
The Spring At Moss Hill
New York Times bestselling author Carla Neggers returns to charming Swift River Valley, where spring is the time for fresh starts and new beginnings…Kylie Shaw has found a home and a quiet place to work as an illustrator of children's books in little Knights Bridge, Massachusetts. No one seems to know her here—and she likes it that way. She carefully guards her privacy in the refurbished nineteenth-century hat factory where she has a loft. And then California private investigator Russ Colton moves in.Russ is in Knights Bridge to keep his client and friend, eccentric Hollywood costume designer Daphne Stewart, out of trouble. Keeping tabs on Daphne while she considers starting a small children's theater in town doesn't seem like a tough job until he runs into Kylie. Her opposition to converting part of the old hat factory into a theater is a challenge. But his bigger challenge is getting Kylie to let loose a little…like the adventurous characters she depicts in her work.Kylie and Russ have more in common th…
A Brother's Honour
The Granger brothers left behind their family’s Virginia estate—and the bad memories it holds—years ago.But their dying grandfather’s request brings them home: to a failing business, a legacy of secrets, and a deathbed promise to make things right. Introducing New York Times bestselling author Brenda Jackson’s sizzling new series, THE GRANGERSAs the eldest brother, attorney Jace Granger is determined to take responsibility for Granger Aeronautics, his family’s failing business. But the years of mismanagement seem impossible to untangle. As CEO, he hires a consultant to turn the company around.Smart, sexy Shana Bradford is the right person for the job—and the right woman to turn Jace’s world upside down. But the passion between them is jeopardized when old secrets begin to emerge. A woman from Jace’s past suddenly reappears.And an explosive discovery changes everything Jace thinks he knows about his mother—and his father, who was convicted of her murder. Jace Granger tried to leave his family history behin…
Wrong Brother, Right Man
With a half billion dollars at stake, this playboy needs a plan.Hiring his brother’s ex is just the start.To earn his inheritance, Valentine LeBlanc must switch jobs with his twin, or so says his father’s will. Val vows to succeed at any cost – but to win, he needs the help of Sabrina Corbin – his brother’s beautiful ex!
Wild Horse Springs
In the heart of Ransom Canyon, sometimes the right match for a lonely soul is the one you least expect.Welcome to Wild Horse Springs…Dan Brigman may not lead the most exciting life, but he’s proud of what he’s achieved: he’s a respected lawman, and he’s raised a bright, talented daughter on his own. But finding a lone, sparkly blue boot in the middle of a deserted highway gets him thinking maybe the cowgirl who lost it is exactly the shake-up he needs.After losing her baby girl, Brandi Malone felt like her soul died along with her daughter. Now singing in small-town bars to make ends meet, she’s fine being a drifter—until a handsome sheriff makes her believe that parking her boots under his bed is a better option.College grad Lauren Brigman has just struck out on her own in downtown Dallas when a troubling phone call leads her back home to Crossroads. Her hometown represents her family, friends and deepest hopes, but also her first love, Lucas Reyes. Will Lauren's homecoming be another heartbreak, or a se…
The Billionaire's Fantasy
The Forbidden Series: billionaires who can look, but shouldn't touch!For Logan Black, Jaiven Rodriguez and Zair al Ruyi, New York is spread out before them like the Garden of Eden… and no one knows the sweet taste of forbidden fruit better than America's most ruthless billionaires!Jaded, cynical, with a darkness that threatens to consume them whole, they think they've seen it all. But temptation has something new in store for each of them…When Louise Jensen spent one wicked night with the devastatingly handsome Jaiven Rodriguez, she thought it would be enough. But now that Jaiven has had a taste of his greatest fantasy, he wants more. Louise is about to be taken on a sensual journey by this billionaire bad boy!Collect all three novels in The Forbidden Series:THE BILLIONAIRE'S INTERN by USA TODAY bestselling author Maisey YatesTHE BILLIONAIRE'S FANTASY by USA TODAY bestselling author Kate HewittTHE BILLIONAIRE'S INNOCENT by USA TODAY bestselling author Caitlin Crews
The Billionaire's Intern
The Forbidden Series: billionaires who can look, but shouldn't touch!For Logan Black, Jaiven Rodriguez and Zair al Ruyi, New York is spread out before them like the Garden of Eden… and no one knows the sweet taste of forbidden fruit better than America's most ruthless billionaires!Jaded, cynical, with a darkness that threatens to consume them whole, they think they've seen it all. But temptation has something new in store for each of them…When Addison Treffen finds herself working for Logan Black—the notorious billionaire who literally came back from the dead—she thinks it's a safe haven from the shocking scandal surrounding her family. Little did she know that she's about to get very personal with her billionaire boss!Collect all three novels in The Forbidden Series:THE BILLIONAIRE'S INTERN by USA TODAY bestselling author Maisey YatesTHE BILLIONAIRE'S FANTASY by USA TODAY bestselling author Kate HewittTHE BILLIONAIRE'S INNOCENT by USA TODAY bestselling author Caitlin Crews
The next book in the smoking hot SAINTS OF DENVER series from NYT bestselling author of the MARKED MEN series, Jay CrownoverHudson Wheeler is tired of being the nice guy. He’s ready to start living in the moment but when he meets Poppy Cruz, her sad eyes hook him in right away. Wheeler can see Poppy’s pain and all he wants to do is take care of her and make her smile, whatever it takes.After a lifetime of being hurt, Poppy’s determined to keep herself safe by keeping everyone else at arm’s length. Wheeler’s sexy grin shouldn’t captivate her, but every time she’s with him, she can’t help being pulled closer. Though she’s terrified to trust again, Poppy soon realizes it might hurt even more to shut Wheeler out – and her intense feelings are making it near impossible to resist him.The only thing Poppy is sure of is that her heart is in need of some serious repair, and the more time she spends with Wheeler, the more she’s convinced he’s the only man with the tools to fix it.
Catching Fireflies
New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Sherryl Woods captures a community's heartfelt fight to preserve the innocence of childhood. When bullying threatens to destroy a teen's life, painful memories resurface for dedicated high school teacher Laura Reed and pediatrician J.C. Fullerton. With the support of the Sweet Magnolias, they bring the town together to assure that a promising student’s future isn't ruined.And to establish once and for all that bullying has no place in Serenity, South Carolina. Both J.C.’s and Laura’s passion for the cause is deeply personal, and their growing feelings for each other are just as strong. But with so many secret hurts to overcome, can these two vulnerable lovers find the strength to believe in happily ever after?“Woods always thrills with her wonderful characters, witty dialogue and warm and loving family interactions.”—RT Book Reviews
Catching Fireflies
New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Sherryl Woods captures a community's heartfelt fight to preserve the innocence of childhood. When bullying threatens to destroy a teen's life, painful memories resurface for dedicated high school teacher Laura Reed and pediatrician J.C. Fullerton. With the support of the Sweet Magnolias, they bring the town together to assure that a promising student’s future isn't ruined.And to establish once and for all that bullying has no place in Serenity, South Carolina. Both J.C.’s and Laura’s passion for the cause is deeply personal, and their growing feelings for each other are just as strong. But with so many secret hurts to overcome, can these two vulnerable lovers find the strength to believe in happily ever after?“Woods always thrills with her wonderful characters, witty dialogue and warm and loving family interactions.”—RT Book Reviews
Forbidden River
A dangerous game at the end of the earth…For French Foreign Legionnaire Cody Castillo, chasing deadly thrills is the only reprieve from a bloodstained past he can’t forget. But when the adrenalin junkie finds himself caught in a mass murderer’s crosshairs in the lonely wilds of New Zealand, he finds an unexpected…and intriguing…ally.Ex-air force pilot Tia Kupa has always found safety in nature, until a killer turns the wilderness into a playground. In this life-or-death game, the guarded woman who lives by the rules must rely on a risk taker with a death wish. The sexy devil-may-care legionnaire may be the wrong guy for her, but desire is just as primal as terror. Even if they outrun a predator, they can’t escape the sizzling bond neither of them saw coming.
The Silver Chain
Bound by passion, she was powerless to resist.The Silver Chain is the first in the sexy, passionate and addictive Unbreakable Trilogy by Primula Bond.One dark evening in London, photographer Serena Folkes is indulging her impulsive side with a night-time shoot. But someone is watching her – mysterious entrepreneur Gustav Levi. Serena doesn’t know it yet, but this handsome stranger will change her life forever…Serena is fascinated by Gustav, the enigmatic owner of the Levi Gallery, and she soon feels an irresistible pull of attraction. The interest is mutual, and Gustav promises to launch Serena’s photographic career at his gallery, but only if Serena agrees to become his exclusive companion.To mark their agreement, Gustav gives Serena a bracelet to wear at all times. Attached to it is a silver chain of which he is the keeper. With the chain Gustav controls Serena physically and symbolically – a sign that she is under his power.As their passionate relationship intensifies, Gustav’s hold on the silver chain…
Promised to the Sheikh
Mills & Boon are proud to present a thrilling digital collection of all Sharon Kendrick’s novels and novellas for us to celebrate the publication of her amazing 100th book! Many of these books are available as e books for the first time.A virgin bride…Jenna has waited years for his summons… Sheikh Rashid of Quador, her fiancé by arrangement. But living in America has made Jenna desire a marriage based on partnership, not ownership!Discovering that her fiancé is a notorious playboy, Jenna is determined to escape marriage to the commanding Sheikh by pretending that she is no longer a virgin…But what will happen when the sizzling attraction overwhelms them and Rashid discovers that she’s lying…?
Undone By His Kiss
A most delicious challenge… Experience has taught Emily Shaw that men are best avoided, so she's determined to take her place in society alone and unrestrained by marriage. Renting a room in the heart of London, she establishes a Women's League to promote equality between the sexes and teach women to be independent.Jasper St David isn't looking for distractions, but he's fascinated by beautiful, fiercely opinionated Emily when she moves into the office above his. And when he learns of her determination never to succumb to male charms, he can't help but see it as a challenge! After all, Jasper's always found nothing more tantalising than the thrill of the chaseFans of Regency romance will adore Anabelle Bryant’s Regency Charms series:1. Defying the Earl2. Undone by His Kiss3. Society’s Most Scandalous Viscount4. His Forbidden DebutantePraise for Anabelle BryantPraise for Anabelle Bryant:'Anabelle Bryant’s books just keep getting better! Duke of Darkness is the epitome of what a romance novel should be – se…
Talk Dirty to Me
Former mean girl Dixie Davis is back in town and it's payback time. Literally. Dixie is flat broke and her best–make that only–friend, Landon, is throwing her a lifeline from the Great Beyond. Dixie stands to inherit his business…if she meets a few conditions:She's got to live in Landon's mansion.With her gorgeous ex-fiancé, Caine Donovan.Who could also inherit the business.Which is a phone sex empire.Wait, what? Landon's will lays it out: whoever gets the most new clients becomes the owner of Call Girls. Dixie has always been in it to win it, especially when it comes to Caine, who's made it clear he's not going down easy. (Oh, mercy.) Can Dixie really talk dirty and prove that she's cleaned up her act? Game on!Plum Orchard, Georgia, is about to get even juicier…www.DakotaCassidy.comPlum Orchard, Georgia, is about to get even juicier… Notorious mean girl Dixie Davis is back in town and it's payback time. Literally. Dixie is flat broke and her best–make that only–friend, Landon, is throwing her a lifeline …
One Desert Night: Destined for the Desert King / Hidden in the Sheikh's Harem / Claimed by the Sheikh
Destined for the Desert KingShy beauty Aziza El Afarim secretly hopes that her husband remembers the closeness they shared as children. Sheikh Nabil Al Sharifa will give Aziza everything…except his love. But as pressure to produce an heir mounts, could there be more than duty in the marriage bed?Hidden in the Sheikh’s HaremPrince Zachim Darkhan of Bakaan never expected to find himself at the mercy of his nemesis, or hiding the man’s daughter in his harem! But Farah Hajjar is no man’s prisoner, and as the power play between them escalates so too does Zachim’s desire to taste the sensual delights their chemistry promises…Claimed by the SheikhPrincess Amber’s arranged marriage to Prince Kazim Al-Amed of Barazbin was a dream come true. But after a disastrous wedding night, a furious Kazim banished Amber. Now, with his country in turmoil Kazim must track down his princess…
The Rise And Fall Of Reginald Everheart
All’s fair in love and meddling amongst the members of New York Times bestselling author Victoria Alexander’s Lady Travelers Society!Unmarried and dedicated to illustrating the Explorers Club's artifacts, Dulcie Middleworth is running out of prospects. Spinsterhood’s a tragedy for the daughter of a viscount, but London’s most eligible maiden has a secret: she’s already in love. But to confess an attraction to charming explorer Michael Shepard? Not when the man has no wish to marry and his heart’s desire lies in adventure abroad.Surely, such a predicament calls for a matchmaker of Poppy Fitzhew-Wellmore’s caliber! And calls as well for a romantic rival—the legendary figment of Poppy's imagination Reginald Everheart—to nudge Michael's affections in Dulcie's direction. But what to do when everyone demands to meet the famously infamous suitor who doesn’t really exist?
The Italians: Franco, Dominic and Valentino: The Man Who Risked It All / The Moretti Arrangement / Valentino's Pregnancy Bombshell
Delicious. Infatuation. BetrayalFor Franco Tolle, the golden boy of Europe’s jet-set society, life is just a playground – filled with racing speedboats on the azure Mediterranean Sea. But once, in a rush of red-hot infatuation, he put a glittering diamond wedding ring on Lexi Hamilton’s finger…Dominic Moretti could fire his secretary – but he really wanted to make her…pay. She’d stolen from him. He’d trusted her and all the time he’d been fighting his attraction to her she’d been plotting with his enemy. So now he could do whatever he wanted with Angelina…One incredible night with deliciously dangerous Valentino Lombardi le Paige feeling beautiful for the first time. When Valentino arrives as the new surgeon at her hospital, playboy reputation in tow – and Paige must tell him she’s expecting his baby…
Propositioned By The Tycoon: Mr Strictly Business / Bought: His Temporary Fiancée / A Win-Win Proposition
Introducing Billionaire Bosses: six seductive, sophisticated volumes packed with steamy office romances, scandalous propositions, and irresistible alpha heroes. Don’t miss this intense, passionate, sexy collection from eighteen of Mills & Boons’ top-selling authors.MR STRICTLY BUSINESS Day LeclaireRich, ruthless Gabe Piretti hadn’t forgotten Catherine Haile’s sharp mind and curvaceous body. His plans to reel her back into his life – and bed – were already brewing when she asked him to help save her business. He’ll help her… if she agrees to his very inappropriate proposition…BOUGHT: HIS TEMPORARY FIANCEE Yvonne LindsayTycoon William Tanner needs a bride in order to collect his inheritance, and his secretary Margaret Cole is exactly what he needs to complete his plan—single, sexy…and at his mercy. He just has to keep things completely professional. Which is proving to be anything but simple!A WIN-WIN PROPOSITION Cat Schield When Sebastian Cass and Missy Ward arrive in Vegas for a conference, Sebastian sees…
The Billionaire's Borrowed Baby & Baby Business: The Billionaire's Borrowed Baby / Baby Business
Two fan-favorite stories of powerful men…wrapped around their babies' little fingers The Billionaire's Borrowed Baby by Janice MaynardLuc Cavallo runs a multimillion-dollar business and handles crises without blinking. Until the woman he once loved, Hattie Parker, appears in his office, looking as beautiful as she did a decade ago. Holding someone else's baby and asking Luc for protection. Sure, he'll play Daddy to her adopted child. Then he'll finally have Hattie where he wants her….Baby Business by Katherine GarberaDonovan Tolley has to marry to keep his family's company, and Cassidy Franzone is the woman he wants. But when he finds his former lover, she's almost nine months pregnant! The baby has to be his. But convincing Cassidy to marry him without love on the table is one negotiation this cunning billionaire might not win….
Have Baby, Need Billionaire & The Sarantos Secret Baby: Have Baby, Need Billionaire / The Sarantos Secret Baby
Two fan-favorite stories of powerful men…wrapped around their babies' little fingersHave Baby, Need Billionaire by Maureen ChildSimon Bradley has certainly never met–or gone to bed with–Tula Barrons. He'd remember that. Still he lets Tula and her infant cousin–a child she claims is his–stay in his mansion until he has proof of paternity. Having Tula near reveals something that gives him the perfect opportunity for revenge…but does he risk it?The Sarantos Secret Baby by Olivia GatesAris Sarantos is her family's hated adversary. But that doesn't stop Selene Louvardis from wanting him. Or taking one forbidden night with him. When he later storms back into her life and discovers she's had his child, nothing stops the ruthless billionaire from claiming his own. Not her family, not the business and certainly not something as inconvenient as love.
After-Hours Negotiation: Can't Get Enough / An Offer She Can't Refuse
Two reader-favorite office romance stories about mixing business with pleasure…Can't Get Enough by Sarah MayberryJack Brook and Claire Marsden have to work together, but they don't have to like it! Of course, that all changes when they get stuck in an elevator and have the best sex ever! Back in the office they're still butting heads, but with an all-new awareness. How long can they resist before having another round of sexy indulgence?An Offer She Can't Refuse by Shoma NarayananHer interview with Darius Mistry, Mumbai's most prestigious investment fund director, isn't what businesswoman Mallika was expecting. Is he flirting with her? Is she flirting back? Their scorching chemistry makes turning down his job offer difficult, but Mallika has responsibilities. Ones not even Darius's killer charm can make her abandon…
At The Playboy's Command: Millionaire Playboy, Maverick Heiress
Millionaire Playboy, Maverick HeiressFor architect Daniel Warren, designing the new Texas Cattleman’s Club is an exciting challenge. And so is getting to know delicious heiress Elizabeth Milton! But this millionaire’s business will soon call him away from Texas – unless he puts love first…TemptationMillionaire security expert and rancher Zeke Travers always separates business and pleasure. That is, until a case leads him to Sheila Hopkins – the most beautiful woman he’s ever met. And it isn’t long before Zeke is tempted to break the rules…In Bed with the OppositionUnexpectedly becoming a father to his infant niece must have scrambled Brad Price’s brain. Why else would he be so besotted with longtime rival Abby Langley? But as Abby helps the desperate dad, she suddenly becomes the only woman on his mind…
Behind The Boardroom Door: Savas' Defiant Mistress / Much More Than a Mistress / Innocent 'til Proven Otherwise
Introducing Billionaire Bosses: six seductive, sophisticated volumes packed with steamy office romances, scandalous propositions, and irresistible alpha heroes. Don’t miss this intense, passionate, sexy collection from eighteen of Mills & Boons’ top-selling authors.SAVAS’ DEFIANT MISTRESS Anne McAllisterArchitect Sebastian Savas has to temporarily share a home with new employee Neely, and staying professional while they’re living and working together is hard enough. But when it throws up unexpected desire, protocol flies right out the window…MUCH MORE THAN A MISTRESS Michelle CelmerThere’s something suspicious about Jordan Everette’s sexy new secretary Jane Monroe, and the billionaire boss is determined to seduce the truth out of her. But by getting so close to a woman he barely knows, Jordan could be putting his job…and his heart…on the line.INNOCENT ‘TIL PROVEN OTHERWISE Amy AndrewsWhen the gorgeous woman lawyer Max Sherrington spent one red-hot night with turns out to be his new employee, he knows even…
Behind The Boardroom Door: Savas' Defiant Mistress / Much More Than a Mistress / Innocent 'til Proven Otherwise
Introducing Billionaire Bosses: six seductive, sophisticated volumes packed with steamy office romances, scandalous propositions, and irresistible alpha heroes. Don’t miss this intense, passionate, sexy collection from eighteen of Mills & Boons’ top-selling authors.SAVAS’ DEFIANT MISTRESS Anne McAllisterArchitect Sebastian Savas has to temporarily share a home with new employee Neely, and staying professional while they’re living and working together is hard enough. But when it throws up unexpected desire, protocol flies right out the window…MUCH MORE THAN A MISTRESS Michelle CelmerThere’s something suspicious about Jordan Everette’s sexy new secretary Jane Monroe, and the billionaire boss is determined to seduce the truth out of her. But by getting so close to a woman he barely knows, Jordan could be putting his job…and his heart…on the line.INNOCENT ‘TIL PROVEN OTHERWISE Amy AndrewsWhen the gorgeous woman lawyer Max Sherrington spent one red-hot night with turns out to be his new employee, he knows even…
Mendoza's Secret Fortune
MAY THE BEST MENDOZA WIN!The Fortunes are not the only hotties in Texas; their longtime friends the Mendozas are legendary for their good looks and ardent hearts. Tall and dark, with soulful eyes, Matteo Mendoza is a pilot whose charms have too often been eclipsed by his more outgoing brother, Cisco. Now, Matteo has set his sights on Cantina hostess Rachel Robinson. Brother, look out!After several years on a self-imposed «romance diet,» Rachel finds Matteo to be a treat she just can't resist. But she's already been through her own family heartbreak–the last thing she wants is to come between the Mendozas! Can She learn that following her heart might lead to the greatest fortune of all?
The Princess and the Player
In this arranged marriage, falling for the wrong brother leads to a royal romance!Now that her family will rule Alma, Bella Montoro is a candidate for a royal wedding. But the Miami-born free spirit won’t be a pawn in her father’s power plays. Though he matches her with an oil baron’s son, the princess has a preference for his twin brother, James Rowling.Long the Rowling black sheep, James is notorious for his way with the ladies. Could it be that the soccer star has met his match in Bella? Or will his reputation—and a little surprise—stand in the way of a happy future together?